• Published 10th Jan 2014
  • 2,816 Views, 251 Comments

Title Match - Zap Apple Smash

Trouble strikes Ponyville as a Voodoo practising Zebrony (and former friend of Trixie's) comes to town to settle a score. Lunaverse story.

  • ...

Presto Chango

Trixie was waiting quietly at the crossroads just outside of town as Galeb arrived.

"Hello Lulamoon." Galeb said. "Did you come alone?"

"I told my friends that this meeting should just be between me and you."

"Good." The Zebrony replied. "At least you understand that much of how a duel is supposed to go."

"Doesn't mean that we all listened." As Galeb turned to the source of the voice, the mulberry hoof collided with the side of his face. As he fell, the rest of Cheerilee appeared in his view, right before she wrenched his forehoof around his back at a painful angle, pinning him to the ground.

"Do you want to know what happened to the last stallion that messed with my students?" Cheerilee demanded as she continued to apply pressure. "DO YOU?!"

"Cheerilee..." Trixie began.

"He sent a Timberwolf after two of my students." Cheerilee interjected. "A BUCKING TIMBERWOLF!"

"ARRGH! Let go!" Galeb gasped out. "Or else the monsters will keep on coming."

Cheerilee looked up at Trixie to see if she thought Galeb was bluffing. A shake of a head told the teacher otherwise. Reluctantly she let go and backed off.

Galeb let out a groan of frustration as he stood back up.

"Every mare in this town is CRAZY!!"

Trixie couldn't help but raise an eyebrow. "And yet you still chose to mess with this town."

"I swear Lulamoon, if this is your attempt at an ambush..."

"Oh keep your mane on." Trixie shot back. "If this was an ambush, you'd be in chains. And believe me nothing would make me happier at this point."

Trixie closed the distance between her and Galeb.

"You know, despite all the mistakes he made, I still know that any pony Bantu hurt was unintentional. Do you honestly think that Bantu would be happy about the amount of devastation you have purposely caused in his name?"

Galeb just rolled his eyes as he placed his hat back on his head. "Are you here to agree to this duel or to give me a lecture?"

Trixie sighed in frustration "Alright, if I agree to this duel you have to stop whatever it is you are doing to the creatures in the Everfree forest right now and leave Ponyville alone."

"Only if you agree that this duel is between you and me." Galeb shot. "That means no calling the Princess or the guards and nopony stepping in if they don't like the way the duel is turning out."

"Fine! We will meet here tonight after moonrise. Name your terms."

"Not so fast." Galeb pull out a small bag and poured the contents into his hoof. Then blew on it and rubbed both hooves together muttering a few quiet words until they developed a pale glow. "Let's make this official."

He held out his hoof.

"A Pact?" Trixie asked in dismay. "You cannot be serious."

"Let's just say that I'm feeling distrustful."

Realising there really wasn't a way out of this, Trixie touched Galeb's hoof. "Name your terms."

"We meet in this spot, right after moonrise. and duel." Galeb explained. "If I win I get both of your titles and you leave Ponyville, permanently."

"And if I win, you don't bring harm to anyone or anything in Ponyville ever again."

As the two hooves separated there was a spark of green light. Both the Trixie and Galeb wobbled slightly as they both felt dizzy for a moment before recovering. This seemed to satisfy Galeb.

"I'll see you tonight. Lulamoon."

Galeb turned and started to leave. He promptly sped up his departure when he noticed Cheerilee was taking a step towards him.

At that the two mares started to head back to town.

"So what was that thing about the pact?"

"It's a little insurance policy Zebronies invented for when they doubt somepony is going to keep their agreement." Trixie lifted her hoof to show that it still had a slight glow. "Don't ask me how it works but once a Pact is made it quite literally can not be broken."

"What if somepony made it so that you couldn't keep the pact?"

"There have been horror stories about ponies trying a work around on a pact." Trixie replied. "I really don't want to risk it."

"So what do we do now?" Cheerilee asked.

"You go back and make sure everypony got out of town alright." The representative answered. "I need to go prepare for the duel."

"Anything I can do to help?" the teacher asked.

"No," The representative answered as she started to head back to town. "I just need some to clear my head and get ready."

