• Published 24th Sep 2015
  • 1,587 Views, 10 Comments

Digimon Crusaders! Digital invaders - Klonoahedgehog

Sequel to my other story Digimon Crusaders, a story with the Cmc as Digidestined, this time around they have to fight shape shifting creatures called Changelings, But in order to stop them they need to unlock more powerfull Digivolutions,

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A walk in the forest, Flying digivolution!

"Alright! Let's go!" Everyone proceeds to walk into the portal, Coronamon however is just standing around, thinking of what happened earlier, he remembers the Digimon he saw in the smoke before it turned into a Digiegg. "Coronamon!" Apple Bloom's voice called him out of hi's flashback and he looks over the portal. "Are ya comin' or what?" Coronamon smiles awkwardly and nods, proceeding to walk with her through the Digiportal.

"Just what was that Digimon we saw back there? Something tells me we won't be seeing the last of it. I just hope me and the others are ready when that happens."

A hike in the forest, Flying digivolution!

On a friday morning outside Ponyville elementary school, many school busses were lined up, with kids going onto them in a line. "Okay class, it's time to line up so i can check your permission slips." So that's exactly what they did, Apple Bloom and the others line up to do so.

"Shouldn't we be helping the others look into that Black Digiegg?" Sweetie Belle asks. "Mah sister said i'd be better for us to go on this school trip, to take a break for a while." Apple Bloom says. Scootaloo puts her arm around Apple Bloom. "And she has the right idea! After all we've been through we deserve a break! And i'm looking forward to it!" Scootaloo says. She feels rumbling from the inside of her backpack. "How long do i have to stay in here?" Poyomon says from the inside. Scootaloo quickly shushes him. "You have to keep quiet or else people will spot you remember?" She whispers. "Why doesn't Upamon have to do this?" Scootaloo looks to Sweetie Belle and sees Upamon just lying in her arms, she looks back over her shoulder. "Because he's blending in as a stuffed animal, and it's believeable for her to carry one on this trip."
"And what's so bad about you doing the same thing?"
"Because i'm not the kind of girl who carries around stuffed animals to school trips. It makes me look like a coward who needs something to hold on too."
"But you are a coward."
She shoots back and yells at her backpack with a blush. "Oh shut up you!" She looks directly her and sees the student standing behind her giving her an awkward stare. "Bbut i didn't say anything." She just puts her hand behind her head and says. "Oh sorry i uh... Wasn't, talking to you." "Oookay." Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle look at the scene and then they look at each other with awkward expressions.

They sit lumped together on the back of the bus, Scootaloo and Sweetie Belle talking to each other, with Sunmon just staring out the window and looking at the roads they pass by, he looks behind himself and sees Apple Bloom looking at her Digivice wth a gleam in her eye. "What are you doing Apple Bloom?" he whispers. "Well ya see, ah was thinkin', remember when Twilight and Trixie were fightin'? And Spike turned into that bigger Dragon?" She flashes back to when Spike digivolved into SpikeGreymon. Scootaloo and Sweetie Belle look over to Apple Bloom when they hear her speaking. "Do you think maybe we can do that too someday? Ya know digivolving."

Scootaloo speaks up. "What do you mean? Haven't Coronamon, Armadillomon and Hawkmon been doing that left and right already?" Apple Bloom looks over to Scootaloo and shakes her head. "Nope, all this time we've using Mah sis and the others powers to digivolve. Ah mean using our own power." Apple Bloom whispers as he pats her chest. "Wouldn't that be cool?" Scootaloo nods in agreement, then proceeds to fist pump the air. "Yeah it would!" Sweetie Belle responds. "But do you think we can?" Scootaloo looks over to Sweetie Belle. "Hey if they can do it why can't we? Were digidestined like them right?" "I guess, but they had the elements of Harmony with them, that's how they could make their partners Digivolve right? We have the elements but Armadillomon can only seem to use hi's armor digivolutions."
"Then we just have to keep tryin' harder, right Sunmon?"
He nods in response. "Right!"

