• Published 25th Nov 2013
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Even In Other Worlds - Rytex

Nathan Samuel is a normal student, living a normal life. After some sickness, he remembers that he's from Equestria, and that everypony is trapped in this other world. Now it's up to him to restore the Elements of Harmony once again in or

  • ...

Breaking the Curse

Even In Other Worlds
Chapter 17 - Breaking the Curse

A flash of white light illuminated the empty Canterlot Public Library, startling Celestia out of her reading. She looked up only to find Discord standing there in his draconequus form, dusting himself off.

“Discord!” she exclaimed, before smiling. “It has been too long since your last visit.”

“Can’t talk long, Celly,” Discord cut her off brusquely, before holding a hand out as a piece of stationery appeared in it, with Luna’s penmareship written all over it. “Nova’s gone and complicated the whole thing while simultaneously making it easier, and it looks like today’s the day we all come home if it all works out.”

“What do you mean, ‘Nova’s gone and complicated it?’ What’s he done this time?” Celestia tilted her head. “Don’t tell me he’s released Envy prematurely.”

“No,” Discord shook his head as Celestia took the paper. “Luna said she’d explain everything. I’ve got to get back to the human world and get myself nice and hidden away. I don’t need any of the newly-remembering ponies coming after me anytime, and I certainly don’t need Envy trying to yoink me into helping her out.”

Celestia’s eyes slid across the page as she read the letter, before nodding to herself as the paper vanished in a flash of golden light. “Thank-you, Discord,” she said. “Tell Luna I will speak to her soon, and if you see Nova, tell him I wish him good luck.”

“Will do. See you soon, Celly,” he waved, before snapping his fingers and vanishing in a flash of light.

Discord was only gone for a mere moment before Celestia’s horn shone gold again and she, too, vanished.

She was falling through blackness. No air blew past her cheeks, her feathers were unruffled, and her fur was undisturbed as she hurtled toward a blue circle growing ever larger.

As the blue circle grew larger, the familiar shape of Luna’s mindscape grew clearer and clearer as the image of Luna, rearing tall and proud, grew larger and larger.

After several moments floating in the blankness, Celestia felt her body turn itself so that her hooves touched down on the solid surface. The moment her hooves struck it, there was a bright glow of white light and into her own mind materialized Princess Luna in human form.

“Sister!” cried Celestia, darting forward and embracing her, only for Luna to fall backwards with a yelp.

“Confound these poorly-balanced bipedal forms,” Luna said, rubbing at her behind while she got to her hooves-- or was it feet? Perhaps this was the form Twilight Sparkle had taken during her brief trips to the human world?

“It is good to see you, Luna,” Celestia said, grinning widely.

“Save the pleasantries, sister,” Luna replied, not unkindly. “As Discord has no doubt told you, today is the day we make our final push to escape.”

Celestia dipped her head, but otherwise said nothing.

“I know not what plan Nova has concocted to lead our ponies to their escape, but I believe that one way or another, conflict will be unavoidable, and thus I have decided to take part in the fray,” Luna continued.

Celestia was not surprised. Luna was never one to sit on the sidelines. And her pupil took after her in that regard.

“What do you intend to do?” Celestia asked, tilting her head.

“I intend to create a safe zone where asylum seekers from the fighting can take refuge,” answered Luna firmly.

“You do not wish to take a more active role in the battle?” Celestia asked, arching an eyebrow. “You know what is at stake. Nova will need all the help he can get.”

“I am a Princess of Equestria,” replied Luna.

“So I have noticed,” Celestia said, dipping her head at her sister.

“I cannot be captured, lest I be used as a hostage to make Nova break from his plan,” Luna continued unperturbed. “I have not regained full ability since my release from the Nightmare’s captivity, and thus I believe I would be more of a hinderance than a help to Nova Shine were I to participate in the battle to come.”

She leaned her head down to give Celestia a meaningful look.

“Do you agree with my choice of action?”

Celestia took a deep breath through her nose to buy herself some time. Truthfully, she did. However, she didn’t want her little sister getting herself into trouble when Luna was unsure just how much she’d be able to hold her own.

“I do not believe it will matter whether or not I agree,” Celestia answered evenly. “I do believe it to be the best course of action you can take that doesn’t involve sitting on the sidelines,” she clarified quickly, in case Luna decided to protest, “but considering how you described yourself as a potential hindrance for Nova Shine, I can only feel that perhaps sitting on the sidelines is the only logical choice of action.”

Luna’s eyes narrowed.

“Before you interject,” continued Celestia, holding up a forestalling hoof, “simply remember that Envy does not care about collateral damage. She put ponies in harm’s way before, and according to Nova’s account, she attempted to have several of them kill themselves while she controlled them.”

“I am aware,” Luna nodded, “but I have been doing some thinking--”

“You, thinking?” Celestia teased.

Luna snorted, but couldn’t help the wry smile that worked its way onto her face. “Faust above, I’ve missed you, sister.”

“As have I, Luna, as have I, but go on, I won’t interrupt again,” she promised.

