• Published 15th Oct 2011
  • 2,545 Views, 114 Comments

Endless Sky - Algorhythm

The remainder of the Mane 6 try to move on from losing one of their own.

  • ...

Chapter 32


The night was pleasantly cool as Luna’s moon peaked over the mountains. Fireflies and other bugs floated over the water like twinkling stars in the sky. The smell of flowers rose into the air, eventually finding its way up into the complicated web of airflows over the dragon’s valley.

Rainbow liked this particular spot in the valley, which she had found after investigating the source of the lake near the palace. The river’s source was a small pool which was fed by a natural melt of snow, which was then heated by several geysers. Finally a waterfall brought the warm water into the lake. It was small – only making a quiet bubbling noise instead of a droning roar. At the moment, she had planted herself firmly beneath the warm water, letting it soak her completely.

I’m such a foal, she thought to herself. Just when I knew she was safe she had to go and say something like that. Why couldn’t I have just shut up when I had the chance?

She groaned in frustration and hit herself in the head repeatedly. “Stupid, stupid, stupid!” she growled softly. After a moment, the new pain in her forehead overcame her frustration and she settled down in the water up to her muzzle.

She simmered in the water, breathing through her nose, brooding over her mistake. Despite what she felt, part of her hoped that Twilight would forgive her. No – part of her knew that Twilight would forgive her. It was just the way she was – even a seemingly major fight couldn’t break up their friendship. But...

She swam over to the bank of the pool and lay her head against one of the rocks along the side. A small sigh escaped her. The circumstances were different, the situation was different. Part of her knew there wouldn’t be a cookie cutter ‘kiss and make up’ this time. Even if the unicorn was particularly attractive and potentially interested—

Her cheeks already red from the warm water grew brighter from embarrassment. She did her best to shove those thoughts as far back into her mind as she could.

“She’s off limits,” Rainbow mumbled.

“Off limits?”

Rainbow turned around to see Twilight standing next to the pool with a towel around her neck. She turned aside and coughed into her foreleg.

“I heard this was the local hot spring. Too small for adult dragons, but big enough for guests,” Twilight continued. She shuffled from side to side, trying to find the right words to say. “Um... mind if I hop in?”

“Does it have my name on it?” Rainbow winced. The response wasn’t exactly comforting or inviting.

Stupid! Rainbow thought angrily. More of that and I’ll never be able to patch things up.

Twilight ignored the comment, but was still a little unsettled by it. Her first instinct was to leave her friend alone. With everything that was going on – Dawn being sick, she herself being out for the count, and having Gilda behind closed doors since they arrived – it was more than likely that all of Rainbow’s problems had finally broken through. It probably wasn’t going to be a ‘good time’ for a while.

Instead, she tossed the towel onto one of the nearby rocks and slipped into the warm water. It worked its way into her coat, easing the tension in her muscles. The sore spots from lying unconscious on various surfaces finally eased their throbbing. Her head lowered onto the bank and she let out a relieved sigh. This was much better than the spa.

For a while both were comfortable with letting time go by in relative silence. Rainbow occasionally closed her eyes and felt the slight breeze coming off of the mountains. But for the most part, she cast sidelong glances at the unicorn. Her insides churned and battled for her attention. All the while Twilight kept staring up into the night sky.

It was a long while before Rainbow worked up the courage to try and say something. But when she finally opened her mouth, it was Twilight’s voice that rang clear.

“You’re right, you know,” Twilight said.

Rainbow cocked her head to the side.

“About me not thinking. Normally I have a plan, and a whole list of options that I go through before making a final decision. There were other things I could have done to get us out of there like teleporting, or putting up a shield, or—”


The unicorn stopped and turned her gaze towards Rainbow.

“It’s o–”

“No it’s not!”

The sudden change in volume and tone startled the pegasus enough to have her lose her grip on the shore.

“Don’t say that it’s ok, because it's not! I did something without thinking and I could have killed us all! Instead I almost died trying to help you. Again!” Twilight looked over at rainbow. Her expression was muddled, almost unreadable, as if she was trying her best to hide how she felt. It was a futile effort. Rainbow caught a small droplet as it hit the water’s surface; all she had to do was look up to know that it was Twilight’s tears. “I don’t want to leave all of you behind again like some cruel joke. I-I would be afraid of what you’d do watching me die again, while you laid there helplessly on the ground.”

Twilight started to cry, her tears dripping down her cheek into the water below. Rainbow swallowed hard. This was all her fault for starting it... wasn’t it? The pegasus wasn’t really sure of anything anymore except that the one she loved was sobbing across from her. Her heart jumped at the thought and this time, she was unable to slow it down.

Rainbow walked across the small pool towards her friend. She stretched out one of her wings and hesitantly wrapped it around Twilight’s back. She was pleased to find no resistance to her touch, but her mind was torn between jumping ship, pushing her feelings, and just giving simple comfort. If this were a different situation – namely alone in her room – Rainbow would be trying to rip out pieces of her mane in frustration. Luckily for her mane, she had no such chance to do so.

