• Published 16th Jan 2014
  • 658 Views, 24 Comments

A Foal in Sane - Adorned ungulate

So I've gotten my cutie mark, an awesome big sister, I can fly (sort of), and I make a pretty good living. So why do I feel so restless?

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Chapter Five: No Obligation

Ohhh, what am I going to do? You really are a low down dirty diamond dog, Scootaloo, potentially seducing the most innocent kind-hearted young mare whom you’ve known for years. What-am-I-going-to-do? What-am-I-going-to-do? Oh Tartarus, got eggshells in the batter again. Gah, she’s floating them out for me. She’s talking to you, Scootaloo. Pay attention! Something about last night, okay let’s do this.

“And then she totally shot down poor Rumble in front of everypony! Poor guy, he didn’t deserve that. I honestly have no idea he has so much trouble finding a special somepony; I know a lot of us would make eyes at him in school. Maybe it’s a self-confidence thing, right?”

“Yeah, maybe.”

“Why don’t you sit down and have some coffee. This next part is sort of a one-pony job and you still look pretty out of it. Have another cup of coffee, maybe.”

“Okay, Dinky. Thanks, by the way. I was getting hungry.”

“It’s the least I can do for letting me stay over. I told mom where I was so I’m not worried that she’ll be worried.” An icicle of fear stabs into my heart. Dinky’s mom had a similar reputation for having a huge heart but she can turn into a she bear when her daughter’s safety is concerned. If I break Dinky’s heart who knows what would happen.”

“Least I could do, really.”

“Mom always says ‘now Dinky, dear, if you go to a party and have too much to drink find a trusted friend to stay with instead of trying to wander home; better if a marefriend because you don’t want to end up with a little muffin in the oven like I did’!”

“Wait, what? Is that why nopony has met your dad?”

She turns, sighs, and puts a hoof to her heart (the one not holding the spatula). “Yeah, he and mom were just two young lonely ponies brought together in a night of passion and too much drink. He has a family out in Fillydelphia. I go and see him every summer.”

“I always assumed he passed away in some tragic accident or something.”

“Most ponies do. We haven’t kept it secret but not too many ponies ask about it.”

“Huh… Wait, you consider me a trusted friend?”

She gives me one of her crackerjack smiles and sets a plate of flapjacks in front of me. “Of course, silly. You always would stick up for the little foals around the bullies. Most everyone thought of the Cutie Mark Crusaders as friends even if we didn’t want to get roped into your little projects.”

“That’s very sweet of you to say, Dinky. Thanks.” Sweet Celestia, these pancakes are good! “Dinky, these are amazing!”

“Yeah, mom’s recipe; we don’t live off muffins alone contrary to reputation.”

“I should have you over for breakfast more often!” Geez, Scootaloo; mixed messages much?

“It’s a hidden special talent, I guess.”

Talk of special talents brought a stray thought up like a lazy alligator surfacing for breath. “Speaking of special talents, what do you do for a living? I hardly see you around town anymore.”

For the first time this morning my companion seems guarded and defensive. “Oh, I’ve got an apprenticeship out of town and mostly come by to visit mom. I was just lucky that you happened to be throwing a party during a visit.”

“Ah, that working out well for you?” I ponder her cutie mark, a rabbit and a top hat.

“Snakes and latters at times but I’m working up to a big project. Don’t ask, though. It’s a secret.”

“No worries.” I’m having a genuinely good time. It’s going to make me feel like even more of a rat fink when I tell her I’m not interested.

She’s still being a little chatterbox as we walk to her mom’s place. I try to stay in the shade of tree branches away from the glare of Celestia’s accusing sun. Getting some food in me only partially helped keep a hangover away. Step by step closer and I still don’t know the right way to say without hurting Dinky’s feelings. You’re a real rat, Scootaloo. Before we know it we’re almost to the Doo residence, built above the postal office. I take in a breath but Dinky turns to address me.

“So, Scootaloo. Listen, I had a really good time last night despite all the commotion and it was kind of you to let me stay over and you’re a really good sunggler but, listen. I’m not really looking for a special somepony right now. But hey, if I’m in town and you’re wanting some non-goal-oriented cudding let me know. Okay, sweetie?”

“Uhhh, okay, Dinky.”

“Great! You’re the best.” She gives me a hug and peck on the cheek before turning and bounding up her stairs, shouting for her mom, acting like a little filly again.

I gotta sit down for a while. The buck just happened? Dinky beat me to the let-you-down-easy speech? To me? What I even?

I’ve got to jet to Sweet Apple Acres! I don’t really care of everypony knows what happened between me and Dinky last night but I want a few details filled in before rumors start to spread. Ignoring my throbbing head I make good time and find Apple Bloom in front of her workshop assembling a thresher. She gives me a wide lopsided grin and there’s mirth in her eyes.

“Well, well. The lothario awakes. How ya feelin’, Scoots?”

“A.B. what exactly happened last night?”

“You don’member? You precious pegusai and unicorns can’t hold yer drink like a self-respecting earth pony.”

“Jzzt, just spare me the riffs and let me in on the facts please?”

“Well, the night was gettin into the small hours an only a few ponies were hangin in there. Pip behaved himself, surprisingly behavior-wise though he was makin’ lots of lewd comments. He and Snips left to make sure Snails made it home an didn’t end up sleepin in the park again. Dinky was helping us clean up but dozed off droolin on the couch. You offered to take her place an give up yer bed. So Twist and I finished up tidyin and I went to check on you. Two of you were kissin an tumblin’ all over each other like two squirrels in a sock so I just closed the door an let you be.”

“Oh, wow.”