“I am of the belief that no matter which course of action I choose,” Luna frowned and set to pacing around the pillar they were on, “if Envy can see anything to gain by attempting to take me captive or hurt innocent ponies, she will attempt to do both. I am aware that using myself to protect the refugees puts more targets in one place, but I will be damned to the deepest pit in Tartarus before I let those who wish to take shelter from the battle be caught up in it.”

“What if you fail?” Celestia asked. “What if you defend, but Envy does come and you are unable to fight her?”

“Then I’ll fall defending the innocents, rather than stand by and let them be taken while doing nothing. And even if I stood by doing nothing, Envy would come for me all the same.”

Celestia said nothing. She agreed with Luna wholeheartedly on this, and were she in Luna’s horseshoes right now, she would have done exactly the same thing.

“Now, Discord mentioned something about Nova changing the situation?” she asked.

Most telling was Luna’s reaction. She scowled and reached a hand up to pinch at the bridge of her nose in irritation.

“Celestia, there are many times in which I question why you chose such a reckless colt to be my apprentice, and this is one of those times.”

Celestia sighed. “What did he do this time?”

“As I am sure Discord informed you before, Nova and Sombra entered into a rather uneasy alliance to work to bring down Envy’s curse,” Luna resumed her pacing. “Sombra discovered that Killik of the changelings was organizing a number of them to institute martial law on the city, so as to keep all of the ponies under control and prevent a sort of uprising.”

Celestia nodded. Discord had gone straight to her to inform her of this as soon as it had been revealed to him.

“Nova made a discovery this morning that Envy had imprisoned Twilight Sparkle into a Soul Gem--”

Celestia’s eyes bulged and her voice became a deadly whisper. “She what!?”

“--and her Soul Gem was fueling a shield that prevented the crystal sustaining the memory curse from being shattered,” Luna finished, simply pushing past Celestia’s interjection. “Sombra’s plan was, as I understand it, to allow Nova to break the curse, and then to put himself in a position in which Envy could not call upon his help as her thrall.”

Celestia was still seething from Envy’s audacity, but paid attention nonetheless. She nodded at Luna’s explanation. Nothing seemed wrong so far.

“But then Nova came to the conclusion that, as the echo of Sombra had been summoned and bound to Envy’s will, that he would eventually have to do battle with Sombra one way or the other.” Luna grit her teeth. “Nova then decided the best course of action was to engage him in battle right then and there, with no preparation and no warning.”

Luna pinched her nose in irritation.

“I swear, that colt is going to go blundering off and getting himself killed one of these days,” she groaned. “He very nearly died against Sombra, only succeeding because he managed to forge his Soulblade in the heat of the moment--”

“He forged his Soulblade?” Celestia’s eyebrows nearly shot into her mane. “Interesting.”

“Be that as it may, he could have been killed before we even got a chance to escape. He risked everything on suspicion,” Luna continued, clearly trying to get the point across to her.

Celestia furrowed her brow. “I cannot fault him for coming to that conclusion, truth be told.”

“You’re not… mad at him?” Luna’s eyes narrowed.

Celestia smiled rather impishly. “Dear sister, I think it’s quite cute that all of Nova’s talk about you being the mother Shimmer wasn’t has been taken quite seriously.”

Luna stared at her sister in the most unamused way she could. “Pray tell, what do you mean by that?”

“I should think it’s obvious,” Celestia shrugged. “Clearly, you have perhaps come to see him and treat him as the son you never had.”

Luna merely shrugged. “It is to be expected.”

Celestia dipped her head. “I never said it was bad that this happened. Too many times, I have had to remind myself that Twilight, Sunset, and many others already have mothers.” Her gaze turned stern. “But that does not mean we must treat them any differently than any of our other ponies, sister.”

Luna glared back. “How was that treating him any differently?” she demanded. “We would not wish to see any--”

“No,” Celestia waved a dismissive hoof, “and neither do I, but were you not as close to your Night Master as you are, I cannot help but imagine you would almost order Nova to do what he did.”

Luna opened her mouth to retort, to assure Celestia that she would never do such a thing, but then Celestia could see it in her eyes. She could see that it really did start to dawn on Luna that perhaps she was allowing herself to favor Nova more than she should.

“I… I would never order a pony--”

“Would you?” Celestia asked, an eyebrow raised. “I remember the Battle of the Crystal Empire, sister. I remember quite clearly how you sent Sanguine to certain doom in a desperate bid to keep Sombra distracted while we tried to take the city. I remember how pained you were to have to order it, but I recall you doing it nonetheless.”

“That was different--”

“Was it?” Celestia pressed her advantage. “Trying to remove Sombra from the playing field so that we could have a better chance of saving everypony else? I see no difference.”

Luna’s shoulders slumped, defeated. “I… you’re right, sister. But can you blame me?”

Celestia almost laughed at that.

