• Published 13th Mar 2012
  • 1,062 Views, 17 Comments

The CMC Defense of Equestria - Dark Colt Sabata

A crossover story with Kingdom Hearts and Chrono Trigger elements, but much more darker.

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A Sleepover and Another Fight

Two weeks have passed and now the element bearers have recovered from their injuries and moved on with their normal life. Except for Rarity who had received an intense amount of internal damage resulting in her not being able to have foals, not to mention that most of her magic has been locked away leaving her to give all of her concentration to continue her work.

Over the past few days Rarity had to overcome the events that had left her in such condition, she had a hard time falling asleep, she turned to drinking and many other things when she knew the lonely future but, with the help of her friends she knew that she was not truly alone.

While their sisters recovered, the three fillies had been training their skills with their Keyblades; learning a couple skills and magic to fight the new menace. The three fillies finished their training for the day and headed to Rarity’s for the sleepover that was gonna take place.

The white unicorn was busy working with her dress. She had gotten an enormous order and she could not afford to waste time. She was searching through her materials when a loud bang interrupted her.

“Hi Rarity!” Two fillies said as they ran past her and up to Sweetie Belle.

“Hi Applebloom! Hi Scootaloo!” Sweetie Belle said as they reached her.

Rarity turned around to see the three fillies along with Fluttershy in the room.

“I’m sorry girls but, I have too much to do right now and can’t watch you tonight,” Rarity said.

“I could watch them for you... um... that is... if you don’t mind...” Fluttershy said.

After some talking Rarity finally relented and let Fluttershy watch the three fillies. On the way to Fluttershy’s cottage they met up with Twilight,she looked like she going somewhere.

Scootaloo, Applebloom, and Sweetie Belle ran past Twilight while saying, “Hi Twilight!”

“Hi girls,” Twilight said walking over to Fluttershy. “Hi Fluttershy, are you looking after them for the night?”

“Oh, yes, I am,” Fluttershy said.

“Weren’t they having the sleepover at Rarity’s house?”

“Oh, she was very busy so I offered to take care of them.”

“Are you sure you can handle them yourself?”

The two mares turned to see the three fillies playing near a well. Scootaloo was about to fall when the other two fillies grabbed her before she fell.

“Don’t worry I can take care of these sweet little angels” Fluttershy said.

The two mares were talking for a while before they had gone to their respective destinations. Twilight was going to the Everfree Forest Fluttershy suggested that she should bring company but Twilight insisted that she will be fine.

Later that night Fluttershy was having a hard time taking care of the three fillies. Luckily she managed to tuck them in bed after dealing with some chickens that were trying to escape, having damaged a table and singing them a lullaby song which somehow ended up as a rock song.


At the top of the dark world’s castle Fleetrain and Flare were waiting for the right moment to strike. They were watching the three fillies and a yellow pegasus entering the forest searching for the animal they had lost.

Frostfall scoffed and said, “Those are the fillies that beat Herbtail? They look more like foals than what she made them out to be.”

“But we still have to fight them, Frostfall,” Fleetrain said.

“Let’s just get this over with then.”

“Don’t rush blindly into battle Frost, you might find out that there are traps too late to stop.”

“How can they set traps for us?! They’re just foals!”

“Anypony, no matter what they look like can set traps.”

“Fine, lets wait for the most opportune moment then.”

Looking back at the portal, the yellow pegasus and the three fillies made their way inside the forest searching for the lost chicken.


After searching for a while, the group had continued their search in the forest at one point, Fluttershy had gotten separated from the fillies, on her way she found Twilight turned to stone meaning that a cockatrice was nearby.

Not much later the yellow pegasus had found the fillies and warned them about the danger they were in, but Applebloom paid no attention to the warning and started to walk to a nearby bush.

“Ah think Ah see the chicken,” Applebloom whispered.

“Don’t get too close, Applebloom, it might be the cockatrice!” Fluttershy warned.

“Well if Ah ever saw one of those cocka-thingies, I would just laugh at how silly it looks like-”

Just then the filly bumped into something. At first it looked like the lost chicken but, when she looked closer she saw that it’s body was snake-like; it was the rampaging cockatrice.

“Come on girls follow me!” Fluttershy said running into the woods thinking that the fillies were behind her.

But then the cockatrice ran away terrified as if it felt that something of great evil was getting near.

“Why did it run away?” Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo asked at the same time.

“Ah don’t know, but it must mean something REALLY bad is coming this way,” Applebloom said, her eyes darting from around the forest.

“And it is right to run away, little fillies,” a voice mysteriously said from their left.

“Who are you? And where are you?” Sweetie Belle asked looking for the source of the voice.

“So many questions. What do you think we should do, Frostfall?” another voice said from their right.

“I think we should let the Shadows take care of them... for now at least,” said the first voice.

