• Published 7th Dec 2013
  • 557 Views, 29 Comments

Fractured Crystals - StarRibbon

Sometimes, its best to leave the future a mystery. For the Mane 6, this can't be anymore true. With a mistake being had, they learn that the future might not be as they had hoped.

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Script Spell and Mythophobia

I wonder why they seemed so shocked? Mommy told me that they were, like, the reason why we even exist in a way now! Its just an honor meeting-I'LL BE LATE! Princess Scootaloo will not be happy when her first ever student, uh, ditches! She'll totally banish me or maybe she would send me to a dungeon...or BOTH! She wouldn't do that....would she?

"They saved us, don't look so strange!" I answer, a smile wide across my face, trying to get the point across. We seriously have to LEAVE."We'll be late-Come on! Come on! I can't be late, not to her. What if she banishes me or something? I-I don't know WHAT I would do! I'm sure she'll help you out." I was pacing by now, looking for an answer. They couldn't go on the train, that wouldn't look right. It wasn't made for older ponies. It would make them look like bad ponies-whatever bad ponies are.The rainbow maned one, I think Rainbow Dash, held her mouth wide open from shock, the idea of me seeing the princess amazed her. She looked like one of those creatures I read about! Come to think about it, she sounds familiar. I think pu-Twilight's cutie mark looks familiar too. I just can't put my hoof on anything.

"So, she's a princess now? Why didn't she tell us anything? That's totally AWESOME!" Rainbow Dash exclaimed, excited as she had flown in a circle. I giggle at her-she's so funny. Didn't she know she wasn't always a princess? Wait-she knew her? I didn't think she even knew her!

"She's just THE princess everypony wants as their mentor!" I jump happily. "She never took in a pony as a student before-Princess Sweetie Belle and Princess Apple Bloom had previously and they are top of their league. Nopony knows why she doesn't, but they assume that something threw her off of wanting one. At least, that's what Mrs.Story Teller told as her tale. It was her that got me reading the tale." Now that I mention it..she was also the pony that took me to the exhibit near the capitol.

"Who's Mrs.Story Teller?" Twilight frowned greatly before shaking her head to get back on track. "Never mind that. You said your seeing her, didn't you?" Of course she went there. I was hoping she wasn't that fast. I wouldn't possibly be able to go to her with them unless there's another train or something.

"Of course! I just.." My ears fell. "I don't know how to take you, okay?" The orange one, Applejack I think, looked towards me in surprise.

"But you-"

"This train isn't for adults, can't you tell? I told you that earlier, I think." I frown deeply. Did I tell them? I can't recall. "Its made for fillies and colts-Apple Bloom specifically designed it for us to make sure badponies can't ride the rails, or something. I'm not sure." I shrug before smiling again, a thought striking me. Why didn't I think of this sooner? "I have a few dollars here, it might be enough. I can ask for some more if needed."

"Are you sure about that, Sugarcube?" Applejack asked, doubting. "We can get Twi here to, ya know--"

"I'm...not sure if she can..not if she doesn't know what it looks like first right? My teacher said something about that once. I dunno, I wasn't paying much attention then." I admitted sheepishly. My eyes drift to Twilight's cutie mark and her wings. "What's your mark supposed to mean anyway? I've been meaning to ask! I haven't seen one like that before...but I swear I saw it somewhere. I can't put my hoof on it. Besides, I never seen a pony with both features."

"I work well with magic, I even studied under Celestia's wing for years to hone my skills." Twilight smiled as she looked for an answer to the leaving problem. "Where in the world would you see my cutie mark from? The only place on the top of my head would be Canterlot, and we don't seem anywhere close. Canterlot isn't even on your map." I ignore the city name that I lacked knowledge of. I never heard of a Canterlot before, probably a city from the past or something.

"Celestia? Never heard of her." I tilt my head, trying to think of somewhere I heard of her. No-wait. That totally can't be. The story was fiction. There was no way the story could be true."Oh..my..gosh! OH MY GOSH!" I started bouncing around the area. I actually get to see the pony who started the mess! That didn't sound right... Fluttershy-the yellow mare back somewhere, seemed distant. She was near a booth with that pink pony..Pinkie Pie!

"What's got your mane in a bunch?" Applejack questioned, looking over me while I was jumping. "What's got you riled up like a windup toy?"

"Anymore puns, AJ?" Rainbow snickered before AJ sent a glare her way deleting the laughter.

"I get to meet the pony who started EVERYTHING!" I bounced. "I mean, she HAS to be Magic from the old mare's tale! She just gotta!" The train already left, I can hear the screeching, but the other isn't gone yet, the one made for bigger ponies. I gesture for them to get a few tickets.

"Its just so amazing! Princess Scootaloo never told me once what really happened, but instead, I get you to tell me! Its just so amazing!" The ticket clerk automatically handed 7 tickets out. He must have thought they were for business. Business rides were free and it was early enough. I can't blame them. I almost forgot that.