“Luna, after everything both you and the colt have been through, I am quite honestly thrilled that the two of you took to each other so well,” Celestia assured her, patting her human sister’s shoulder. “But I am simply reminding you that you must remember that he is a citizen as anypony is, and though we wish to protect them, sometimes we have no choice but to act for the greater good.”

Luna nodded, looking like a defeated child.

“Sister, I am not angry with you,” Celestia assured her, feeling a bit amused at her reaction. “Why, my first reaction on hearing that you wanted to take an active role in the battle was just to ask you to sit aside from the battle, all the better to protect you,” she pointed out, hoping it came across as her not being so above it all, and not as her intentionally sounding like a hypocrite. “But your reasoning for participating in the battle is sound, and I know you too well, so all I can do is hope for your safety, and for everything to come out alright.”

Luna sighed. “Truthfully sister, I just… I worry about him. One of these days, his rash behavior will get him killed.”

“Then watch him closely,” suggested Celestia, half-seriously. “And when you’re not there, make one of your Nightmares watch him.”

She frowned.

“Okay, first thing, give them a new name. I understand Nightmare Moon named them after herself, but you should have changed it as soon as possible. It gets too confusing.”

“Agreed, but just because I know how much you enjoy puns,” Luna grinned, “how about I call them the Knightmares, with a K?”

Celestia rolled her eyes. “Whatever it is, have one of them keep an eye on Nova for you if you choose to go that route.”

“Not a bad idea,” Luna reached up and massaged her forehead as she thought.

The simple action gave Celestia quite a bit of pause, and she didn’t even realize she was staring. Luna did, however, and gave her a strange look.

“What?” she asked.

Celestia just laughed quietly. “Nothing. I just… the way you massage your head while you think is exactly the same way he massages around his horn. It’s not hard to see he took after you so much.”

She waved a hoof at her sister in a bit of a dismissal.

“We will see each other tonight, Luna. I am looking forward to having you, Twilight, Nova, and everyone back in Canterlot. Perhaps we can finally get on with the wedding, then.”

Luna nodded and gave her sister one last hug. “Goodbye, sister. I will see you tonight.”

And with that, everything went black.

The walk back to the apartment was mostly silent, with Nova taking as much time to recover from his battle with Sombra as possible. With the long day ahead, he would need every ounce of strength he could muster. As such, the walk back to the apartment took almost no time at all, it seemed. And no sooner had he opened the door than he was greeted with the sight of several visitors.

Most notably, one who could only be Shining Armor. The coloration of his hair was unmistakable, as was the broad and muscular chest and air of authority of his that befit a captain of the guard and prince-consort. He wore no armor or anything resembling combat-ready garb, but Nova knew his specialty was in shielding spells, and so when he figured out how to use magic, he would likely be surrounded by an invisible hedge of shielding.

Other visitors included several others that had the appearance of guardsponies. Not quite as strong-looking or as authoritative as Shining, but still there. Disappointingly, Aegis was not among them. Sharp Eye, however, was there, and he greeted Nova with a smile and a small wave.

The notable exception to the bulky stallions there, however, was a rather thin-looking young man with blue hair that Nova felt his fist clench at the sight of. He hadn’t expected Flash Sentry to be here, and he felt himself snarl slightly. If that wife-to-be-stealing son of a bitch was going to participate...

“Prince-Consort,” Nova dipped his head as Shining looked his way from the wall he was leaning on.

“Night Master,” Shining dipped his head in return.

“Where are--” Nova trailed off. He didn’t want to possibly give it away if she were. He had both crystals, and all he had to do was shatter them both, but it would be best if they were prepared. “Where are Natalie and Tracy?” he amended.

“Your room,” Shining pushed himself off the wall. “She’s not… she doesn’t remember yet?”

Nova shook his head, held a finger to his lips, and beckoned him closer. Shining seemed confused, but did as bid.

As he approached, Nova withdrew the two crystals from his Source, the red and magenta rocks appearing in a brief flash of blue light, one per hand.

The light show attracted the attention of his guests, who all looked over to see.

“Gentlestallions, commanders,” he greeted the observers as Shining stepped around his couch. “Flash,” he added for his own amusement, earning him a confused and slightly indignant look from the private. “I suppose you’re wondering why I’ve called you here today.”

“I would hazard a guess that today’s the day we’re going back,” one of them put forth.

“Correct,” Nova nodded. “Or rather, today’s the day we start fighting to go back. Who knows?” he shrugged, “it could take several days to do what we need.”

“I don’t even know what we’re doing,” admitted another guard. “I was just minding my own business when Prince Armor just showed up, broke me out of my curse, and dragged me over here. I’m grateful for that, and I’ll gladly repay you,” he assured them, “but just what are we doing?”

“We’ll talk tactics in a moment,” Nova answered, before holding out Twilight’s Soul Gem to Shining. “For now, Prince-Consort, take this in an uncovered hand.”

Shining scrutinized the gem for a moment, before hesitantly reaching out and taking hold of it. For a moment, nothing happened, but then his eyes widened and he fell backward, away from the Soul Gem as though he’d been burned.

