• Published 25th Dec 2013
  • 1,031 Views, 25 Comments

The Northern Winds - LCpl Azure Blaze

Princess Twilight Sparkle and her friends have been summoned by Princess Celestia to embark on an expedition into the Frozen North to discover the origins of an unknown magic.

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Chapter 3: Fury of The Frozen North

Author's Note:

NOTE: Chapter has not yet been subject to proper Spelling and grammar checking. You know the drill. Once I get to it I will put in an update in the author's note to inform you.

Twilight woke up the next morning looking like a mess. Periodically through the night she would hear the same voice that she heard while she was still in Canterlot saying, "Come closer," and "Set me free." On top of that she was also kept awake by the cold chills she felt which came and went with the voice. Through the night she had tossed and turned in her bed. She had tried to silence the voice by covering her ears with her pillow but that wasn't the problem. No matter what she did she could still hear the voice as if it was coming from her own conscience instead of an actual physical source. Even though she had arrived at the conclusion that the voice was inside her head it still sounded as if it was originating from a certain direction, the Northern direction. She had finally decided that enough was enough and went to seek out the assistance of Princess Celestia in hopes that she could do something to make the voices stop.

Twilight sat up and hopped out of her bed holding her head in her hooves. Her entire world was blurry to her eyes as she stumbled her way to the door. When she had opened the door she was greeted by a horrendous looking unicorn colt of three times her size staring down into her face with his devilish looking eyes. His pupils were sky blue giving off an aura of the same color that seemed to steal one's hope. His coat was blacker than sin and his mane was white and flowing in what seemed to be an unseen breeze. It seemed to be made of the souls of a countless amount of ponies who had succumbed to his will.

He huffed in Twilight's face and she fell backwards. The colt chuckled to himself and smiled to reveal his razor sharp teeth. "Who are you?" asked Twilight trying not to show her inner fear.

The colt just stood there, continuing to chuckle to himself before turning and leaving the room. Twilight quickly got up and ran to the door to chase after him but when she stuck her head out the doorway she was instead greeted by the sight of Princess Cadence.

Princess Cadence jumped at the sight of Twilight coming around the corner so fast. "Oh my," she said, "I was just coming to get you. Is everything okay?"

Twilight peered over Princess Cadence's shoulder and saw no one else in the hallway. "Have you seen anypony go down this hallway recently?" she asked.

"No. Why?" questioned Cadence.

"I just... thought I saw somepony... that's all," answered Twilight in an unsure voice. "Would you happen to know where Princess Celestia is?"

"She just left this morning. She was called back to Canterlot to handle a situation. It seems a snow cloud has made it's way over Canterlot and the pegasi are having trouble controlling it. Why? Did you need something? If you need to send her a message before you leave I could get the Crystal Empire's fastest messenger pony to do it. He should be able to reach her just moments after she arrives at Canterlot."

"No, it'll be fine," said Twilight. "I'm sure she has her hands full right now. Besides, it's not that important. I just wanted to talk with her a bit before we went out on our little endeavor."

"Well, maybe there's somepony else you could talk to." said Cadence in a playful tone. "Somepony close to you, like, I don't know, maybe, your older brother, or maybe even your old full time foal-sitter."

Twilight looked straight into Cadence's eyes and gave her a warm smile. "Why, good morning, Cadence," she said copying her playful tone. "Would you mind coming for a walk with me around the castle before my friends and i have to leave?"

"I would be honored to accompany you on your walk," replied Cadence with a smile. "Come on, let us walk." and both ponies began to walk the halls of the castle. "So how is being a princess treating you?" Cadence continued.

"I haven't quite gotten used to the attention just yet," replied Twilight. "Everypony bows to me now and guards are always around o keep me 'safe.'"

"Well, I'm not going to lie, you're going to have to get used to it," replied Cadence as the two ponies stepped out onto the castle balcony overlooking the city. The crystal structures of the city were all shimmering as they always do much thanks to the ponies whose lives were dedicated to polishing them every day. Those who took up the job worked like slaves during the day but were paid very generously for their deeds, so nopony was complaining.

Behind them standing in the doorway were two guards on watch. "Watch this, Twilight," whispered Cadence into Twilight's ear. "I am about to show you a trick to get the guards off your back." Cadence then turned to the guards and cleared her throat. "Guards, we wish to be left alone please."

Immediately both guards bowed to the ground, said, "As you wish, your highness," and left the balcony and the two princesses alone. Cadence turned to Twilight, who was standing there with a slightly puzzled look on her face, with a smile.