We pan to the front chairs of the bus, where Diamond Tiara and SilverSpoon are sitting. "Hey DT, do you mind if i ask you something?" Diamond looks over to her friend. "Ask away." "Why did you decide to come on the trip? You didn't seem to want to come a few days ago." Diamond looks above her as if trying to think of a response.

We flash back to a couple of nights prior as Diamond gets home from school. "Welcome back Miss Rich, do you want me to get you anything?" "No thanks, i'm just gonna go to my room tonight." she walks all the way up to her room and she walks past Lunamon who was lying on her bed playing a handheld game system. "Welcome back DT! How was school?" She asks with a smile. "It was okay, nothing really important happened." Diamond sits on a chair and puts her open backpack on the floor next to the desk and proceeds to turn on her computer, a piece of paper falls out of the backpack with Lunamon taking notice, she puts the game system down and takes a look at the paper and reads it. "Permission slip? Your going on a camping trip DT?" She looks at Lunamon. "Not interested, it's not my style to go to a place like that." "Why not? You do it all the time in the Digital World." Diamond moves her chair to face Lunamon. "That's our job, there's a difference there."
"Come on Diamond, it'd be good to take a small vacation, especially after the fight with Sombramon. I need a break!"
"She's right Diamond Tiara."
Both of them look at the computer screen and see Princess Luna staring back at them.
"It's good to work but you also need to rest every once in a while." Diamond tries to talk back. "But your highness!" Princess Luna shoots back "That's an order Diamon, go out there, get some fresh air and don't think about work. And take Lunamon with you as well, it's one thing for her to stay in here but she also needs some fresh air." Diamond reluctantly agrees. "Fine..." Lunamon starts giggling and jumping about. "Yay! Were going on a trip!" Diamond just looks at the piece of paper as the flashback ends.

"Let's just say i was forced to going." Silver Spoon responds. "Oh your family wanted you to get more huh?" She looks away for a moment. "Something like that." Meanwnile above them where their bags were being stored Lunamon was lying inside Diamond bag sleeping.

After a couple hours they arrive at the parking of the camp site, the teachers and students slowly get out of the bus, with Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon being some of the first to go out. Diamond goes away from Silver Spoon for a second to head to the bathroom, once there she opens her bag. Lunamon quickly getting out. "I was starting to feel really uncomfortable in there!"
Silver spoon knocks on the door. "Diamond! There gonna leave without us!" Diamond whispers to Lunamon. "follow behind us okay?" Lunamon nods, Diamond quickly leaves the room, as Lunamon follows while trying to remain unseen.

Scootaloo flinches when the sun gets in her eyes as she gets off the bus. After her vision clears she sees the landscape ahead of her in awe and runs a bit over to get a better look. Nothing but woodland and hills for miles. "This is gonna be so awesome!" She says with a fist up. "Now Scootaloo, don't get separated from the group!" Cheerilee says.

Scootaloo then goes over to the rest of the group, putting her sleeveless arms into her pockets. "Now class well be heading off into the path over there that leads to the campsite." She says and she points over to the path. "As we walk down there i don't want any of you wandering off okay?" "Yes miss Cheerilee!" Everyone says. So she begins her walk down there, with the rest of the class walking behind her. Lunamon is about to follow behind when she hears somebody speaking up nearby her. "It's because of your terrible work that my daughter is like this right now!" Lunamon hides behind a tree. "Ma'am i'm sorry but i couldn't predict that animal could have walked into your campsite. Could you give me a description of what it looked like?"
"We didn't get a good look before it ran off, but it looked black."
The park ranger was writing this down in a notepad.
Lunamon overhears this conversation and decides to act upon it. "Huh, maybe i should look into that." She says as she proceeds to walks through the bushes and trees next to the path.