I've paid my dues
Time after time
I've done my sentence
But committed no crime
And bad mistakes
I've made a few
I've had my share of sand
Kicked in my face
But I've come through

Trixie stopped and turned to face Woolliam and the rest of Bleatniks nearby.

"Sorry guys." Trixie replied. "I'm just not feeling it."

As the representative walked off Baartholomew decided to pitch in his thoughts.

"Told you we should have gone with Pony-mian Rhapsody."

As Trixie arrived at the residency, she saw Pokey had set a table on the front lawn and was sorting through some paperwork.

"Hi Boss, get business with that Zebrony sorted?"

"Yes and no." Trixie replied, "Shouldn't you have evacuated with the rest of the town?"

"I'd figure you’d want me to stay here and hold the fort until you got back so I volunteered to hang out and keep watch."

Trixie stopped and stared. "Pokey, if I ever gave you the impression that I valued your ability to be at my beck and call over your own personal safety..."

"Chill boss." Pokey interjected. "Someone needed to stay and keep an eye out I’d so rather it be me than somepony that can't take care themselves."

Trixie let out a sigh of relief.

"Good to hear, this is mainly a precaution, hopefully everypony will be back in town by tomorrow."

"What happens tomorrow?"

"I will have faced Galeb in a duel. Now I need to prepare so please take care of any visitors."

"Sweet, I'll go get you some bourbon and then keep watch."

"No bourbon." Trixie replied. "Just keep watch."

As she entered residency, she paid no heed to fact that Pokey was gaping at her.


Trixie was digging through her supply chests, looking for things she might be able to use in her duel. She was brought out of her thoughts by the sound of a hoof knocking on wood. She looked up and saw Raindrops standing there.

"Hey there." The pegasus said.

"Uh hi." Trixie stated. "Listen. I don't really have time to talk, I need to get ready for this duel."

"Yeah I heard about the whole pact thing, that sucks."

Trixie paused and then slammed the trunk shut in frustration.

"You know what? It does suck! I try to be good, I try to take the moral high ground and try to play things above board. Sure I slip up...quite often...but at least I try to be decent and the type of pony that others can look up to."

She unwittingly started pacing.

"Take this mess with Galeb. I tried to approach this like a representative. I engaged him but didn't accept his challenge, I made it clear what would happen if he went after me or my friends but didn't antagonise him...too much... and when he started playing dirty I used legal means to get him out of town. Despite all of this, I still ended at exactly the same place I would have been if I had accepted his challenge, so what have I gained?"

"You mean aside from the knowledge that you're doing this for the sake of keeping Ponyville safe instead of some ego driven attempt to prove you're better than some trash talking Zebra?" Raindrops asked rhetorically.

"Zebrony." Trixie corrected.

"Don't care, after the stunts he's pulled, he's lucky that's all I'm calling him."

Raindrops closed the distance.

"The point is, it sucks that he's using the town as leverage but the only pony blaming you for this mess is yourself. So how about we discuss that?"

Despite her mood, Trixie couldn't help but raise an eyebrow. "So what, you're signing up to be my consular?"

"Not really qualified to do the gig full time but there are two emotions I understand better than most." The weather pony stated. "One is anger, the other is regret."

Raindrops pulled up a chair.

"Now the anger part is a no-brainer, from what I hear, the line of ponies wanting to kick his flank is ever-growing."

"So you want to discuss regrets?" Trixie clarified. "Cause there is a lot about this situation that I'm regretting."

"Like how things ended with Galeb and his brother?"

The representative looked like she was about to let out a scathing remark but then stopped herself. It was only after she did mental 10 count that she found herself willing to discuss the matter.

"I have had a lot of friendships that ended badly, but Bantu was the first time that I willingly ended the friendship."

"I still don't how you could be friends with somepony like Galeb or his brother."

"They weren't always like this."

A young Trixie followed her grandpa as he led her to a new part of Neigh Orleans.

"Where are we going?" the filly asked.

"To see a dear friend of mine." Quartermoon replied.

As they walked they passed what appeared to be a male pony carrying a tray of baked goods on his back. Though what got Trixie’s attention was the fact that he was a light green with a yellow mane and dark green stripes.

