• Published 9th Dec 2013
  • 7,567 Views, 343 Comments

The Story of Nyx: A Snowflake in The Wind - RyanMagika

Nyx finds herself in the Pony version of Purgatory after Twilight brings a special mirror to the Library. There she finds the lost soul of an Equestrian hero, Snowdrop.

  • ...

Chapter 6

I own nothing!

Nyx had failed. Not in helping Snowdrop. Just on finding out what a "Fruit of Harmony" is. She had stayed up all night trying to figure it out. Now it was Monday morning and the clock had just sang out 8 o'clock. Nyx groggily shifted in her bed.

"Five more minutes, mommy." She pulled her head from under her covers and looked at the clock. A look of horror grew from her face. "I'm late."

Nyx threw off her covers and jumped to the door. She slid down the handrails and landed on the bottom. "I'm late!" she screamed, grabbing her saddlebag and running out the door. "What are we even doing today?" she thought barreling down the street. She took a sharp turn by the bridge to the Carousel Boutique. "Oh right! We're taking a trip to Sweet Apple Acres!"

Nyx jetted past city hall. "Who organizes a field trip on a Monday?" Nyx approached the entrance to Sweet Apple Acres. In the distance stood the class with Mrs.Cheerilee as she looked down on a clipboard. "I can still make it!"

Nyx ran faster and faster until she was but a few meters behind the rest. In one final swoop, Nyx leaped and glided through the air for the final few steps.

" Nyx?" Cheerilee called out the attendance roll.

Nyx raised a hoof over the others. "Here!"

Cheerilee smiled and looked back down on the roster "Silver Spoon?" No pony raised a hoof or said anything. Cheerilee raised an eyebrow. "Diamond Tiara?" Again nothing. "Both Silver Spoon and Diamond Tiara, not here?”

Whispers filled the group.

“I heard they were hiding at Sugar cube corner.”

“Well I heard they went into the everfree.”

“You're both wrong I heard they were cuddling by the library”

That last comment got the colt several stare’s. It also ended the whispering.

Back with Nyx, the CMC stood by her as she caught her breath. “Nyx!” Scootaloo whisper-yelled, “Where were you?”

“Slept. Late. Research.” she panted out. Nyx’s breathing regulated. “I’ve been trying to figure out this ‘Fruit of Harmony’ stuff.

“Fruit of Harmony?” asked Sweetie Belle.

“I don’t know much myself. It’s like it doesn’t even exist.”

“Maybe it don’t exist!” said Applebloom.

Nyx shook her head. “No, I’m sure it does. Even though I could only find 1 source on it, The pony who wrote the book was...trustworthy. There’s also too much detail on it.”

Cheerilee’s voice then suddenly cut through. “Attention! Attention everypony!”

“We’ll talk about this later” said Scootaloo

“Alright class! Today we are here at Sweet Apple Acres—”

“Where I’ live!” shouted Applebloom jumping into the air.

“Um. Yes, Home of Applebloom. We are here to learn about the growth patterns and autonomy of trees!” continued Cheerilee,
“Come along everypony. We’re going to start without—”

“Now wait just a darn-tootin second!” called a voice from inside the Orchard. An orange mare with a stenson walked up to the class.

“Now did a’ll think you’d start without me” said the mare. “Sorry for the holdup Mrs. Cheerilee, I had a problem with a little yellow bat.”

“It’s quite alright Applejack” said Cheerilee with a nod. She turned to the group, “Alright everypony. Let us explore the wonderful world of trees!”

In the back Nyx groaned slightly, “Well, there goes a whole day of research. At least i’m learning something.”


“This tree here is called Blossom Bloom” said Applejack. It had been a good 4 hours since the trip started. The entire time however was spent with Applejack rambling on the names and stories of Every. Single. Tree. The group was tired and thirsty and even Cheerilee’s resolve began to die out. Nyx hadn’t really enjoyed the trip. She just followed along and thought about the Fruit of Harmony. Granted her mind did fall on the subject of a certain blue filly once or twice.

“Now this here tree is named Blossom Forth. She is right in her ripening stage.” Applejack said patting the large tree, “This tree grew from a single seed from another tree named Bloomberg”

“Big Sis, I know you feel the need to tell us abou’ every escapade you had with every tree out here, bu’ you are boring the class to death” said Applebloom from the back. Nyx looked up and paid attention for some reason unknown to her.