His eyes said it all. There was shock, horror, and fury the like of which Nova had felt not all that long before, on finding the gem in Natalie’s basement. Around them, the other guards that had come with them all expressed confusion and were asking Shining if he was alright, but Shining wasn’t paying attention to them.

“She--” he covered his mouth a tremor wracked his body and he threatened to retch. “She… she’s trapped in there?”

Nova nodded gravely, trying not to focus on the predicament. The last thing he needed was to let himself get angry now. All would be repaid in full soon; he just had to be patient.

“I’m going to kill her,” Shining said in the deadliest, softest voice Nova had ever heard from him. Nova was rather alarmed to see that his fist was clenched and trembling. “That… that thing is going to pay for this.”

“You’ll have to get in line,” Nova replied, grabbing his wrist and holding it steady. “Shining, with you being a prince and set to become my brother-in-law soon, and Envy is doing this to get at me,” he reminded the Prince-Consort. “I’m going to be the one to make Envy pay for all of this. I’ll be sure to give her a few extra hits from you though.”

Nova could see the fire burning in his eyes. That was all the warning he had before Shining reached over and grabbed Nova by the shirt collar and yanked him close.

“Whoa!” Nova yelped.

“Give. Her. Hell.” Shining commanded, his teeth clenched and his face completely and totally menacing.

Nova had never once felt nervous or scared around Shining Armor, not even when Cadance had threatened setting him on her if he toyed with Twilight’s emotions. But now? Now, he realized that his earlier lax attitude about him was completely ignorant.

“Sir, are you okay?” Nova heard a voice he found highly obnoxious by its very existence ask.

“Fine,” growled Shining, releasing Nova and stepping back. Nova could see tendons bulging in his neck. “Just peachy, Private.”

“Is that…?” asked one of the guards, his eyes widening as he stared at the glowing crystal in Shining’s hand.

“What is that?” Flash asked, scrutinizing it as Shining handed it back to Nova.

“That’s a soul gem, that is,” that same guard answered, a note of queasiness entering his voice. “Blimey, we’re up against someone willing to go that far?”

“But just what IS a soul gem?” Flash asked, sounding slightly exasperated.

“A product of dark magic, Flash,” Nova said, walking around and falling into a seat on the couch. “The many different elements dark magic can manipulate are all evil things, but soul magic is the darkest of the lot.”

He leaned forward and placed Twilight’s gem on the coffee table, before placing his elbows on his legs and clasping his hands under his chin.

“With Soul manipulation, you can pluck someone’s soul right out of their body and trap them in artifacts like this,” he indicated Twilight’s gem. “to energize a spell. Using someone else’s life force to accomplish something can drain away the years of its victim’s life. Envy, it seems, was merciful this time,” he could not help but feel his gut clench at the thought of the alternative. “The magic is not leeching off of Twilight’s soul; her soul has just been stuck there to be held until it was needed.”

Flash’s face had gone white as the ramifications started to dawn on him.

“Then… how do you get her out?”

“Simple,” Nova was devoutly thankful for the truth in that single word. “Just destroy the Soul Gem in the presence of its body, and the soul inside will take possession of it, pushing any intruder out.”

He looked over to Shining and nodded at him. Shining acknowledged with a nod of his own and stepped on back to Nova’s room, where he knew Tracy and Natalie had to be, with Sunset Shimmer’s body. It was time. They couldn’t wait any longer.

“Fortunately, we have it here,” he continued.

Shining returned a moment later with Tracy and Natalie in tow, and carrying Sunset’s body in his arms. At the sight of it, Flash let out a cry of shock.


There was a blur of blue and before Nova could react, Flash had dashed over to Shining and had taken Sunset’s body from his arms.

“What’s happened to her? Is she going to be alright?” he demanded, looking over at Nova, and Nova could see an almost pleading look in his eyes.

“You know her, Francis?” Natalie asked, sounding very surprised.

“Fra--” Flash stumbled for a bit before he caught on. “Yeah,” he nodded. “She’s my… she’s a very old friend.”

“She’ll be alright, Flash,” Nova moved to put a hand on his shoulder. “If you want her back, set her down over there,” he indicated a corner. “Natalie, Tracy, I need you both to stand over there by it. Everyone else, clear away the furniture. We’re going to need space.”

Tracy and Natalie both gave him strange looks, but he couldn’t meet either of their gazes. The sooner he got this done, the better.

“What’s going on?” Natalie asked.

“What are you doing?” Tracy asked as well.

“Something that has to be done,” he said in an undertone, quiet and grave. “Forgive me.”

That only earned him two confused looks, but he instead looked back to everyone that was watching.

“Get behind me, and get ready,” he barked, and everyone quickly got in line, ready for a fight. Nova reached over and called the crystal with his magic. At once, it soared into his hand from the table he had left it on.

It’s time, Twilight, he told her.

“Thank-you, Nova,” she still sounded scared, but he could hear the hope, the note of relief that it was almost over.

