• Published 5th Dec 2013
  • 3,668 Views, 94 Comments

Popping her balloons. - FinnPony

Pokey Pierce gets some self-esteem problems after a balloon related incident at one of Pinkie Pie's parties. The pink party pony then tries to cheer him up, They'll become friends, and maby something more..

  • ...

Pokey's time to shine

Popping her balloons, Chapter 7
by FinnPony

Ponyville was getting darker by the minute. Celestia had started to lower the sun and her sister was probably just waking up for her duties. There were still couple of ponies on the streets of the town, making their way towards their homes. One of them was Pokey Pierce.

Pokey Pierce was walking towards Sugarcube Corner with newfound spring in his step. He had spent the day with his friends Thunderlane and Caramel in Ponyville’s bowling hall. After a well spent day he was trotting down the street, thinking about how he will crawl next to her beautiful marefriend and fall asleep in her loving embrace. He started to smile widely while thinking how adorable and awesome Pinkie Pie was.

“She’s so energetic and she ain’t afraid of anything,” Pokey though and sighed. His smile started to fade as he thought, “She’s everything I’m not.”
Pokey frowned and let out a deeper sigh. He sometimes felt bad for being the way he is. Pinkie had always defended him and made him feel happy when he was sad. He in turn didn’t remember any occasion where he would have been the one defending his marefriend.

“I’m such a wimp. It should be me who would make her feel safe. Not other way around,” Pokey thought. Then he chuckled to himself and thought, “Well, Pinkie isn’t really a mare who needs to be defended. Everypony likes her.”
His mind filled with all the positive traits Pinkie had, and there was lot of them.

“She’s optimist to the bone, fun, she’s always there for me…”

“Oh Pinkie, never change,” he muttered to himself and trotted around the last corner before Sugarcube Corner.

He immediately noticed that two mares were standing in front of the bakery’s front doors. He recognized them as Rarity and Fluttershy. They noticed Pokey approaching them and Fluttershy hid behind her mane like always but Rarity instead had somewhat troubled look on her face. Pokey started to get nervous as he saw princess Twilight Sparkle coming through the front door with at least as troubled look on her face as Rarity. He quickly trotted to her.

“What’s going on?” he asked with concern in his voice. Rarity and Fluttershy glanced towards Twilight who rolled her eyes and started to explain the situation to worried Pokey, “There might be a small problem…”

“What do you mean?” Pokey asked and looked up towards the window of Pinkie’s room. he saw a dim light fluttering behind the closed curtains, probably a candle.

“You see,” Twilight started, rubbing her neck. “There were some misunderstandings back at the library and now Pinkie’s not coming out from her room.”
Pokey looked at her for a second, before turning his head towards Rarity and Fluttershy. They both tried to hide from his glare. He frowned at them and turned towards Twilight again.

“Misunderstandings? About what?” he asked with narrowed eyes that made Twilight smile sheepishly.

“Umm… about…” Twilight muttered and Pokey gave her an annoyed look.

“About intimate things…” she finally muttered and drooped her ears.

Pokey’s eyes went wide and his mouth opened a little. He stared at the embarrassed mares in front of him. He soon snapped away from his trance like state of surprise and eyed the mares with somewhat irascible look on his face that made them feel like shrinking. Pokey took a step forward and stared at the mares while asking with cold voice, “Did you make her sad?”
Twilight gulped. Pokey had never been so intimidating before. Everypony knew him as the shy and quiet pony in the background.

“Well I don’t know sad…” Rarity started but Pokey gave her a glance that made her wince. She then sighed and nodded sadly while saying, “Yes.”

Pokey’s intimidating expression turned into a sad one and he looked up at the window again. There dim light was still pushing through the curtains.
He lowered his gaze back to the three mares. He sighed and started, “I thought that you would have been smart enough to know when to stop Twilight.”
Twilight was about to say something but Pokey turned towards Fluttershy.

