• Published 9th Dec 2013
  • 7,567 Views, 343 Comments

The Story of Nyx: A Snowflake in The Wind - RyanMagika

Nyx finds herself in the Pony version of Purgatory after Twilight brings a special mirror to the Library. There she finds the lost soul of an Equestrian hero, Snowdrop.

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Chapter 8: Kinda Valentine's Day Special

I own nothing

Ursa. Ursa. Ursa. It’s an Ursa. Ursa Major. I’m dead. Snowdrop’s dead. But she’s alive-dead. I’m dead-dead. Absolutely dead. Dead to the point that I’ve died, came back, and died again.” Nyx’s thought process wasn’t exactly on the most positive note. It probably shouldn’t be. Facing down a 165 yard tall space bear with little to no magic due to mass teleportation is reason to be unoptimistic. The Ursa stuck it’s nose in the air and sniffed in several times. Mid-sniff however the Ursa paused, stopping to take in a long deep breath. When the Ursa finished it turned towards the clearing that Nyx stood. The Ursa stared directly at Nyx’s body. “Maybe… Maybe it’ll ignore me?

The opened it’s mouth and roared, “GRAAAAAGGGHHHHHH!!!

“Guess not!” Nyx turned away and tried to run but stumbled in exhaustion. She lifted her self and trudged quickly to the treeline opposite the Ursa. Just in time however did the Ursa swung it’s claw and cut the tree next to where Nyx had stood leaving a splintered tree stump. “The Ursa must have killed that Manticore! It certainly could’ve done it!”

Nyx rounded a corner as the Ursa barreled through the trees. Dozens of trees began to fall and separate as the monster chased the small black filly. Nyx looked around and saw a hole in the ground. “Left by some animal probably.” Nyx took no leisure diving into the opening. Nyx panted heavily as the Ursa caught up and stopped by where she had hidden. The Ursa raised it’s head and let out a loud roar in frustration.

Nyx tried to silence her panting. “I’ve-Got-To-Stop-This-Thing-From-Chasing-ME!” She thought. Nyx attempted to charge up her horn but to no avail. “C-come on…” Nyx tried again this time a small spark being let out. The effort, however, caused Nyx to cough up blood in a small amount. A small drop of blood remained on the side of her lips. “T-that’s no g-good. I can’t c-cast any magic. T-there’s nothing I c-can do.”

The Ursa outside let out another loud roar of anger. It swiped it’s arm and knocked down over a dozen more trees. “GRRRROOOOAAARRRRR!!!

It’s only a matter of time before that thing finds me. Immortal or not, I won’t survive being eaten alive.” The ground shook violently with each step the Ursa took. “At least I know where the earthquakes were coming from.”

Several more steps followed, “Am I doomed? There’s no way I can fight that thing. I can’t teleport and I can’t sneak away, it’ll smell me from kilometer away!” The Ursa looked dangerously close to where Nyx hid. “I give up! I’m stuck here until it finds me. I’m doomed. Snowdrop’s going to be locked away forever.” The thought of Snowdrop made Nyx cringe. “Why’d I even come here! What? So I could be her knight in shining armor?” Several second passed “So I could be close to her... But now, thanks to my big plans, I’m stuck in the middle of the Everfree forest with a Hoofball field and a half tall monster looking to make me It’s late night snack!” Nyx’s tired body slumped in exhaustion and loss of purpose.

“I should just wait here… If I’m lucky it’ll b-bite me in the head first.” Nyx laid against the dirt floor. Her head clear now. No thoughts, no regrets, just the feeling of relief. Relief that it’s finally going to be over. This roller coaster of emotions and challenges. and just as Nyx fell fully into her hole of despair a small thought creeped into her mind.

I think it’s time I stopped… c-crying”

“What?” Nyx said looking around.

Are you related to the princesses?”

Nyx’s first meeting with Snowdrop began to play in her head.

“Why do you do that?”

Nyx turned her head towards Snowdrop. “Do what?”

She giggled again this time causing Nyx to blush. “Talking to yourself.”

Nyx remembered that moment, It was one of the first time’s her feeling began to be planted, soon growing to love she felt now. More fragments began to pour in.