It took a little while for Twilight to compose herself. She cried softly into Rainbow’s soft fur, leaning on her for some sort of comfort. When she did finally calm down, she stayed within the embrace, hoping that it wouldn’t come to an end. At least here the world wasn’t ripped to shreds, or scattered into the wind. Here she could be happy–

Twilight blushed. Happy. Happy how? Of course she was happy being friends. But this proximity, this... intimacy – it was different. It was pleasing, comforting, even – something she didn’t want to let go of. Her slight smile turned to a frown and she fought back a chill on her spine.

No... Oh, Celestia, this shouldn’t be happening

She tried to understand what she was thinking. Was this really so bad? To be near her friend, in a warm embrace that she had been denied for so long. It was the opportunity for a second chance at the life she’d missed out on. The years of life she’d spent drifting through limbo as… whatever it was… kept her between death and the afterlife. Was it really a problem to want this?

“Listen, Twilight. I... I wanted to apologize too. For yelling at you earlier,” Rainbow began, staring up at the stars. “We were so happy when you came back, that when it happened... we were afraid. I couldn’t really bear the thought of losing you again, so when you woke up...”

Twilight was relieved when Rainbow retracted her wing, but she didn’t move. She was finding it hard to decide between moving to the other side and staying leaned up against her friend.

Is that how I really see her? Twilight thought. Where a heavy weight should have sunk in her chest, she couldn’t help but feel it begin to flutter. It scared her. What should she do?

“... I just kinda lost it.”

I know I can’t ask you to wait for me, Luna’s voice echoed in her mind.

“Can you forgive me?”

Twilight’s mind had completely gone off of the deep end. Between trying to process the apology, desiring something more from Rainbow, trying to be loyal to Luna – to which she wasn’t sure if that was there in anymore regard than a former spouse – and—

“Twilight?” Rainbow looked at the unicorn with concern. She had drawn closer to the wall and appeared to be akin to a rabbit – close to fleeing for its life. “Hey. Are you alrigh–”

Silence filled the small grove, as if the world around them had decided to watch their exchange. Steam continued to rise from the pool into the cooling air, forcing bugs to flee whatever they had just happened to witness. After a few moments, a large splash of water overpowered the sound of the small waterfall, followed closely by a purple unicorn running towards the palace.

Now left behind, Rainbow didn’t move, or even attempt to stop her from leaving. The stunned look on her face mixed with her renewed inner turmoil and confusion. She rose a hoof to her lips which had gone numb from being pressed against Twilight’s.


Cunning dug the wax deep into the wooden floors of his temporary suite, ensuring that the golden color was clearly visible. There was only one way to accomplish what he had in mind and the etchings had to be just right. He grit his teeth as the next wave of pain overcame him, causing the heated candle to fall to the floor.

That insignificant little foal! He cursed. But the very thought made his head feel like it was melting from inside-out. Dusk’s ‘summoning’ had caused more damage than he was able to withstand – more than he expected from a lone element. Then again, he did choose to pick a fight with Magic.

As the pain began to ebb away, he once again lifted the candle with his magic and continued the circle.

There were legends and rumors in his time about the spirits of the firsts – Fate and Time. That in several days, they created all of existence – every time, every possible choice, even every life in every imaginable situation. Timelines and threads of fate that were multiplied infinitely many times for each particular decision and event.

Only the leaders of the time knew of their continued existence in the Eversleep. Much like the spirit of Magic, or any Element of Harmony, they could be summoned for one task or trade. In times of uncertainty, kings and queens would make deals with these spirits to ensure the balance of the world would stay intact.

He scoffed. Balance. For a thousand years, peace and harmony had ruled the world in his absence. Nothing was more unbalanced than the very kingdom he now ruled as an imposter. He had little doubt in his mind that his request would be denied. But just in case...

From the bag against the wall he grasped a small knife in his magic, bringing the blade across the room. Once he had drawn it close enough, he walked it to the center of the room and dragged the blade across his foreleg. There was no going back now.

The blood dripped onto the ground and was dragged across the room into the candle wax etchings inside the golden circle.

“I, Prince Cunning, Crowned ruler of Equestria beseech the cosmos to offer thy guidance in this, Our time of need, to see the threads of fate and twist it in Our favor.”

The room around him began to slow – dust in the air ground to a halt, almost making the room appear as though a light snow had been held before him. The light from the rooms outside dimmed until they were as black as night.
In the small red circle in front of him an alicorn began to fade into view. Her body shimmered as though it were made of crystal and silver. Threads of gold stretched far out into the blackness behind her from her mane and tail, almost as if they were a web, waiting to snare unsuspecting visitors.

She opened her eyes – haunting blue eyes that were so light and vibrant that she almost didn’t have pupils. The longer he was forced to look, the more of a sense of unease crept in like a plague, spreading out as far as he would be able to run. But he placed that aside. This was his game tonight.

“My, my... how the Exiled Prince has grown,” she began. Her voice was warm and soothing, but that was far from the feeling she was giving off. “You’ve managed to keep the hearts and minds of the country this time. I would say that you have lived up to your name quite well.”