“You’re sayin’ that you’re with that ‘Herbtail’ mare?” Applebloom said.

The fillies could hear clopping coming from the left as the voice said, “I guess you aren’t as foalish as I thought you were.”

“Hey! I know I’m not the brightest filly in our school, but that doesn’t mean you can call me a foal!” Scootaloo said.

“Hehe, one even admits to being dumb, Frostfall. Looks like this will be easier than we expected,” the second voice said.

“Show yourselves! Nopony, and I mean nopony gets away with calling my friends dumb!” Sweetie Belle said.

“I guess we should, shouldn’t we, Fleetrain?” the first voice said.

“I think we should, Frostfall,” the second voice said as the pony stepped to where the fillies could see him. “I am Fleetrain, dealer of Shadows and master of storms.”

“And I am Frostfall, mistress of ice and maiden of sorrow,” the first pony said as she came into view.

Sweetie Belle’s anger was rising now that the ones responsible for her sister’s condition had appeared.

“So YOU’RE the ones that ruined Rarity’s life?!” Sweetie Belle asked with a great rage in her voice.

“Who, that white mare? I can assure you that that was my master’s doing, not mine,” Frostfall said.

“And how do I know that you aren’t lying,” Sweetie Belle said through clenched teeth.

“If I had had my way with her and her friends, they would be frozen into lovely statues right now.”

As Sweetie’s anger was still rising the fillies had summoned their Keyblades and prepared to fight.


Fluttershy was running through the woods trying to escape the cockatrice she slowed down to find Twilight who was walking down the path when Fluttershy came around the corner.

“Oh, Twilight! Thank goodness you’re back to normal!” Fluttershy said as she trotted up to the unicorn.

“Hi, Fluttershy. What do you mean by ‘back to normal’?” Twilight asked.

“Oh... um... a cockatrice turned you to stone and-”

Fluttershy suddenly noticed that the three fillies were not with her,she began to panic fearing that something bad has happened to them.

“Oh no! Where are the girls?! I thought they were still following me!”

“You brought them here?! Why would you do that?!”

“Well, one of my chickens escaped and they ran in after it to try to bring it back and I ran in after them to make sure they were alright... ”

“Do you have any idea what monster would be lurking around here?”

“Yes... and I did try to get them return to my house... but... please don’t be mad at me!”

“We don’t have time for this come on let’s go look for them before they get hurt!” Twilight exclaimed as she ran in the direction that Fluttershy came.


Meanwhile deeper in the woods the three fillies had begun to get ready for their assault, however the two ponies had something else in mind.

“Oh, I’m sorry. Did we forget to mention that it is not us you will be fighting right now?” Fleetrain asked.

“We did forget, Fleetrain.” Frostfall affirmed.

“I guess we did... Nevermind that, first you three will go up against a Behemoth,” the forest shook suddenly as something started moving their way, “Ah, here it comes now, I hope you three don’t disappoint us.”

The forest began to shake more furiously as the beast that Fleetrain and Snowfall had summoned got closer with every step.

The beast had finally showed itself. It looked like a purple bull only that it has yellow eyes and his horns were sticking out of the sides of its mouth. The fillies were now starting to feel a small bit of fear as they looked at it.

“Wow, that’s huge!” Scootaloo said.

“More like scary,” Sweetie Belle said.

“Ah don’t wanna die!”Applebloom cried.

The beast was about to begin the attack and the fillies tried to be brave as they took their offensive stances again.


Fluttershy and Twilight were running through the woods searching desperately for the missing fillies eventually they found their way back to the clearing. Fluttershy immediately spotted the fillies relieved, she decided to go get them.

“Gir-’’ Fluttershy managed to say before she was swept back into a bush by Twilight’s magic.

“Wait! Who are those two ponies they are talking to?” Twilight whispered.

Looking more closely Fluttershy noticed a black pegaus and a clear blue unicorn barely visible in the shadows.

“Who are they?” Fluttershy asked.

“I don’t know but they look familiar” Twilight replied.

Giving a closer look the mares noticed a purple bull-like creature that was about to attack the fillies.

“Oh my goodness! Twilight we have to help them!” Fluttershy said panicking.

“Wait, what is that?” Twilight asked pointing a hoof at the fillies.

She noticed that they were holding sword-like weapons having a key shape at the edge.


The monster charged at the fillies which were lucky enough to dodge it in time. Scootaloo attacked the monster’s feet striking it a few times only to be swayed back by a stomp it didn’t hit her but the impact force was strong enough to push her back; while Applebloom attacked from above, hitting it successfully in the head, Sweetie Belle cast a weak fireball spell at it and hit its horn.

The monster flinched a bit as it prepared its next assault. Its eyes on Sweetie Belle, the monster charged at the white filly but then a orange blur hits him stopping his assault. Another hit was given and the monster still didn’t know where it was coming from.

