• Published 4th Dec 2013
  • 2,229 Views, 94 Comments

Nightshade Squad - Grape Crush

When you bring Halo into Equestria, hilarity ensues. When you bring in Red vs Blue in with that? You're pushing boundaries. When the one person you least expect is behind it all? Prepare everyony! Comedy is coming!

  • ...

Chapter 6: Sleep, Sleep Now

Grif crawled into Rainbow Dash's bed, tired from the amount of strain it took to fly. He went as far to the side as he could so he didn't interfere with Rainbow Dash. Rainbow slowly followed and she crawled in the other side of the bed. Grif felt something nudge his shoulder and he rolled over and locked lips with her.

"Ewwww!" She screamed.

"Uh... Hey I wasn't the one who was right next to me".

"Grif what's going on?" Tucker said blinking the tiredness out of his eyes. He finally understood what was happening.

"Grif you banged her before me? What the fuck man?" Tucker glared at Grif.

"No dude that's nothing like what happened!"

"Really? What happened then?"

"I just rolled over and her face was there! I didn't realize she was there," Grif retorted.

"Yeah right," Tucker rolled his eyes.

"No he's right Tucker, I must have nudged him or something. I don't understand why he kissed me though". Rainbow said staring at Grif.

"Don't look at me, all I did was roll over to see what touched me," Grif said innocently.

"Alright dipshit I believe you, I'm going to back to bed," Tucker yawned.

"Same to you dumbass," Grif rolled over and was snoring shortly after.

"Huh, where am I?" Grif asked the blackness in front of him. He facehoofed realizing he just asked darkness where he was. He felt something brush up against his leg and he looked down. Grif almost shit himself at the sight.

"Holy fuck! Where am I?" Grif kept looking at the torn apart pony. He couldn't tell who it was so he just walked a few feet. He was stopped when he hit a wall.

"What the fuck? Where's the light switch? Jesus Christ, learn to pay your damn electric bill." He scavenged the walls until finally he found it. He clicked it onto the "on" position. Grif almost threw up. Everywhere was pieces of ponies and their skeletons were nailed to the wall. "Ok, shit just escalated quickly." The only door in the room opened showing Fluttershy.

"Nopony listened... Nopony! Fluttershy yelled then was quickly sawed in half. He couldn't tell who the attacker was but Grif quickly ran to Fluttershy.

"Aww fuck." Grif said as he held what was left of her. "God why do you do this to me? Fuck you!" Grif kept shaking Fluttershy even though he knew she was dead. "Come on, don't do this!" Grif felt a tear run down his cheek. That was very abnormal for him but he had lost too many people. Even though she was a total stranger he couldn't help but feel for her. He heard a noise in the back of the room and quickly turned his head.

"Who are you? Show yourself!" Grif yelled.

"You don't need to know who I am," The voice said.

"Why did you kill her?"

"To understand you better."

"What the fuck would you want to know?"

"Why you are here."

"In this world? Or in this dream."

"In Ponyville, why are you here?"

"I don't know but I really don't give a fuck anymore. So why don't you show yourself so we can end this. Or at least wake up..."

The being on the other side started laughing maniacally and stepped into the light. It was the Meta, how Grif didn't know the voice he didn't understand.

"Aww fuck, how can you talk?"

"Seems like your little place here can heal me."

"Get the fuck out of my dreams, I'd like some sleep." With that Grif woke up surrounded by at least a dozen ponies. He looked around very confused.

"What the hell? Where am I?"

"I brought you to library when you started screaming in your sleep." Rainbow Dash muttered trying to get the sleep out of her eyes.

"Oh, sorry about that." Grif said innocently rubbing the back of his neck.

"Well it better be a damn good reason for Twilight to call everyone here." Church said obviously annoyed.

"Yeah, fuck you man, I was banging a girl in my sleep." Tucker smirked.

"Tucker, your not helping." Tex growled at him.

"Wow, can't a guy dream?"

"Not if it's you." Tex replied smirking.

Grif ignored the two bickering and looked over at Twilight who was standing with her friends.

"So why did you get everyone? They didn't need to be here."

"Nopony could get you to wake up, so I called as many ponies as I could to help you. Church said it was a waste of time." Twilight glared at Church.

"He's a worthless sack of shit, of course it was a waste." Church shrugged.

"How can you all fight like that? I thought you are all friends?" Twilight replied.

"Well friends is a strong word, mostly because I hate all of them. Same goes for everyone else. We all hate each other except Caboose because well, he's Caboose." All of the once-humans shook their head in agreement. Twilight sighed and turned back to Grif.

"Grif why were you screaming?"

"Just a dream, it's no problem." Grif lied.

"Well it seems like a problem, you would feel better if you told us."

"Yeah I'm not sure about that." Grif glanced at Fluttershy who quickly hid behind Twilight. He was content she was alright, and looked at Twilight again. Twilight, however caught Grif's gaze and looked behind her at Fluttershy. She looked back at Grif with a knowing smile. Grif looked around uncomfortably, he held a gaze with Tex who seemed to be staring directly into his soul.

"Tex, quit staring at me like-" He quickly covered his manhood out of safety. Tex laughed because she had gotten her message through.

"I'll stop if you tell us." Tex said chuckling.

"Fine..." Grif shook his head in attempt to relieve his headache. "Uh, I don't know how to put this." Grif said shrugging.

Tex growled at Grif and reminded him of what she could do if needed. Grif stared at her and try to form words but he couldn't.

"You know, why don't I make this easy. Why don't we all just forget about this and go back to bed?"

"Oh no you don't." Tex lunged at Grif and tackled him to the ground. She stood firm and held him there. "Talk or I will force you the Freelancer way."

"Can't... Breath..." Tex put less pressure on him but held firm.

"God, fine dammit, look." Grif paused for a second to reconsider his words but they would get the truth out of him on way or another. "It was just a nightmare, that's it." Grif said with a frown.

"Grif, tell them what it is, or i'll say what I think it is." Twilight smirked.

"Oh for the love of Christ, don't do that. This is what happened. I was in a completely black room. Something brushed up against my leg and I looked down. I'm pretty sure if I could, I would've shit myself right then and there. It was a pony basically torn apart laying on the ground. I backed up and yelled for a light. I hit something on the wall and flipped it on. Although now I'm really wishing I didn't. Lined on the walls were pieces and skeletons of ponies."

Grif took a breath to recollect himself and continue with his dream.

"Anyway, I saw you come through the door." Grif pointed at Fluttershy. "You yelled something like 'Nopony listened to me' or something like that. Then you got sawed in half by at that time I had no idea. I ran over and tried to get you back but nothing. So basically cursed the shit out of everything holy to get you back. Although I won't admit it, I think that was the first time I ever shed a tear."

Everyone in the room just stared at Grif, except Twilight because she knew it was about Fluttershy. Fluttershy peeked around Twilight and gave Grif a quick smile and went back behind her. Grif just sat there hoping he wouldn't get kicked in the balls or worse. He shuddered at the idea of "worse".

Author's Note:

Sorry about the Cliffhanger but it was needed. Hope you enjoy! So after these events, what would you like to see happen?