And with that, he stored the curse gem in his Source, to keep Envy from stealing it when she was freed, channeled his magic into the hand with the gem, and with a burst of adrenaline, crushed it to pieces.

The sound of crystalline shattering was like music to his ears, and as the fragments of it fell away, left in its place was a floating wisp of magenta energy, almost resting in his palm. Gently, as if it were the most delicate flower in the world, he eased it into both hands and brought it near to his lips as his eyes drifted shut.

He could the warmth of her being right there in his hands...

“Come back to me, my beautiful star,” he whispered, so quietly he almost didn’t hear it himself.

And then, letting out a quick breath, he pushed Twilight’s soul away from him. It shot forward in a streak of light, phasing into Tracy just above her breast and causing her to stumble backward in surprise.

For a moment, her body was surrounded with magenta light as everyone watched, with Natalie taking a reflexive step away, but then the light vanished and a deep red wisp emerged from the same place Twilight had entered.

But then Twilight fell, and Nova didn’t waste any time, dashing forward and catching her even as Envy’s soul flew at Natalie and phased into her.

He managed to catch her before she hit the ground, and looked up just in time to see Natalie glow red, before a teal wisp was forced out of Natalie’s body, and it floated on down to Sunset’s body and entered it.

For a moment, Sunset glowed teal like her magic, but then it faded away.

It was then that Twilight stirred in his arms. At once, he tilted her face so their eyes could meet as soon as she opened them.

As they opened slowly, blearily, the first thing she did was look right at him.

“Nova,” she whispered, reaching up and touching his cheek. Nova pressed her hand against it, feeling tears of joy well up. “You saved me…”

He nodded, but pulled her to her feet and guided her back.

“Get behind me,” he said quietly, his hands glowing blue. Twilight nodded, before she started frowning down at her own hands, no doubt wanting to help in any way she could.

Over by Sunset’s body, Flash had knelt down and was lightly shaking her.

“Sunny!” he called to her. “Sunny, wake up!”

Sunset stirred as well, opening her bright blue eyes for the first time since Nova had found her. With a groan, she pushed herself out of Flash’s arms and into a sitting position.

“Where… am I?” she asked groggily.

Flash let out a cry of joy and relief and embraced her, which startled the poor girl into full alertness.

“F-Flash?” she asked in disbelief.

“Yes,” said Flash, letting go and grinning at her. “It’s me, Sunny.”

“Sunset!” Twilight called.

Sunset looked in her direction, now thoroughly confused. “Sparky? What are you doing here?”

“Sunset Shimmer,” her eyes snapped to Nova’s, “you need to get up and get away from her as soon as you can.”

Sunset looked down at Envy’s motionless form, and instantly, she paled.


“Get behind me,” Nova commanded, leaving her little room for negotiation. This earned him an askance look from Flash, but Sunset didn’t need telling twice. She hurried behind him, with Flash right behind her.

Which left Envy, still on the ground.

“You can stop pretending,” Nova said aloud, stepping forward with his hand still brimming with magic. With a flash of light, his soulblade appeared in his other hand, point aimed at the fallen figure. “I’ve known you long enough to know when you’re playing up the dramatics.”

For a brief moment, Envy did not move. She showed no reaction whatsoever, leading Nova to wonder if she really was unconscious.

But then the laughing started. It was soft at first, a few giggles, but it soon escalated as Envy started struggling to her feet.

In moments, she was cackling quite loudly, staring at Nova with a malevolently-happy grin that made his blood freeze.

“You figured it out,” she said, the familiar sultry voice replacing the laughter, but the macabre grin staying. “I knew you would. You are too smart to get stumped by something as simple as a body-soul switcheroo.”

In a flash of red light, her knife appeared in her hand and she stepped forward, pushing the point of Nova’s sword away.

“And you’ve even gotten a new toy to play with while I was gone,” she admired it for a moment. “You really do know how to get the best gifts for a mare.”

“What’s your game?” he demanded, yanking the blade to be back between the two of them, earning him a look of disdain from her. “What’s the point of all of this? Why would you go so low as to manipulate souls?”

“Why indeed?” Envy replied unhelpfully, smirking at him. “When I knew you would figure it out, what was the point of sticking her in a gem,” she indicated Twilight with her head, “and yanking her,” she indicated Sunset, “out of body?”

“One more word about that, and Nova will be the least of your concerns,” he heard Shining growl dangerously from behind.

Envy just gave a flat look.

“Do we need to repeat what happened at the wedding, Prince Armor? I recall tossing you into a wall without even batting an eye.”

Nova could hear Shining stiffen beside him. Enraged though he already was, Nova knew it could get far worse if Shining let Envy push his buttons.

“Stand down,” he said to the stallion behind him. “I’ll handle her, Shining. Be ready to shield everyone.”

Envy guffawed at that.

“Wow, the memory spell really has done a number on you all!” she tittered, stepping back and twirling her knife between her fingers. “You both know how your shields won’t work with a little Dark Magic.”

And it was here that Nova smirked right back. “Oh yeah?”

