• Published 4th Dec 2013
  • 2,229 Views, 94 Comments

Nightshade Squad - Grape Crush

When you bring Halo into Equestria, hilarity ensues. When you bring in Red vs Blue in with that? You're pushing boundaries. When the one person you least expect is behind it all? Prepare everyony! Comedy is coming!

  • ...

PSA: Intermission 1

"Hi my name is Micheal J Caboose from the in-famous story namely named "Nightshade Squad" oh and I HATE BABIES!"

"Yes Caboose we got that silly, now quit eating all the muffin mix!"

"Are those two seriously at it again?"

"Grif just ignore it, let's get this over with. Hi my name is Dick Simmons from the same story that Caboose mentioned earlier."

"My name is Dexter Grif from the same story."

"Grif and I are here to talk to you about the elements of good writing, isn't that right Grif?"

"Yeah, yeah, whatever gets me eating faster."

"Oh come on fat ass, we haven't even starred in a chapter for over a month because the author has had some family problems lately."

"Who cares? I just want food, I don't give a damn if we do a chapter now or next year."

"You just ate like two hours ago..."

"That's an hour and 30 minutes over when I wanted to eat."

"You know, ever since we turned into horses, you have been nothing but a jackass."

"Who you calling jackass, jackass."

"Anyway, so onto the writing. First off is character."


"Shut the fuck up. Anyway, characters play an important part in stories such as this one, without us characters what would a story be?"

"Boring, even with characters, still boring."

"Grif, now would you like to tell the nice people about the difference between a flat and dynamic character?"

"Simmons come on, you know I don't know what either of those mean." Simmons simply facehoofed.

"Anyway, as you may know, this story right now has just introduced the bad guy. And by bad guy, I mean the guy who's going to shoot and kill Grif first." A faint yelling could be heard a mile away.

"Hey that's my job!" Yelled Sarge.

"Fuck you guys."

"Ease up, ponies don't know what fucking guns are, remember?"

"Yeah, what about magic?"

"I hate you, and your random moments that actually make sense."

"Fuck, that made sense, well now I have to go make up for that." Grif walked away, probably thinking of the many ways he could protect his self image.

"Well seeing as how Grif walked off, seems as though that's about it. Stay tuned for more chapters or even some more PSAs."


"Yeah Caboose... We got that..."

((A/N)) *So I apologize for not updating this story recently. I ran into family problems and well working on other stories. So I hope that you guys retain your patience and hopefully I can get a chapter out soon. I love you all and have a good day!*

Comments ( 6 )

I have very patient lol I can wait ^.^

Honestly, I couldn't think of anypony else to put him with, so there you go.

Thank you, sorry, but my new Fallout: Equestria story takes a lot more words and takes a lot more time to write, it takes up most of my time.

Hmm. The story took a strange turn at the previous chapter. Why not just stick with the Meta? Also, would you add more detail to the relationships that Rainbow and the others felt? As in, elaborate. Rainbow Dash blushed, but what'll happen next? You'veleft a lot of stuff out, but I'll keep this as a favorite in case of updates.

I'll probably go back through later and fix all of my silly mistakes, my writing skills have certainly improved since I wrote last chapter. Unfortunately I'm writing a Fallout: Equestria story currently, so I don't have much time to work on this story.

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