• Published 25th Dec 2013
  • 1,031 Views, 25 Comments

The Northern Winds - LCpl Azure Blaze

Princess Twilight Sparkle and her friends have been summoned by Princess Celestia to embark on an expedition into the Frozen North to discover the origins of an unknown magic.

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Chapter 9: Heart of Frost

Author's Note:

Sorry for the long wait everyone but the final chapter has arrived. Once again I pushed this one out so you can expect spelling and grammar problems so if you find any and want to help make this story the best it can be PM me. All contributors will be put in the special thanks to this story. I have been trying to find an editor but so far nobody's gotten back to me.

Princess Celestia sat wrapped in a heavy blanket with a roaring fire in the fireplace before her in her study chamber. Thousands of books from the bookshelves around her littered the floor making the shelves themselves barren except for a couple of books left over here and there. She had bags beneath her eyes due to the lack of sleep over the last couple of days.

Suddenly the door to the chamber swung open behind her to revel her sister walking in dressed in a heavy winter jacket with a scarf and a wool hat. "Any luck, sister?" she asked.

"I've read almost every book in this library," replied Celestia, "From the day Equestria was founded until now. There has been no historical records of an uncontrolled snowstorm this big or of strange magic coming from the north."

"It's definitely not wendigos. This storm is far too intense even for their powers."

Celestia turned to face her sister. "I'm afraid our only hope now is Twilight and her friends."

Luna looked back at her sister and saw that even she had lost hope in finding a way out of their problem.

"Has Spike finished lighting the bonfires in the streets?" asked Celestia.

"That's what I came to speak with you about." replied Luna. "The snowfall has gotten so bad that even the bonfires we started back when the storm first began have been snuffed out. Even after they had been given time to grow strong."

"Where is he then?"

"That's just it. Even after he saw that it was hopeless of starting the bonfires he personally volunteered to travel from house to house lighting everypony's fireplace for them."

"The dragon has a heart of fire that much is certain."

"Not only that but the Royal Guard has also finished distributing the cold weather gear to the public. Even some of the troops gave up a couple of layers of their own gear to keep some of the children warm but those who did are wishing they hadn't about now as the storm worsens."

Celestia stared into Luna's eyes for a while longer before she turned back toward the fireplace. "It's good to see that everypony else still has hope."

Luna's heart sank when she heard her sister say those words.

"Your highness," Luna heard from behind her. She turned to see two members of the Royal Guard behind her.

"What is it?" asked Luna.

"Our lookouts have spotted a large figure in the sky approaching from the north. We came as soon as we could but due to the low visibility we couldn't detect it to warn you in a timely manner. Whatever it is it could be upon us at any-"

The guardsman was interrupted by the head of a massive dragon crashing through the wall of Celestia's study chamber.

"Dragon!" yelled the guardsmen rushing to protect the princesses only to be smacked by the dragon's claws throwing them against a wall knocking them unconscious.

Celestia rose from her sitting position staring at the best in horror as the cold wind and pelting snow also flooded the room. A dark stallion made itself known standing on the dragon's head. The dragon got closer to Celestia and the stallion opened his mouth full of razor sharp teeth. A white colored energy began to leave Celestia's body and be consumed by the stallion but before the stallion could finish another dragon swooped down and tackled the first one sending both flying across the city crashing into another building.

Moments later the door to the chamber slammed open once more this time to reveal Twilight and her friends.

"Princess Celestia! Are you alright?" asked Twilight.

Celestia stood speechless at what she had just seen. "I... I don't... feel..." she collapsed to the ground unconscious.

"Celestia!" shouted Twilight as she ran to her mentor's side.

"What is the meaning of all of this?" shouted Luna.

At that moment Frostbite was thrown against the building they were in with a roar of pain and Galacia was dismounted from her seat upon the dragon's head landing in the room along with Twilight and her friends. Salzaura emerged from the snowstorm's limited visibility with Hoarfrost seated at his head pinning Frostbite to the building with his claws.