“So where do you come from Nyx?”

Nyx hesitated for a second. “I was raised in Ponyville.”

More memoried began to pour into Nyx’s mind, as if to remind her what she had lost. “No…” Nyx said, “Not what I lost. These are… What I’m going to lose… What I’m going to lose if I give up!”

A final memory waltzed into Nyx’s mind.

I know this time that you're trying your best to save me. To help me.”

“I have to k-keep going.” She said weakly. Nyx shakily stood up on all four hooves. She wiped the blood from her mouth and climbed from the hole. She looked up and saw the large Ursa looking the other way.

“Because there’s one magic that more powerful than anything. More potent than Chaos and more amorphous than changeling magic.” The Ursa turned around and eyed Nyx. It let out a loud roar.


“And that magic! Is the Magic of love!” Nyx took a quick sprint at a 45 degree angle of the ursa. As soon as Nyx had ran, the Ursa took off after her, Thankfully the trees slowed it down.

Nyx rounded a corner losing Ursa as she sprinted through. Her running was cut short however as she tripped on a large hard object. Nyx got up to see where she had over a large flat rock. A small cut was present on her back hoof, with a small spatter of blood on the edge. Nyx began to trudge again, but stopped after a few feet. A small idea came to Nyx. She ran back to the large rock and observed it’s characteristics. It was large and flat, and was dry enough to draw on it.

Perfect” She thought. Nyx lifted a hoof and wiped the blood from her mouth. A streak later and Nyx was confident in her ability to draw rune. Rune Magic wasn’t exactly Nyx’s forte. It required a small amount of magic but unless you memorized the whole process you just carried around a big book of runes to draw. Thankfully during her time as Nightmare Moon, Spell Nexus had looked into the subject. The common marker in these spells was chalk, blood however was an worthier substitute.

A large circle was contained in a slightly smaller circle, with a large heart shape taking up the entire space. Lines crist and crossed along the empty spaces with a large diamond shape in the middle. Markers dotted the space in between the two circles. Nyx cringed several times as she wiped her hind legs of blood to use. The Ursa was trashing and rampaging over in the distance, Nyx knew however that it was a matter of time before came back around; Since it was in the direction of Ponyville Nyx couldn’t run. New marks filled the the border of the circles, a final mark was placed in the bottom underneath the star. Finally the circle was done. Nyx wiped a bit of sweat off her brow. Just in time too, for the Ursa had made it close to Nyx at that point. Nyx rose up her head and began charging up her horn. Her horn sputtered in resistance forcing Nyx to stop and cough up more blood.

Come on…” Nyx thought attempt to charge her horn again. “Work. Work.” After several seconds her horn sputtered to life, albeit very weakly. “Yes!” Nyx called almost hopping into the air.

Just as Nyx said that The Ursa turned in her direction following the path of the noise. Nyx took heed of this and sent a charge into the star in the center. Slowly the symbol began to shine weakly in the center slowly spreading towards the edge. Just as the Ursa came across the tree line the Rune exploded in a blast of light. Nyx closed her eyes and covered her head. After several seconds a new sound called Nyx from her protected state. It was Breathing. Nyx uncovered her head and looked at the scene around her. Rather than being on the ground about to become Ursa chow, Nyx was in the Air. Nyx looked across to see a large and annoyed Ursa standing on it’s hind legs. Nyx looked where she was and realized where she was. She wasn’t flying, she was standing.

Nyx was standing on a giant Ursa shoulder. This Ursa was only about 135 yrd tall and was a far paler shade of purple. It was still just as fierce. The Ursa Nyx was on had another quality; A large pink bow was sitting on her Ursa’s head, It’s lips were also a slightly redder shade. Nyx had summoned a physical illusion of a Female Ursa.

“Whoa!” Nyx called out, amazed at her work. This Ursa was shorter, paler, and looked scrawny and sick. It was still an Ursa. Nyx lifted and Ursa to try to touch the Ursa’s neck, her hoof however simply passed through. “It’s only partially Physical.” Nyx said. She looked down the Ursa’s arm to look at it’s fists, “Hopefully it’s Physical in other parts too.”

