• Published 24th Sep 2015
  • 1,586 Views, 10 Comments

Digimon Crusaders! Digital invaders - Klonoahedgehog

Sequel to my other story Digimon Crusaders, a story with the Cmc as Digidestined, this time around they have to fight shape shifting creatures called Changelings, But in order to stop them they need to unlock more powerfull Digivolutions,

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Crusader cleanup crew!

In a lone cave somewhere in the Digital world, we see a lone black Digi egg, the area it was in was surrounded by goop of some kind. The Digi egg starts cracking and once a small hole cracks open we see a menacing green eye looking out.

Chapter 1:Crusader cleanup crew!

"It's been about 2 weeks since we defeated Trixie and Sombramon and it's been pretty peaceful, and in that me and the others have been helping out to clean up areas of the Digital world. In fact were heading to do just that, ah even started writing down mah adventures in the digital world with mah friends in a journal!"

"Apple Bloom! we gotta go!"

She shot up and saw her Digimon partner Sunmon looming over her. "Okay Sunmon, i'm just about finished here anyway." She said, she put her journal away in a drawer and put on her boots and bow. She went near the door to her room, she stopped and looked back.

"Almost forgot!" She grabbed her goggles and wrapped them around her neck.

She meets with her sister just out the door. "What took ya so long?" Apple Bloom rubs the back of the head. "Sorry, ah had somethinl to do." So they go down the path. Applejack looks at her younger sister and her eyes wander to her neck, where her hair was cut by one of Sombramon's attack about two weeks ago, the hair was growing back but it was still kind of spiky. She looks away from her and asks.

"Hey Apple Bloom, are ya sure ya want to be up and runnin' so soon after what you've been through these past few months?"

AppleBloom looks at her sister confused. "Huh? What do ya mean?" Applejack points at her hair and AppleBloom puts her hand on it, suddenly she gets what she means by that, but simply smiles at her. "Don't worry! That was a one time thing!"

Applejack puts on a worried expression. "You don't know that, after all ya have a habit of getting into things that are bigger than you."

AppleBloom just smiles at her sister. "Come on, me and Sunmon saved the Digital world didn't we? Ah think that proves we can handle ourselves. Right Sunmon?" She looks down to her arms and Sunmon looks up at her. "That's right!"
Applejack smiles softly and looks down woth a concerned expression.

"Look were here!"

Applejack jumps in surprise and looks up to see Golden oak library, so they go in like as planned.

"Sorry were late!" Apple Bloom runs into Golden oaks with Sunmon in hand, into a room with Twilight and the other were gathered around. "It's about time you got here kid! Do you have any idea how long we've been waiting!?" Rainbow dash said, she was slapped over the head, she looked back to see Rarity who hit her. "Hush Rainbow! She must have had things to do." which made Apple Bloom and Sunmon awkwardly smile.

"Well is everyone here?" Twilight said, she looked around to make sure everyone was here. And indeed the entire group was here. "Well Diamond Tiara isn't here." Apple Bloom. Scootaloo and Sweetie Belle looked over to her, Scootaloo broke the silence in the 6 of them.

"Why would she be here? It's not like she would willingly help us."
"Well she did help us fight SkullGreymon. Ah just figured she would have changed after that." Apple Bloom said with a sigh.

"Apple Bloom, that was probably just a one time thing, she said it herself that it was a temporary trouce."
"Ah guess." Apple Bloom said, she hoped that after that point Diamond would stop bullying them. "Anyway. We're off to the Digital world! Who's gonna do the honors?"

Apple bloom perks up and jumps into the middle of the room. "A'll take it from here!" She took out her Digivice and yells 'Digi port open!' Opening the Digi port, the light enveloping all of them.


They were standing in a field just out of the Digimon village, everyone in the group was lined up, except Twilight who was standing in front of them. "Okay girls, Sombramon caused quite a bit of damage to the Digital world. And that's why were here."
Rainbow dash scratched the back of her head. "We know that, we were there." She said sarcastically. Twilight looked over to her with a glare, but then looks away again. "Anyway, as Digidestined it's our job to clean up the mess he left behind."

