• Published 9th Dec 2013
  • 14,022 Views, 835 Comments

A Whole New Responsibility - Flanagan

Life was going great, then Luna told me the one thing I didn't want to hear. I'm going to be a dad...

  • ...

10: The Kick

A full month had passed since the little incident where Celestia kissed me and brought me dangerously close to her lady bits and so far, I have suffered little to no repercussions; with the exception of the usual teasing from Celestia of course. At least she had the decency not to do it in front of Luna; God knows what a woman with her insane powers on pregnancy hormones would do if she caught her sister practically dry humping me. Just thinking about it caused me to shudder.

At least in that month I managed to convince Luna to let me keep my stubble, my argument being that she enjoyed the feeling of it brushing up against various parts of her body, including her face. However, none of that really mattered at the moment, given the fact that I was currently running in between our room and the kitchen.

There were a few instances where I nearly ran over one or two of the careless maids that walked around the halls, but I somehow managed to avoid them without tripping or dropping the precious cargo that I carried in my hands. It didn’t take long for me to get back to our room, sliding in baseball style in an attempt to slow myself down right before I got to our door. I hopped back to my feet, dusted myself off and looked over what I held once more to make sure that it wasn’t damaged or leaking, I didn’t want another incident like the one that happened yesterday, especially because they’d just fixed the roof a few hours ago.

Taking a deep breath I put my hand on the handle and gave it a stern pull. The door heeded my action and opened slowly, revealing a very quiet, very peaceful scene, but I knew better. I knew that somewhere in the dimly lit room there was an entity; an entity that had something growing inside her, and that something was driving said entity up the walls.

“Luna?” I asked, cautiously taking a few steps into our room, only to be answered by silence, “Luna, I know you’re in here.”

Just as I finished my statement I heard muffled cries from the other side of our room, from within the bathroom. Tentatively, I moved forward, watching my footsteps as to ensure that she wouldn’t be aware of my presence until the last moment; it was probably another mood swing. She’d started having them pretty badly as of late. The worst one was when I offered her some popcorn on theatre night and she teleported me all the way to Fillydelphia because she thought I was calling her fat, only for mere seconds to pass by before she teleported me back and began apologizing and groping me while we were still surrounded by ponies.

With each step I took, the weeping, while still muffled, became louder, until I finally found myself standing directly in front of our bathroom door. I took a deep breath, tucked the requested meal under one arm and lightly knocked with the other.

“Luna?” I asked, cautiously opening the door, “Luna I have your-“

The full force of the bathroom door slamming into my face interrupted me, throwing me into a bizarre mixture of shock and pain. That combination left me woefully unprepared for what came less than a second later, a powerful force slammed into my stomach, knocking the wind out of me and sending me into free fall. Time seemed to slow as I floated momentarily in the air, but only long enough to see a long, night blue head of hair and what was once in my arms fly straight up towards the ceiling. The cosmos then decided to remind me why I thought Newton was an asshole and landed me flat on my back, forcing my head to whip back into the cold, harder than granite floor.

I was surprised that the sheer impact didn’t render me unconscious, but it sure as hell would’ve been nice, given that the pain that was currently coursing through me wouldn’t have really been an issue. Letting out a painful gasp I reached for the bridge of my nose, which was looking a little on the side of Rudolf without the light.

“Jesus…” I managed to groan as I tried to look down to my chest, “the fu-“

I found my sentence interrupted by a passionate pair of lips pressing against mine, which to be honest, made me forget about most of the pain I was currently going through. The feeling of a pair of hands cupping my rugged jawline only seconds later made it feel even better. As the icing on the cake, I moved my hands around her waist and pulled her as close to me as I could while I tried in vain to return her overwhelming affection.

“You came back,” Luna cooed, finally breaking her kiss in a tone that made it obvious to see that she was suffering from a severe surge of hormones, “I missed you…”

“I can tell,” I smirked before getting another quick peck from her, “but don’t worry I’m here now and I got the-Oh shit…”

“What?” Luna asked, her tone becoming dire. “What’s wrong love?”

“The food,” I said looking around the general area, but it was too dark to see anything but the little sparkles that flashed in Luna’s hair, “I lost my grip on it when you tackled me, now it’s probably everywhere.”

The faint glow of Luna’s hair was just enough for me to see that she was smiling as if I had missed out on something rather important. Without a word she pointed to the ceiling, where a faintly glowing orb hovered about ten feet above us.