“Hey! I’m over here you big dummy!” A voice said to the creature before it was hit again.

Sweetie took the chance to regroup with Applebloom while the creature was being attacked over and over again by the orange blur.

“Is that Scootaloo doing that?” Sweetie Belle asked Applebloom.

“Ah guess she saw it flinch when yer fireball hit it’s horn.” Applebloom said.

“Wait, it flinched at my Fireball?”

“Yeah! That there horn must be its weak-spot!”

“Well let’s not let Scoots have all the fun!” Sweetie Belle exclaimed as she started galloping towards the Behemoth’s left foreleg.

“Right behind ya!” Applebloom said as she started for its right foreleg.

They reached the legs and jumped into the air above the colossal beast. At the same time they maneuvered through the air and aimed their Keyblades at the horn. Scootaloo had seen them and ran to the back of the creature’s body and timed her run with the other two’s fall so they all struck the horn at the same time. When their Keyblades struck home the beast let out a terrible roar as it reared back and began to fall on its side. Before it hit the ground it’s body turned into soot and was dispersed by the wind.

“And that, Fillies and Gentlecolts, is how the CMC take care of business!” the fillies said together as they struck a dramatic pose.


“Well what do we have here? They actually know how to fight?” Frostfall asked.

“... That move... I know I have seen it before... But where?” Fleetrain said to himself.

“Hmm? You say something Fleetrain?”

“Nevermind what I said, we have a fight to finish.”

“But we haven’t even started.”

“You know what I mean!”

“Sheesh, you can’t take a joke?”

They began to summon their weapons as they walked out into the clearing made by the Behemoth. Frostfall’s weapon looked like a spear made of light blue, transparent ice. Fleetrain’s weapon was a halberd with a black handle and a crescent shaped blade and strange markings near the middle of the blade.

“Heartless Devastator, how long it’s been since I last held you,” Fleetrain said to his weapon.

“You’re still talking to it like it’s a pony, Fleetrain?” Frostfall asked him.

“And you still have no respect for weapons, Frostfall.”

They stopped near the middle of the clearing, weapons gleaming in the moonlight.

“Guess you two want your flanks kicked as well!” Scootaloo said as she crouched into her defensive stance.

“Do not be so arrogant as to assume you will win, little foal,” Frostfall said.

“And don’t be so foalish as to think we will be pushovers!” Sweetie Belle exclaimed.

“Insignificant little whelp! I will teach you how to talk to your elders!”

“Bring it on!” Sweetie Belle said as she leaped at Frostfall and swung her Keyblade.

“You are wishing for your own death!” Frostfall exclaimed as she blocked the swing.

“Let’s let Sweetie Belle focus on her, and go after the other one,” Scootaloo said to Applebloom.

“Ah’m already ahead of ya!” Applebloom said as she ran towards Fleetrain.

“Hmh, this should be interesting...” Fleetrain said with a smirk.

“Don’t you think you’ll have all the fun either!” Scootaloo said as she caught up with Applebloom.

Applebloom aimed for Fleetrain’s leg but he managed to block it with his Halberd and pushed her back. Scootaloo took a leap to attack but Fleetrain used a wave of dark energy to interrupt Scootaloo’s attack making her fall to the ground.

The two fillies rose up to strike Fleetrain again. Charging at the black pony, they used their momentum to slide far to either side of him and came to a momentary stop before galloping as fast as they could straight towards him with their Keyblades lowered to strike. Fleetrain saw what they were doing and leaped out of the way right in time to make the fillies collide, only to hit Frostfall himself.

“Ah! Watch where you’re going, Fleetrain!” Frostfall exclaimed as she parried another blow from Sweetie Belle.

“It’s not like I meant to do that, Frostfall!” he shot back as he started his own attack on the two fillies that were after him.

Sweetie was having a difficult time fighting Frostfall, every strike she dealt was being blocked or dodged.

“Can’t you STAY STILL?!” Sweetie Belle yelled, becoming more and more frustrated with every swing of her Keyblade.

”You’re just too slow, dearie,” Frostfall said as she dodged another swing.

“I’m slow, am I? Let’s see how you like THIS!!” Sweetie Belle said as she stopped and backed up a out of Frostfall’s range. Her horn started to glow as she began to cast a spell. “HASTEGA!” she shouted as she finished her spell. Sweetie Belle then launched herself at Frostfall, swinging her Keyblade twice as fast as before.

“Looks... hfm... like you know how to use... gah! spells to your advantage. Ahh!” Frostfall went down with multiple blows to her, the last one being a strong hit to her back.

