• Published 10th Jan 2014
  • 2,816 Views, 251 Comments

Title Match - Zap Apple Smash

Trouble strikes Ponyville as a Voodoo practising Zebrony (and former friend of Trixie's) comes to town to settle a score. Lunaverse story.

  • ...

Klaatu Barada Nikto

"So how are the attempts to fix the victims going?"

"We're getting there." Trixie answered. "I tried a direct reversal spell but that hasn't quite yielded the desired outcome."

Cheerilee looked over and saw the flower trio calmly sitting around inspecting some of their produce.

"I say." Rose said. "These flowers are looking rather splendid."

"Oh dear." Lily commented. "It appears that we might have some root rot on our hooves."

"That certainly wouldn't do." Daisy stated. "I propose we go about correcting this situation."


Cheerilee blinked a couple of times before turning back to Trixie. "I know that in the interest of ethical practise we can't leave them like this but I can't help but feel that it would do their blood pressure a lot of good."

"Maybe." Trixie agreed. "But it’s more Silver Script that I'm worried about."

Said postmaster was lying on the grass, looking up at the sky in a blissful daze.

"You know what we should do." He suddenly stated. "We should create a city completely out of clouds."

"Uh...we already have a city made out of clouds." Cheerilee said.

Silver Script turned to the teacher. "You're kidding! What's it called?"


"Damn it. That’s what I was going to call it." the postmaster cursed. "Next you'll be telling me that they also took my idea of giving ponies wings so that they can live there."

Cheerilee blinked again, but as she was about to answer Trixie interjected. "No no, that idea is still yours."

Any further discussion was interrupted by the arrival of Raindrops.

"No sign of your tophat wearing friend." She reported. "But the weather team is keeping an eye out."

"Good, even with a trespass notice against him we really can't take chances." The representative stated. "Well I've sent Pokey out to try and find wherever Galeb had hidden his supplies since there was no way he could have been carrying everything in his jacket. My first bet would have been to check the motel but it turns out he hadn't been staying there. In fact I kinda wish I had known sooner since we probably could have avoided this mess by kicking him out on a vagrancy charge."

"Vagrancy charge?" Raindrops interrupted. "You mean we were dealing with a magic-wielding hobo?"

Trixie didn't even bother to answer that. "Now as much as I would like to hope Galeb got the hint and has hightailed it back home, fate has too sick a sense of humour for that. Best case scenario, we catch him trying to get back into town and have him charged with wilful violation of a trespass notice."

"And the worse case scenario?" Cheerilee asked.

"While we're distracted with Galeb, Corona overthrows Princess Luna and takes control of Equestria. Pony-kind will then suffer under the tyrannical hoof of an insane Alicorn and burn under unending sunlight." Raindrops suggested. "Not that the six of us would really suffer too long under it since she would probably charge us with high treason for stopping her so many times and have us publicly executed."

All the ponies present could only stare at her. The awkward silence was then broken by the postmaster.

"All aboard the S.S. Buzzkill." He then noticed Raindrop's wings. "MOON DAMN IT!!"

Trixie then decided it was time to check on Lyra. "So, how's fixing the quartet going?"

"Well," Lyra rubbed the back of her head. "I'd say we're about halfway there."

Ooo eee, ooo ah ah ting tang
Walla walla, bing bang
Ooo eee, ooo ah ah ting tang
Walla walla, bing bang...
Ooo eee, ooo ah ah ting tang
Walla walla, bing bang
Ooo eee, ooo ah ah ting tang
Walla walla, bing bang

Trixie blinked twice. "Just keep at it."

"Is this going to take much longer?" Shawn asked. "Cause I almost need to go pick my kid up from the nanny."

"We'll be done as a soon as we can." Trixie did a double take. "Wait, kid? As in what you call a young goat?"

"Of course it's what you call a young goat." Woolliam replied. "What? Did you think we were sheep or something?"

"Noooooo." Trixie replied slowly, being careful to avoid eye contact.

"Here you go." The mule said as he passed the case over to Galeb. "Right where you said it'd be."

"I can't thank you enough." Galeb opened the case to make sure that its contents were unharmed. "I'd be lost without it."

"So why couldn't you get the case yourself?"

"Some bureaucratic mix up." Galeb replied as handed over the bits he had promised. "Hopefully it will be sorted out next time I'm back to these parts."

"Well good luck with that."

As the mule trotted off, Galeb rubbed his hooves in anticipation.

"Alright Lulamoon, let's take things up a notch."

After finally having fixed all the victims of Galeb's actions and having no further sightings of the Zebrony, Trixie's friends had gone home and the representative herself was sorting out a few things before she was going to send Pokey home as well.

She paused as she walked past her bookshelf and, in wave of nostalgia, pulled out her copy of Don Rocinante and opened it at the back page to reveal a bookmark inside. It was old but still well kept, with some strange symbols written on it.