“Magic,” I smirked, looking back to her as I took my hand and brought it to her face, “of course.”

“Would you expect any different?” Luna replied cutely, bringing her hand to mine while the food floated to our side.

“Not at all,” I sighed giving her a quick peck on the forehead, “not at all.”

“Did you find what I requested?” she asked, pulling the carton to herself as she sat up on my lap.

“I had to make it myself,” I replied, hoisting myself up with my arms, “what you wanted isn’t exactly popular enough to be sold at the local grocery store.”

“Always ready to go above and beyond,” Luna smiled, pulling my head in for another kiss, “what would I be without you?”

“Well currently hungry,” I wisecracked, watching her remove the lid to the horrifying concoction.

I’d known since I was about thirteen years old that women could get some really weird cravings; my dad always talked about how my mom acted when she was pregnant with me. I honestly didn’t believe him until now, as the woman I loved, the woman I gave everything for to be with, the woman that was carrying my legacy, summoned a spoon and sunk it into the half gallon tub that took me a good ten minutes to mix. Pickles and ice cream. I shuddered, fighting the urge to gag as Luna stuffed her face with the concentrated evil that I had gotten her.

The only real plus to the situation was that we were in a position that we commonly found ourselves in during our immensely intimate private time. This usually would have made me feel better, but the fact that Luna was currently forking down a tub of ice cream with pickles in it really killed it for me.

“Uh, Luna?” I asked, poking the now obvious bulge in her belly.

“Wha?” she asked back, her mouth still full.

“Mind getting up?” I said, pointing at her lap, “I’m really not complaining, but I do need to get some stuff done today.”

Luna paused, looking down at our current position before blushing furiously. “Apologizes Aedan,” she said after swallowing her mouthful, “I suppose I wasn’t considerate of your other duties.”

“Don’t mention it sweetheart,” I smiled as she slid off my body, “I’m not in that much of a rush.”

“Oh?” Luna asked baring a seductive grin, “in how little of a rush are you?”

“I’ve got a few minutes,” I grinned back, “but I would kind of like to see where I’m going.”

“Oh, right,” Luna giggled, snapping her fingers to turn on the lights.

The darkness faded quickly, revealing the room that I had come to know so well, along with the beautiful young woman that lived beside me in it. She stood over me, draped in her normal sleepwear; the only real difference was her stomach beginning to noticeably poke through the fabric. She smiled sweetly down to me, one arm wrapped around her meal while the other hung by the spoon held in her mouth.

“Now that you can see properly,” she cooed, running the spoon from her lip to her collarbone, “do you see anything that could possibly… what happened to your face?”

I blinked a few times in confusion before reaching towards my face. A light tap was all I needed to feel the faintest amount of dampness on my nose. Pulling back quickly I saw a small amount of blood on the tips of my fingers.

“Oh, that.” I sighed rubbing my thumb and index finger together.

“Yes, that,” Luna repeated, her voice holding a hit of concern, “how did that happen?”

“Someone was a little over excited when they opened the bathroom door,” I replied, rising to my feet, “then they slammed me into the floor.”

It took a few seconds for Luna to register what I said, but the moment it clicked I was tackled by yet another hormonally charged embrace. Fortunately for me, I was actually prepared for it this time.

“I’m so sorry!” She sobbed into my chest, “I never meant to harm you! I would never harm you! The very thought brings me…”

Luna’s fingers began to dig deep into my shoulders as she continued to cry into me. Even to the point where I gritted my teeth as she broke my skin. Despite the pain she was currently causing me, that was not what had me the most concerned.

As she wept, I swore I saw black tendrils grow out of her back. My shock alone was enough to keep me silent as the tentacles slowly slithered along her body, slowly morphing her skin from its usual tan to a pasty white. Her hair faded in and out of its normal midnight blue to a more violet color.

“I… I will end anypony who dares to bring you harm,” She growled, driving her nails deeper into my skin, “I will ensure they suffer the pain of my soul, and death shall be their only-“

“Luna,” I finally said, wrapping my arms around her as tightly as I could while being mindful of the baby, “Luna, I’m fine okay? It’s nothing alright, I’m fine.”

My hasty attempt at reassuring her seemed to have had an effect on her, because the moment I wrapped my arms around her the tentacles receded back into her body, and her physical appearance returned to its normal state. I continued to hold onto her, even after her hair had phased back into blue and the tendrils receded once again into her back. I wanted nothing more than to convince her that nothing bad was going to happen to me, and the only way I could think of doing that was keeping her wrapped up as best as I could.