"Oh come on," said Twilight, "I could've done that."

"Then why don't you?" questioned Cadence, with the same friendly smile riveted on her face.

"Well... um... because," said Twilight struggling to find a reason to justify her actions, or in this case, her lack of action.

"Twilight, you've earned your authority as princess and you shouldn't be shy to use it." replied Cadence in a caring voice. "Guards are easy to get rid of. Yes, it is there job to protect you but the other part of their job is to follow orders. If they are doing their first job too well, don't be afraid to make them do their second job and go away. Understand?"

"Completely!" said Twilight with a smile.

"Great," said Cadence, smiling back. "Now lets put it to the test shall we? And maybe even have a little bit of fun too."

"Huh?" said Twilight.

"I'm going to call the guards back. What I want you to do is send them away. As a test of what I just taught you. Got it?" said Cadence.

"I guess so," said Twilight.

"Great!" said Cadence, "because here they come." She then turned towards the opening in the wall and called out, "Guards!"

Immediately the two guards that Cadence had originally sent away came rushing out onto the balcony and sat still as rocks in front of them. "We came as soon as we heard you, your majesty," said one of the guards, "Is there anything wrong?"

Cadence turned back towards Twilight and waited a while. Twilight, realizing that that was her que, cleared her throat and said in her most solid voice she had, "We wish to be left alone."

The two guards then bowed, said, "Apologies your highness. It must have been the wind in our ears." and trotted back into the castle.

"I did it Cadence," said Twilight in an excited tone. "I.."

"Guards!" interrupted Cadence.

Both of the guards came running back out onto the balcony and again sat still like stones in front of the two princesses. "We are sorry your highness but we know we heard your voice this time and came as soon as possible,"one said.

Cadence turned back to Twilight again and motioned to the guards with her head with a smile on, trying to contain a giggle.

Twilight, understanding what Cadence wanted her to do, smile and nodded back at her. "Please leave us to our little chat alone." she said.

The two guards looked at each other in confusion and then looked back at the princesses. Cadence turned to them with a strait face and raised an eyebrow. "Of course, apologies your highnesses." they said and they once again trotted off the balcony.

As soon as they left through the doorway Cadence once again called out, "Guards!" to witch the guards came out yet again repeating their same routine as the other times they were called out only to have Twilight yet again dismiss them and then Cadence would, once again, call them back out. The two princesses continued to do this until they had a couple of panting guards sitting in front of them. Twilight was about to dismiss them once again when suddenly Shining Armor emerged from the doorway.

"What is going on here?" he said, "Are you two messing with my guards again?"

"We were just putting them to the test, honey, nothing you need to worry about." replied Cadence. "They have done an acceptational job at it as well."

"Are you so sure?" asked Shining Armor, "They look weak and out of breath. I know I didn't train a couple of panseys who got tired after a light trot between two very close destinations. Maybe I should train them even harder to correct this." Both guard ponies immediately sat up and got over their lose of breath rather quickly.

"No, no dear, that will not be necessary," said Cadence, "In fact I think they should be rewarded for their willingness to allow us to 'test' them."

"Alright then, if you say so." said Shining Armor turning towards the two guard ponies. "You two can have the rest of the day to yourselves. I'll find somepony else to cover your posts. Now go, and don't worry, I'll make sure you still get paid for today. Even if it is out of my own pockets."

"Thank you commander, we humbly accept your offer." said one of the guard ponies, and both disappeared into the castle.

"I see Twiley is starting to enjoy her stay here in the Crystal Empire," said Shining Armor.

"Yes, thanks to Cadence of course," replied Twilight.

"It's what foal-sitters are meant for," said Cadence. "Is something the matter?"

"Yes, actually," said Shining Armor. "Dr. First Frost has sent me to round up you and your friends so you can get ready for your trip. He told me to be swift about it because he is predicting that the same thing that is happening to Canterlot right now could happen to the Crystal Empire really soon, and that will cause problems."

"Another uncontrollable snowstorm in the Crystal Empire?" questioned Twilight.

"But that doesn't make sense," said Cadence. "We're closer to the Frozen North. So why are we getting hit with the snowstorm second and not first?"

"Actually, the question should be why are we getting hit last." said Shining Armor. Both princesses looked at him with a puzzled look on their faces. "We are getting reports of uncontrollable snowstorms from all over Equestria. It seems like the Crystal Empire is he last city to be getting hit. Even the towns that haven't seen snowfall their entire lives are getting hit as we speak. Appleoosa, Ponyville, and even the pegasus city of Cloudsdale. The pegasi have no idea where it is all coming from."

