• Published 16th Jan 2014
  • 656 Views, 24 Comments

A Foal in Sane - Adorned ungulate

So I've gotten my cutie mark, an awesome big sister, I can fly (sort of), and I make a pretty good living. So why do I feel so restless?

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Chapter Three: Floundering

Mom’s cooking ain’t the best but I make it a habit to come over for dinner every two weeks or so. Her dog doesn’t move as fast as she used to either but she makes short work of the last few bites when I lower my plate to the floor.
I look over at my mom as she rinses the dishes. I like to check her over for new artwork when she isn’t looking. Seeing as she’s married to a tattoo artist she’s kinda become his walking business card. I’m not terribly fond of Needles but I must admit he does good work.

“How’re the classes going, mom?” Mom doesn’t get as much dancing gigs as the years wind on so she started offering burlesque classes at the community center as a “fitness” alternative. Keeps her from getting too soft around the edges as well.

“Getting a few new walk-ins. Maybe I need to work on my instruction skills.”

“You should ask Miss Cherilee for some tips.”

Mom gives me a wink as I slip my plate into the sink. “Who’s to say she isn’t a client of mine already?”

“Ha! Miss Cherilee! That I have to see.”

“How about you, dear. How’s work.”

Can’t help but sigh. “I’ve been busting my flank trying to grow my business but everypony seems to hold some sort of grudge!”

“Almost as if you’ve been terrifying them with daredevil antics all your life.”

“Celestia wept, mom! Move over so I can run some cold water on that.”

She giggles. “Just playing Discord’s advocate, dear. Your reputation earns you respect on the racetrack but can be kind of a liability for ponies trusting you with fragile deliveries.”

“Dad treating you well?”

“Spoiling me rotten as always.”

“Tell him I said ‘hi’.”

“Sure thing, mom. Thanks for dinner and the brutally honest observations.”

“Anytime, Scootaloo.” She gives me a nuzzle. “Don’t be a stranger.”

I think about our conversation while flying home. There’s got to be something I can do: highlight how I can save clients’ money, time, less hassle? I’m the fastest pony in town and I can deliver nearly anything, this shouldn’t be so hard. Sure, I may not be the best flier. It’s a struggle for me to get above the rooftops. But try to beat me on two wheels and you’ll get humiliated. Maybe there’s something I’m missing…

I’ve got a pretty good relationship with my mom now. It’s easy to feel anger towards her but I try to think of her as the pony who gave birth to me and will always be a part of my life for that reason rather than a mother. That helps. She just wasn’t prepared to be a mom, I see that now. After she moved out she mostly would visit when bored or depressed instead of doing much parenting. I was talking with Granny Smith about it one day and she told me that a part of growing up is realizing your parents are just ordinary ponies and not perfect and that I just came to that realization about my mom when I was little and learned not to expect much. She was more like a moody teenager when I was a kid and I guess I’ve caught up and she’s an adult friend of mine and it’s my turn to be the moody teenager. It helps that dad was always a reliable figure in my life, giving as much comfort as needed. Celestia knows he’s not perfect. Sometimes he didn’t have enough time or was preoccupied being sad or overwhelmed. Maybe he gave me too much freedom I dunno. He did his best. That’s all any of us can promise. Weird what goes through your head on a flight home. Better concentrate or I’ll hit a tree or something.

Dad is relaxing in the courtyard, and his special sompony Helvetica is with him. “Hi dad! Mom says ‘hi’.”

“Evening, honey bunch. Productive day today?”

“I guess. Could be better. Hey, Helvetica. Your mom here too?”

The brown-coated unicorn nods. “She’s inside. You should have a word with her before she turns in.”

Quill is like my favorite old lady next to maybe Granny Smith. I wouldn’t do what I do if it weren’t for all her crazy military stories sparking my imagination. I hurry inside. “How’re you, Mrs. Scrivener?”

“Scootaloo! Come here so I can give my favorite courier a hug.” She’s gone a bit nobly in the knees but she was the fastest running unicorn in her prime. “Are you doing well? How is your racing career going?”

“Once Apple Bloom gets my new ride up and running I’ll let you know.”

“And your regular work?”

“I’m trying to gain more customers but it’s a slog.”

“Be dependable as you can when you’re in your uniform but try not to take your troubles home with you. Hang your frustration next to your hat. You can’t take professional rejection personally, dear.”

I thank her for the advice as we chat a bit. The Scriveners have soaked up a lot of that Canterlot culture but aren’t stuck up about it. Maybe that’s what attracted dad to Helvetica. I like them well enough, they’re more open minded than a lot of the townies and don’t make me feel stupid in comparison.

I’m chilling in my room when dad knocks on my door. “Got a minute, Scootaloo?”

“Sure, dad. S’up?”

“I’ll be taking some vacation time next weekend, Helvetica and I are going on an airship ride through northern Equestria. I’ll leave some bits for groceries before I leave.”

“Cool… you’re gonna finally ask her, right?”

Dad just smiles and shrugs. He’s been so deliberate not to have his marefriend take mom’s place and always gets all bashful with me on the topic. “I think I will, yes.”

“Bout time you put a feather in her mane. Good for you dad.”

“Thanks, dear… Oh, and about the party that you are too much of a rebel to ask permission for.”

I try to act pure of virtue. “Whatever are you talking about, father?” I hope my doe eyes still is effective. I never was able to perfect Sweetie’s signature move.