“I’m fine…” I kept repeating, stroking her back as soothingly as possible, “I’m fine.”

“I believe you would be better if you were to release me,” Luna said in a muffled tone, her head buried deep into my chest, “so that I may heal you.”

“Oh, yeah…” I said reluctantly letting her go, “that, right.”

The moment her soft hands rested on my face I couldn’t help but find myself worrying about Luna. Once again she had come dangerously close to becoming Nightmare Moon, and this time the change just wasn’t in the eyes, her skin and hair also started to turn. The first thought that came to my mind was that the hormones from the pregnancy were starting to amplify the darkness she’d been keeping inside her.

It wouldn’t really be much of a stretch considering the only times she’s started to change was when I was either bleeding or someone said something about hurting either the baby or me. I don’t even think God would want to know what Luna would’ve done to that slime-ball Lord Pompous. Hell even I would’ve pitted the guy, and I heard everything he had to say.

“And done,” Luna said with her adorable smile, bringing me back to reality, “hopefully next time such misfortune won’t befall-“

I didn’t give her a chance to finish what she was going to say. I thought a kiss would be a much better means of communicating what I was feeling as it was, at the moment I didn’t care about the bizarre aftertaste of pickles and ice cream in my mouth; all I cared about was that she knew that I loved her. Her body tensed up as per usual when I did something unexpected, but just as she had done many times before, she melted into me wrapping her arms around my neck to pull me even closer to her. We stood there for I don’t know how long before Luna finally decided to pull away, her eyes glistening with what I could only describe as love.

“What was that for?” she asked, biting her lip, “you normally don’t kiss like that.”

“I guess I just wanted you to know that I love you,” I smiled back, mentally kicking myself for how corny I was sounding, “that I need you.”

“I love and need you too,” Luna replied, adding a kiss of her own, but deciding to take a step further and adding her tongue before breaking away again, “do we have to show each other how much we do again?”

“Well,” I grinned, my hands descending down her back to her still perfect rump, “I suppose a little reminder wouldn’t hurt.”

“I don’t think it would either…” Luna hummed, standing on her tiptoes so she could wrap a leg around my waist, “are you going to-“

Luna suddenly paused, falling to the ground as she clenched her stomach. The room’s atmosphere suddenly turned much darker as panic began to set in. I fell to my knees, eyes full of fear as I placed my hands on her back.

“Luna?!” I said quickly, giving her a light shake, “Luna, what’s wrong? Is it the baby? What happened?! Please tell-“

My panicked words were suddenly cut short by the faintest sound of laughter coming from Luna’s huddle. Moments later her head rose, tears in her eyes as a smile even brighter than the first time we made love grew on her face.

“It… it kicked,” she beamed, cradling the bulge on her tummy, “our baby just kicked.”

I was instantly taken back by what she had said. The thing that had been growing inside her for a little over sixteen weeks, just moved? I could barely wrap my head around the notion; I didn’t even realize that I had started crying I was so shocked.

“L-Luna…” I stuttered, covering my mouth with one hand as the other rested on her stomach, “it moved?”

The smile on Luna’s face remained as she nodded softly resting her hand on mine. “It moved,” she repeated, unable to hold back the happy tears.

For the second time in no more than ten minutes I wrapped my arms around her, pulling her as close as I could as I started tearing up like, well, a baby. Luna returned my embrace, but she was far more willing to let the torrent from her eyes flow, thoroughly soaking my shoulder as she squeezed my neck as tightly as she could. God only knew how long the two of us sat there in each other’s arms, but something about it seemed more right than anything else either of us could do at the moment. Finally, and reluctantly I might add, Luna pushed away, her hands resting softly on my shoulders.

“Are you or are you not supposed to be attending to duties right now?” she asked, lowering her head slightly and losing her smile, “I think I’ve held you back long eno-“

I interrupted her by cupping her chin so she would look at me as I said what I needed to say. “Nothing is as important as this,” I said pulling her in for a quick kiss, “nothing.”

Just as soon as it left her smile returned, but I didn’t get a chance to enjoy it for very long, since she leaned in for another kiss. Once again the two of us were lost in time as we sat there wrapped in each other’s arms. Finally after what seemed like forever, Luna rose to her feet, with me following close behind, desperate not to be apart for very long.

