• Published 15th Oct 2011
  • 2,545 Views, 114 Comments

Endless Sky - Algorhythm

The remainder of the Mane 6 try to move on from losing one of their own.

  • ...

Chapter 23


The council chamber was perhaps one of the most spacious buildings in the entire empire. It was said that before it housed the council, it was used as a stage for combat, plays, and musical performances. Its vaulted ceilings allowed for the sounds of the older generals to carry throughout the room. But such was the design that outbursts by angry generals would not shatter the eardrums of everybirdy in the room. Its white marble columns were surrounded by the different military councilors present for yet another emergency meeting.

Emperor Emerus sat on his cushion at the end of the room, only seated slightly above the other councilmen. He traced circles on his inner thigh with a claw - more of the uninteresting panic of overcrowding.

If the other council would think as calmly as they did while in the service, they would notice the clear facts.

Yes, overcrowding would cause a problem - food shortages, water shortages, land overuse. That is, if they truly planned to stay on a more permanent basis. With all respect due to the Princess, he knew she had never intended her subjects to fall prey to a second war. They were reluctant to commit acts of violence by nature, but easily swayed to do acts in her interests, if not her name.

These refugees were only seeking temporary shelter - most would never consider living exclusively with gryffons for the rest of their lives. As for food, the harvests were good as usual. It was more beneficial that these ponies brought much of their own food with them as well - a fact easily looked over in a panic. Besides, there had long since been a source of food storage within the empire - enough to last two years of poor harvest. He was still hesitant to reach into that storage, especially with a new empress roaming through the mountains.

The councilor on the floor of the chamber looked back up at the emperor. Emerus nodded.

"Fellow Councilors. Please cast your support in favor, or not in favor of allowing additional smiths to assist the military forces of Princess Celestia, of Equestria."

The former emperor shifted on his cushion, adjusting his sword so it would no longer be jabbing into his ribs. Out on the floor, the councilors voted narrowly in favor of the proposed order - many didn't vote at all. The gryffon on the floor looked back at him.

"I, Emperor Emerus, 253rd Emperor of our bountiful empire, do support and decree the proposed measure."

The other gryffon turned around to readdress the chamber, but the emperor removed himself from the proceedings. He could see the setting sun begin to settle behind the mountains in the west. Storm clouds could be seen passing over them, like a shroud of smoke.
Empress... He thought, returning his gaze to the councilor.

"Is there any further business to attend to?"

The emperor returned his gaze to the chamber floor. Through the crowd several gryffons stood from their places before flying down to the podium.

"I wish to address the council, as well as The Emperor, should it be acceptable."

General Farreach? Emperor Emerus thought. He had been curious about the affairs of the eastern front for quite some time, but the general was quite tight lipped about the situation. Several times he had assured the council that everything was under control. The emperor smiled and nodded for him to proceed.

"I bring tidings from my province. As we are all aware, the main concentration of refugees must cross the border under my control to continue traveling west. Their numbers have been dwindling for some time, which has helped ease problems elsewhere in the empire. However - I fear that the border will not hold for much longer. The influx of refugees has stopped altogether. I fear an imminent attack. I request for more troops to be stationed along the border to prevent such an event."

Several of the councilors in the upper rises murmured to one another. Some were concerned while others waved off the presentation.

"General Redcrest," the emperor said. The general on his right bowed before the assembly. "How many troops are available to redistribute, discounting those being used to ensure no assailants have entered the country."

"Perhaps four or five hundred are combat ready and available for reassignment. There are another thousand in reserve, but they will take time to equip and mobilize to the border."

The emperor looked back at Farreach. "From our collective reports over the past five years, we are certain they can amass a force of about five thousand troops within a few days. If they have been mobilizing while the others have fled, they may be closer to seven thousand." He stopped to breathe and recollect his thoughts. This was an unexpected turn of events. "However your reports from the beginning of this crisis have noted a movement of troops towards the southern border with Equestria. Given the terrain and the difficulty these ponies have had without regulated weather - they will be at least a week or two away from posing a serious threat warranting such a show of force."