“Grandpa, is that a Zebra?”

“Close,” Quartermoon answered with a chuckle. “They’re called Zebronies. Be sure to remember that cause they really don’t like being mistaken for Zebras. Ah here we are.”

The two ponies stopped in front of a store that read "Matant Zelime's House of Wonders"

As the two ponies stepped into the store, Trixie was amazed by all the various items. Her attention was then drawn to something specific.

“Is that a pony skull?” She asked.

“Donkey actually.” The source of voice revealed itself in the form of a purple, lavender and magenta zebrony mare wearing various coloured necklaces and bracelets. “The pony I traded it with claimed it was from Tambelon but I’m doubtful.”

Quartermoon and the mare then embraced each other in a hug.

“It’s so good to see you Zelime.”

“It’s good to see you too.” Zelime replied as she disengaged the hug. “How was Canterlot?”

“As ostentatious as always.” Quatermoon replied. “Though I did make to a slight detour to a small town in North Everfree I’ve heard a lot about.” He pulled a bag that he handed over to the Zebrony. “Even brought you back a souvenir.”

Zelime gave the contents of the bag an experimental sniff and then let out a squeal of delight.

“Oh Quartermoon you always bring me the best stuff.” Zelime then noticed Trixie. She kneeled down to have a look at the young filly. "Who is this?"

"This is my granddaughter Trixie."

“Pleasure to meet you.” Zelime held out a hoof for Trixie to shake. Trixie cautiously took it.

“Now I’ve got a couple of grandsons hiding about somewhere in my shop. You can go try to find them if you like.”

Trixie checked with her grandfather to see if it was alright. After get his approval, she went off to explore the shop. She finally found two colts playing with cards in the back. One was light blue with dark blue stripes and an aquamarine mane and looked to be Trixie’s age. The other was a honey brown with a teal mane and roan brown stripes that looked older and was wearing a purple scarf.

“And that is game little brother.”

"Come on Bantu, triple or nothing." The blue colt pleaded.

"Sorry Galeb but you know the rules.” The older colt replied. “We're only allowed to bet up to three weeks worth of chores."

The two colts stopped when they noticed Trixie standing there.

“Hi, I’m Trixie.” The young filly said.

Bantu and Galeb looked at each other and then back at Trixie.


“What are you playing?”


"Oh can I play?" Trixie asked. "Grandpa taught me."

Bantu raised an eyebrow at the filly. "Sure but you are going to need something for the buy in."

Trixie frowned. "All I've got are cookies." Trixie opened her bag to reveal the cookies her aunt had packed for her.

Bantu grinned slyly at his brother "That'll do."

"So wait, you're telling me that your first meeting was him scamming cookies out of you?"

"Not exactly."

"Look Grandpa."

Quartermoon and Zelime turned away from the coffee they were drinking to see Trixie standing there, wearing a purple scarf as if it was a cape.

"Now I look like a real magician."

Before either elder could respond, Bantu came in.

"Alright! Double or nothing but this time I deal."

After Zelime ‘suggested’ that the three foals get out of the shop. Galeb and Bantu decided to take Trixie to the bazaar.

“You’re gonna love this.” Bantu said.

“Ok.” Trixie paused to look down at the scarf she was still wearing. “You can have your scarf back if you like.”

“No no, you won it fair and square.” Bantu said with a shake of his hoof. “Besides purple looks good on you.”

Trixie gave Bantu a shy smile as the three headed out to the Bazaar. There, Trixie was amazed at all the Zebronies that were there, as well as just how busy the place is. There were ones selling things at the stalls, playing musical instruments, even ones doing mundane things like sweeping the sidewalks or shopping. And all of them were wearing clothes of a bewildering array of styles and colors. They almost made the ponies scattered amongst the crowd look drab by comparison.

They stopped as a striking Zebrony mare with a red coat, pink stripes and an orange mane wearing an elaborately frilled white sun dress and carrying a box on her back crossed their path.

“Hi Miss Erzulie.” Bantu said cheerfully. “What have you got there?”

“Just some poor souls that I rescued from a griffon trying to smuggle them out of town.”

