• Published 13th Mar 2012
  • 1,062 Views, 17 Comments

The CMC Defense of Equestria - Dark Colt Sabata

A crossover story with Kingdom Hearts and Chrono Trigger elements, but much more darker.

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Roots Of Darkness, Part 1

A pegasus, with a tan coat, galloping at a Behemoth with a Keyblade in her mouth, jumped on top of it and headed straight for its horn, aiming to finish it off before sunrise. With ten swings of her black and silver Keyblade with a reverse spiked edge, the giant went down.

That’s the last of them, she thought, I wonder how those fillies held against Frostfall and Fleetrain? Well, just one way to find out!

With that she turned towards the clearing that the first Behemoth headed for.

Maybe I’ll see the end of the fight and find out what they know already, or I’ll see them- no! No... don’t think like that, they might be teaching themselves right now, but, in a few days time you will be able to teach them all you know, she looked into her saddlebags that she wore whenever she left her house, BUCK! looks like I need to pay that ole’ Fountain of Youth another visit soon... or maybe... these fillies will be able to finish what we started... If only you were here Doctor, you had a way of pulling together plans of the wildest sort... hehe, guess that last one was a little too wild for you.

While she was thinking, she almost walked right into the still occupied clearing. Whew! they didn’t see me, she thought as she peeked out of a bush. Looks like Fleetrain somehow blinded them... There’s Frostfall trying to use- oooohhh... spoke too soon. And there goes Fleetrain, trying to finish them off with his Halb- WHAT IS THAT?!

She stared in wonder at the column of light that appeared around the fillies. When it was over she saw Fleetrain and Frostfall scrambling to get off of eachother.

Hah, serves you right for underestimating your opponents, ya lame excuses for generals! She then looked towards the fillies, Who are those two mares? They don’t look like they’re related to the fillies but... they seem vaguely familiar... ah well, at least those three are safe now. Guess my work here is done, and a little ahead of schedule!

She waited until the clearing was empty and flew up out of the forest. Now, I know I put the map somewhere in my Canterlot apartment, just need to remember exactly which room I put it in...


“... And then we came back here,” Frostfall said.

She and Fleetrain were explaining what happened during their mission to their boss. They were back in their headquarters in the dark world.

“I see” said the boss sitting on his throne “And what was the attack they used to defeat you?”

“... We don’t exactly know... But... They fought like the Keyblade Masters,” Fleetrain said

“I told you that those fillies were strong, don’t you ever listen to what I say?” The boss said in an angered tone.

“Yes, you were right about them, I just... got a little mad at that white one for hitting my back,” Frostfall said.

“Nevermind about that, we have bigger problems than that.”

“Yes, the Princesses... You never really told us how we were going to beat them,” Fleetrain said.

“That’s easy, we will have you and the other generals - except Moonfire - to gather the armies for a full scale assault on Canterlot.”

“We talking Behemoths and Dark Dragons?” Frostfall asked.

“Do you even know who we are dealing with?” The boss countered even angrier.

“What? Those are the most powerful Heartless I can summon.”

“Exactly, you and the Heartless will attack the city and the guards, while me and Moonfire take care of the princesses.”

“Guess I’ll need to call up The-” Fleetrain began.

“You know it's practically useless against anything but thousands of Keyblade masters,” Frostfall said.

“You’ll see Frostfall, you’ll see; but we need to attack soon, they know too much about us,” The boss said.

“Yes, what with those three and Her... ”

“They won’t make it.”

“But all of us know that She has escaped many of Moonfire’s ‘inescapable’ traps, in fact the only pony he managed to kill was the Doctor, and that was no more than an accident.”

“Moonfire’s plans might not turn out well, but in combat will be more than enough. Besides, the moment that She finds out, it will be too late.”

“And what of the Element bearers?” Fleetrain said.

“Just leave that part to me”

“Still... it feels like we’re missing something...”

“Like what?”

“I can’t place my hoof on it, but it does seem like something is staring us right in the face,” Frostfall said.

“She might be listening to us,” The boss said interested.

“If that was the case, we would know exactly whom it was,” Moonfire said as he walked in the room, “well... I would know at least seeing as how I made the protection spells for us and the castle.”

“Well, anyways go and prepare for the invasion of Canterlot, while you’re at it keep an eye out for something strange while you’re preparing the army,” the boss said to the other generals.

“Yessir!” Fleetrain and Frostfall said before stepping into their portals. When the portals closed Moonfire said, “now, I’m still not clear on which of the sisters I’m going to be fighting.”

The boss turned to face Moonfire and said, “You’ll be fighting princess Luna, I’ll take care of Celestia... You better not lose this battle.”

“I will try my hardest to beat her... I still don’t like the fact that it has to be me that fights her...”

“Stop being such a pussy Moonfire! if we lose this battle all of our plans will be ruined!” The boss shouted.

“I’m not saying that I won’t fight, just that I strongly dislike the idea of hitting a mare.”

“Well, like it or not you will do it if you don’t they won’t think twice about killing you.”

