• Published 5th Dec 2013
  • 3,667 Views, 94 Comments

Popping her balloons. - FinnPony

Pokey Pierce gets some self-esteem problems after a balloon related incident at one of Pinkie Pie's parties. The pink party pony then tries to cheer him up, They'll become friends, and maby something more..

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Popping her balloons..

Popping her balloons, chapter 1.
By FinnPony

Streets of Ponyville were crowded. There was lots of ponies spending their day in cafés and restaurants, having some quality time with each other. There were no kids though, only a couple of very young foals with their parents. The lack of happily screaming foals running around the town was almost weird, but it was easy to explain.

Pokey Pierce, a normal young unicorn, was making his way towards Sugarcube Corner. It was the local bakery and the home of their town's personal party pony, Pinkie Pie. She had arranged a party for the foals from the school and for some of the singles in the town too. They could go to the party to spent time with each other. This way the parents of the foals who were in the party could do something together without any distractions.

Pokey was smiling a little while walking down the street. He always liked Pinkie Pie's parties. He could eat all he wanted, listen some great music and meet some of his friends. Pokey chuckled a little, and thought that the host of the parties wasn't so bad looking either.

There was still one thing that was superior to the others.
It was the balloons.
Pokey was a unicorn, who seemed just normal like everypony else. He had blue coat, a cutie mark, frizzled white mane with a light blue mixed in it and his posture was good. Just as normal as any other stallion of his age. There was one thing though, that made him a tiny bit different than other unicorns.
It was his horn.
It was longer, and much much sharper than any other unicorn had. He never had felt any different though, and why should he? He could cast magic normally with it, and nopony seemed to care if his horn was different from theirs.

Pokey liked his horn, he really did. It had even earned his cutie mark for him. His cutie mark was an open safety pin, and many times ponies didn't quite get the idea of it, and Pokey had to explain it to them.

When he had been younger, just a foal actually. His parent had thrown him a birthday party. It was like every other birthday he had had that far, with lots of treats, cake and presents.
It was after the party when Pokey got his cutie mark. He had helped his parents to clean up their home after the party, and he had gotten the job to take down the balloons. He did as he was told, and started to gather the balloons from all around the house. After a while, Pokey had a big bunch of balloons with him. He was just about to take them to his parents, when it happened.


A loud pop of balloon exploding made him jump. He turned around quickly to see who popped the balloon, but he didn't see anypony there. He noticed something hanging in front of his eyes, and took it off from his horn.
It was a piece of rubber, left from the exploded balloon. He realized that he had popped the balloon.. with his horn.
Pokey looked up, at the balloons hovering over him. He then thought for a second, and gave one of them a quick jab with his horn.


Pokey started to laugh happily. It was fun popping balloons. They made a big noise and the airflow from the exploding balloon felt funny on top of his head. He looked up again, and grinned playfully.


His parents soon came to the living room, and looked at their child laughing happily, with balloon remnants around him. He had some on his horn too.
Pokeys giggle made his parents laugh too, and soon his mother noticed something in her foal.

"Pokey! Your flank!" she said happily, and pointed at Pokey's newly gotten cutie mark.

Pokey smiled while remembering that.
Ever since it he had always enjoyed popping balloons, but of course he knew when he really shouldn't do it. One time when he had been younger he had popped one young filly's balloon, and she had started to cry. He hadn't understood why back then, but now he knew, and started to feel a bit sad for that filly.

"Wonder where she is now.." he thought to himself, and saw the Sugarcube Corner just behind the corner.

* * *

Pinkie Pie was running around the Sugarcube Corner, serving treats to the younger and older guests she had that day. It was Diamond Tiara's cute-ceañera, and Pinkie Pie had her hooves full. She had to give party hats to ones who didn't have it, put more cupcakes to the tables when they started to run out, make more punch and much more.

Pinkie stood next to a counter, and saw Apple Bloom hiding behind a real life sized chocolate sculpture of a pony. She seemed nervous, and talked to herself something about forgetting something.

"Hmm.. What could she have forgotten?" Pinkie Pie thought to herself, and rubbed her curly mane that resembled cotton candy. She then got it.
Pinkie Pie bounced up to the filly, and placed a party hat on Apple Bloom's head.

"Don't forget your party hat, forgety forgeterson!" she said happily, and bounced away, leaving Apple Bloom look after her confusedly.

"Another job well done," Pinkie thought to herself, and walked past the counter. There was plenty of anything on the counter, so she could have a quick chat with her friends.
While walking past the phonograph, she gave it a little kick, and music started playing. She then happily trotted to her friend Applejack, who had came to the party just a minute ago.

"Hiya there Pinkie, seems like you have your hooves full." Applejack greeted her. "You need a hoof with anything?"
Pinkie shook her head, and said: "Nah. I'm okay. Just hope that..."