As she stared at the bookmark, Pokey entered the room.

"So I gave that letter to the express messenger like you asked and checked to make sure that there was no outstanding paperwork. It looks like we're all clear."

"Pokey, just a question. Do you believe in the idea that actions have consequences?"

"Well if they didn't, it would make the justice system a big waste of time."

"I mean in a more cosmic sense."

Pokey shrugged. "Eh. The head of our governing body is an immortal that controls the sun and the moon, that's about as cosmic as I usually worry about. Why?"

Trixie shrugged in return. "I was just thinking..."

"There go the alarm bells."

"I know turning Galeb's brother in was the right thing to do and that this in no way justifies Galeb's retaliation."

Pokey raised an eyebrow "But...?"

"What if my failure in friendship since then is some cosmic retribution for betraying a friend?"

"Well that's an interesting theory." Pokey commented. "I always figured your failure in friendship was due to your winning personality."

Trixie glared at her assistant. "That was a little harsh."

"Hey, I figured that since you were having this conversation with me instead of the other elements meant that you didn't want it sugar coated."

"Okay, fair enough."

"Now, as a resident of Ponyville, it's hard not to accept that some things are still outside of a pony’s control." Pokey continued. "Still, blaming things on something like cosmic retribution is a bit of a slippery slope for me. I'd rather take responsibility for the here and the now."

"Yeah," Trixie said thoughtfully.

"Though what's brought this on?"

Trixie shrugged as she looked at the bookmark again. "Just feeling reflective."

The sign above the shop said "Matant Zelime's House of Wonders" as it always did.

A young blue filly stepped into the shop. Inside was a seemingly endless assortment of strange items and trinkets. In the middle of the shop was an elderly Zebrony mare, lavender with dark purple stripes, sorting some bottles. She looked up and smiled when she saw the young filly.

"Hello Trixie, I was worried you wouldn't have time to come say goodbye."

This took Trixie by surprise. "You know I'm leaving?" She then added in an awed whisper. "Did you foresee it?"

The wizened Zebrony chuckled. "No child, but if your family was trying to keep the princess taking you on as a student a secret, they're doing a lousy job at it. Not that I would keep something like that secret, Quartermoon would be proud."

Trixie bit her lip at the mention of her grandfather. The gesture did not go unnoticed by Zelime.

"Come here child." She then scooped the young filly into a hug.

"I miss him." Trixie whispered.

"I know," Zelime replied. "but know that he loved you very much and that you will always carry a piece of him in your heart. There's a reason you both got the same cutie mark."

After a moment long the two disengaged from the hug.

"But I sense that is not the only thing that is weighing down your spirit."

"Everypony is telling me that this is such a great opportunity and that I should be really proud."

"Yes...?" Zelime said expectantly

"But what if I mess up? What if I don't fit in? What if Princess Luna decides this was a bad idea and sends me away?"

"Child, what have I told you about the 'what if' game?"

Trixie sighed. "That it's a game no one ever wins."

"Precisely. Quartermoon believed in you and so do I. I have no doubt that you have a wonderful future ahead of you."

"Would you be able to check that?" The young filly asked.

This took the Zebrony by surprise. "You want me to gaze into your future?"

"Just a little peek." Trixie replied before looking up at Zelime with big hope filled eyes. "Please?"

One look at the young filly and any resistance from the Zebrony vanished almost instantly. "Alright but just a little peek."

Zelime went over to her work bench and pulled a long thin box out of a drawer. She opened it, revealing a bright red feather.

"Do know what this is?" Zelime asked. When Trixie shook her head Zelime answered. "It is a phoenix feather."

Zelime placed the feather on her work bench and used a knife to cut a tiny piece off the tip of the feather.

"Aren't you going to use the whole thing?" Trixie asked

"Phoenix feathers are among the most potent ingredients you can use." Zelime explained. "A little goes a long way."

She held the piece of feather in her hoof and closed her other hoof over the top of it. She chanted a few magic words and gave Trixie a wink before lifting her hoof to reveal that she was now holding a small purple flame.

Trixie stared in amazement. "How did you...?"

Zelime held out the purple flame confidently towards Trixie. "Hold out your hoof."

The filly looked at the flame with uncertainty. "Won't it burn me?"

"Do you believe I would harm you?" The Zebrony asked.


"Then it won't."

Trixie swallowed and then held out her hoof. Zelime skilfully placed the flame on the filly's hoof. After moment, Trixie realised that the flame wasn't hurting her. It seemed content to just stay put. She stared in awe at the flame she was now holding.

"That is Soul Fire." Zalime explained. "It is powered by magic and is controlled by will. If you wanted it to burn, it will. If you don't, it won't."

"It's amazing." Trixie whispered.

