• Published 7th Dec 2013
  • 1,368 Views, 7 Comments

Blueblood's Secret Lover - FlutterShay

Prince Blueblood has finally found someone to love. Who is it?

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Passionate Encounters

The white stallion’s hooves clicked merrily against the polished marble floor as Blueblood—or should I say, Prince Blueblood, strutted down the hall to see…him again.

It had been a rather boring day for the prince. Why should he be sitting in some boring old meeting when he could be shopping for new colognes or sampling fine wines? He could imagine it now. Trotting down the roads of Canterlot, his chest out and his silver hooves gleaming in the sunlight. (He had recently gotten them polished). All the mares would flock to him once they caught sight of his glorious golden mane, his dapper bow tie (red, for the occasion), his toned flank.

Of course, Prince Blueblood wouldn’t show any interest in them. He just acts all suave and debonair…trying to get that ‘stallion of mystery’ effect. No, he remains loyal to his beloved. He couldn’t stop thinking about that stallion all day. He had been so distracted that he had almost arrested a chef from Manehattan and given his restaurant to a convicted criminal. Ha! What a story that would’ve been.

The prince could hardly contain his excitement at the idea of seeing his love again. That colt was always there for him. He had moved into Blueblood’s quarters months ago and was always there when he returned.

Turning to the exquisitely ornate door on the right side of the hall, Prince Blueblood magicked the door open with his fabulously polished horn. He marched inside, shutting the door behind him as he scanned the room for his beau.

Aha! There he is, in all his glory! He had been near the door, waiting for him to come home…as usual. “Did you miss me?” Blueblood asked with a smile. And to his delight, the stallion smiled back! He never said much, but the unicorn did not mind. He was a great listener. That was one of the things that he loved about his object of affection. So many mares he had been with just wanted to talk about themselves. Especially that one he had met at the Grand Galloping Gala. What was her name? Charity? Verily? Oh well, it doesn’t matter anyway.

His gaze met that of the handsome stallion in the room. He looked deep into his sapphire blue eyes, so full of life. He could stare into their depths for hours. Soon he found his gaze start to travel slowly down the muscular frame, taking in everything. “My, have you been working out?” He asked. His lover, as usual, said nothing. The regal white stallion thought back to when he first met the colt in front of him.

Prince Blueblood had just finished an absolutely exhausting day of touring the Sheriff of Appleoosa around Canterlot. He didn’t understand why Princess Celestia would force him to chaperone this country bumpkin around the city. Sure, the royals have to keep up appearances, but why couldn’t Cadence do this?

Hooves dragging against the floor, he trudged down the hall to his chamber. I’m going to need a hooficure after all that walking. He thought to himself as he entered his room and flopped down onto his illustrious four poster bed. He sighed. So nice to be alone.

Or am I? Over by the wall, Blueblood saw another stallion! Curious, he stepped over to the other shape and looked at him. The stallion stared back. And He. Was. STUNNING! The very creature of his dreams! And in that moment, the prince realized that this was the face he wanted to see every day for the rest of his life. No pony alive could even compare to this godlike figure!

Snapping out of his memories, he admired the white coat in front of him, white as his own, and glanced up to look at his long mane. It hung in rich, silky flowing waves, the type of mane that makes a mare want you, the type that makes a stallion want to be you. And Blueblood certainly wanted him now.

The stallion in front of him was never very affectionate; he didn’t like to be touched. Of course, that didn’t mean that they couldn’t cuddle…or kiss…

At this point, the unicorn realized that his beloved had been surveying him as well. Their eyes met once again, and before he knew what was happening, the two stallions leaned forward and they met in a passionate kiss. Admittedly, the other stallion was not a great kisser, apparently preferring to keep his mouth closed.. But the prince could forgive him for a tiny little detail like that. Everything else about the stallion made up for that. Eyes closed, tongue feverishly darting every which way, Blueblood paid attention to nothing but what was in front of him. The other stallions’ lips were cold and hard…almost like glass…as if--

“PRINCE BLUEBLOOD! ARE YOU KISSING YOUR REFLECTION AGAIN!?” The calls of Princess Celestia from the door startled him out of his daydreams. Pulling his head away from the mirror, he saw a great deal of spit from his steamy one-pony makeout session. His reflection, although quite handsome, clearly showed his look of shock from being walked in on during such a private ordeal. Can’t a stallion love himself in peace?

“No, Aunt Celestia! I was doing no such thing!” Blueblood called back, with all the frustrated nature of a filly who had just been caught with her hoof in the cookie jar. Trying her hardest to suppress a very unprincesslike snort of laughter, Celestia was finally able to mumble about dinner being ready. The alicorn then proceeded to quickly exit the room, hearty laughter echoing down the hall.

He waited until her hoofsteps faded away before looking sadly at his reflection. “I’m afraid we’re going to have to continue this tomorrow.” He said to the white stallion in the mirror. “Until then, handsome.” He sighed as he left the room to join the rest of the royal family for dinner.

His aunts were certainly going to have a few questions for him.

Author's Note:

Heyyy! I'm back! I hope you liked that ending. I ship Blueblood with himself...in a crackfic sort of way. Comments? Suggestions? Ways to make this better?

Comments ( 7 )

A good fic for a quick chuckle. My only suggestion is that you do something with the flashback to help the reader identify it as such. Maybe Italics or some spacing before and after. Good luck on future works!

lol maybe you could do the same thing but with rarity,however it probably wont work unless she is drunk....:pinkiecrazy:

For a second, I thought his secret lover was Celestia. :rainbowderp: That would have been really cool to see, though.

Stuff like this that makes me question why people want Blueblood dead. He's just to good a character. :pinkiesmile:


AHAHA. That was a quick and fun read. XD Loved it :pinkiehappy:

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