"Fool." Hoarfrost said with a chuckle. "Don't you remember what happened last time you tried to stop me Galacia? All of those ponies who lost hope and fell to my power looking to you for guidance? Their faces full of fear and hopelessness. Don't you remember? I'm sure they remember you."

Hoarfrost's mane began to separate into thousands of balls of white light raining on the city below him. When the balls reached the ground they took on the form of spirit ponies who seemed to be once part of an ancient empire's military wearing century old armor wielding blades, axes, halberds, and spears.

"And as for you, Descendant." he said with a smile. "I saved the best for last."

A final giant ball landed in front of Twilight.

"I'm sorry I can't stay, I'm terribly busy ravaging a city. I do hope you enjoy your gift though." Hoarfrost then flew away on his drake continuing to lay waste to the city below.

"NO! I WILL NOT LET ANOTHER CIVILIZATION FALL TO THE LIKES OF YOU AGAIN, HOARFROST!" yelled Galacia hopping back onto Frostbite's head and giving chase after Hoarfrost and Salzaura.

Twilight then shifted her gaze towards the ball of light that Hoarfrost had left only to find out that it had took the form of Princess Celestia herself.

"Sister?" said Luna rushing to her sister's side, "Sister, what's happening? What are we..." Luna's questions were cut short when Celestia fired a powerful beam of magic at her hitting her in the head and throwing her across the room. When she landed she sunk to the floor unconscious. Celestia then shifted her gaze upon Twilight once more and stood waiting for her to make the first move.

"What's the plan Twilight?" asked Applejack standing ready to fight beside Twilight, "Yer' making the calls now, and don't worry. We're all here with ya on this one."

Twilight looked around at her friends who were also right next to her ready to fight. She looked in the sky and saw the two dragons fighting and causing mayhem on the streets below them. When she looked down at the streets she saw thousands of Royal Guard fighting the spirits that had been summoned by Hoarfrost and civilians being chased by the spirits as well. She then looked at the two princesses' unconscious bodies lying on the floor motionless and she began to feel overcome by everything that was going on. She couldn't focus on one thing at a time. Her entire world around her began to spin and just when she was about to lose her mind she remembered something somepony very dear to her said a while back...

"Twilight, you've earned your authority as princess and you shouldn't be shy to use it."

"Everypony is counting on me to lead them out of this mess," she thought to herself. "Well, Twilight, let's show them we've got this under control."

Twilight began to issue out orders, "Rarity, Fluttershy, you two recover the two princesses. Get them to a safe place and keep them stable. Pinkie Pie, Applejack, I want you to go to the city below and rally our forces. Hold out as long as you can. If anyone gets hurt bring them to Fluttershy and Rarity. Rainbow Dash, go help Galacia take down the dragon but be careful. See if any other pegasi is brave enough to face the weather and help you out. As for me... I'll handle Celestia."

"Are you sure you can handle her alone, sugarcube?" asked Applejack.

"Of course I can," replied Twilight. "Besides, nopony else would be able to match her power. Now, get ready, we all move on my signal."

"We're all ready for you, Twilight." said Rainbow dash.

"Three..." Twilight began counting down while she prepared herself to charge, "Two..." Her friends around her prepared to rush their separate directions. "One... GO!"

Twilight took off charging at Celestia while at the same time charging a magical attack with her horn.

Celestia stood her ground and charged her horn as well.

Both alicorns fired off their charge at each other at the same time colliding in between the two in a huge orb of light. Twilight slid back slightly due to the force but kept her magic beam strong while Celestia stood there unchanged as if she was barely breaking a sweat holding her attack back with her own. She managed to open her eyes and look off to the side to see Fluttershy and Rarity reaching the two princesses.

"Princess Luna, can you hear me?" questioned Rarity.

The princess did not answer.

"Come on, Fluttershy. Let's take them to the throne room. It's close and it has a lot of space for other ponies who need care."