And for the first time, Envy’s confidence faltered somewhat. It was almost minute, a tiny twitch of her cheek, but Nova knew a tell when he saw it.

His left hand glowed with magic as he prepared.

“Try me.”

Envy started to twirl a lock of her hair. “But Nova, everyone’s watching us… Your fiancée is right there. It just wouldn’t be proper.”

Nova only intensified the magic channeling in his hand, just waiting for Envy to strike.

Envy just stepped back with a fake air of resignation. “Well, if you’re serious. But you should know,” her grin turned malicious, “I’m not a fan of using protection.”

Both hands suddenly glowed red, and before Nova could shout a warning, red magic exploded outward as Envy released her spell.

Nova, however, was prepared. He quickly raised his sword in front of himself, his other hand quickly snapping as he channeled chaos magic in its purest form to block everything he could around him.

And to his surprise, someone else leapt forward, hands letting off magic in shield form. A shield of Dark Magic erupted around them, catching Envy’s shockwave in its tracks

Nova’s head snapped sideways, his concentration faltering, and with it, the chaos magic in his hand and coating his blade. To his surprise, Sunset Shimmer was standing next to him, arms outstretched, issuing the shield of darkness in front of her.

Nova didn’t know how the girl was handling it. Her arms were shaking, veins throbbed in her temples, and tendons bulged in her neck. But he didn’t spend too much time gawking, instead pushing through the shield to charge right at Envy.

Envy’s confident smile never faltered, even as Nova bore down on her, sword poised to strike, but neither did she direct her magic at him. It was as though she had been hoping he would do this.


Nova’s downward strike was stopped in its tracks. No amount of exertion seemed to come close to getting his blade to continue its slash downward.

How? he thought. I thought magic was augmenting my strength!

The assault of Dark Magic around them ceased, and with it, the shield. Sunset immediately slumped to the floor, where Flash Sentry dashed down and caught her. But after that, Nova’s attention was focused solely on Envy.

She had managed to stop his attack with her knife, held backhand and kept in place with an almost trivial level of exertion.

There was a metallic screech as she allowed his sword to slide down it until their blades were almost handle to handle, putting him right in her face.

“So eager for the main event,” Envy sighed in faux-disappointment, rolling her eyes. “Don’t you know, dear Nova? It’s all about the build-up.”

“Shut up,” snapped Nova. It was one thing to be her usual teasing self, but there was a line to be drawn when it involved doing it in front of Twilight.

It took what seemed like no effort at all to send him staggering backward with a flick of her knife, but it took almost no effort for him to stop himself before he ploughed into the crowd of people behind him.

“I hope you’re all ready for today,” she announced, her knife vanishing and her hands channeling her magic once again. “There’s a lot to do, and there’s not much time to do it. Might want to be getting a move on.”

She threw a smirk Nova’s way.

“Well, I’ve got to be off. Be seeing you all. And Nova,” her smirk widened into a full grin, “I hope you have plenty of stamina for the next time we meet.”

A blast of blue magic flew from Nova’s hand, even as Envy cackled and vanished in a flash of red light.

Even as the slight smoke trailed away from Nova’s outstretched hand and he slowly clenched it into a fist and pulled it back, Nova could feel the vein in his temple bulging. How was it that she knew just how to frustrate him? How did she know exactly what buttons to push to piss him off with such efficiency?

“Is everyone alright?” he asked, turning back to see his guests. To his great relief, Sunset Shimmer was getting back to her feet, though Flash appeared to be helping her with that too.

“Careful, careful,” he cautioned, trying to help her up.

“I’m fine, Flash,” snapped Sunset, yanking her arm away, which Flash had been using to pull her up. “Just out of practice.”

Flash winced, but stepped back all the same. No sooner had she gone than Twilight had descended upon her.

“Sunset!” she exclaimed, embracing her.

Sunset almost fell backward under this new weight, but still managed to hold herself up.

“Sparky, good to see you too,” she brushed her hair out of her face. “Could you please let me up?”

“Sorry,” Twilight smiled sheepishly as she let go and let Sunset get to her feet. But then she locked eyes with Nova, and instantly, she was on her feet and striding toward him, a blazing look on her face.

It was a moment Nova had been looking forward to for months. The moment in which he and Twilight, not Tracy, were reunited.

A moment that, unfortunately, was cut off by an arm coming between them. An arm belonging to Shining Armor. So focused on his bride to be was Nova that he hadn’t noticed Shining step up in his place.

Shining looked a bit amused, but there was still a serious look in his face.

“Shining,” Twilight glared at her brother. “May I please be reunited with the love of my life without you coming between us?”

“Sorry Twily,” Shining crossed his arms in front of his chest. “I’ll let you two have your moment,” he turned to face Nova directly, “but we need to go over your plan for the day.”

“We?” Nova asked.

“All of us,” Shining gestured at the entire room. The hubbub, which had resumed following Envy’s departure, died down again as everyone looked over at them. “You wanted me to bring us all here, and we are. You’re gonna be leading us today. I think we’d all be very interested to hear what your plan is.”