“You too Fluttershy? Really?” he asked from the sad looking pegasus who muttered something that sounded like apologies.
Suddenly Rarity spoke, “It’s not their fault.”
Others turned towards her and she continued nervously, “Uh… I think it was more like Rainbow Dash and Applejack’s fault…”

“Rarity...” Twilight said with a reproachful tone. The white mare sighed and added, “And maybe mine also.”

“Why did you tease her about something as stupid as that?” Pokey asked with almost angry voice that made the three mares feel rather uneasy. They weren’t scared of the angry voice of Pokey, but his sudden change of personality.

“But we weren’t teasing or making fun of her,” Fluttershy said quietly. Pokey turned towards her and she started, “We… or not we but Rarity and…”

“Yes yes honey. We know what you mean,” Rarity said a bit embarrassingly and Fluttershy nodded. She then continued, “We were just having fun and then… umm… somepony asked if… y-you and Pinkie had… d-done it.”
her voice trailed off and she looked on the ground with hard blush on her cheeks. It took a moment before Pokey got what she meant. When he did, he too blushed scarlet red and turned towards Twilight.

“You speak about these things with other mares!?” he asked with confused voice. Twilight frowned and asked, “And stallions don’t?”

“Well, uhh… forget it. What happened next?”

“Ah yes…” Rarity said and cleared her throat nervously. “Pinkie might gotten the idea that you might lose your interest in her.”
Pokey looked at her with his mouth agape. Rarity squirmed under his gaze.

“Why would she think like that?” Pokey asked from nopony in special and looked at the window above their heads. “I love her!”
Without another word he started to walk towards the door of Sugarcube Corner, leaving the three mares alone. Just as he was going to go through the doorway he turned towards them.

“Sorry girls.” he said with a pleading look on his face. The mare’s recognized the old Pokey they knew and all of them sighed from relief.

“Just go already!” Twilight shooed him and waved her hoof towards Pinkie’s window. Pokey nodded and disappeared inside the bakery.

After the mares were sure that he was gone, Fluttershy turned towards Rarity and said, “That was scary.”

“Indeed. I have never seen Pokey act like that,” Rarity said and they both turned towards Twilight for opinion. Twilight pondered about something silently for a while. She then turned towards her friends and said with a smile on her lips, “That’s love.”

* * *

Big, brightly decorated room was now bathing in dim, yellow light from all the lit candles around the room. The floor was covered in red petals of roses. They made a highlighted path towards the king sized bed and they had been scattered onto the bed too. On the bed laid depressed looking Pinkie Pie. She had a worried look on her face and her hooves were stretched out.
She had been laying there for who knows how long. There was constant knocking and pleading from behind the door of her room. Pinkie could hear Rainbow Dash and Applejack there.

She rolled to her side, eyeing the door. She had petals of roses stuck her straightened mane. Then her eyes turned towards the wardrobe next to the door. There was four fishnet stockings hanging on a hanger. She sighed and curled into a ball.

“I hope Pokey likes them…” she thought sadly and closed her eyes. She listened the pleading of her friends a while and then turned towards her window.

“I hope he’ll be gentle too…” she continued her thinking, feeling how her eyes were getting wetter. She didn’t like the situation she was in. She didn’t think she was ready for that.

“But I don’t want to lose Pokey…” she thought and a single tear rolled down her cheek.

Her friends were still trying to persuade her to come out from her room. She smiled a little while thinking about how good friends she had. They had even told her about how her and Pokey’s relationship was about to die down due the lack of… you know…

“I’ll be forever thankful to them,” she thought while listening to the muffled sounds of her friends behind the door.

Suddenly her friends stopped their pleading and begging. Pinkie perked up and stared at the door. She heard muffled hoofsteps behind it and a new voice saying something. After couple of seconds Applejack and Rainbow Dash said something too and there were two pair of hoofsteps getting away from the door. After there were no more hoofsteps to be heard, there was a small knock on the door.

“Pinkie… it’s me,” familiar voice called from behind the door.