"Yes, it is. Now look deep within the flame and tell me what you see."

The filly obeyed. She stared deep into the small flame. After a moment she began to make out shapes.

"I see...a pony...a unicorn...she's surrounded by fire but it's not hurting her...she's controlling it..." Trixie then leaned forward when she noticed something else. "Are those wings?"

The flame suddenly went out with a pop, causing Trixie to jump back in fright.

"Sorry child, that was only enough magic for a quick peek."

Trixie stared up at the Zebrony. "Who was that?"

"I'm not sure." Zelime admitted. "The irony about visions are that often they don't make sense until after the event has actually occurred."

"What should I do?" The young filly asked.

"Go forth and make the most of the opportunity you have received." Zelime said as she took a moment to affectionately ruffle Trixie's mane. "Your Grandfather had learned the secret of true power and greatness long ago and I believe he passed it on to you." She then chuckled when she saw the look of confusion on the young filly's face. "Don't worry, you'll figure it out someday."

She then pulled something from the shelf and handed it to Trixie. "Here's something to remember me by."

"What's this?"

"It's a voodoo seal for protection and prosperity." Zelim answered. "It also makes a great bookmark."

Trixie closed the book and put it back on the shelf. "Come on, Pokey. Let's finish up."

"Sure thing boss."

The sun had set. As the moon lit up the sky, Galeb got to work setting up his next scheme. In a small clearing within the everfree forest, he had set up a camp fire and surrounded it with a ring of key herbs and symbols. When he was satisfied with the focal field, he proceeded to start chanting and throwing ingredients into the fire that, had he gotten them through honest means, would probably have cost him a small fortune.

Before long, the chanting died down and made way for something far more sinister.


In the dark of the night she'll tossing and turning
And the nightmare she'll have will be bad as can be --
She'll be scared out of her wits --
A mare falling to bits!
Then she'll open her eyes
And the nightmare is...me!!

He paused his dancing to pull more ingredients from his case.

She was once a close friend of me and my brother
When she betrayed us she made a mistake!
With my power she surely will pay
There's no chance that she'll get away!
Little Trixie, prepare,
Your title's at stake!

In the dark of the night evil will find her
In the dark of the night just before dawn!

Revenge will be sweet
When she meets her defeat!
In the dark of the night
She'll be done!

I can feel the enchantment is gradually growing!
An ogre's eyelash and a dash of wormwood for the spell!
That is when, all too soon.
From my hooves she’ll meet her doom.
Sweet Adieu, Lulamoon!

In the dark of the night terror will strike her!
Terror's the least I can do!

In the dark of the night evil will brew.

Soon she will feel that her nightmares are real.

In the dark of the night

She'll be through!

In the dark of the night
Evil will find her
Find her!
In the dark of the night terror comes true.
Doom her!

My dear, here's a sign --
It's the end of the line!

In the dark of the night...
In the dark of the night...
In the dark of the night...

She'll be done!!

Galeb threw the last ingredient into the fire, causing it to burst into a giant flaming pillar.

In the dark of the night...
In the dark of the night...
In the dark of the night...

She'll be done!

The fire then completely vanished, leaving strange green wisps of smoke coming out of the smouldering pile.

"And now we wait for the fun to unfold." Galeb stated triumphantly. "Preferably somewhere else since I probably don't want to know who or what made up the chorus line."

The next day started off looking promising. The town seemed to have put yesterday’s misfortune behind them and were all going about their business.

"Move yer caboose." Granny Smith scolded. "That pie ain't gonna deliver itself."

"I'm comin’, I'm comin’." Applebloom grumbled as she struggled with a basket that was almost as big as she was.

Granny Smith was about to something else to get her granddaughter to speed up when she noticed a mass of ponies running in the opposite direction.

"What's the rush?"

The elderly earth pony got her answer when a manticore appeared in front of her. It let out a roar but was promptly interrupted by Granny Smith smacking it across the nose.

"We'll have none of that." She scolded. "I don't know who yer owner is but I won't tolerate such rudeness in public."

"Granny Smith," Applebloom said cautiously. "I think that's a manticore."

"Well that's no excuse fer misbehaving." The elderly mare replied. "It's about time somepony taught it some manners."

The manticore responded with another roar and raising its paw to attack. It the stopped when it felt something patting it on the side. Turning, it saw a red mare standing there.

"In the interest of honesty, I should warn you." Red Gala said. "This beating is partially because you threatened my family and partially because the last few days have been really frustrating. I hope you understand."

What happened next was the answer to the question that nopony ever asked.

What is the sound of a Manticore screaming?

Trixie paused as she was collecting her mail.

"What the..."

"Hey Trixie." The representative turned to see Berry Punch. "So Cheerilee asked me to let one of you know if something strange happened. Now I know strange is a relative term in Ponyville but is a Cragodile in the main road something worth mentioning?" She then noticed that Trixie had started running off. "Is that a yes?"