Nova nodded. “Actually, once your sister and I finished our moment, I was going to ask you to come outside with me so we could go over it.”

He punctuated his statement by clearing his throat rather obviously and attempting to move past Shining, but the bigger stallion held firm, with the most apologetic look Nova had ever seen.

“Nova, really, I understand. I want nothing more than to go and hold my wife again, but,” his expression turned serious, “that… woman is still out there, and we have ponies that are counting on us to get them back. We will have all the time in the world to have our reunions back in Equestria.”

Nova had nothing to say to that. All he could do was acknowledge the truth of Shining’s words. They were here because of him, after all.

“Nova?” Twilight asked. “I can wait.”

At that, he nodded. “Alright. Let me talk to your brother, and with Private Sentry too, and then we’ll have our--”

“What do you need to talk to Flash about?” Twilight asked, which caused no small amount of irritation in him.

“Guy stuff,” he said evasively, but then suddenly he realized he forgot something. “Wait a minute! I forgot.”

A brief flash of light later, and the red crystal that was the memory curse sustainer was in the palm of his hand.

The moment he saw it, Shining’s eyes narrowed. “Is it a good idea to shatter it now?”

“That was the plan,” Nova shrugged. “Figured I’d give it some time to really let the anarchy that’s going to result from everypony suddenly remembering who they are spread. The more chaos and confusion, the better for us to move relatively undetected.”

Shining leaned his head back as he whispered “Aaah, so that’s your plan.”

“There’s a bit more to it than that and I’ll want to bounce my full idea off of you, but yeah, that’s the gist of it,” he sighed. “Anyone object to me shattering it now? Speak now or forever hold your peace.”

No one said anything. Almost everyone had gone back to chatting with each other, the notable exception being Sunset, who seemed annoyed at Flash’s mere presence.

“Alrighty then,” said Nova, standing up just a bit taller, and holding the crystal up. “Down goes the curse.”

His hand glowed blue as he channeled magic into it, looking to augment his strength even further, and almost like a ball of wet clay, the crystal crumbled almost instantly.

The effect was immediate. There was a faint wave of prismatic light that flew out on all sides from the broken crystal, phasing right through them all faster than they could react. The wave was out of Nova’s apartment and spreading faster than anyone could even anticipate.

Nova smiled. It was time.

“Sharp Eye!” he called.

“Yeah?” the bounty hunter asked, pushing his way through the crowd to reach Nova.

“I need you to head to this location,” Nova snapped his fingers and a detailed overhead street map of the city appeared on it, with a red X marking a certain spot. “You’ll find Rarity, Pinkie Pie, and Fluttershy there.”

“Flutters is gonna be there?” Sharp Eye gave him a look.

“That’s why I think you’re the perfect one to keep an eye on them,” he nodded.

“Alright then. On my way.”

Sharp Eye took the map and was off in a heartbeat, leaving everyone to wait.

“So what’s the score?” asked Ashleigh, wiping her brow as she hefted her sledge on her shoulder.

“Eh, I dunno,” Rachel replied back, leaning the handle of her own sledge against her thigh. They were rather glad they had chosen to wear tank-tops and shorts.for the day’s work. The short-sleeved shirt Ashleigh had worn last time was a little more restrictive than she would have liked. “I kinda lost count after we had to start stacking them together.”

“Oh, good,” Ashleigh grinned wanly. “Ah haven’t been keeping track myself.”

“Nothin’ to compete for this time,” Rachel shrugged, before plunking another tree, causing all the apples to be shaken free and fall neatly into another bucket.

“”We can always do it for no real logical reason,” suggested Ashleigh, her wan grin turning devious. “What d’you think, Rachel? Think you can clear five trees in ten seconds flat?”

Rachel, dragging the bucket over to the pile, snorted. “Today’s supposed to be the day I take it easy.”

“Heh,” Ashleigh walked on over to another tree. “Funny, Ah thought you’d be all over the competition. Show how much--”

Before they could say or do anything else, there was a sudden rush of air \. As they both looked over to see where it was coming from, they saw a massive wave of prismatic light speeding toward them.

“Whoa!” Rachel threw her hands up into her face, as if to shield herself from the oncoming light, but Applejack hadn’t the reflexes, as the wave phased over and through them like a bullet.

It was over as quickly as it had come. Rachel was lowering her hands slowly, a look of total confusion on her face. Ashleigh, too, looked quite disoriented.

:Wha…” Rachel blinked, then looked over at Ashleigh. “Applejack?”

“Rainbow Dash?” Ashleigh-- no, Applejack replied.

“We remember,” Rainbow nodded, before looking around wildly. “Alright, where is she? Where’s that mare that did this to us?”

“Slow down, Dash!” exclaimed Applejack, grabbing hold of her friend’s shirt, “do you really think it’s a good idea to be going after someone who can take down Twilight and Nova Shine?”

“Quite right, my dear, quite right.”

There was a flash of white light, and standing before them was a sharply dressed man in a tailcoat, a top hat, long white hair and a short white goatee, holding a cane.