Seconds later the two of us found ourselves on the bed, but there wasn’t an ounce of lust between us, we just wanted to be close to one another. After a few minutes I found my head slowly traveling down past her chest and resting on her ever-expanding stomach, hoping that I would be able to feel the next movement my child made.

In my patience, I felt something brush against the top of my head. Shooting my eyes upward I saw the delicate, well-kept fingers of Luna massaging my scalp. That and the slow, steady rise and fall of her stomach with every breath just seemed to bring me at peace, so much so that I remembered something from the life I once had. A song that was tailor made for this exact moment in my life.

I can’t wait to see your face…” I sang softly to myself as I gently rubbed Luna’s belly, “I can’t wait to hold your hand. I can’t wait to take you to places and watch you try to understand, but until I do… yeah until I do, I’ll be right here waiting for you.

“What are you-“

I can’t wait to see your face and I can’t wait to hold your hand,” I continued, unaffected by Luna’s question, “when you get here it’s off to the races and we’ll tackle all life’s demands, but until you do. Yeah until you do I’ll be right here singing for you.”

At this point, Luna didn’t bother to question what I was doing she just continued to play with the overall lack of hair on my head as I continued. “Soon I will see your face, and I’ll get to hold your hand. I know I’ll have trouble trying to explain the things that I don’t understand and until I do…” I paused at the sound of an additional voice in the choirs looking up once more I saw Luna singing along with me, understanding the song just enough to add some back-up vocals. “Since I won’t have a clue, I’ll just sing this song for you… yeah until I do, this is you know who. Daddy’s right here singing for you…

The moment the two of us finished singing Luna’s other hand found my jaw and pulled me back to her face, pressing my lips deeply against hers. It took nearly all of my willpower to pull away, but by the grace of God I managed to do so. “So…” I asked placing a hand on her stomach again, “how was I?”

“For the sake of all of us, I think you should just leave the singing to me.” Luna replied with a cheeky grin.

“Oh come on, I wasn’t that bad,” I laughed, giving her a quick peck on the cheek, “but alright, you do have the better set of pipes.”

Luna nodded and again pulled me in for a kiss, however this time I was able to taste the horrifying concoction on her tongue. I pulled away, gagging as my tongue stuck out of my mouth, my head shaking violently to dispel the horrid taste.

“What’s wrong?” Luna asked, “What happe-“

“Pickles…” I growled, trying to scrape the taste on my tongue, “I hate pickles…”

Luna paused for a moment before bursting into laughter. The sight alone was enough for me to join in with her, after several seconds of laughter the two of us fell silent, staring into one another’s eyes. After a grin on my part and a quick nod on Luna’s I pulled her into me once more. Letting her body rest on top of mine as it had so many times before.

“I love you,” I whispered into her scalp before kissing it as my hand massaged her back.

“I love you too,” she cooed back, wrapping her arms around my neck.

After a good ten minutes of simply cuddling Luna moved in for yet another kiss. I was more than willing to accept it, but just as her nose touched mine a rather loud, agitated knock erupted from our bedroom door.

“Who could that be?” Luna asked, tilting her head like a puppy, “I thought that we weren’t to be disturbed.”

“I think I might have a clue,” I said hesitantly, biting my lip, “remember when I said that I actually had stuff to do?”

Luna blinked a few times, processing the information that I’d recanted for her before finally her head sank low. “Oh,” she replied, the tone of her voice showing utter disappointment, “I see.”

“Yeah,” I sighed, mirroring her emotions as I rubbed her back one last time, “I should probably be going.”

I reluctantly rose from my position with Luna still on my stomach, giving me one last kiss before she slid off my body. Twisting myself to the side of our bed I slowly rose to my feet and made my way to the door, expecting nothing less than a full on assault from the one on the other side as yet another thundering set of knocks echoed through the room.

I stopped at the door, taking a deep breath before letting out a deep growl, readying myself for the oncoming explosion of volume. Grabbing the handle I tentatively pushed the door open, only to have it ripped out of my hands within a matter of seconds. Before I could respond, an arm shot into the room, grabbing my shirt, and to my dismay, some of my chest hair and pulled me into the hallway.

The force said arm wasn’t strong enough to throw me off my feet, but it was easily enough to get me off-balance, and it sure as hell helped that the puller had managed to latch onto my body hair as well. I spun around just in time to see our bedroom door close, and the gorgeous individual standing in between it and me. By all accounts, she didn’t seem look all too pleased.