“Frostfall!” Fleetrain yelled. “You three will pay for that! DARK DESTRUCTION!“

A wave of dark energy came off of him and left what it passed over blackened as it sped towards the edge of the clearing. The fillies were thrown back by the wave, when they landed they were at different ends of the clearing.

Fleetrain ran to Frostfall and said, “Are you alright?”

“She got lucky there, Fleetrain, now let’s finish them off,” Frostfall said as she stood up.

Fleetrain focused his attack, engulfing the fillies into a deep darkness. The forest could not be seen anymore only pitch black could. While the fillies looked around to locate their enemy Frostfall took her chance to attack the defenseless fillies.

“WINTER’S EDGE!” Frostfall shouted. Ice shards rapidly formed in the darkness heading towards the three fillies. The shards that hit the fillies gave them cuts and made them stumble. The fillies remained strong and tried to evade Frostfall’s attack while searching for the ponies hiding in the dark.

“Hahaha, how feeble you are compared to us!” Frostfall said.

“Indeed, they do seem to be weakening,” Fleetrain said as he appeared in front of the fillies swinging his halberd.

Scootaloo barely blocked the attack but she fell down due to her fatigue, she didn’t know how much longer they could last before these ponies killed them. “Girls, I don’t think I can take much more of this,” she said.

“Come on, Scoots! We cain’t give up! If we stick together we can beat these guys and their boss!” Applebloom said as she helped Scootaloo to her hooves.

“Yeah, together we can take anything these ponies throw at us, and dish out twice as much right back at them,” Sweetie Belle said from the other side of Scootaloo.

“Well then let’s give them a taste of what friendship can do!” Scootaloo exclaimed, her fatigue forgotten about.

A flow of magic began to surround the three fillies becoming stronger every second as it grew, a pattern began to form surrounding the fillies and spreading outwards until the edge was a circle. Blue lights began to shoot up out of the design. Then it turned into a column of light that began pulsating, and lights began to pop into existence as it shrank and imploded sending out three shockwaves that flung Fleetrain and Frostfall into a tree and dissipated the darkness.

The fillies were speechless at what they had done just now. They had cast a powerful spell that took down the other two ponies easily and healed all their wounds!

“How did that just happen?” Sweetie Belle asked.

“... Ah don’ know Sweetie Belle, but what ever that was is-” Applebloom began.

“It was awesome, that’s what it was!” Scootaloo finished.

“Ugghh... huh?” Fleetrain said as he looked around, trying to find Frostfall. “Where are you, Frostfall?”

“I would appreciate it if you would kindly GET THE BUCK OFF OF ME!” Frostfall said as she hit the back of Fleetrain’s head with her hoof.

“OW! It’s not like I tried to land on you!” he said as he jumped off of Frostfall.

“Let’s get out of here before they decide to finish us off,” Frostfall said as she opened a portal.

“You are right, and besides, we do need to report what happened,” Fleetrain said as he followed Frostfall into the portal.


In a nearby bush Twilight and Fluttershy had their jaws drop, trying to figure out what just happened before them. They saw three little fillies take down a giant monster, cast a spell that even Twilight didn’t know, and finally defeat two of the ponies that tried to kill her and her friends two months ago.

Fluttershy was the first one to speak after what they just saw, “Twilight did you see that?”

“I saw it and I don’t believe it,” Twilight replied, “I mean, how did they do that? What are those swords they are carrying? And how do they know how to fight?!”

“I’m just as clueless as you are, Twilight.”

“Anyways we have to see if they are alright.”

The yellow pegasus nodded before they stood out of the bushes to check up on the fillies and maybe get some answers to what was really going on.


The fillies’ weapons disappeared as they sat down on their haunches relieved that victory had been theirs.

“Man... *YAWN* I’m beat,” Scootaloo said.

“*YAWN* so am Ah,” Applebloom said.

“Hey, there’s Fluttershy and Twilight!” Sweetie Belle said.

“What the hay just happened?!” Twilight asked the fillies as she trotted up to them.

“Um... I - We - uh... nice to see you back to normal?” Sweetie Belle said as she nervously glanced at Scootaloo and Applebloom.

“Yes, it is good not to be a statue -- why are you trying to change the subject? And what were those swords you were using?”

“Umm... I think it would be better if we went back to Fluttershy’s now and got some sleep,” Scootaloo said.

“You’ll be able to after you answer my questions,” Twilight said.

“Why... *yawn* cain’t we answer them when we ain’t so tired?” Applebloom asked.

Twilight saw that everyone was tired not only because it was late but also of the events that took place just moments ago. She gave a sigh in defeat. As curious as she was she could get her answers tomorrow morning.

“Alright we will discuss this in the morning, for now we will sleep” Twilight said.

Their trip back to Fluttershy’s cottage was uneventful considering how many dangerous creatures live in the forest. They put the fillies back into bed and not much later everyone had fallen asleep.