The other Ursa was twiddling his fingers all this time. It stood opposite the Female Ursa staring it down, his eyes like a predator, ready to kill. Nyx face-hoofed in realization, “Ursa’s are territorial creatures! And now I’ve made an illusion of another right in front of it!

The Male Ursa got down on all fours and growled in anger. To Nyx’s surprise her Ursa braced itself and began to growl itself.

“Whoa!” Nyx thought being pushed and moved across her Ursa’s shoulder as it moved. “Calm down Ursy! Heel!”

The Ursa took no heed and lowered herself into a crouched position. Nyx looked down the Ursa’s back and took her chance, jumping off and sliding down the Female Ursa’s back. Nyx slid down until she landed in the top of a tree. The two Ursa stared each other down in hatred. The Male Ursa scratched the ground with a paw while the Female brought her arms to where them where just above her sides. Several more seconds of growling exploded into conflict as the Male began to charge towards the Female Ursa. The Female braced herself for impact. The Male lept at the 100 yrd mark and flew to attempt to collide with the Female. The Female was startled as the Male lept forward, almost in slow motion. Several milliseconds of cold fear and adrenaline lead the Female to close her eyes, bracing for the collision. The seconds passed and no collision happened. The Female Ursa opened a signal eye and looked around, The Male Ursa had vanished. After opening the second eye the adrenaline left her system and she noticed a feeling in her stomach. She looked down and saw the Male bear lovingly wrapping her arms around her waist. You could practically see the hearts leaving his head.

“Yes!” yelled the small voice of Nyx, drowned out in the purrs of affection. Nyx was waving her hooves in celeration in the tree she had landed. The idea had gone according to plan. "The Male Ursa was completely dealt with, now all I’ve got to do is sneak-”

GRRROOAAARRRR!” The Female Ursa roared in anger. This didn’t cause the Male to flinch. The Female grabbed onto the Male by her neck fur and lifted him into air. The Male was too infatuated to care. In one sweeping motion the Female swung a fist straight into The Male’s face throwing him back several hundred feet. Dozens of Trees were crushed in the collision, a dirt crater stood with the Male Ursa’s Body. The Male lifted itself up a look of confusion on his face. He began to trudge back but was caught in surprise by the Female rushing in to nail him in the gut causing him to crash into a cliff face. The Male growled in anger this time pulling himself from the rocky edge.

RRRROOOOAAARRRR!” It roared back its arms reared back. The Male began rushing towards the Female as she braced from impact. The two collided in spectacular display of debris as the Female kicked up dirt from being pushing into the ground. The two were gripping hand as they pushed against each other the Male slowly winning due to the size advantage. The Female however was smarter as it quickly let itself fall back and allow the Male to fall with her. The Female quickly sidestepped and let go of the Male. Now on his left she kicked her leg forward causing the Ursa to lose balance and fall to the ground. The Female came forward and brought her foot down quickly down on the Ursa’s back.

Over in the distance Nyx watching intently, She needed to stay near the rune for it to continue working, even if she could leave she probably would've stayed just the watch the battle of epic proportions. The Male turned so it’s back was to the ground and grabbed ahold of the Female’s foot. He rolled over causing the Female to fall unexpectedly. The Male got up quickly and took hold of the Female again and lifted her above his head throwing her against the ground. The Female rolled into a crouching position and pushed itself to leap at the Male. She collided midair and forcing the Male to the ground with her on top. The Female slashed at the Male’s face. The Male then reached up and grabbed the Female’s paw twisting in causing her to screech in pain. He reared his paw back and punched the Female straight in the nose. The Female covered her nose and fell back a few steps. The Male got up and began to rush the Female. The Female dropped her arms from her face crouched down stretching out her leg, tripping the Male in mid run. The Female tried to slash at the Male but he blocked with his arm and pushed away the Female. The Male got to his feet and stared down the female. He rushed her but she was ready sidestepping the behemoth. She grabbed onto his arm and swung him into the cliff face dazing him. The Female trudged up to the Male and picked him up by his neck fur. She proceeded to begin smashing him against the cliff face repeatedly keeping him in a daze. The cliff face began to crumble as the Female Ursa smashed the Male repeatedly. Blood stains began to flow like a river into the tree line. Finally the Female threw the Male onto the ground, his back to the cliff. She won, the Male was unconscious. The Female brought her arms up and looked up at the sky.