"Almost got you Sunmon! Haha!" "You have to try better than that if you want to catch me!" Apple Bloom, Scootaloo and Sweetie Belle sit on a riverside, Scootaloo is lying there with her feet in the water and her hands behind her head, with Sweetie Belle and Apple Bloom watching as Sunmon floating on top of the water while Poyomon and Upamon try to splash him. "You sure they should just be hanging out here Scootaloo? Somebody could show up at any second." Apple Bloom picks up a pebble and throws it at the water, it making some splashes along the way. Scootaloo speaks up and the two of them look at her. "Don't worry about it Sweetie Belle. If we hear some noises they'll just hide in the bushes. It's all good." She says raising up one of her arms.

Suddenly they hear some rustling in the bushes as the three Digimon jump in surprise and try to hide.

"Don't worry guys it's me!"
Lunamon peaks her head out of the bushes and jumps out of them, Apple Bloom and the others sigh in relief. "Lunamon what are you doing here?" Sweetie Belle asks. Lunamon walks over to them. "Well i tagged along with Diamond, but that's not important. You see i thought you guys should probably hear this, well you see for the past couple of days some people around the area have been falling sick." The six of them look at Lunamon with confusion.

"What does that have to do with us?" Upamon asks. "I think it might be a Digimon." Lunamon says. Apple Bloom and Sweetie belle shoot a look at each other with a raised eyebrow, AppleBloom then looks over at Lunamon and asks. "What makes you think that?" Lunamon looks upward with a finger on her chin. "Well you see the people that have been falling sick and unusual stings on parts of there bodies." Sweetie belle asks the obvious question. "How could it be a Digimon? I mean wouldn't it need a Digiport to be here in the first place? Wouldn't it be more probable if it's just an insect nest that's nearby?"

Lunamon shakes her head in response. "I guess, but people don't seem to recognize what the bite marks belong too, that's what's making me think that." Sunmon floats over to Lunamon. "Don't worry sis, well keep an eye out for this thing." Lunamon nods in response. "Okay Sunmon, well i got to go. Bye!" She then runs off. Sweetie Belle puts her arms on her waist and looks to the sky. "Well so much for our vacation." "Welp ah guess we should go start lookin for this thing, come on let's go." Sunmon flies into Apple Bloom's arms and Sweetie Belle picks up Upamon.

Poyomon looks at Scootaloo with confusion. "Aren't you going too?" He asks, with AppleBloom and Sweetie Belle looking back at her.
"Nah, it's not like people are dying from this thing and the damage get's fixed on it's own so Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle don't need my help. We don't even know if it's a Digimon so there's we might not even need to do anything, so i'm just gonna stay here and relax." Sunmon speaks up. "Geez she being really lazy right now."
"Okay then well just start our search without ya, come on guys!" And Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle walk off.

Poyomon looks at Scootaloo with a concerned expression and asks. "Maybe she should look into it to?"
"Nah, like i said it doesn't seem to be that big of a deal. So i'm just gonna stay here." She slides into the water in front of her and Poyomon hops over to where she was and sighs.


Sweetie Belle wraps her coat around herself as she exits the tent. "Ya ready to go?" Apple Bloom asks as Sweetie Belle responds with a nod. The four of them then run off, going past Cheerilee as they do so. "Were going to take a walk ms Cheerilee! Well be back soon!"
"Don't go too far!" She says. "We won't!" Sweetie belle says, they then run off into the woods.

Cheerilee notes that Scootaloo wasn't with them, she puts her hand on her chin. "Come to think of it, i haven't seen Snips and Snails for a while..." She then goes off to look for them.

Apple Bloom and Sweetie belle, alongside Sunmon and Upamon search through the bushes and trees. "Question, how are we supposed to find this thing when we don't even know what it looks like?" Sweetie Belle asks.

Apple Bloom kicks a tree, hoping for some sort of reaction. But nothing happens. "Ah guess well know when we find it.
They suddenly hear a scream out in the distance. "AHHHHHH!" The four look in the direction of the scream and shoot a look at each other. Apple Bloom says "Come on guys!" as the others follow behind her.