The two ponies attempted to sling both princesses on their backs but had trouble doing so due to the princesses being bigger in size. Seeing their struggle, Applejack and Rainbow Dash decided to turn back around and help Rarity and Fluttershy with moving the two princesses. Each pony took one of the princesses' front hooves and they dragged them out the room and down a flight of stairs leading to the hallway with the stain glass windows which lead to the throne room and began to make their way to the end of it. When they had gotten about halfway when suddenly a couple of stain glass windows behind them shattered inward as two ghostly militia ponies jumped through them. One with a spear and the other with a sword in it's mouth.

"Think you two can get em the rest of the way?" asked Applejack.

"Yes, I think we can manage." replied Rarity. "If anypony gets hurt out there you know where to send them. Also it would be nice if you sent a couple of medical specialist our way if you happen to find some."

"Got it," said Applejack grabbing her long sword's hilt with her mouth and unsheathing it getting ready for battle. Rainbow dash spread her wings revealing her many wingblades she had and also prepared to engage.

Applejack heard the door to the throne room shut behind her. She was alone with Rainbow Dash standing before the two ghostly militia ponies who began to close in slowly.

"You've got a plan, Applejack?" asked Rainbow Dash.

"Not at the moment." Applejack answered.

"Good, because I do. Follow my lead."

Rainbow Dash flew up from the ground and picked Applejack up with her. She then took off full force at the two militia ponies spinning at a rapid pace. Rainbow Dash flew directly in between the two militia ponies hitting one with her wingblades and the other with Applejack's long sword slicing both at the same time. Both militia ponies fell to the ground in halves and immediately dissolved into the wind.

"I've always wanted to pull a move like that," said Rainbow Dash. "Maybe we could do it again sometime."

Applejack stumbled dizzily on her feet. "No," she said, "Next time we follow my plan."

At that moment the wing of a dragon crashed through the side of the hallway, ripping the walkway clean in half revealing that the hallway was suspended a great amount in the air and throwing both ponies to the ground on separate sides of the hole that had just opened. The second dragon crashed straight through Applejack's side of the hallway taking her with it.

Applejack landed with a thud on the dragon's back and began sliding off before she reached out and caught onto one of the spikes on the dragon's back before she fell. She looked up and saw queen Galacia standing without any fear of falling at the dragon's head controlling it's movements.

"Oh hey Applejack!" She heard a voice behind her. "How's it hanging? Ha Ha. Get it? because your hanging on for dear life, just like me. Ha ha." She turned to look behind her and saw Pinkie Pie holding onto a spike just like her.

"Pinkie Pie?" said Applejack. "How the hay did you get up here? Aren't you supposed to be helping on the ground?"

"Couldn't I ask you the same questions Applejack?" Replied Pinkie Pie. "I'd love to stay and chat but here comes my stop." At that moment Applejack watched as Pinkie Pie let go of the spike she was holding onto and fall down landing on two ghostly militia ponies who were fighting a member of the royal guard on the roof of a building stabbing both in the back of their heads with her daggers.

"Ah swear something's wrong with that girl." Applejack muttered to herself.

"Applejack! Are you alright?" shouted Rainbow Dash as she flew along side the dragon. "That was so awesome how the dragon came crashing through and took you with it."

"Uh, sorry to kinda cut you short there, Rainbow, but aren't you supposed to be handling this dragon problem we're having?"

"Oh yeah, that's right. I should probably get on that." She replied as she sped forward to engage the enemy dragon.

"It would've been nice if you helped me get to the ground Rainbow!" Applejack shouted as Rainbow Dash took off. Unfortunately, she was not heard and so reluctantly she began climbing from spike to spike with the wind and snow beating at her face to try and reach queen Galacia at the dragon's head. As she was doing this the dragon flew over the tower in which Twilight was still locking spells with Celestia.

"Just give up already, Twilight Sparkle. Your struggle is in vain." said Princess Celestia, "Nopony has ever defeated King Frost Thorn. This world will freeze. Listen to your teacher and just give up."

"You're not my teacher!" Screamed Twilight, "My teacher would never lose hope in me!"

Celestia began to chuckle to herself and the more she did the more her voice changed. It got deeper and deeper until it closely resembled that of Hoarfrost's and her face began to warp in dark manners.