Farreach looked offended. He seemed to stagger for a moment.

"Unless you have further proof to the contrary?"

"No, my emperor-"

"Then, I'm afraid I cannot honor that request. I have a duty to protect the citizens of this empire from real threats, much like the thousands of ponies traveling across nearly three quarters of this Empire."

Farreach's eyes narrowed. "Then I suppose should we be attacked, the loss of my citizens will be a sacrifice you're willing to make?"

The temperature in the room seemed to drop almost ten degrees. No one dared speak.

The Emperor stood from his cushion. "I cannot protect everyone, Farreach. Should you be attacked, it will only be due to your own incompetence. In which case you will die for the loss of my citizen's lives and I will find someone whose head isn't stuffed like a mattress!"

"On the contrary, my lord - disregarding any viable threat is an oversight that any general that lives, has never made. You still have the power to call on any who have had training, of which all of those of age have had!"

"Forcing a recall to duty? For what? Nothing! I will not force families apart just to play in the snow. I will not force some territories to meager rations to fuel an army marching up and down a road. And at the cusp of winter? Do you think me incompetent?"

Silence filled the chamber. He looked up at the emperor, "I do. In fact, if I am right, your leadership has already passed on to somebirdy else."

The Emperor's eyes filled with rage. He leapt from his place, settling harshly on the chamber floor.

"Where is Justice, Emerus? Where is our emperor?"

Emerus drew his sword from its sheath. Flames billowed from the end of the sword, scorching the chamber floor.

"Justice is with the new Emperor, who has journeyed to save this world from those who wish to take it. I am his steward to make all decisions in his wake. You have challenged my honor and questioned my right to rule, therefore questioning Lorien's heir. Single combat is my right, chick."

"Then defend yourself and your emperor. Or..." A slight gasp of revelation left Farreach's mouth. "Perhaps you wish to defend your Empress!"

Emerus sped forwards, slamming his shoulder into Farreach's chest. The unsuspecting gryffon flew backwards into the wooden stands. He shouldered his blade and began to spin. Each strike that passed through the air sent a wave a flame at the disabled Farreach. But Farreach's sword blocked the strikes, allowing him to roll out of the way.

Panic over the duel sent the other councilors in all directions. Some of them tried to flee through the windows, while others flooded down to the floor to try to defend either the general or the Emperor. Swords left their sheaths, dragging the two sides into battle around the pair.

Magic filled the air as every new strike brought some kind of calamity on gryffon and wall alike.

"Emperor!" Redcrest screamed. He was fighting his way towards Emerus, pushing through the crowd. He ducked under an enemy sword, swinging his claw up to grasp the sword arm. With a single motion, he slid into the enemy's chest. The other gryffon dropped to the floor.

Emerus was having trouble keeping up with Farreach - his degeneration was causing him to slow down. Farreach had no such problem and it showed. His sword bit into the Emperor's side. The emperor countered with a blast of flame, causing Farrreach to scream and cover his eyes.

But the scorch marks were only on his chest. The Emperor hesitated for a moment, confused.

A shallow thud sounded from his chest. He looked down, only to see the hilt of the sword which found its mark. Farreach had taken the opportunity to charge him while he had hesitated.


"How, Emerus?" Farreach leaned in and whispered in his ear, "Because peace dulls your senses. You should have let the Empress wander before giving her the sword. A foalish mistake."

As the Emperor's sight began to fade, so did the perceived illusion. A unicorn stood within the confines of the illusion, glaring with his one good eye. The fire had burned away much of the coat on the other side of his face and had forced his eye closed. Magic continued to feed into the illusion and the eye, but beads of sweat all over the pony's body showed he could barely accomplish that.

Emerus fell to his knees as the illusion pulled the sword from his chest. Both blood and bile forced their way from his mouth. He collapsed forward onto the chamber floor. As his eyes closed for the last time, he watched General Redcrest's blade slice through the unicorn's head. A smile played on his lips.