They run out on the path as they see two boys running straight at them. Sunmon and Upamon hide behind the girls as they get closer. They trip and fall in front of Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle, the two crouch down in front of them and try to pick them up. "Snips, Snails! What happened!?" Sweetie Belle asks.
"Tthat happened!" Snails points behind them and they see another black creature like the one that attacked Apple Bloom and Sunmon much to their surprise running straight at them.
"We found it Sweetie Belle!" Apple Bloom takes out her Digivice and it glows. "Coronamon! Go get him!"
Sunmon then jumps over AppleBloom as he digivolves into his Rookie form. "Digi armor energize!"
"Coronamon armor digivolve to!" Coronamon runs at the monster and changes, hi's body taking on pink armor as he changes into a qradaped shape "Prankstermon!" Prankstermon tackles the creature which throws it to the ground. "Cannon festival!" A cannon materializes on Prankstermon's back as it shoots out blasts of energy. The creature dodges it and runs straight at Prankstermon, changing shape into a red and white dog Digimon as it collides into Prankstermon.

"What's that thing!?" Snails yells out as the two grab Sweetie belle's legs, she looks back at them annoyed but then looks forward again. "Don't worry guys stay back, well handle this!" She takes out her own Digivice.
Upamon Digivolve to!

He tries to do his diamond slamming attack but the Digimon dodges it again. He jumps behind him and pushes Armadillomon away. Prankstermon runs up to the Digimon and attacks it while it's distracted. Armadillomon recovers and then. "Diamond Shell!" Armadillomon rushes at the red and white Digimon in his ball form, Prankstermon gets out of the way just in time as Armadillomon hits him throwing him into a tree as the tree snaps in two when she collides with it and it creates a puff of smoke. The two Digimon get in battle stance as they wait for the smoke to clear, "Be careful you two!" Sweetie belle exclaims, just as the smoke clears up they see that the monster had disappeared! "It got away!" Apple Bloom yells out. Prankstermon degenerates back to Coronamon as he and Armadillomon walk over to the group. "Is everyone alright?" Coronamon asks. Apple Bloom and Sweetie belle look back at the two who just stare at the Digimon with wide eyes and soon afterwards they faint.

"Great, now we gotta carry them back." Apple Bloom says. The two of them crouch to pick them up. Sweetie belle notices how warm Snails has gotten. "Apple Bloom i think he's running a fever!" She says, Apple Bloom puts her hand on Snips head. "So is Snips, we got to take them back to camp!"


"Miss Cheerilee!" Cheerilee sees Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle holding Snips and snails on their backs. "What happened to them?!" Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle swiftly look at each other, they couldn't just tell her about the Digimon fight, who would believe them? Cheerilee speaks up. "Okay come with me to their tent and i'll go get the first aid kit." Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle follow after her.

They set them up in the tent, putting the medicaments on them, causing them to shiver. "Oh my, looks like were gonna have to cut this trip short." "What!?" Sweetie belle yells. Cheerilee looks at the girls. "I'm sorry girls, but with these two like this we have no other choice." The two girls just look down with disappointed looks on their faces. Cheerilee looks outside seeing the sun setting. "*sigh* Well leave in the morning. Why don't you two just head bac to your tent?" The two nod as they leave.

Scootaloo leaves her tent wearing shorts and a tanktop just as Apple Bloom and Sweetie belle arrive at their own tent. "Hey girls, how went the search?" She asks, Apple Bloom folds her arms. " Well we found it but it was so fast that it got away. Maybe if someone would have stopped being lazy and helped us out it wouldn't have." Scootaloo raises an eyebrow. "What's that supposed to mean?"

"That Digimon is still out there, if you were there with us maybe we would have caught it!" Apple Bloom yelled. Scootaloo glared at Apple Bloom. "How was i supposed to know about that huh!?" She yelled back, the two of them glare at each other. Sweetie belle goes up between them. "Relax you two! It was nobodies fault! There's no way we could have known how fast it was." She says. Apple Bloom and Scootaloo just sigh. "Fine, but next time don't just ignore us like that."