"Are you sure about that? Ha ha ha! Because she already has!" she said in her dark voice as her spell began to increase in power and break Twilight's limits.

Twilight drew up extra strength to push the spell away from her but she could only stall it's advance.

"Galacia!" shouted Applejack as she finally reached the head of the dragon.

"Not now, guardian! Your friend is disrupting Salzaura's flight pattern! He's slowing down! I almost have him!" She shouted back.

Frostbite began to speed up as Salzaura began to slow down until both met with a full on tackle. Both dragons began tumbling back down to the ground in an all out fight. Eventually Salzaura's head wrapped around and sunk his teeth into Frostbite's neck bringing Hoarfrost up close to the two ponies on Frostbite's head. Applejack saw this as an opportunity to strike at him so she took out her long sword once more and leaped towards him. The sword lodged itself in his left shoulder causing him to roar in pain and dismounting him from his dragon causing both ponies to fall. It wasn't long before they hit the floor of the tower in which Twilight was fighting Celestia in. Hoarfrost quickly rose to his feet.

"You foolish whelp!" He screamed at him as he opened his mouth and sank his razor sharp teeth into Applejack's neck. He then lifted her up off the floor and threw her across the room. Her body landed hard and slid across the floor until it came to a stop as it hit a wall that still remained intact.

Applejack's body lay there, neck bleeding profusely showing no sign of getting back up.

"Applejack!" Twilight screamed, as her focus began to shift and the ball of energy where her spell met Celestia's began to approach.

"Enough of these games!" shouted Hoarfrost as he ripped Applejack's sword out of his shoulder. "All of this ends now! Between you and me descendant!"

Hoarfrost stepped into Celestia's ghostly image and appeared to absorb her power. Out of nowhere he grew a horn and pair of wings. The magical beam began to grow stronger when this happened and the ball of energy crept closer until it had almost met Twilight's horn causing a great amount of stress and pain to surge through her body.

At last Hoarfrost's might broke through and the ball of energy hit Twilight sending her flying across the room landing on the ground in defeat.

Hoarfrost began to laugh at Twilight's defeat. "Is that it?" he questioned, "Is that all the descendant has to offer! It's pathetic!"

Twilight's vision began to fade as she laid in defeat. She began to feel the cold around her surge through her body as Hoarfrost began to approach her to execute his final blow but was stopped when he saw Twilight rising to her feet once more.

Hoarfrost began to chuckle once more. "You don't know when to quit do you?" he questioned firing another beam of magic at her but once again she rose to her hooves. "You're defeated. Why won't you accept your fate?" He fired another beam of magic knocking her down but again she got back up. "Damn you!" he shouted, "Why won't you stay down!? Why do you persevere in the face of defeat!? Why do you fight!?"

"Why do I fight?" Twilight muttered under her breath. She drew up the last of her strength and fired a powerful beam of magic at Hoarfrost meeting his own halfway in a ball of energy once more.

"I fight for peace between nations!" she yelled. An ancient symbol carved itself in the right cheek of her mask as her magic grew stronger pushing the ball of energy towards Hoarfrost.

"I fight for the love of my friends and family!" a second symbol carved itself into the left cheek of her mask as her magic grew even stronger pushing the ball closer to Hoarfrost.

"But most importantly, I fight for the hope of a better tomorrow!" a third symbol carved itself in the forehead of Twilight's mask and began to glow like the other two and suddenly two lines from the other two symbols reached out and joined together in between Twilight's eyes and continued as one light until it reached the third symbol at her forehead. A third, brighter, line began from the third symbol and reached up to Twilight's horn charging it with even more power than before completely overwhelming Hoarfrost's magic and engulfing him in a giant beam of light causing him to scream out in defeat as his body dissolved into the white light. When Twilight finally ceased her magical attack her vision was foggy but she could faintly make out what seemed to be a heart which closely resembled that of the Crystal Empire's heart where Hoarfrost once stood as she sunk to the floor and blacked out.