“Pokey!” Pinkie thought and panicked. She sprung out from her bed and dashed towards the wardrobe. She heard Pokey asking, “Could you open the door?”

“In a minute!” she answered and grabbed the stockings from the hanger. She cursed while trying to pull the stockings onto her hooves. Her hind legs were even challenging.

“Celestia damn… these…” she muttered and tried to pull the last stocking onto her left
hind leg. She had to balance on her right hind leg to do so.

“There!” she exclaimed to herself as the stocking finally gave up and slid onto her leg. She looked at it for a second, only to notice that she was starting to fall backwards. She fell down onto her haunches with a yelp.

“Is everything okay?” Pokey asked from behind the door with concern in his voice. Pinkie
heard how he tried to open the door, but it was locked. Without saying anything Pinkie rose up from the floor and walked to the door while rubbing her sore flank. She closed her eyes and tried to calm down but her heart was racing. It felt like it was going to come right through her chest.
For couple of seconds she felt like chickening out and not opening the door, but then she heard Pokey saying, “Pinkie let me in, please.”
His voice calmed her down, but only a little bit. She grabbed to the handle of the door.

The door opened in front of Pokey. The room was dark, the only light in the room came from many lit candles around the room. He also noticed all the red petals on the floor.

“It’s worse than I thought,” Pokey thought and tried to look around the room from the doorway to find Pinkie. She was nowhere to be seen so Pokey stepped inside the room.

“Honey…” he tried as he took another step inside. He still didn’t see Pinkie anywhere. Just then he heard the door closing behind him and he quickly spun around. His eyes went wide, ears folded against the back of his had and a wild blush emerged to his cheeks as he found the pony he was looking for.

Pinkie Pie had stood behind the door, that’s why Pokey hadn’t seen her anywhere. It wasn’t her sudden appearing that made Pokey act like that. It was her looks.
First thing that caught Pokey’s eyes were the fishnet stockings she had on her hooves. They really highlighted her figure and Pokey had hard time trying to keep her eyes off her. Then Pokey noticed her mane that was straightened and flowed down her shoulders like silk. It made him snap back to reality. He could immediately tell that Pinkie Pie was not feeling okay. He had spent enough time with her to know that Pinkie’s mane was like a window to her feelings.
Pinkie Pie’s blue eyes glared at him from behind her mane and there was a small, faltering smile on her lips.

“Hi,” She said and tried to sound calm but her voice was a bit shaky. Pokey took a step forward and lifted his hoof to Pinkie Pie’s cheek, trying to fight off the hard blush on his face. Pinkie winced when he touched her cheek but soon lifted her hoof to hold his. This made them both smile warmly at each other. After a minute of staring into Pokey’s golden eyes Pinkie seemed to remember what she was planning. She put on the most seductive look she could at the moment. It was rather forced half lidded smile. She took a hold of Pokey’s hoof that was on her cheek and placed it onto her chest. Pokey looked at his hoof and then at Pinkie again.

“Do you like them?” she asked and brushed his chin with her hoof, showing the stockings to him. Pokey blinked confusedly and felt the heat rising on his cheeks again. Pinkie Pie pushed herself closer to him and pressed her lips to blushing Pokey’s chin. She started to push Pokey towards the bed, stopping when Pokey’s hindlegs touched the bed.

“I-I hoped that you would like them. I wanted this to be special…” Pinkie tried to speak with the most seductive tone she could but it didn’t work. Pokey looked at her with confused look on his face and Pinkie drooped her head.

“I’m so sorry Pokey,” she started with a sad tone. “I’ve been so selfish.”
Pinkie felt Pokey’s hoof under her chin, lifting her head upwards. He leaned forward and kissed her softly on the lips. After the kiss broke Pokey pressed his forehead against Pinkie’s and said, “No you haven’t”

“But I have!” Pinkie tried to protest. There wasn’t any of that forced sultriness left in her voice. Pokey just shook his head and said, “Your friends told me what happened.”
Pinkie looked him straight into the eyes, waiting for something.