Scootaloo sighs. "Fine, next time i'll help out okay?"


Later that night...

We see the class sleeping quietly in their tents. The trio sleeping with their partners next to them in their in training forms. Lunamon looking around in the tree behind Diamond's tent. Apple Bloom seems to be having trouble sleeping, She hears a cracking noise coming from outside, causing her to get up. "Apple Bloom? What's up?" Sunmon asks, Scootaloo and Sweetie belle open their eyes after hearing that.
"Ya'll hear that?" She asks. The others look around. "You sure your not just hearing things?" Scootaloo says.

The three of them leave the tent to check it out, taking their Digivices just in case. Lunamon notices them and jumps off the tree. "Looking for the monster?" "Yeah, Apple Bloom says she heard something so were looking around."

They resumed investigating around the campsite seeing if they could find anything. After about an hour of searching Scootaloo. "Okay, now i'm pretty sure you were just hearing things, there's nothing here." Apple Bloom looks at the two of them. "But am pretty sure ah heard somethin'" Sweetie belle suddenly gasps, they look in the direction she was looking in and see the creature, it catches sight of them and sees the four Digimon so it runs off.

"After him!" Sunmon yells then they chase it off into the woods, until eventually they get to a clearing, the black Digimon seems to be back into a corner, Sunmon, Upamon and Poyomon digivolve into their rookie form. "Give it up! Weve got you surrounded!" Hawkmon yells. The black Digimon sneeres at the group. He then roars out, his body glows a green aura making him change shape, hi's quadraped form grows quite a bit in size, his body taking on a more bird like form, his hooves shapeshift into wings, his snout turns into a beak and his back hooves change into bird claws. The green aura dissipates revealing a red bird Digimon in it's place.

"It digivolved!?" Armadillomon yells.
"Into a birdramon!?" Hawkmon says in surprise.
"Looks like were not going the easy way." Coronamon says as he cracks his knuckles.

"Lunamon, can ya fight?" Apple Bloom asks. "Well i can't digivolve right now, but yeah." She says as she runs up to the others.
Apple Bloom and Sweetie belle take out their digivices and yell out "Digi armor energize!"
"Heh, this guys a flying Digimon, this will be a piece of cake for us!" Scootaloo takes out her own Digivice. "Digiarmor energize!"

"Coronamon armor digivolve to!

"Armadillomon armor digivolve to!"


"Hawkmon armor digivolve to!"


The three armor digimon and Lunamon get ready to fight. "Go for it guys!" Sweetie belle says.
Blitzmon quickly jumps into the air and attacks birdramon with the rainboom attack, "Diamond storm!" Jewlmon launches his attack which flies behind Blitzmon, pieces of energy hitting the Digimon creating dust clouds in the process. Blitzmon floats in front of it. The dust cloud covers the whole Digimon, the group on the ground celebrated.
"Alright! We got a shot in!" Scootaloo yells triumphantly, she looks at the sky with a smile which quickly goes away as soon as the dust clears up. "What?"
The dust clears up to reveal he hadn't taken damage at all. "It didn't work!?" Apple Bloom says in surprise

"Put on the pressure guys!" Prankstermon runs up and then Lunamon jumps on his back, throwing her up into the air to reach birdramon, she takes out her claws. "Nightmare claws!" She yells, which she then slashes the Digimon. birdramon immediately recovers from this and tackles her, Blitzmon catches her. "Thanks." She says. Blitzmon nods in response. "No problem." Out of nowhere birdramon tackles Blitzmon, sending both him and Lunamon to the ground, hitting a few trees until he finally lands on the floor, a dust cloud clearing up revealing he degenerated to Hawkmon. "Hawkmon!" Scootaloo runs over to her partner.
Ms Cheerilee wakes up to sudden noises, and she runs out the tent along with some of the other teachers they see a giant bird in the distance. "What the heck is that!?" They hear. "Quickly gather up the kids!" Cheerilee yells, all the teachers go off to find the students.