"Slow down! I don't know much myself. I can't make any promises that I know more than you do." Twilight giggled at my eagerness before Rainbow Dash's impatience shone through.

"What are you waiting for? Come on!" Rainbow Dash grew impatient as we went into the separate car. You see, when ponies are in bigger groups like this, they end with a car to themselves. Cool trick to trick the system, right? Its helpful if you really want to talk to your family for a specific thing or to not worry about others. Its also much faster.

"Why do YOU think I'm this Magic pony?" Twilight rolled her eyes. I handed her the book from my saddle bag. This'll be awesome.

"Its because of how your described! Its one of the first tales we learn, and its the one that made me LOVE mythology!" I exclaimed, taking her wing in my hoof. "Mrs.Story Teller took the class on this big field trip to where the myth started. It was filled with so many statues and books. It ranked top ten best field trips."

"Where did she take you exactly?" I shrugged. Twilight was nit picky with questions.

"She took us over to the Everfree Ruins. Its always guarded by these guards, it was fun though." Was that so hard? "It was to preserve history or something. They are loons."

"What's it about..?What's the story about?" Fluttershy grew curious. "Can you-"

"Yeah, tell us! It HAS to be great!" Pinkie intervened gleefully. I nod with a smile. Its best they hear the whole thing, right? Even if they didn't know much, they have a right. Though, I hoped they knew more.

"Basically, Crystal and Magic were like sister figures created by Sun and Moon. They were happy until a few events occurred and yada, yada, yada. Crystal, from everything that's been happening, directs her heartache and rage towards Magic. Magic tries stopping her but gets turned to stone. All of this after she unleashed her hollow, poisonous zomponies out on everypony! Then BAM! Three ponies had such a bond that they shared and easily, even with all Crystal's might to end them, defeated her. Even then, Magic wasn't released. They reformed Crystal and they ruled the land after that." I answer, a great big smile on my face as I did. "That's about the whole gist of the story."

"That can't be it...it just can't be.." I look over to Twilight finally. Tears poured from her violet eyes."She would never do such a thing.."

"Crystal was so upset, she lost everypony..her child and husband.." I whimpered, recounting the story."I felt a teeny bit sad for her, whenever I talk about it, they don't though.The others, I mean. They think that her actions shouldn't be justified. But that's not justification, I'm just sympathizing." I..got ignored. I took this opportunity to figure out what I forgot. Something with a rainbow. Something with an anger towards Rainbow. I can't believe I'm forgetting something again!

"Twilight, are you okay?" Rarity asked, looking at her worriedly.

"Yeah, you look sooo sad!"

"Wait wait waiiitt! You know the name, don't youWhat was her name? We don't have knowledge of that because lots of ponies didn't know her well or the records were lost. They lost her name as a result."I think I'm overbearing, I can tell I am. She shot me a look. Its rude to look so excited during her sorrow.

"Cadence, her name was Cadence.." That..is legit. "She was my sister-in-law and foalsitter growing up. I can't believe.." I rubbed her back to help her.

"Well, Cadence was forgiven and got better in the end. Nopony hates her, she's not a bad pony. She just did a mistake, even Moon did a mistake, I believe, didn't she? It was just passed down, I don't hear much on it anymore."

"...that just so happened to have wiped out half the country.." Why did Rainbow even bother adding that?

"Don't listen to her, we'll sort this out."Applejack ignored Rainbow's words. "Why, you got nothing ta worry about. Look at the outcome, fer example." I look out the window, grinning. It was very technological savvy. Metropolis, even. Much better than all those old pictures I looked at in history. I wagged my tail.

"There, there!" I point at the area around it, the original wall. "I REALLY want my question answered now!" I giggle out before nuzzling Twilight, She really needs to be much happier! I gave her a frown.

"Don't be so sad, it might be different. If you ask Princess, then you might get an entirely different story! She's not one to answer others like that. Interviews were never her thing, especially with her defect." Twilight didn't buy that.

"Oh really?" I nod with a smile. Then, it just hit me after being calling out Princess Scootaloo's 'defect'. Its Rainbows that she won't like. Rainbows, something that is shown right here.

"Oh course! Though, I don't think she wants Rainbow Dash there. She doesn't like Rainbows, that's a known fact-even when she doesn't answer things for books or newspapers.." Rainbow Dash didn't like this one bit.

"WAIT WHAT? She's like, my little sister! What would she have against me?" How would I know? I didn't let her figure I didn't really know much either other than one..piece.

"She had a teeny fight, rumor had it anyway. No biggy, right?" I wish I didn't lie when I said that. Maybe I would have not been bluntly shown that I was lying. After all, when the Princess of Defense, foreign affairs and the Celestial bodies is out there fighting an unknown prismatic alicorn, your words fall flat. Especially when Twilight is the one plinking out of the oblivious train with everypony with her to investigate.