"As such, i've decided to split us up into groups. Pinkie, your going with Apple Bloom and Applejack." "Yippe!" Pinkie jumps up and down holding hands with her Digimon, Palmon. And the two of them run over to the Apple sisters and they're Digimon partners. She puts her arms around the two and smiles brightly. The two sisters Gaomon smile but Coronamon just looks at them with a nervous smile.
"Scootaloo, your with Fluttershy and Rainbow dash." Scootaloo got excited at that. "Alright!" And she ran over to the two older Digidestined, Hawkmon following behind her. "Scootaloo wait up!"

"And you two are with me." Sweetie belle and Armadillomon give her a sallute. "We won't let you down Twilight!" Rarity looked down at her sister and smiled. The groups split up into different directions of the Digital world.

The first group is standing in a barren field, Coronamon just stares at the field and asks. "Alright. Lets fix this place up!" he says punching hi's hands excitedly, along with the others staring at him smiling.
"So what do we do now?" He says looking back and everyone except Pinkie and Palmon, does an anime fall. "You've got to be kidding me Coronamon. You literally live on a farm, you should know this!" Gaomon says face palming.
"You say that as if i pay attention to what the Apple Siblings are doing."

"Break it up you two!" Everyone looks back at what appears to be a familiar face to Apple Bloom and Coronamon. "Yer... Jijimon right?" Jijimon Aproaches them with two Pegasusmon following behind with two wagons. "Okay you young'ins, i need you two take all these seeds and plant them across this entire field." Coronamon jumps back in surprise. "All of it!?" "What did you think, these things just plant themselves?" Jijimon says as he hits Coronamon over the head with hi's stick, this makes Coronamon fall to the ground with a bump on hi's head.

Apple Bloom just asks. "What are we planting here anway?" Jijimon looks over to her. "Well young'in. These seeds are to plant these crops for food." He takes out what appears to be a cabbage. "Cabbage?" Apple bloom asks. "Not just any cabbages! These are special!" Apple bloom hold one close. "Special? Special how?" She asks.
"Take a bite and find out." Apple bloom just stares st it for a bit, until finally deciding to do it, she opens her mouth wide and takes a bite out of it. Her eyes widen and her face turns slightly blue, afterwards she spits the food out. "Yeuk! Taste like horse meat!" She yells wiping her mouth. "You see those cabbages taste different for every person. We call them meat cabbages." Apple bloom just stares at one and drops it. "Then remind me never to eat that again." She said with an annoyed look.

Applejack laughs and then speaks up. "Alrighty, lets get started Gaomon!" Gaomon looks at her and nods. "Right." "Alright Palmon! Lets go!" Palmon smiles at her. The four walk over to the wagons to begin they're work. Coronamon is still rubbing hi's head from that hit when Apple Bloom goes over to him. "Cmon Coronamon, lets get started." Coronamon gets up and let's go of hi's head. "Right."
Apple Bloom takes out her Digivice. "Digi armor Energize!"

"Coronamon! Digivolve to!"

Hi's body changed into a quadraped shape, hi's yellow mane disappeared and he grew some small claws, hi's body is then covered by pink armor that covered parts of hi's body, one of these parts had a mark that looked like some balloons was put on hi's leg.


Applejack takes out her digivice and looks at her sister with a smile. "I guess ah should show ya mah Digimon's evolved form." She raises her Digivice into the air and it glows with a mark that resembled a few apples. Gaomon starts to glow as well.
"Gaomon Digivolve too!"
Hi's body grew and was became more furry, hi's claws grew but was still covered by hi's gloves, finally hi's fangs grew larger giving him the ability to bite even more.

Applebloom proceeds to place something on hi's back to help him with the planting and Applejack does the same thing with Gaogamon. The two of them begin to walk around the field putting gaps into the ground.
"Palmon come on you have to do something too!" Pinkie takes out a cannon out of nowhere and pats on it, she takes out some bags full of seeds and hands them to her Digimon. "Hop on in and spread them through the air!" Palmon nods in response. "Alright then! Let's go!" She jumps right in and Pinkie blows it up and Palmon goes out flying, she throws all her seeds out with her vines, covering a massive area of crevices, Applejack puts her arm on her sisters shoulders.