“Should have known you’d turn out like yer old man; spellbound firefly chasin’ after unicorn fillies.”

“Apple Bloom!” I practically snarled.

“So how’d it turn out? You goin out with her again anytime soon?”

I worried my lip. “Uhh, actually. She gave me the that-was-great-but-lets-be-friends routine.”

“Pffft!” She couldn’t keep the laughter in anymore. “You me you, YOU got seduced by Dinky Doo?”

Daggers. Your eyes are daggers. Stab and twist. “Not funny, Apple Bloom.”

“That’s too much! It’s like losing an arm wrasslin match with Angel bunny or something. What, you couldn’t resist her charm? Cast a love spell on you?” I socked her in the arm. “Okay! Okay. I’ll let it lie. Guess it was a mixed bag kind of an evening but everythin turned out sort of for the best.”

“I’d rather have spared the drama. But thanks for seeing me through it.”

“Crusader Sisters forever, Scootaloo.”

“Always!” I trick her into a hug only to attempt a wrestling hold on her. No way I was letting her get away with teasing me like that. As athletic as I am against Apple Bloom farm-raised solid muscle she’s pretty much an even match. We roll and laugh all over the hay-strewn yard until her sister shows up.

“Apple Bloom, Scootaloo! What’s all the commotion about?”

“Nothing, Applejack!” we call out in unison.

Okay, got a good night’s sleep and the house cleaned up. I’ve got just one more loose end to tie up. The little bell jangles when I enter the jewelry store and Amethyst Star looks up to greet me. “Hey, Scootaloo. How are you?”

“Fairly well. Is Jacinth here?”

“He has the day off, I don’t know where he is I’m afraid.”

“Oh. Could you relay a message for me? Just tell him I understand and I’m not upset?”

She gives a sober nod. “Of course, Scootaloo. I will. I checked in on my little sister this morning, she says you kept her safe during that little crisis Friday night. I’m very grateful.”

Get that uncomfortable grimace off your face, Scoots! “Heh. Thanks! It was no problem. I’m sure anypony would have. She’s a good friend.”

“If I can trust you with my baby half-sister maybe I can trust you to pick up my uncut gemstones from the train station.”

“Great! I’ll come by on Monday maybe and we can work out a contract.” Exiting a few minutes later I let out a long breath and crack my stiff neck. This weekend has had a lot of twists and turns.

Dad finally arrives home and rushes right up to where I’m lounging on the couch. “Scootaloo, are you okay? I heard what happened after I got back.”

“Yeah it was no big deal, Dad. Twilight took care of it. Some dishes got chipped but I’ve already been to Bargain Barn to replace them.”

“Thank Celestia.” He gives me a hug. “You sure you’re okay?”

I debate the pros and cons of bringing it up for a few beats. “Not really. Archer came to the party and kind of threw me into a tailspin.”


“Yeah. She said you told her about the party.”

“I guess I did. Thought I was just making conversation at the time.”

“Daad, don’t interfere in my relationships. Mainly where Archer in concerned, okay?”

“I’m very sorry, honey bunch. If I knew it was an issue I would never have talked to her.”

“It should be understood, she’s my ex-marefriend dad!”

My father sits next to me and takes my hoof. “You’ve never told me the circumstances of your breakup. I thought it was amicable.”

“It wasn’t dad, okay?”

“What happened?”

I sigh and look off into the distance. “She just left, okay? She left to join the guards and I didn’t know where she was until her parents told me days later. I didn’t know if she was dead or ran off with somepony else or what. It made me feel worthless, not worth the respect to even break up with. I don’t like feeling like that so I like to keep ponies who cause me to feel like that well away and that means Archer. So don’t tell her anything about me. Okay?”

Dad gives me a big hug. “Oh, darling. I didn’t know you were hurting so bad. Why didn’t you tell me?”

“To be honest, dad, you were kind of checked out back then. Maybe you thought since I graduated I was doing okay and I didn’t need you anymore. At least that was the vibe I got.”

Dad’s brows come together as he searches his memory. “Yeah, I was a bit distant during that time.”

I sigh and rub my eyes. “We were going to leave, dad. It was just big talk but our dream was to collect up all the money we could and just get a train ticket to wherever. Live in a youth hostel in Baltimare or Fillydelphia for a while until we found jobs.” Dad looks alarmed so I continue. “Sweetie Belle had just gone off to college, Apple Bloom and I weren’t getting along for a number of reasons, you were always busy with work or Helvetica. I was being young and impulsive and infatuated with this love story.”

Another hug. “I’m so sorry, honey. You can always tell me what’s on your mind I hope you know that. I love you no matter what. If you’re mad at me or acting out, good times or bad.”

“I know, dad. I wasn’t thinking straight back then, I know that now. Going through that helped give me a little direction, start a business, patch things up with A.B. It’s in the past now, I’d like to keep it there. That’s why I want some warning before she comes back into my life.”

“Understood, Scootaloo.” We sat on the couch for a long while just leaning on each other. I felt like I was a kid again and dad was going to make everything okay. Or at least I could remember how that felt and get a little wisp of it. It’s never the same as when you’re a kid after you have the knowledge that your dad is a complicated, flawed pony; that you are a complicated, flawed pony; that you live in a complicated flawed universe.

“Enough about me did she say yes?”

“Of course.”

I give him a playful nudge on the chin. “Way to go, pops.”

Author's Note:

I try to only have two muffin references per chapter if Dinky or Ditzy are inolved.

This installment on the A Foal in Sane mix tape, tape 1, side A "No Obligation" by Mom off the self-titled album is available for free through the Blacksquares Bandcamp page.