“Be sure to put breakables and valuables in my room and lock the door.” He turns to leave before adding more. “And Pipsqueak isn’t allowed in the house. I’m still replacing gaps in my record collection from the last time he played D.J. Tell him I’ll wring his stupid little cockney neck if he darkens my door.”

“Daad, okay. Whatever. Hope you have fun.”

“Goodnight, honey bunch.”

“Night, dad…” Sweet! Got a party to plan.

Apple Bloom and I are relaxing by the lake after an afternoon dip. She’s chewing on a strand of grass while I sun my wings. It’s a perfect lazy afternoon. A thought drifts into my mind so I voice it.

“Dad’s going to ask Helvetica to marry him.”

“Great! Time he make an honest mare of her… That means he’ll need a good caterer, right?”

“Luna’s tears, A.B. You’re always looking for business.”

“Always be closing, you should take notes from me. Applejack will probably insist as a wedding gift anyhow. Helvetica’s a newspaper reporter, right? Maybe the Daily’s food critic will be there’ it’d be worth it just for the exposure. Might get an expose out of it.”

“You are such a grifter.”

“It’s in the Apple family genes.”

“Something’s bothering me about it though.”

“Don you like the Scriveners?”
“Yeah, they’ve been family to me for years. But dad works in Canterlot Castle. The newspaper offices are there too. What’s keeping them from moving up there? Dad may have a desk job now but he’s getting too old to fly all the way out there and back every day.”


“So I don’t want to move and I couldn’t afford rent at our place by myself.”

“Weren’t you just complainin’ how Ponyville was feeling too small for you the other day?”

“I said I was in a rut, there’s a difference. Doesn’t mean I want to move.”

“We’ve been lucky to live with our folks for so long. You’ve seen the shack Twist and Snips had to move into. And they make it work somehow. Shoot, I know I’ll always have a place on the farm and there’s plenty of room here if you want to move in till you find yer own place.”

“You kind of infuriate me sometimes with your practical roundhead advice sometimes. Sweetie would have sympathized with me and let me talk about my feelings for a bit.”

“Hey, if someone comes for me looking for a meal I give them a nutritious dinner, not a bunch of cotton candy.”

I settle my chin back onto the grass. “Sometimes I want the cotton candy.” We fume for a bit like we always do as if smoke was coming out our ears. Then I lazily break the silence again. “So he’s going out of town next weekend, so house party at my place.”

My second longest friend perks up immediately. “I’ll see if I can rustle up some kegs! Sweet, pity midterm break isn’t for a bit and Sweetie can’t join us.”

“Yeah… got some planning of my own to do.”

The low evening sun provides perfect conditions for checking my reflection in a store window. Let’s see, hat in place, mane rakishly styled but not messy, collar unwrinkled, wings preened. Gotta make a good impression. I walk my scooter in front of the jewelers and stroll on in right up to the counter. And there he is. He’s got one of those eye things gem cutters use pushed up on his head. I’ve never been this close to him. They really are translucent, especially his mane and tail. They are a deep red-purple and I can see the wall right through it. Damn, he’s beautiful.

Then he speaks to me. “Are you here to see Miss Amethyst? She has gone out for the day. Do you have a delivery?”

Most ponies would be filled with dread but I love this moment. I take a breath in and savor that split-second. It’s like when I’m about to pull a stunt on my scooter. It’s like when I contemplated jumping Ghastly Gorge. I could plunge forward or I could wuss out and abort, make up some sort of lame excuse; I’d hate myself later. If I go through with his and it doesn’t work out whatever. I don’t know this colt. It has zero consequences to be brave, or foolhardy depending on how you look at it. There is infinite possibility opening up below me. My brain feels like it’s in freefall. Love it!

“I’m here to talk to you, actually.”

He quirks his head slightly to the left. “Really, do I know you?”

“I don’t think hardly anypony does, that’s the point. I’ve seen you around in the last few days but I don’t think you got a Pinkie party to introduce yourself around. So here I am. I’m Scootaloo. Pleased to meet’cha.”

He bashfully rubs the back of his neck. “Yeah, she did try to throw a party for me but I ducked out as quick as I can. I’m Jacinth. Nice to meet you.”

“Figured you would be the shy sticking out as one of two Crystal Ponies in town. Hey, I’m having a get-together at my place this weekend. I’d like to introduce you to my friends. It’ll be a low pressure atmosphere. Casual.” I hope my smile will do the trick. Don’t waiver as he pauses. Stay on target… he’s on the precipice now.

“Small gathering?”


“I guess that would be fun, then.”

“Jacinth you are a gentlestallion and a scholar. I’ll pick you up here Six-Thirty-ish?”

“Sounds fine with me, Scootaloo. Thanks for thinking of me.”

I give him a wave and concentrate on not tripping or doing something equally dumb on my way out then I dash into an alley and take a deep breath. That went well. To be honest I don’t really know why I was inspired. I was serious when I told A.B. I didn’t want a special somepony. Maybe with Diamond Tiara coming back into town I wanted to get my stink all over him before she did. Luna knows Amethyst Star Jewelers will be one of her first stops. And he is gorgeous and the sort who doesn’t seem to realize it. It’s a super attractive combination. This party is going to really turn things around for me.

Author's Note:

The Scrieveners are from my first three stories, so if you want to learn more about them or Scoot's parents check out my other stuff.

Title track for A Foal in Sane mix tape, track 3, side A, tape 1 is “Floundering” by Triangle Giant from the album Holiday Snaps available for download at the Blacksquares Bandcamp page.