Applejack frowned at Applebloom. “Like hush you, talking sass to your big' sis in front of your teacher!”

“Hey i’m only tellin’ the truth.” Applebloom called back.

“Girls could we please calm-”Cheerilee said trying to defuse the situation.

“Don’t you back talk me. Besides”-Applejack bucked Blossom Forth with her right hind leg, causing a single apple to fall out and land in Applejack’s hoof- ”How else is anypony gonna know about the fruit from this here tree?”

An idea hit Nyx like lightning. A small light bulb appeared above her ear. “Bingo.” she whispered. The connecting of dots filled Nyx’s head as she began to rethink the “Fruit of Harmony” issue. Finally she realized the full implications of the idea. “Oh. That’s a bad idea. Not even a bad one, a CRAZY one. But you know what they say. It’s so crazy it might just work.


Nyx leaped through the front door of the library. The clock from upstairs could barely be heard, but it singing out 4 o’clock was distinguishable. Nyx didn't care for the time though.

“Mom said she’ll be back from meetings late tonight so this is the time to take my chance.Nyx said grabbing a few books off the shelves and placing them in her saddlebag. “It’s been so obvious. A ‘Fruit of Harmony’! A normal fruit comes from a tree or bush. So a Fruit of Harmony would come from the Tree of Harmony!”

Nyx pulled on her saddle bag from the table and walked to the mirror. “I should probably see Snowdrop again before…She turned back towards the room and looked over it one more time. “I really hope I can do this.”

Nyx charged up her horn and sent a small amount of magic into the skull engraving. She tapped her hoof on the mirror to check it’s... portal-ness. Nyx turned around again almost suspicious of her surroundings. When she was satisfied that the room was cleared she leaped straight through.

Unlike in her previous ventures to Limbo this one was quite different. The vortex surrounding her was blood red with black lightning shooting in random intervals. There was no brown pony with the blue box this time. Only these… creatures. They shot past Nyx at unbelievable speeds though a few chugged along more slowly. They were a pure white with deep black sockets where eyes should have gone. They were the creatures from Sombra’s book. Nyx was too shocked to react to the scene before her. A single spirit took notice of nyx and curled around her. Nyx however was too scared to speak, she could only look into it’s pure black eyes.

The creature looked at Nyx cocking its head, as if reading a confusing part of a book. The creature suddenly froze. A voice rang out from it’s empty holes. “Freeeee ussss.”

Almost instantly the other spirits took heed. “Freeee ussss.” said another. Then a third one joined. then a fourth. More and more adding to the mix. “Freeee ussss. Freeee ussss. Freeee usss”

“NO! Stop! Help me! Anyone!” Nyx finally yelled. the spirits continued.

“Freeee ussss. Freeee ussss. FREEEE USSS!” the spirits chanted.

Unbeknownst to the spirits and Nyx, Nyx’s horn began to spark an light opal color. Nyx covered her face with her hooves. “No! Leave me alon-”

Nyx stopped mid sentence. Her hooves lowered as she opened her eyes revealing that they now glowed a stark white. Nyx wings shot up from behind her as her Cutie mark began to glow. “I. Said. Leave. Me. ALONE!” A blast of light from Nyx’s horn blasted out banishing the spirits in the process. When all the spirits had disappeared Nyx’s energy began to die down. Her eyes returned to normal and her Cutie mark stopped glowing. When the remainder of the power died down Nyx untensed.

“Ugh… What happened?” Nyx opened her eyes and looked around. “What? Who…” Nyx turned towards the direction she was traveling. “I better keep going…”. The flow of the vortex carried Nyx onward.


The endless darkness of limbo was broken for several seconds as a large crimson flash shone through it. When the ominous light dimmed down, a large portal took it’s place. Despite Nyx’s tiredness she trudged on and viewed her surroundings. Nyx turned to see Snowdrop some distance away, around 40 meters. Nyx smiled.

“Hey! Snowdrop!” Nyx called. Snowdrop didn’t move. Nyx began to worry. “What’s wrong with her?” Nyx began the tedious process of flailing her way to Snowdrop. After all the times before, however, this time it was much easier. Nyx floated behind Snowdrop and observed her. She wasn’t disheveled or messy. She wasn’t crying or laughing, she was just… there. Her back was turned towards from Nyx as she laid there in silence.