Back in the battle Prankstermon and Jewlmon keep shooting at Birdramon, trying to get it to come back to the ground, however he dodges each attack that thrown at it. "Don't let uo you two!" Apple Bloom says. Birdramon takes an opportunity to strike and shoots a meteor wing attack at the two. Throwing them back and causing them to degenerate back to their Rookie form.

Scootaloo seeing her friends in danger and her partner trying to get up from being injured, rapidly looking between the two, the Digivce begins to glow slightly. "I should have help them earlier! But lazy me just had to sit on the job." She thinks to herself with her eyes closed, Scootaloo clenches her Digivice in her hand as it's glow grows bigger. Lunamon notices this. "Scootaloo..."
"But not anymore! I'm here now and i'm not letting them get hurt!" The Digivice then glows bright as it shoots energy at Hawkmon, this boost in strength helps and he finally gets up. "What's this power?"

Hawkmon digivolve to!
His body glows till he is just a white silloute his body grows quite a bit in size, his wing like arms change into full blown wings and his legs gain more muscle tone. He grows a pair of horns in front his face and the transformation ends.

Aquilamon stretches his wings as he looks upwards to his opponent. Scootaloo and the others look at that with awe.
"He... He digivolved!" Sweetie belle exclaims. Scootaloo smiles at that. "Alright Aquilamon! Go get him!" She yells. Aquilamon nods. "Alright!" He flies up into the air and tackles Birdramon, Aquilamon distances himself and rushes back in using his grand horn attack this pushes Birdramon to the ground. He uses his blast ring attack at the birdramon but he dodges it and flies at Aquilamon.

Back with the class Cheerilee was just about done gathering the students and is currently counting them. "Twist, Rumble, Silver Spoon, Diamond Tiara, Apple..." She sees that she and her friends are missing. "Oh no! Where are they?!" She says as she panicks. "Whoa, look at that." One of the kids exclaims, looking back at where the bird was she sees a second one looking to be fighting it.

"Aquilamon look out!" She yells, Aquilamon just barely avoids Birdramon, birdramon looks down at Aquilamon and shoots his meteor wing, Aquilamon roars out his blast ring attack, the two of them collide which causes a dust cloud to appear which the two of them fly into. "What's going up there?" Apple Bloom asks, Scootaloo tries to look and then Birdramon is thrown out of it, Aquilamon following behind it.
Aquilamon tackles it again, throwing it downwards. "Blast ring!" He yells out at Birdramon, as it collides it sends Birdramon falling faster as it collides with the ground, Scootaloo and the others flinch. "Weve got to get away!" Lunamon yells, the group nods and goes behind some trees. Birdramon notices and tries to go behind them but then Aquilamon lands on top of him causing Birdramon to yelp.

Aquilamon goes back up and charges up another blast ring attack while Birdramon tries to recover, Aquilamon hits it again, it collides with Birdramon from point blank, this hit causes it to change back into it's original form, it tries to get up off the ground but it falls back finally tired. It's body dissipating into the air.

Aquilamon lands on the ground, Scootaloo running up to him as he degenerates back into Poyomon, poyomon grunting as he falls to the ground. "Gotcha!" "That was really cool you two!" Sweetie belle says, Scootaloo flashes her digivice in one hand while holding Poyomon in the other. On the digivice there was the mark that had appeared on it earlier. "I know right? I can't believe Poyomon digivolved! And thanks to that we were able to take whatever that thing was down!" Upamon hops up and down repeatedly. "That was so great Poyomon! I can't wait to see you do it again!" Poyomon looks at Upamon and sighs. "That probably won't be for a while, that transformation took a lot out of me."
"Hehe, don't worry buddy, after that fight you deserve a break." Scootaloo responds.

Lunamon speaks up. "It's probably too soon to say that Scootaloo. After all we don't know where this thing came from." The four look down for a bit. Sweetie belle looks back up with a smile. "I wouldn't worry about it too much! After all Aquilamon just proves that were only gonna get stronger from here on out!" The rest of the group starts smiling. "Yeah! What do we have to worry about? Were Digidestined!" Apple Bloom exclaims, the group giving a heartfelt laugh.