“Since when did you make a stand against smugglers?” Galeb asked.

“Since I’m pretty sure he was planning on eating them.” The mare lowered the box so Bantu Galeb and Trixie could have a better look. “They’re free to a good home if any of you are interested.”

A while later they returned to the shop.

"How was the bazaar?" Quartermoon asked.

"Great!" Trixie said excitably. "I saw so many things and I even got my very own Spit Viper."

Trixie opened up her saddle bag to reveal a live snake inside. Quartermoon’s eyes seem to jump out of his skull while Zelime just tsked slightly.

"Those are call Pit Vipers dear, not Spit Viper."

"Awww." The young filly whined. "But I already called him Mr Spitty."

“We stayed friends even after I moved to Canterlot for my studies.” Trixie explained. “We sent letters and stuff but I didn’t ever physically see him again after I left. That was until…”

There was loud banging at the door.

"I'm coming! I'm coming." A teenage Trixie yelled.

She opened to find an older Bantu standing. He was fully grown, more developed and currently out of breath but he was definitely the same Bantu she remembered.

"Trixie! You've got to help me."

Trixie took one look at her friend and then stepped to the side to let him in.

"Quick, get inside."

"When I found out why he was on the run, yeah I felt betrayed, yeah I was disgusted at how he trivialised robbing a relief train for his own gain. But it doesn't change that in a single moment of clarity I saw what my friendship with Bantu would cost me and I decided that it was not worth it."

"Yes you decided that being friends with a thief that attacked a relief train was not worth risking everything you had worked for in the Canterlot."

"In the time I've been here in Ponyville I've learned that there are always more than two options. There could have been another way to handle any situation. There probably was some third option I could have taken. But instead I chose the option that protected me. How does that make me any different from some of the scum bags we took down?"

"Self preservation and self centeredness are two completely different things." Raindrops countered. "Bantu's ship was already sinking, the fact that you weren't keen to jump on board is understandable." Raindrops countered.

"Maybe, but whenever I've been in trouble you and the others have always been willing to step in and help."

"Well yeah, friends do look out for each other." Raindrops agreed. "But if I thought you would view a train carrying relief supplies as a get rich quick scheme, we wouldn't be friends."

That brought a faint smile to Trixie's lips, from anypony else that would have sounded like a threat, from Raindrops it sounded like a compliment.

"Look, I know nothing I say is going to change how things ended with Bantu or Galeb or how you feel about it. Only you can change that." The weather pony put a hoof on Trixie's shoulder. "All I can do is give you the same advice somepony gave me once. Keep on trying. You are a good pony and someone others can look up to. Yes you colour outside the lines sometimes but when you do its with the best intentions in mind. You will mess up and you will have times when you do everything right ands things will still go wrong but all you can do is keep on trying."

Trixie's smile turn more genuine. "Thanks."

"No problem. So what's the plan of attack for this duel?" The pegasus asked. "Gonna give him the Razzle Dazzle Zip Zap?"

Trixie stared at her friend. "Is that honestly what you call my style of magic?"

"Well I used to call it the old Sparkle Sparkle. But after that run in with Twilight I figured it might not be appropriate. "

"Well, magic wise. Illusions and misdirection are what I'm good at, but that's how a lot of Voodoo works so I can't rely on it. Most of my equipment will be no good in a fight but I can't afford to go in empty hoofed. Galeb no doubt will have more than a few party favours. Any advice?"

"If it gets to close quarters, find something soft and bite down hard. I recommend the nose or ears but get creative."

"Bite him?" Trixie asked. "You practice Iron Hoof and your advice is bite him?"

"You think you can learn anything more complex by tonight?"

"Point taken."

There was a knocking at the door. Pokey went to answer it. Next thing the other four elements walked in.

When Trixie stared, Lyra decided to answer. “We know that you need to face Galeb alone but we wanted to remind you that we are still here for you and to offer some support in what ever way we can.”

The representative looked at her five friends and could only smile in gratitude as she was reminded of how lucky she really was. “Thanks.”

“I brought you something to help in the duel.” Carrot Top said as she pulled out a bag and gave it to Trixie.

Trixie opened the bag.