Both of the mares turned towards the sound, and saw the blue unicorn called Pokey Pierce dancing around a set of balloons. They were soon destroyed by his pointy horn.
Pinkie Pie frowned and growled bit, but Applejack quickly said, "Hey Pinkie, he can't help it."

"I know!" Pinkie said, and turned towards Applejack. She had a frustrated look on her face. "He just keeps popping my balloons in every party he's in!"

"Then don't invite him," Applejack proposed and shrugged . Pinkie let out a gasp, and grabbed Applejack from her shoulders. Pinkie waved her around and explained with very fast pace, "But its really mean not to invite somepony to a party where every pony else is coming, and if I wouldn't invite him, I would be mean! AND I DON'T WANT TO BE MEAN!"
She almost yelled the last part, while waving Applejack violently in her hooves.

"O-ka-y I G-ot i-t!" Applejack said, while still being lugged around by Pinkie Pie. She finally let go of Applejack, who's eyes were still spinning around from all the shaking.

Pinkie Pie and Applejack then turned to look at him again, and saw that he was talking with some mares now. Pinkie Pie thought that maybe he would know how to behave in her party, and that he had popped the balloons by accident, like Applejack said.
Soon she had to get back to serving more pastries to the hungry foals.

* * *

"..So that's how I got my cutie mark," Pokey finished his story. He had been telling it to two mares, who he was speaking with. They both looked at his cutie mark again. Raspberry colored mare with a lily in her amber colored mane said, "I guess it makes sense."

"Yeah," the other one said. She was a pale yellow mare with rose red mane. Her name was Rose, just like her cutie mark. They then heard a voice from behind them, "Hi Lily! Hi Rose! Who is that handsome colt you're talking to?"
The two mares turned towards the voice. Pokey did so too, but then he felt something hit his horn.


Everypony froze, they all looked towards the sound.
Pokey looked at the green shreds of what used to be a balloon, and the string that had been attached to it. It was held by a young filly with light magenta mane and really light purple coat. Her blue eyes looked at the remnants of her lovely balloon. She then looked at Pokey, and her blue eyes started to water.
Everypony looked at the crying filly, and then their gazes turned to Pokey. Everypony looked angry.

"I'm sorry, I didn't see you there," Pokey said, and knelt next to the crying filly. She turned her back to Pokey, who looked sadly around him for help. All he got was angry glares, and soon a mare with mulberry coat and thick, deep cerise mane trotted to the crying filly.

"You're a terrible pony!" she said to Pokey, who looked at her with his mouth slightly open and eyes full of confusion. He stepped a bit backwards, and mumbled, "It was an accident."

"Yeah right," the pony said. She then placed her hoof on the crying filly's back, and said: "Come on Piña, we'll get you a new one."

Before Pokey could react, a pink pony with puffy pink mane was in front of him. She had such an angry look on her face that it almost made Pokey jump.

"What the hay do you think you're doing mister?" she asked from Pokey, who winced. He then tried to explain, "It was an acc..."

"You always pop my balloons in my parties, and now you make foals cry?" Pinkie Pie continued, without letting Pokey finish his sentence. He just looked at Pinkie Pie in front of him. He had never seen her so angry, normally she was.. well, Pinkie Pie. Always happy.
Pokey couldn't come up with any excuse.

"I think you should leave, and take that weird horn with you," she said coldly.

Those words hit Pokey like a train. Weird, nopony had ever called him weird.
He looked at Pinkie Pie for a second, before somepony joined her, "Yeah! Get out of here!"
Soon many others started to shout at him. Most of them told him to get out, but others shouted plain insults to him. He heard words like 'freak' and 'weirdo'.
That really hurt. It was just an accident.

He looked around himself with his ears drooped, and saw that everypony was looking at him with angry expressions on their faces. He let out a small squeak, and ran through the doorway, outside to the streets.

"It was just an accident.." he thought with tears in his eyes.

* * *

Pinkie Pie looked after the running stallion. She had a worried expression on her face.

"You think we were too harsh on him?" she asked from Applejack, who answered, sounding a bit worried too, "I don't know. He was pretty nasty when he broke Piña's balloon."
Pinkie thought for a moment, and then answered, "Yeah.. Besides, everypony will calm down soon."

"Are you going to invite him to your next parties?" Applejack asked, and looked at Pinkie with questioning look. Pinkie nodded and said, "Sure I am. I already told you that I don't want to be mean to anypony."
Applejack was about to say something, but stayed quiet. She then nodded and walked back inside the Sugarcube Corner. Pinkie looked at the direction Pokey had ran, but didn't see him anymore.

"I wasn't being mean right? I just asked him to leave.." she thought.