"We can't just sit back and let them do all the work, come on sis." Apple Bloom looks at her sister, smiles and nods. The three of them go and pick up some tools.


Meanwhile in another part of the Digital world we see Sweetie belle and the others helping out with they're repairs. She hands a box of nails to Armadillomon. "Hand these to patamon okay?"
"I'm on it Sweetie belle!" He grabs them in hi's mouth and runs off,

Twilight just watches a clipboard, supervising the whole process, Spike walks up to her, he notices that she has a worried expression on her face. "Twilight is something wrong?" She just in surprise and looks at Spike. "I'm sorry what did you say Spike?"
"I was just asking what was the matter, you seem pretty lost in thought." Twilight looks away. "It's nothing, don't worry about it."

Spike glares at her. "Come on Twilight, you know you can't keep secrets from me." She looks back at him and smiles, he was right, he could tell whenever she was worried and it was true that she was. "It's just well, when we became digidestined the digital world sealed itself off when we saved it because it didn't need the digidestined anymore right?"
Spike nods in response. "Yeah what about it?"

"Well the girls stopped Sombramon, so that same thing should have happened here right?"

Spike scratches hi's head.
"That's a good point... Maybe it's because you guys are here helping to fix up the place?"
"I don't think that's the case, were here on our own free will, usually we have to be forced here. I'm worried something stronger than Sombramon is gonna come about."

"Your too paranoid Twilight, maybe we should be happy that we can spend more time together?" Twilight looks to the side and sees Armadillomon running up to Sweetie belle and the two of them smiling.
"Maybe." She says, but of course she's still unsure, not being able to shake off this feeling of uncertainty.


Three tiny Digimon walk trhough the town, one was Pink, one was Red and one was Blue, they sigh in unison and look at each other. "Why aren't the older Digimon letting us help rebuild?"
"We may only be kids but we can help out!"
The blue Digimon looks at the Pink one. "To be fair Koromon you don't have arms." Koromon looks at the Blue one. "Hey!"

"Guys look!" The three of them look and see Apple Bloom sitting up against a tree, drinking a bottle of water, Coronamon was just stretching a little ways away. The three of them smile at each other and then run over to them. "Apple Bloom! Coronamon!" The two of them notice the three Digimon running towards them. Apple Bloom is the first to speak up. "Oh hey!"
She gets up just as they arrive next to her.
"What are ya'll doing here?"

"We wanted to help with the cleaning."
"But the older Digimon won't let us!"
AppleBloom raises an eyebrow. "Huh why's that?"

They look at AppleBloom and Coronamon with baby doll like eyes and say what's bothering them,

Coronamon hands Demiveemon a broom. "How about the three of you go to the corner of town and clean up they're? I hear they could use some help." He says with a smile, the three Digimon smile back. "Okay!" They ran off laughing.
AppleBloom leans in close to Coronamon and asks. "Was it true what you said?" Coronamon just shrugs it.


Our small group approaches the cave, once they get there AppleBloom looks on.

"Is that the place?"

The two Digimon nod. Coronamonjumps over the small hill to make it they're. "Hey wait!" AppleBloom says, Coronamon stops and looks at Apple Bloom. "What is it?" "Are you sure you want to do this? Maybe were in over our heads"

"Come on Apple Bloom were just going to ask for Demiveemon back and say that it was just a misunderstanding. Besides if it comes to him attacking us we can beat him, after all we saved the digital world we can take on anything!" He says the last part while fist pumping. "Coronamon... Yer right, let's go!" She looks back at the child Digimon. "You two stay here." The two of them moved they're heads in a no motion. "Demiveemon is our friend, were not gonna stay here and wait." Koromon said. "Were gonna go too!" Gigimon says.

Apple Bloom smiled at them. "Huh, ya'll really care for each other. ...Alright, come on!" So Apple Bloom Koromon and Gigimon follow Coronamon. So the group proceeds to enter the cavern.