"We should head back, your teacher must be worried sick." Poyomon says, The trio's eyes widen at that so they prepare to head back.
Just as she's about to leave however Apple Bloom notices something left behind by the Digimon resembling an insect's wing, she walks over to it and picks it up. She stares at it for a bit, "Apple Bloom! Come on we got to go!" She's snaps back to reality upon hearing Sunmon calling her. "I'm coming!" She responds, she proceeds to put it in her pocket and she runs off behind the others.

They arrive at where Cheerilee was after a bit of walking. "Hey guys! What's going on?" Scootaloo asks. Cheerilee looks behind her and sees the three. She gives a sign of relief at this and runs over to them. "Where were you three!?" She yells. The three girls share a glance. "Trust me you wouldn't believe us if we told you." They say with a chuckle.
Cheerilee sighs in relief. "It doesn't matter, i'm glad you three are okay. Get your things, we have to leave." The three of them share a look and just yawn.


The 6 girls yell out. "That's right, Scootaloo got Hawkmon to digivolve to Champion!" Sweetie belle says with her hands on Scootaloo's shoulders. "That's right, here's the mark to prove it, pretty cool huh?" She flashes her Digivice and shows off the shield like emblem with a thunderbolt on it on the screen. "Way to go kid!" Raimbow Dash exclaimes in a tone that show that she's proud of Scootaloo.

"Were so happy for you two!" Pinkie pie says full of joy as she grabs Scootaloo and Poyomon and hugs them. "Ms Pinkie pie, i know your happy but you could you please put us down!" Poyomon yells as he and Scootaloo are being shock around. "Yeah put us down!" Pinkie then does so. "Oh i'm so sorry i couldn't help it."

"With Scootaloo getting Hawkmon to digivolve, there's no doubt me and Apple Bloom are gonna get ours to do the same soon to!" Sweetie belle says with a tone full of confidence. She feels a hand on her shoulder, she looks up and sees Rarity smiling donw at her. "I'm sure you and Upamon can do it Sweetie."

Applejack looks at all the smiling faces around the room and then looks over to Apple Bloom, noticing that she's walking over to Twilight, she pulls something out of pocket and shows it to Twilight. "Twilight, we found this after Aquilamon took care of that Digimon, what do ya think?" She passes it over to Twilight and she takes a look at it. "Well, i don't know, it looks like some kind of insect wing, was this part of that Digimon?" Apple Bloom nods in response.
"Do you know what kind of Digimon it's from?" Sunmon asks.

"Not off the top of my head, sorry. I'm gonna have to look into it." She responds. Apple Bloom and Sunmon nod. "Thanks Twilight." Apple Bloom says. Applejack just looks at the two concerned. She then walks up to the three. "Apple Bloom, Sunmon, don't you think we should be getting home?" Apple Bloom and Sunmon look at her and whine. "Do we have too?" Applejack gives her a warm smile. "Aren't you tired from the weekend yall have had? Come on, i'll get ya somethin' to eat on the way back." Applebloom perks up. "Alright then, I'll see ya later Twilight!" She says waving goodbye to Twilight and the others.

"Where are they going?" Asks Sweetie belle.
"Home i guess." Upamon responds.

Rarity gasps. "Oh that's right, i should be taking you back to mother and father's house. Lets go you two." Rarity takes Sweetie belle and Upamon with her as they leave also, that was the cue for the others to leave as well.
Rainbow Dash looks at Scootaloo with a smile.
"How about i take you home Scootaloo?" Scootaloo looks at Rainbow Dash, with a huge smile on her face. "That'd be awesome Rainbow Dash!"

Twilight was left by herself looking at the piece Apple Bloom gave to her. "I wonder what it could be." She wonders as she goes back up to her room.

Author's Note:

After months of putting this off due to university stuff and personal life stuff i have finally finished this!