“Discord!” Dash exclaimed.

“In the flesh,” Discord bowed. “No, the two of you aren’t going anywhere. I’m here to make certain of that.”

“Say what?” Applejack’s eyes narrowed. “You’re supposed to be on our side.”

“Really, Applejack?” Rainbow Dash asked scathingly. “He betrayed us to Tirek. Once a traitor, always a traitor.”

“Traitor is a rather strong word,” Discord idly picked up an apple. “More like ‘forced because magic,’ but I’ll let you keep thinking that. My orders are to not allow you under any circumstances to be able to interfere with Envy’s plans, and if I may say, that’s a rather loose command.”

He leapt backwards, falling onto an invisible hammock as his suit was replaced by an aloha shirt and khakis, though the top hat remained.

“I mean, that could mean ‘Don’t let you get into any scraps with any changelings,’ so I’ll be making sure the Changelings don’t come a-calling.

Applejack’s and Rainbow Dash’s earlier anger started to vanish as they realized just what Discord was here to do.

“You’re… here to protect us?” Applejack chanced.

Discord paused.

“No, I’m not,” he said, nodding a little too obviously.

“Ah see,” Applejack smiled. “Ah don’t suppose you happen to know Nova’s plan then, do you?”

“I think I know what it’s going to entail, but I don’t know the specifics,” he shrugged. “Anywho, just go back to whatever it was you were doing. All we can do is wait.”

“Ah, this is the life,” sighed Regina happily as the hulking figure of Bruce Batra worked the kinks out of her back with his strong, yet surprisingly gentle hands. “Don’t you agree, girls?”

“Yepperiono!” chirped Penelope. Regina didn’t want to admit how much of a chore trying to contain her overexcited friend was, but Penny’s joy was completely infectious sometimes.

“I agree,” mumbled Felicity from her table, where she lay waiting for Bruce to finish with Regina and Penny. “After all the work we went through for Tracy and Nathan’s date, it is nice to have a little girl time.”

“Ah, the look on their faces from last night still gives me goosebumps,” sighed Regina. “It really was worth all the work.”

“Oho yeah,” smirked Penelope. “You know Regina, I really don’t care what we all used to say about you. You’re pretty alright, you know that?”

“Why yes I--” Regina felt the smile slide off her face. “What do you mean ‘what you used to say about me!?’”

Penelope did nothing by giggle to herself at that. Even Felicity allowed herself a chuckle at her friend’s expense, while Regina huffed self-importantly. Bruce, to his credit, simply continued his deep tissue massage.

All of a sudden, a wave of faint prismatic light flashed through the room, passing over and through all of them, catching them all before they could react.

For a moment, everything was still. Even Bruce was doing nothing.

“G-girls?” Fluttershy asked after a moment. “I… I remember now.”

“Fluttershy? Pinkie?” Rarity asked, looking around. “We… our memories are back! The curse is broken!”

“WOO-HOO!” Pinkie leapt off of her table, somehow materializing all of her clothing back on with a rather graceful spin, and vaulted up to the ceiling. “CURSE IS BROKEN PARTY!”

“YEEEEEAAAAAHHHHH!” shouted Bulk Biceps, before stomping off out of the room, presumably to give the girls time to get dressed, or perhaps to see if he could find Aloe and Lotus Blossom..

“W-what do we do?” Fluttershy asked as Pinkie managed to whip out her party cannon and set off an explosive volley of streamers. “We’re all here with our memories again, but the Changelings are out there! And how do we get home?”

There came the sound of something buzzing.

“Oh!” Rarity got up and ran over to her purse, where her cell phone was stored. “A message from Nova Shine. He says ‘Sharp Eye is on his way to keep you safe until a group can arrive and escort you to meet up with the other bearers of Harmony. Make sure it’s actually him.’”

Pinkie and Rarity immediately looked over to Fluttershy.

“What?” Fluttershy asked.

“We don’t know Sharp Eye,” Rarity shrugged. “Well, Pinkie does. She knows everyone. But even she doesn’t know him as well as you.”

“Yeah! He’s always seemed so distant,” Pinkie said. “Always off doing jobs for everyone. Never really got the time to throw a party for him.”

Pinkie not even being able to throw a party for someone… now that wasn’t a good sign.

“But I wouldn’t know what to ask him to make sure he’s him,” Fluttershy replied. “Or… wait a minute… I may know of a few things…”

With that it was settled. Now all there was to do was wait.

It was time for them to go home.

Author's Note:

I decided to split this chapter in two. It was getting very long, and I had hit a good point to go ahead and post an update. The next chapter will basically be what was supposed to be the later half of this one, but needed to be cut due to how much ground was needed to cover to prepare for the finale.

Call this one a "Fourth Anniversary Special" for Worlds after more than a year of not having posted it.

Anyway, things have come together. Only a couple of chapters more, and then we are fully into the climax (after FOUR FUCKING YEARS IN DEVELOPMENT!)

Rytex out. Have a good day!