It ended up getting darker and darker until all they could see was Coronamon's flame. "Just how deep is this place?" Apple Bloom says. She puts her hand on the walls of the cavern and immediately pulls it back. "Whoa! This feels so weird!" Coronamon and the child Digimon look back at Apple Bloom. "What's wrong Apple Bloom?"
"the walls of this place are slimy!"

"Huh?" Coronamon puts hi's hand on the wall and feels it too. "Maybe this is the home of a Numemon?" Koromon speaks up. "Actually the Digimon that took Demiveemon was black. I don't Numemon come in black."
Coronamon and Apple give each other a look. "I'm getting a bad feeling about this."
"Eyup, let's go!" And the group runs deeper in.

Eventually they make it to a place where they could see sunlight falling in. And what they see catches them off guard.
"What the hay is this!?" The room they see is covered in the same green coloring. They look around to see if they could find somebody. Looking around they notice DemiVeemon lying in the center of the room. "Demiveemon!" They run over to him hoping that he's alright. Coronamon feels something coming and stops, he looks up and sees something falling onto them.

"Guys look out!"

The three of them look behind to Coronamon and suddenly hear the creature falling onto them. Coronamon quickly runs over to them and pulls them back when the Digimon falls there.

The Digimon was a big Blue dragon, looking similar to Demiveemon. "What is that!?" Apple Bloom asks. "It's an Exveemon! But somethings different about it..." They noticed that to, as Exveemon has a green aura around him. "Apple Bloom You ready?"
Apple Bloom takes out her Digivice.

"Always am! Digi armor, energize!"

The orange light envelops Coronamon as changes happen to him. He grows taller, hi's legs gain more muscle for kicking power, a corboy jacket forms on hi's chest with some of hi's chest mane poking out, gun holsters appear along with a belt around hi's waste, hi's face grows a bit of a muzzle and a cowboy hat materializes on hi's head.

Buckermon! The honest rebel!

ExVeemon simply roars and jumps straight at Buckermon, Buckermon then jumps straight at him, delivering a powerful kick to the chest. throwing him back. Exveemon picks himself up and shoots a V laser from hi's chest. "Double barrel barrage!" Buckermon shoots at Exveemon's attack stopping it. The two of them land and have a staredown, then run at each other and exchange blows.

Meanwhile Apple Bloom looks over to where DemiVeemon is, she looks at the kids. "Ya'll stay here, i'm gonna go get him!" She runs to DemiVeemon to try to pick him up, just as she makes it to him and picks him up ExVeemon notices this and tries to get her instead. "Apple Bloom!" Buckermon yells and goes after him.

Apple Bloom sees this and runs back. ExVeemon catches up to her and tries to attack her. Apple Bloom looks back and gasps.
Buckermon then slams into him sending him into a wall. But the backlash pushed Apple bloom to the floor, scraping her knee. This also wakes DemiVeemon up. "Wwhat happened?" Apple Bloom looks at her leg and sees the injury, she then looks at DemiVeemon with a smile. "Don't ya worry, everythin's gonna be alright."

"Apple Bloom!" DemiVeemon says hugging her chest. Apple Bloom picks herself up but tips over. "I'm gonna take ya to safety!"
"Apple Bloom hurry! I can't hold him back much longer!" She nods back and tries to run back but the mark on her knee is slowing her down.

Exveemon roars as he tries to break free, Buckermon's grip on him is getting loose. ExVeemon finally breaks free and tries to go after Apple Bloom, "Oh no you don't!" Buckermon grabs hi's tail which makes him fall to the ground. "Grahh!"

ExVeemon looks over to Buckermon. "Your not getting away from me THAT easily!" He picks up hi's tail and slowly spins him around, the more spinning he does it goes faster and faster, until he managed to throw him upwards a bit. Giving him kick as soon as he fell down, this throws him into the opposite wall.

"ggrrrAAaHHHH!!" ExVeemon picks himself up and runs straight at Buckermon in a rage. He does hi's V laser attack and it heads straight for Buckermon, he jumps out of the way to avoid the blast as it hits the wall.