"That sounds bizarre," said Cadence. "We should go meet Dr. First Frost immediately."

"You two go ahead," said Shining Armor, "I have to go get the rest of twilight's friends. Take Twilight and I'll meet you two down there in a little bit." With that the white colt left the balcony, back into the castle to collect the rest of Twilight's friends leaving the two alicorn princesses alone once more.

"Is everything alright, Twilight?" asked Cadence noticing a worried look on her face.

"I just remembered that I left Spike all alone in Canterlot. I hope he's doing alright. I never did get to say bye to him properly, I just left a note."

"I'm sure Spike is just fine. After all he is a fire breathing dragon. I'm sure he'll be able to keep himself warm. Maybe even save a couple other ponies from freezing their flanks off."

"I guess you're right. Maybe it was a good idea to leave him behind after all."

"Well, then we should probably get going now. We wouldn't want to keep Dr. First Frost waiting too long would we?"

"Right. Let's go"

Both ponies left the balcony and began making their way down to Dr. First Frost's lab. As they made their way down to the lab, they could feel the air begin to get colder and colder with every step. When they had finally entered the lab what they saw was complete chaos. Ponies were running everywhere in a chaotic rage. Papers and other various scientific items were scattered all over the place and being kicked up into the air as ponies ran over them. Machines everywhere were spiting out papers with different scientific readings which wasn't helping the frenzy or the litter any more. Shortly after the two princesses entered the room, Twilight's friends and Shining Armor.

"Confetti!" screamed Pinkie Pie in excitement as she saw the papers flying everywhere and she proceeded to run into the room rolling around in the papers.

"Oh my, what a mess!" said Rarity, "This is so unprofessional of them to just leave their workplace so messy and unorganized." Rarity then used her unicorn magic to levitate all off the papers off the floor and stacked into towers in an orderly manner. Not long after a scientist pony ran by, nudging the papers, causing them to fall on top of him and once again liter the floor.

"Now is not a time for organization Miss. Rarity. It is a time for action." said Dr. First Frost walking out of the chaos up to the ponies.

A random pony came up to Dr. First Frost and said, "Dr. First Frost, we just got a report in form Canterlot. The snow is falling at an unimaginable pace. In a couple of days the city will be so overwhelmed by snow it will be completely incapacitated."

"I know! I know!" shouted Dr. First Frost back at the pony, "We all know this! We need to get these ponies out of here before we get completely snowed in as well. Go grab a couple of others and come with me. We need to get these ponies in their suits and out of here."

"Right," said the slightly panicked pony, "I'm on it, sir."

"You six need to come with me," said Dr. First Frost, "As I have stated, we need to get you suited up and out of here before we get hit as well. The Crystal Empire's shield may be able to repel evil auras, but when faced with neutral forces such as weather it just lets it go right through like osmosis, and that's why the storm is a threat."

"Osma- what now?" questioned Applejack.

"Ugh," said Dr. Atmosphere placing a hoof on his face, "It means the storm will go right through. Now let's go. We don't have time for anymore definitions, we have to get you out of here before it gets too rough."

The ponies followed Dr. Atmosphere into the room where the FNS 2000 suits were. There, waiting for them, were six scientist ponies each standing next to one of the six suits which were unzipped and suspended by wires which were connected to a steel outer fame.

"Go on then," said Dr. Atmosphere, "get to your corresponding suits and our workers will guide you through getting them on."

The six ponies each walked up to the suit which had their unique cutie mark printed on the flank.

"Right this way your highness," said the mare standing next to Twilight's suit, "If I could ask you to back your way into the suspended suit placing your back two legs in first followed by your front two." Twilight obeyed and backed herself into the suit placing each of her hind legs into theirs sleeves followed by her front two legs. "Wonderful. You must be a natural at this. Now just leave the rest to me." The pony began by zipping up the front half of the suit and then covered the zipper with a weather flap, making sure that it was firmly secure. Then thee pony zipped up the portion of the suit which covered the pony's back and did the same with the weather flap. The pony then walked over to a table next to them which had a set of goggles and a wrist device sitting on it and picked both up. The pony slipped the goggles over Twilight's head so they dangled around her neck. "These are your snow goggles," the pony said, "They are equipped with thermal vision to find each other in a whiteout as well as night vision to find your way during the night or in dark areas. There is a switch on either side of the goggles to turn them on and off." The pony then lifted Twilight's left hoof off of the ground and slipped the wrist device on. The pony switched the device on and it was illuminated with a green screen displaying many options such as communications, maps, and settings. In the upper left corner of the screen there was a body temperature reading, which read "97.9" as well as a temperature reading, which read "48," for the world outside of the suit, both measured in Fahrenheit. "This is the FNS 2000's wrist display," the pony said, "It's primary purpose is to monitor body temperature as well as outer world temperature. It has communication abilities, but where your going you won't be able to use it as much. We only have the range to reach out so far into the Frozen North but after that you're on your own." When the pony had finished talking she covered the screen with a flap that was attached meant to protect it from possible damage that would come it's way. The pony then put up Twilight's hood and tucked in her horn nice and snug. Immediately Twilight felt a warmth through her body. "There, your all suited up and ready to go. Feel anything?"