“Why can we not try a peaceful way of-”

“Listen to me,” the boss interrupted him, “Do you think they will forgive you or any of us after what we did? No, once you get in the darkness there’s no turning back!”

“I know... it’s just, sometimes I think that it would’ve been better if I hadn’t left them,” Moonfire said quietly to himself.

“Looks like you need some time alone, I’ll call you once we are about to start the invasion,” the boss said quietly while leaving the throne room.


The next morning Twilight along with the fillies had gone to the library. Twilight asked Fluttershy to tell the others to meet in the library.Twilight, the fillies, and Spike were waiting in the living room for the others to arrive. Hearing a knock on the door Twilight opened to see all her friends standing in the doorway.

“Glad you could make it,” Twilight said welcoming her guests.

“What’s goin’ on Twi?” Applejack said.

“It appears that these fillies have some things to explain” She said pointing at the three fillies.

“What do you mean by that?” Rainbow Dash said.

“It wasn’t exactly a secret, you guys just didn’t ask us what we were doing most of the time,” Sweetie Belle said.

“Sure...Anyways, apparently they know how to fight now,” Twilight said.

There was a few seconds of silence when Spike fell on the floor laughing meaning that he didn’t believe that what Twilight said was true.

“That’s a good one Twilight,” The baby dragon said before he started laughing again.

“I am not kidding, Spike! Last night Fluttershy and I found them in the forest fighting a giant monster-”

“Twilight, I think you hit your head with something ‘cause I don’t think that such thing like that can happen,” Rainbow Dash said.

“You don’t believe me? I’ll give you proof, girls” She called out the fillies, “Show us your weapons!”

“Dear I don’t think they ha-” Rarity tried to speak but she was interrupted to see the three fillies holding their Keyblades.

“What in tarnation?! How the hay did they get those?!” Applejack asked.

“Ah’ don’t know some guy gave them to us in a dream,” Applebloom replied.

“And that they were called Keyblades,” Scootaloo added.

“Yeah, he said that something tragic will happen to Equestria,” Sweetie Belle said.

“Did this pony say what the tragedy was?” Twilight asked.

“No, but those two that we fought were with the pony that attacked you!” Scootaloo replied.

Twilight had never been more impressed than now. Not only she just found out about a dangerous threat but also found out that these three fillies had mysterious power that might save Equestria.

“Man, you three must be tough if you can withstand what they can dish out!” Pinkie said with her usual over excited voice.

“Look at that Scoots, it’s your turn to be the hero now,” Rainbow Dash said while Scootaloo was blushing at her idol’s compliment.

“I think we should go to the princess about those ponies and what ever their weapons are,” Twilight said.

She took a piece of paper and a quill out and began to write the letter.

Dear Princess Celestia,

I have figured out what kind of enemy we are facing, I have also found three fillies who can save Equestria from the tragedy that’s going to happen.

These enemies are the same ones that had attacked us two weeks ago and stripped my friend, Rarity, from her magic and future family, they showed an incredible power we barely had time to strike back. We still don’t know what their motives are but we must take action right now before it’s too late.

Your Faithful Student,

Twilight Sparkle

Twilight folded the letter and gave it to her dragon assistant and he blew his green fire sending the letter successfully to it’s destination.

“Now all that we can do is wait,” Twilight said.

“Sssssooooooooo... what do we do while we’re waiting?” Scootaloo asked.

“Purple waffle eggs!” Pinkie Pie suddenly shouted.

A few minutes later the letter from Celestia had finally arrived. Twilight opened the letter and read it out loud.

Dear Twilight Sparkle,

You and your friends should join my sister and I in Canterlot as soon as possible to talk about these new enemies that you’re facing. We will explain the rest when you get here.


Princess Celestia.

“Everypony grab your stuff we have to go to Canterlot!” Twilight said after reading the letter.

The six ponies and the three fillies headed out the library to the train station that leads to their destination they didn’t have to wait long because the train was leaving already so they hopped on the train and it took off in no time.

Moments later they were in the castle halls searching for the throne room. A royal guard walked up to them and motioned for them to follow him, stopping at some gates the guard opened the door to reveal the princess waiting inside. They bowed down to them before standing up again.

“Good morning, my little ponies,” Celestia said with a small knowing smile.

“Princess what is it you wanted to talk to us about?” Twilight said.

“This enemy that you’re facing... is not to be taken lightly like NightMare Moon and Discord,” Celestia said in a serious tone.

“Sorry I’m late Tia,” Luna said as she teleported into the room.

“What do you mean?” Rainbow Dash asked.

“These ponies... are just horrible...heartless monsters that will do anything to make you suffer,” Celestia replied fearing at the memories of these monsters.

It was not normal to see Celestia this terrified that could only mean that these ponies were beyond dangerous: Rarity was the living proof of that.

“Wha-What are we dealing with? H-how can they be beaten?” Twilight asked.

“You might want to take a seat because we are familiar with these ponies” Luna said.

“Wait, you know who they are?!” Twilight said, astounded that even Luna knew of them.

“Yes, they were - for a time - normal ponies.”


Luna and Celestia nodded to each other and began to cast a spell.