“Hit him in the head with one of those and it should slow him down.” Carrot Top explained. “And if he gets close enough swing the whole bag at him.”

“You’re the team herbologist and your plan is to throw rocks at him?”

“Can’t get anything else that could help you in a fight made in time.” The farmer replied. “Plus can you honestly say he’d expect you to throw a rock at him?”

Trixie paused for moment. “Point taken.”

Cheerilee stepped forward holding what looked like a curved piece of metal.

“This is my lucky horse shoe.” Cheerilee demonstrated wearing it by clipping it on her front hoof. “Get him in the face with this and even your punch will leave an impression.

Trixie then felt a pair of gray hooves wrap around her.

“Dinky and I wanted to give you a hug for luck.” Ditzy explained.


“And Silver Script wanted me to give you this.” the mail mare handed over a baseball bat with the words ‘Love and Tolerance’ written on it. “Just remember to give it back to him when this is over.”

Trixie finally turned to Lyra who simply shrugged.

“I just brought candy to help keep your spirits up.” the musician levitated a paper bag to prove her point. “I didn’t know we were supposed to be bringing weapons.”

It was nearing the end of the day and Galeb was finishing his preparations. Various vials and trinkets made their way into the numerous pockets of his coat. He even made sure that his hat was still looking right.

"Almost ready. Just need the finishing touch."

He opened his case to find his mirror when stumbled across an old picture. It was of him and Bantu when they were younger. He stopped to look at it. While it used to be a reminder of happier times, right now it reminded him of what he was fighting for.

"Come on Bantu, you can not be serious."

"This is a once in a life time opportunity." Bantu replied to his brother. "Just think what we could do with the ingredients that train will be carrying."

"What I can't stop thinking about is that you're talking about robbing a train meant to be carrying relief supplies." Galeb shot back.

"We'll leave most of it," Bantu argued. "We'll make sure to make that they discover the robbery not too far from Canterlot. The train gets resupplied in no time, the relief supplies go where they need to and we both score big time. Everyone wins."

"Except us if this goes wrong." Galeb said. "Sorry Bantu but I can't be a part of this."

Bantu threw up his hooves in dismay. "Fine then."

At that the older stallion started to leave.

“Where are you going?” Galeb asked.

“If you want to let opportunity pass you by that’s your choice.” Bantu shot back. “But this is my chance to make it big and I’m taking it, with or without you.”

Shocked, Galeb could only stand there as he watched his brother walk away.

"I will make this right, I promise."

He packed away the photo and pulled out his mirror.

"But first I need to get my game face on."

Pokey stepped in as Trixie was finishing gearing up.

"Just thought I'd let you know that the sun was almost setting." the assistant said, he then paused. "Where are your friends?"

"Waiting outside." The representative answered. "They're coming with me to the duel but I just wanted a few minutes of solo prep time before heading out. Did you need anything?"

"No no, I just wanted to give you this." Pokey held out a hip flask. "Just in case you change your mind about that drink before the match."

Trixie looked at the flask and then gave a grateful smile as she pocketed it. "Thanks."

"Don't mention it. Just don't lose to him okay." Pokey requested. "I really don't want to tell my mum that I'm taking orders from some crazed Zebrony now."

Trixie outright laughed at that. "I have no intention of losing." She assured him. "So want to come along to see me in action?"

Pokey raised an eyebrow. "And deprive you the opportunity of countlessly regaling me of the splendour that is your victory over the weeks to come?"

"Oh there will still be plenty of regaling." Trixie assured him. "Like I could trust something as trivial as your own eyes to truly comprehend my splendour."

Despite the banter both unicorns were smiling warmly. Pokey then gave a nonchalant shrug.

"I don't have anywhere to be to so why not." With a flourish and a beaconing gesture he opened the door for Trixie. "So are you ready?"

Trixie paused as she took one last look at her hat before placing it on her head.

"Well as Grandpa used to say: It's time to make some magic!"

Author's Note:

A massive Thank You goes out to Dmgtitan for helping me flesh out the Zebrony culture and Bantu as character as well as his addition to my awesome team of Beta's.

He really helped to change the Zebrony idea from something that was a novelty to an actual micro culture.