"Long live... Empress... Gilda..."


Luna felt the moon begin to rise on the horizon. Even though her sister was lifting her celestial body into the sky, it brought about her mental clarity. The land of dreams began to open to her thoughts to those who wished - perhaps foolishly - on the first star in the sky.

But as of late, while she slept she watched over the members of the Long Watch. Few members had arrived at their intended destination - Granite had requested leave time a few days ago to visit his cousin, as she was close to bringing another foal into the world. Ponyville General was the closest hospital to their northern town - albeit by train. Luckily that had worked to put him in place.

Nightwind and his sister Cloud Skimmer were still forced to work in the castle for the foreseeable future.

Other than that, only the interesting duo of True North and Ocean Breeze had arrived. It was a rather flashy entrance to speak of - the citizens were wary of the "search for a winter vacation home", as North had put it. Ocean Breeze was forced to pretend that he was family. Of course the citizens never knew better, but she was concerned that he could be easily seen as a potential threat, should they dig a little deeper.

The only pony she skipped over was Big Macintosh. He volunteered shortly after Twilight's funeral, as a way to protect his sister from harms way. His humiliation of being beaten unconscious by Starfall's guards left a permanent scar. He could certainly hold his own now.

Slowly, she pulled her mind away from the watch, forcing her to return to reality. It was only then she noticed that she wasn't alone.

Her eyes opened just enough to get a glimpse of her sister's flowing mane as well as the stone floor that had engulfed her own body. Luna’s eyes went wide, and she tried to move out of it, but it held tight around her. It covered everything but her eyes and her nose.

"Trying to make noise will only make it harder on you, dear Luna."

She looked back over to the window, but it wasn't her sister standing there. It was Bright Light.

"I suppose you're wondering why you're in such a vulnerable position? Of course, you should remember when I sapped your foalish sister of her magic. Unlike last time, you do not share the elements of harmony. Instead they are scattered to the winds - far too distant to help you."

Luna's panic grew and she tried to further struggle against the stone. Her energy melted away as the stone crept further up her muzzle. She was completely confused by the whole situation. How could she not have noticed?

Cunning shifted form once more, reverting back into his old self. Luna's eyes went wide.

"I suppose this is a sort of reunion. Your gift to me was your precious little Dusk, and mine is to seal you away for another thousand years. It's much darker than being on the moon, but I assure you that it is much warmer."

Blind rage filled her mind and her eyes began to glow. The light faded immediately as pain seized every muscle and bone - every possible nerve in her body.

"Now, now," Cunning shook his head. "Killing yourself over failing to protect your fillies and your sister just wouldn't give me quite the satisfaction I require. Not even bringing every other country to its knees in a single night is enough, unless you are here to listen to the wishes that come from the devastation."

He shifted his form into that of a pegasus colt and hopped onto her stone prison. "I wish my dad would come home." He shifted into an earth pony filly, "Why did my husband need to fight in that war? Now my little stallion is stationed in Canterlot."

Luna began to cry, a mix of regret and bitter hatred fueling her emotional outburst. Finally, he shifted into the form of Dawn. Her coat and mane were unkempt, with scratches barely visible underneath. The stone began dragging her down into the floor below. Before her head dipped below the surface, she saw a single tear fall from Cunning's eye.

"Why didn't you come save me?"

Luna disappeared into the floor. Cunning began to laugh - a high pitched, twisted giggle. A laugh that would haunt Luna for the rest of her life, if he had the time to break her mind. Instead he stood, shifting back into Bright Light. The princess would be arriving any moment. He paid no heed to the piles of ash on either side of the door.

With his magic, he reached out with his mind hunting for Vengeance. Within seconds he made contact, finding her waiting at a local cafe. The abundant amount of minds in the area indicated that the nightlife was picking up.

Hearth. It's time.

Yes, my love.