“Uh… Snowdrop?” Nyx said. Snowdrop didn’t move. “Snowdrop?” she said again lightly shaking her. “Come on Snowdrop, Wake up!” she said shaking her more heavily. Nyx moved to the other side and took at look at her face. Snowdrop’s face was drawing a blank. She just stared into the void. She was breathing slowly but steadily.


Nyx was shocked. “What?” Snowdrop turned away from Nyx. Nyx began to turn to her face again but Snowdrop just moved gain. Nyx sighed. “Snowdrop what happened?”.

A long silence followed. “Three weeks.”

“What?” Nyx said not understanding. Snowdrop turned her head to her slightly.

“Three weeks. You’ve been gone for three weeks!” Snowdrop said beginning to yell. “All these 3 weeks I wondered where you were!” Nyx couldn’t respond.

“All the time before was bad.” - Snowdrop turned fully to Nyx - “But when you came and left it was much worse. Like it was just another trick!” - Snowdrop began to fall into tears - “I’ve never felt more alone! I couldn’t take it anymore! I only felt whole when you were here. I felt like every time you left a piece of me was being ripped out!” Snowdrop was fully crying now her eyes shut tight.

I did this.” Nyx thought in realization. “I did this to her. I didn't mean to but I did. But I’ve got to fix this Nyx got closer to Snowdrop and tried wrapping her hooves around her in a hug.

Snowdrop pushed her away. “Please just go.”

Nyx couldn’t just stop. This time she forced her hooves onto her shoulders. She wrapped her legs around her sides and hugged her weakly. “Please don’t cry. Please.” She pleaded weakly. “I don’t want to see you hurt like this, I can’t stand it..”

Snowdrop’s tears didn’t stop however.

“Please stop crying. Every time you cry I can’t handle it. It’s like someone is tearing out a piece of me! Please. Don’t cry.”

Snowdrop’s tears continued for a few more seconds before they stopped. Snowdrop looked up into Nyx’s eyes, a slight blush on her face. “R-really? You-you feel the same way? ”

Nyx didn’t even take a second to respond, “Yes! I can’t stand it when you cry. It’s like everything doesn’t even matter. I promise I’ll help you get out soon.”

Snowdrop smiled weakly before nuzzling her head into Nyx’s chest. “T-thank you. Don’t ever leave me for that long.”

Nyx thought for several seconds. “I promise Snowdrop. I promise I’ll get you out of here too.” Nyx separated herself from Snowdrop. “And I think I figured out the way how.” Nyx turned away from Snowdrop and fished through her saddle bag before pulling out the small book from earlier. “I found this book. It’s about this place!”

Snowdrop looked, interested in the small book. “What does it say”

Nyx carefully skipping to the third page making sure not to see some of the ‘Not safe for fillies’ content. “According to this line” - Nyx pointed the line in question - “Spirits from limbo can be freed with help from an immortal and something called a ‘Fruit of Harmony’. If I can get one of these Fruits I can free you!

Snowdrop looked extra excited. “Really?!” she cheered flying slightly into the air. “This is great! I can finally leave!- Wait! What about an immortal part?”

“Forgetting something?” Nyx said flapping her wings and smiling.

Snowdrop giggled, “Oh yeah.”

Nyx’s smile disappeared for a second. “Snowdrop… This means that i have to go again. I’ll be able to get you back next time but for you I'm not sure how long it’ll be.”

Snowdrop’s smile shrunk slightly. “It’s okay. I think I can handle it this time. I know this time that you're trying your best to save me. To help me” Snowdrop nuzzled up to Nyx causing Nyx to blush. “Just… Don’t take as long.” Snowdrop was fully cuddling now.

Nyx just laid there not caring. “I think I’ll… stay for the night,” she said. Snowdrop smiled with her eyes closed.

“Good night.”

“Good night, Dear Nyx”

Author's Note:

Now that Midterms are finally over chapters should be posted in less time. This chapter was brought to you by my anonymous editor and Co-writer.

Please comment and favorite this story, it helps with getting the next chapter out.