"Yeah, I feel warmer," replied Twilight.

"That's the phoenix down working. Check your wrist device again."

Twilight lifted her left hoof up and used her unicorn magic to lift the flap covering the screen. Her body temperature read "98.6" and the outside temperature read "28."

"Oh my, it says that the temperature has fallen by twenty degrees in the last five minutes."

"Yeah, I can sure feel it right now out here," replied the pony, "Really wish I had a suit for my own right now."

"Don't worry," said Twilight reassuring the pony, "We'll have this fixed soon, I promise."

"Right," said the pony disconnecting the suspension wires from the suit with a reassured smile forming on her face, "We are counting on you Princess Twilight. I know you will succeed at your mission."

Twilight smiled back at the mare and walked over to meet the rest of her friends gathered in a half circle around Dr. First Frost who was standing in front of a giant steel door.

"Is everypony suited up and equipped properly?" asked Dr. First Frost.

"All mission participants suited up and secure down to the last zipper, sir," replied the mare who had helped Twilight into her suit.

"It's only been three minutes since I've been grounded by this suit and I hate it already," said Rainbow Dash.

"Oh come now deary," said Rarity, "At least they aren't as heavy as I though they would be."

"That's the other thing," said the mare, "You have yet to equip your saddle bags. Here they come now."

Six ponies, each carrying a set of saddle bags with cutie marks, corresponding to the cutie marks on the suits, printed on their sides. Each pony walked up to the the proper suit and dropped the saddle bags onto their backs and fastened them around their waists.

"Ooph," said Rarity when the saddle bag landed on her back, "I stand corrected."

"I don't see what the problem is," said Fluttershy, standing there acting like nothing was wrong to which made the rest of her friends puzzled out of disbelief.

"I'm terribly sorry for all of the extra weight," said Dr. Atmosphere, "but all of this equipment is completely necessary for you to survive out there. Don't worry, the longer your gone the lighter the bags will get. With that being said, it is time to say your goodbyes."

Twilight turned to Cadence and Shining Armor who had recently been brought cloaks in order for them to keeps themselves warm in the falling temperature. "Well, I guess this is goodbye again," she said, "Promise me you two will stay safe and warm while we are gone."

"Don't worry about us dear," Cadence said, "We'll stay warm."

"Besides, we could say the same to you Twiley," said Shining Armor, "Good luck, Twiley. I've seen you grow up so much over the years into the mare you are today and that gives me complete confidence that you will succeed in your mission. Just make sure you come back safe and sound. Anything else is unacceptable."

"Thanks you two," said Twilight giving both ponies a hug, "It means a lot." Twilight turned back towards her friends and said, "Alright, let's go."

"Open the door!" shouted Dr. First Frost, and immediately after the giant steel door behind him began to open up. "This is our access tunnel to The Frozen North. It will take you outside the far end of the Crystal Mountain range. Once you leave the tunnel there should be a couple of maintenance roads you can use, if they aren't snowed in yet, but like I said, they only go so far, so after the road ends you are on your own." The door finished opening. "Once you're in the tunnel we are going to have to close the door behind you. It's cold enough in here already."

"Alright, girls, let's do this," said Twilight, and the six ponies took their first steps into the tunnel, of on their journey, with the acception of Pinkie Pie who was merrily skipping along despite the massive amount of equipment she had on. Once they were all in the tunnel they heard Dr. First Frost shout, "Close the door!" and the door began to close behind them. Twilight turned around one last time and saw Cadence, Shining Armor, and the mare who had helped her into her suit smiling and waving back at her. Twilight smiled and waved back until she was abruptly cut off by the door closing in her face. It was now pitch black in the tunnel.