“They might have told you something that wasn’t quite true,” Pokey continued while running his hoof through Pinkie’s mane. Pinkie looked at him with wide eyes and asked, “S-so you haven’t lost interest in me?”

“I would never,” he said with calm voice. Pinkie Pie’s eyes were wide and they were getting wet. Pokey smiled to her and started to ruffle her pink mane.

“I have to say that I liked your old style better,” he said, trying to cheer up his marefriend.

Pinkie Pie couldn’t help but to chuckle a bit. She wrapped her both of her hooves around Pokey’s neck and forced him to fall down on the bed. Pokey was surprised by that but he let Pinkie crawl on top of him. Even her mane was still straight and flat, there was a familiar ear-to-ear smile on her face. Pokey smiled too, and felt how tears dropped onto his face. Pinkie shook her head quickly and when she stopped, her mane was back to it’s fluffy pink self. She sniffled a little when she pressed her snout against Pokey’s and said with voice full of her usual bubbliness and happiness, “You must be the most super duper uber coltfriend a filly could ever have!”

“And you must be the most gorgeous and funniest fillyfriend a colt could have,” Pokey answered and squeezed Pinkie into a tight hug. He sighed, relieved by the fact that a big disaster in their relationship had just been avoided. Pinkie pulled back from the hug only to push forward again to kiss Pokey. The kiss was something they had never shared before. It was so full of feelings that Pokey couldn’t even explain it to himself.
Pinkie Pie broke the kiss and rolled down from top of dumbfounded Pokey. She laid her head on the pillow and Pokey crawled next to her, wrapping his forelegs around her. They shared another short kiss.

“I love you…” Pokey said after the kiss ended.

“I love you more,” Pinkie said with a smile.

“I love you twice more,” Pokey challenged.

“I love you seventy-two million, nine hundred and sixty-one times more!” Pinkie exclaimed and pecked him on the snout. Pokey chuckled and thought that if he would continue, it would never end. He brushed Pinkie’s mane and said, “I think you won.”

Pinkie Pie giggled and snuggled closer to him. They laid there for a minute before Pinkie whispered into Pokey’s ear, “Thank you Pokey.”

“What for?” Pokey asked and gave Pinkie a small peck on the cheek. Pinkie snuggled even closer to him.

“For being here for me,” she answered and looked Pokey straight into those golden eyes of his. He started to smile a wide smile and couldn’t say anything. He had actually been there for her, defending his mare like a stallion should.

Pokey rested his head on top of Pinkie’s and sighed happily, savouring the moment. Pinkie Pie hummed happily and drew invisible circles to his chest. After a while she stopped and lifted her head to look at Pokey with a coy look on her face.

“You didn’t answer my question by the way.”

“What question?” Pokey asked and looked at Pinkie Pie who smiled a wry smile. She outstretched her other hind leg so Pokey could examine the fishnet stockings and asked with cheery voice, “Do you like them?”
Pokey’s relief washed away instantly, or not actually. He just got really surprised by that question and quickly tried to come up with something to change the subject.

“Your friends are probably waiting downstairs,” he tried with his cheeks starting to get redder again. Pinkie giggled and asked, “Why are you trying to change the subject?”
Pokey folded his ears backwards and looked at her. The stockings really did make her look rather appealing to the eye. The romantic setting they were in made her look even more beautiful to Pokey. He gulped and mumbled something inaudible. Pinkie nuzzled his cheek and said, “I didn’t quite hear that.”

“They look really good,” Pokey said after short silence and placed his hoof to Pinkie’s waist. She squealed and nuzzled his chin and neck happily. Pokey felt how she tightened her hold around him. He turned his head towards her and saw Pinkies big blue eyes staring at him. Her eyes were half lidded and she pressed her snout against Pokey’s.

“I knew you’d like them,” she cooed to nervous Pokey who answered quickly, “I really think we should go tell your friends that everythings okay.”

“They can wait silly.”

“O-oh my…” .

Author's Note:

I have planned at least one chapter more to this story, maybe two at maximum.