“GROOAAARRR!” The Female roared. From where her arms started she began to crumble, the spell was beginning to collapse. From her outstretched arms to her legs she began to t crumble into particles of dust. The Female’s grumbles echo as the her feet disappeared into particles of light.


Nyx stood dumbfounded and amazed at the scene that had taken place in front of her. The two Ursas had fought valiantly but her’s came out on top. Nyx slid out of the tree and began to walk to the nearby cliff where the Male Ursa lied. A river of blood was right. Streams of it flowed slowly from the Ursa’s back it’s viscosity almost gagging. Nyx observed the damage she had done against it.

Even with this damage the Ursa should survive.” Nyx thought. “Not even other Ursa’s can kill one of these. The Parasprites should leave it alone since it’s alive.” Nyx looked up to the Ursa’s head and saw the purple star shape on it’s forehead. At least it should have been purple. Instead it was a glowly opal. The glowing caught Nyx by surprise. She looked down just in time to see her Cutie Mark stop glowing.

“Stupid Mark.” Nyx muttered. She turned her head back up to the Ursa’s. It glowed brighter, after several seconds a blob began to detach from it. Soon a full chunk of shapeless goop jumped off the Ursa’s face.

“What.” Nyx said. The Ursa’s mark stopped glowing as the mark began to morph into a sphere. “What!”

The sphere lowered down before stopping in front of Nyx.

“W-what…” She muttered looking at the perfect opal orb. The orb jumped front right in front of Nyx to inside Nyx. That’s right the orb flew into Nyx.

“I-I-I-” Nyx’s stuttered speech was cut as her head shot up and her eyes glowed a pure white. As Nyx remained in this state parts of her began to heal. Her cuts closed up and face was cleaned of blood. When her eyes stopped glowing, Nyx was perfectly clean. Her body was re energized Nyx’s face was filled with complete and utter confusion. No words, just confusion.

“This is just getting annoying!” Nyx yelled waving her hooves in the air. “Just things! Things! They-just-happen! I’ve just absorbed part of a Star bear! After I beat it… with another Star bear! It’s like this whole trip has just been written by somepony who has no idea what he’s doing!”

Somewhere in an alternate universe a young author shuddered.

Nyx looked up at the Ursa’s unconscious body. She noticed how detailed the stars were on the Ursa. “I… I know an Ursa is a star bear… but it’s not a Literal star bear is it?”A twinkle of a few stars confirmed her suspicions. “Huh… I guess I’m more connected to Luna then I thought.” Nyx powered up her horn, it glowed steadily.

“I guess that’s where that energy went.” Nyx said. “I wonder…”

Step 1. Concentrate on you destination.” The Tree of Harmony.

Step 2. Concentrate on your target.” Herself.

Step 3. Gather your target.” An aura formed around Nyx.

Step 4. Use your magic to move you target to your destination.” Nyx disappeared in flash, leaving that area of the forest in a dead silence.

¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥Far away in a canyon in the Everfree... The Tree of Harmony was a rare and beautiful sight. It’s harmonic radiance lit up the whole area in a stunning white and blue light, leaving the feeling of comfort and rest. The tree itself stood resolute in the center of the canyon, surrounded by several pits and craters. A few leftovers from the Safe of Harmony arc. The tree was a crystal blue with several colorful gem in it’s branches. The canyon wasn’t silent, a calm hum from the tree filled the air, not too quiet to not be noticed, but not too loud to be annoying. This calm scene however was rudely interrupted by a loud flash of light and a screaming filly. Nyx was still new to teleportation so she had ended up teleporting to above the tree, about 10 feet to be exact.

“Ow.” was all Nyx could say. She shakily got up and looked at the tree, it radiance bringing a smile to Nyx’s face. “Finally.”Nyx ran up to the tree and placed her hooves on the trunk, looking eagerly at the branches. The tree stood resolute. Nyx frowned.“Uh… how does this work?” she said.

Author's Note:

Happy Valentine's Day everyone! Warning that this chapter isn't fully edited so it will be fixed later on!

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