Trixie arrived to see that something that looked like a giant crocodile made out of rock, otherwise known as a cragodile, was in fact walking freely down the main road, which looked like it had long since been abandoned by pony-kind.

Said cragodile suddenly stopped in its tracks when it noticed a small, toothless alligator blocking his path. Moments passed as the two stared at it each other. Finally the cragodile let out a snarl and prepared to strike. Said strike was promptly stopped by a sledgehammer between the eyes.

Holding the handle of said sledge hammer was Pinkie Pie.

"No one messes with Gummy."

Pinkie then picked up the small alligator and gave it a disapproving frown. "Now Gummy, I know you get territorial but you shouldn't pick fights like that."

Gummy blinked at his owner.

"Oh I can't stay mad at you." She gave the Gummy a hug before letting him latch onto her mane. "Lets go home and make some muffins."

She picked up the sledgehammer and was about to bounce off when she was stopped by Trixie.

"Why do you have a sledgehammer?" The representative asked.

"Oh it's not mine, I'm borrowed it from Silver Script. See?" Pinkie replied as she turned the head to reveal the words 'Gentle Persuasion'. At that, she started to bounce off as Trixie stared on in awe.

"What's scarier?" Trixie asked Berry Punch. "The fact that our Postmaster owns a sledgehammer or the fact that he lent it to Pinkie Pie?"

"I think what's scarier is how quickly a cragodile can shake off a sledgehammer to the head." Berry Punch commented.

Trixie turned and saw that the cragodile had in fact woken up and was back on the rampage.

Seeing no other alternative, the representative swallowed her fear and put on a look of determination as she charged straight at the creature. Seeing this as a challenge, the cragodile started to charge at her as well, seemingly ignorant of the fact that the unicorn was suddenly levitating some rope and a scarf.

Just as it was about to get close enough to take a snap at her, Trixie used her magic to snap its mouth closed and then tie it up. Wasting no time, she tied the scarf around the eyes then went side on. Using her magic, she hit it side on to force it onto its back and used the remaining rope to tie up its legs.

Satisfied that the cragodile wasn't going anywhere, Trixie let out a sigh of relief and dusted herself off. She then noticed Berry Punch staring at her. The representative shrugged at the unasked question.

"My Aunt and Uncle thought it was important that I know how to deal with crocs, alligators and anything similar."

Bar-mare continued to stare. "Why?" She finally asked.


"I am not Trixie." The young filly announced proudly. "I AM THE GATOR QUEEN!!"

"Parental paranoia I guess." Trixie replied dismissively.

Any response from Berry Punch was interrupted by a scream that didn't sound like a manticore this time. Trixie let out a groan.

"Berry Punch, I'm going to go check that out and get rid of this cragodile, would you mind getting your sister and the other elements? I think it's going to be one of those days.”

Author's Note:

Thank you all for your patience in me getting this chapter out.

I figure now might be a good time to talk a bit Neigh Orleans Voodoo.

The main idea of Voodoo in the Lunaverse (or at least Neigh Orleans Voodoo) is that there is no real guideline for how it works and what it can do. While it holds it's origin in Zebra magic, thus ample use of chants, rituals and potion making, it has grown and changed over the years. Much like how a Zebrony is the combination of two creatures, Neigh Orleans Voodoo is the combination of a lot of things such as Pony Herbology or focus techniques that unicorns use for spell casting. Ultimately any time a voodoo practitioner sees something they can use, they will add it to their repertoire.

For instance, the mood altering magic Galeb used in the previous chapter originated as a range of herbs and potions Zebras would use to achieve a desired emotional states for meditation or combat that the Zebronies further developed, making use of ingredients available in Equestria, and combined with earth pony style magic to increase the potency of the ingredients until they were able to get the type of results you saw. The main flaws in the mood magic that most Zebronies use is that a) it can't completely change an individual, it can make certain aspects more prominent (like Silver Script's temper or the Flower Trio's excitability) and b) if the target becomes aware that something external is affecting their mood, the spell loses it's effectiveness.

Another key part of it is theatrics. While a voodoo practitioner will tell you that voodoo can control spirits and harness power from sources beyond mortal comprehension, instances where Zebronies have actually drawn from supernatural forces are heavily debated. They will use mind games and misdirection just as readily as they will use actual magic. I mean, why exhaust your self with a complicated spell or in debt yourself to a spirit when you can get the same effect with some hyper charged poison joke and some well timed hoof waving. They also aren't above good old fashioned sabotage if it will get the job done.

The trick lies in that when a voodoo practitioner is doing it right, you won't know when its theatrics or when its genuine ability, which is why underestimating them is very risky. And when you strip it all away, a Zebrony still does posses magic of their own.