He swallowed hard. “I have summoned you to make a request.”

She pursed her lips together into a smile. “Given the circumstances, I believe an exchange is more appropriate. If I even deem it to be in the interest of Balance."

"It is quite simple, really. I will give you half of my lifespan in exchange for the destruction of the Elements of Harmony."

The being laughed heartily, throwing a hoof in front of her mouth to stifle the sound. It was almost as if a melody of strings came from her vocal chords, ringing through the room. "I never thought you would call me to make such wonderful jokes. I do not have the power to destroy such concepts and ideals. Clearly you slept through what happened the last time somepony tried that."

Cunning was sweating now. Here he was trying to keep both his pain and his frustration to the back of his mind, and now she was making fun of him? As if his feeble mind could not comprehend her 'vast' power?

"Perhaps it would be more appropriate to say that I wish for the bearers to be separated from their elements. That is within your purview, Lady Fate."

Fate's humble facade dropped completely. She stared at him, her glowing eyes piercing his composure. "You are asking me to destroy the only counter balance to your conniving and twisting of Equestrian minds? To litter their future with your dreams of conquest?" She smiled wickedly. "No... Wait a moment. I remember now. You only wish to prove that you can have the love you were promised. Ruling an empire is just a means to an end. Romantic? I think it more obsessive"

Cunning released the spell held within the circle and Fate slammed into the ground. Her incorporeal state began to dull, becoming more lifelike. She screamed in pain but it didn't seem to register with Cunning's mind.

"You think I called you to play a game? To come and see how far your insults could travel until I broke?" Cunning was screaming at the top of his lungs, pacing around the tightening flytrap this goddess – spirit – was trapped in. "I DID NOT CALL YOU HERE TO GET NO FOR AN ANSWER!"

Fate tried to cry out but the circle pressed into her, digging deep into her truly immortal flesh. A golden liquid poured from her forelegs. Cunning grabbed her roughly and scraped it onto the end of a candle. He had calmed down enough to where he was breathing normally.

"You will break their bonds. 1000 years of peace and security, 5000 years off of my life, and the return of the Elements of Harmony have more than tipped the scales of balance in favor of Princess Celestia.” He growled at her, “You’ve neglected your duty in keeping the ‘balance’ you say you can’t interrupt. Had you been doing your duty, I’d be dead and you wouldn’t be strapped to the floor!”

Fate smiled. Despite the pain in her new physical form, she began to laugh. “I was right! You would do anything to find a means to an end. Even if it meant waiting for her in The Voidsong.”
He appeared unphased.

“You will get nothing from me.”

It was his turn to smile. “I call upon the ancient guardians, alicorns of long ago who protect each part of this world. If thee find this exhchange a fair and favorable one in the name of balance, may this mixing of vital essence enforce that which its Guardian will not.

Fate went pale. “What? How no, NO!”
If not... let my soul return and pay penance for all eternity under your gaze.

Cunning’s magic lifted a blade from the corner of the room and he drew it closer to him. He teased Fate, drawing the flat of it up and down his coat.

There was some slight discomfort as he drew the blade along his skin. The blood dripped onto the same candle mixing with hers. Silence reigned supreme as the room grew dark. The candle went aflame, white fire bathing the room in colors. Strings of all sizes spread throughout the room, seemingly from nowhere but the shadows cast by their bodies. Fate was truly trying to scream, but she couldn’t fight against what she knew would happen.

Six braded strings came down from the center of the room, humming beautiful music like a harp. The tones slowly lost their tune as they unraveled: seven strands of silver pulling far away from six strands of pure light.

Cunning smiled even as another string wrapped around the room – his own. Thousands and thousands of years unraveling and wrapping them in its embrace. The end began to rust, falling into little pieces and then fading into dust.

“It’s been a pleasure doing business with you, Lady Fate. I’ll leave you to clean yourself up.” He began to laugh, truly and honestly, seemingly on the very edge of his sanity. The room began to fade away and Fate stopped screaming. It was done.

In her darkened space between the real and the Voidsong, she looked at the strands of light. There was one more card to play. She cast off the two longer coils of string into the dark – there wasn’t much time.

From her mind she reached out, cycling through the millions and millions of strands of life, looking for the only chance she had. Her hoof reached out and grabbed one. It was lavender, glowing faintly in the dark.

“When bonds break, my foolish Prince... New ones will always form.”

Comments ( 6 )


Indeed. These were all complete, and I've been sitting on them since the last time this updated >_<

I finally got around to editing them and writing again, so, I hope to be FINALLY bringing this to a conclusion.

that's good to hear. For now, i'm off to read your new story.

This is really good. I haven't been so enthralled in a new story in a long time. Plowed through it in 2 days. Can't wait for updates to come along.

And so the pieces begin to align, ready to fall into place....
It's been a long time coming, these updates. but I definitely think they were worth the wait.


I think this is one time where you DON'T want to fight fate, Cunning.

Just watch as it unhinges all your plans, mate. Just. Watch.

(With any luck, Celestia, Luna, AND Discord can laugh in your face about it.)

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