“What we are about to show you is how They came to be,” Luna said as the spell finished. When the flash of light dissipated, they saw that they weren’t in the throne room, but instead were floating inside a house next to the creature that had attacked them sleeping in his bed.

He had woken up put on a blue shirt and some shorts he began to run down the stairs to prepare his breakfast. After finishing his breakfast he sat down on the couch in the living room to watch a metal box that displayed some images.

“What’s that he’s looking at?” Twilight asked.

“He said that it was called a ‘TeeVee’,” Luna answered.

“We interrupt this program for a special news update,” a voice said from the box. “It appears that a huge ship of some sort is floating above New York City and... wait a moment, something’s happening to the ship, It looks like-”

Just then the power went out.

“What?” the boy said looking around, “What happened to the lights?”

“Princess? What was that ship doing?” Twilight asked.

“... You will see shortly,” Celestia said.

The boy stood up from the couch; he heard something outside so he took a knife out of his pocket and went to see what was going on. The scene before him was intense, there were short, gasmask wearing aliens attacking everything they find.

He could not believe this this was a day that no boy thought would come, this was The End Of The World. He saw his best friend and his family go down under a hail of pink needles and kids from his school get blasted by a green missile that a huge armor-wearing beast shot from a gun attached to its right arm.

“This can’t be happening,” The boy said dropping on his knees.

One of the aliens saw him and headed towards him. This was it there’s nothing that he could do to save himself the boy just sat there waiting for his death. But it didn’t come. He looked up and saw a man in green armor standing over him, “Get up! This is no time to pray!” the man said.

“Alright,” the boy replied standing up.

“We need to get to that carrier... Do you have a Warthog we can use?”

“A what?”

“Ah, a civilian. Do you have a vehicle that we can use?”

“Well... no.”

“Looks like you’re out of options, Chief, we’re walking,” a feminine voice said.

“Who said that?” the boy said looking around.

“That’s Cortana, an AI that is tough to destroy, and even harder to lose. I couldn’t ask for a better roommate.”

“I’m confused.”

A row of explosions appeared and both of them took cover time was running out the aliens were going to destroy the planet any minute now. Just then the boy saw a truck going down the middle of the road mowing down aliens as it headed towards them.

“Wha- How- Why- ” Twilight stammered.

“Sssshhhhh, it’s just getting good!” Pinkie exclaimed as she ate some popcorn.

“SOOOEEYYY! Come get some you freaks of nature!” a man yelled from the back of the truck.

The boy just stood there, not understanding what was happening, not to mention that he wasn’t getting answers either. The truck stopped right in front of the boy and a girl said, “Get in! We’re gonna go get them varmints before they destroy th’ city! I’m Caroline by th’ way.”

“Do I have a choice?” the boy replied.

“No, you don’t. Now get in before you get killed,” the man in the armor said as he shoved the boy in.

“Chief, be nice, they are just civilians,” Cortana said.

“Get us to the nearest airfield,” the ‘Chief’ said.

“Why there?” Caroline asked as she floored the gas.

“We’re going to drop onto that carrier and destroy it.”

“Well, looks like you have a humdinger of a plan and I’m commin’ along t’ be yer pilot.”

“ARE YOU CRAZY?” The boy screamed.

“Are you crazy?” Twilight shouted “that’s suicide!”

“You have perfect timing, Twilight. You two said the exact same thing at the exact same time!” Pinkie happily exclaimed.

“The story isn’t over yet, my little ponies,” Celestia said.

“Sorry princess, I guess I get too deep into books... well, stories in general,” Twilight sheepishly said.

“His plans are crazy, but we always survive them,” Cortana said.

“Hey, Carol! Can ya toss me another box a bullets?” the man in the back said, “I’m Cletus by th’ way!”

“Sure,” Caroline said as she picked one up from the floor and tossed it through the small window in the back of the cab, “there’s th’ airfield off ta th’ right!”

The boy looked to the right around the Chief and saw a field between them and a hangar.

“Are we going to do a little off roading?” the Chief asked.

“You bet yer britches we are!” Caroline said as she turned the wheel and headed straight for the hangar.

“What kind of plane is there?” Cortana asked.

“’S a twin engine Cessna 421, ‘s got enough power ta get us ta that there ship, but not enough ta get us back.”

“Looks like we’re getting out my way then,” the Chief said as the truck stopped next to the hangar.

They piled out of the truck and opened the hangar.

“Looks like Caroline wasn’t kidding about the plane,” Cortana said as the vehicle in question was pulled out.

“Here,” Caroline said as she tossed the boy a bag, “we’re gonna need these parachutes if we’re gonna survive, you need one as well, big guy.”

“We don’t need one, thank you anyways,” Cortana said.

They climbed into the plane and Caroline started the engines.


As the plane was rolling down the runway, five flying things started shooting and diving towards them. Then one of the flying things shot a green missile at the airplane and destroyed it.

“Blargy blarg honk,” one of the pilots in the flying things said into his radio.
(A/N: that means: The Demon has been killed)

(A/N: Stay tuned for part 2 and I'm sorry for putting the Halo stuff in there that was Moon_Fire's idea so don't be mad at us)