"double barrel barrage!!" Buckermon shoots ExVeemon at point blank leaving a huge cloud of smoke in hi's place. Tiring Buckermon out. "That should finish him off!"

The cloud itself clears up, what they see on the other end surprises all 5 of them. They see a weird black creature with green eyes, panting and gasping after this huge blast.
"What the hay is that!?" Apple Bloom yells.
Buckermon just give him a look of anger and confusion. 'What is this thing?' He thinks to himself.

But before the green creature could attack again, he falls to the ground and dissipates into nothingness. Reappearing in it's place was a black egg.

"Buckermon... What's that?" Apple Bloom asks.

Buckermon walks up to the egg and picks it up. "It's a DigiEgg." "I've never seen this kind of pattern before though, maybe Twilight and the others know what it is?"

Apple Bloom nods. "Then lets go show them!" She tries to walk but she has a bit of a limp to it. "Are you alright Apple Bloom?" DemiVeemon asks. "Don't worry, am alright, just a little scratch that's all." The three Digimon look over to Buckermon with worried looks on they're faces.


The weird DigiEgg lays on the grassy floor as Pinkie Pie, Palmon, Gaomon and Coronamon, while Applejack is patching up her little sister while the three younger Digimon look at them. "What you did was reckless!" Applejack says as she finishes putting a bandage on her leg. "What else did ya think ah was gonna do!? DemiVeemon was sitting in the middle of the fight!"

"Yeah but you could have got yerself killed!"
"But ah didn't! Shouldn't that matter?"

The three Digimon look back and forth between the two as the argued.
"Ugh, there's just no winning with you."

DemiVeemon speaks up. "Miss Applejack, please don't be mad at Apple Bloom! She was just trying to save me! You would have done the same thing right?" Applejack looks at them and then looks back at AppleBloom, she just sighs and looks down. She then pats Apple Bloom on the head. "Apple Bloom, ya need to take care of yourself better okay? Don't try to be so reckless."
Apple Bloom nods in response.

Suddenly they hear Pinkie Pie yell out. "Everyone look! Twilight and the others are back!"
"Hey guys, what's going on?" Spike asks.

They were all gathered around the Digiegg with Twilight and Spike taking a good look at it.
"Well... It's definitely a Digiegg." Armadillomon says.

Twilight looks back at him with a glare, and then she picks up the egg. "Yes, we've figure that much out, but what kind of Digimon it belongs too is a different story." She looks at AppleBloom and Coronamon. "You said an ExVeemon turned into this egg?"
The two of them nod. Coronamon proceeds to speak up. "Yes but before that inside the smoke i saw a Digimon with green eyes. So it couldn't have been an real Exveemon right?"

"Then it's got to be a Digimon that Digivolves into Exveemon right? It couldn't have been anything else." Scootaloo asks.

Twilight closes her eyes to think. "Well, it's possible, but Veemon have red eyes."
Spike then speaks up. "Well it doesn't look like well be solving this mystery today, how about you and the others go back to the real world and rest? I'll hold on to the egg and ask the Princess about it later."

"Spike i think i should be the one holding onto the.."

"Twilight hand it over." He says that while holding hi's hand out.

She puts it on hi's hand. He and the other 5 Digimon proceed to walk away. "Well call you if something comes up!" Spike says and then goes with hi's partners.

"Whatya say we head home?" Applejack asks. Apple Bloom nods and opens the Digiportal.
"Alright! Let's go!" Everyone proceeds to walk into the portal, Coronamon however is just standing around, thinking of what happened earlier, he remembers the Digimon he saw in the smoke before it turned into a Digiegg. "Coronamon!" Apple Bloom's voice called him out of hi's flashback and he looks over the portal. "Are ya comin' or what?" Coronamon smiles awkwardly and nods, proceeding to walk with her through the Digiportal.

"Just what was that Digimon we saw back there? Something tells me we won't be seeing the last of it. I just hope me and the others are ready when that happens."

Author's Note:

After many delays here we are! The sequel to Digimon Crusaders! I hope you all enjoy this first chapter. :D