“I told you to be in the throne room two hours ago,” Celestia said, folding her arms under her chest, making her breasts come dangerously close to popping out of her top, “you know how I get about punctuality.”

“Yeah I know, but something came up,” I explained, “the-“

“How am I supposed to go about punishing you for this?” she interrupted, walking towards me, adding an extra swing in her hips, “by now you’re smart enough to realize that I like to get things done on an exact schedule.”

“Celestia, the baby kicked for the first time,” I said, throwing my arms in her direction, “I kinda wanted to be there in case it did it again.”

Celestia shook her head for a moment. “It did?” she asked with a slight twinkle in her eye.

“Sure as the sun you raise every day,” I replied, smiling to myself a little, “that thing’s kind of a big deal you know, so I really wanted to stick around for a tad bit longer.”

“I see,” Celestia said, smiling warmly as she rubbed a hand against her sinfully toned stomach, “but that still doesn’t negate the fact that you were late.”

“Look, I don’t care if I’m late,” I retorted folding my arms across my chest, “as far as I’m concerned, you can punish me in any way you see fit for it.”

My hand quickly covered my mouth, but it was too late. The words had already spilled out and the look on Celestia’s face went from sincere to predatory. All the while a single phrase was repeating in my mind. Ya done goofed.

“Oh really?” Celestia said placing a hand under her chin, as she looked me up and down, “I suppose I could think of a very special punishment for you in time.”

Celestia walked over to me and placed her hand on my chest, slowly licking her lips as she did so. Meanwhile the little man inside my head wanted to kick my ass. How could I have been so stupid as to say something like that? Granted I knew she wouldn’t actually try to have sex with me, but if there was anyone on the planet that could give a man blue balls, it was the woman currently standing before me.

“Or maybe I can forgive you,” She said pulling her hand away from my chest, “I really only get upset if the man comes early.”


“Pay no mind to that,” Celestia answered, grabbing my arm, “right now we need to get you to the throne room. The candidates are waiting.”

“Excuse me?” I said holding her up a bit, “I was just told to be in the throne room; you said nothing about candidates.”

“Oh did I forget to mention that little detail?” Celestia asked, trying to sound as innocently cute as possible, and for some reason, it was working. “Today we’ll be deciding who gets to be your child’s Godfather.”

Author's Note:

Hey lookie here folks a wild update appeared, throw your master ball at it like it's a shiny Abra! :trollestia:
Anyway, been doing a lot of work lately with the wonderful Merc The Jerk on a collab that's looking solid as hell at the memnet. hopefully this chapter will give everyone something to read while we wait for edits and cover art. :twilightsmile:
Now let's get on to the part that you actually read! :pinkiehappy:
A whole month eh? remember when it used to take half the story to go through a few days? Pepperidge Farm remembers...
Aedan what's in the box! :trollestia:
He's there now let's see how this... huh... no lights... odd. :pinkiecrazy:
Tread lightly Mr. Ryan, you never know whe-:twilightoops: THE F:yay:K was that?!
Aedan... you can never win... then we are reminded that you indeed always win when you have the most adorable princess on your chest being kitten level cuddly.
Hey we finally get to see what's in the Bo-:applejackconfused:... ... ... Pickles and Ice Cream? :pinkiesick:
Goddamn Prego hormones are weird, first she's lonely, then she's hungry, then she's horny then she's... ... ... wait what? :twilightoops:
HUG HER AEDAN! HUG HER LIKE THERE'S NO TOMORROW! (well in reality, if he fails... there technically won't be a tomorrow anyway will there?)
Yay it worked! :pinkiesmile:
Hey now she's horny again! Awwww yea-OH GOD DA BABY! :fluttershbad:
It did wha-what? It KICKED?! :raritystarry:
Awwwwwwww... Aedan's crying! :rainbowkiss:
And now he's singing Daughtry?! THE FEELS! I can't take it!
Luna reminding us that this is also a comedy and not just a cheesy romance written by a very lonely bald man living in the corner of his parents basement... ... ... what?
Hell yeah! Cuddle-who that be?
Oh... it be Tia... ... ... OH SHIT IT BE TIA! :trollestia:
Celestia be upset... and now for a punishment fitting of his tardiness.
Tia going Aunt mode for a sec.
:pinkiegasp: Aedan... of all the STUPID shit you could say... of all the STUPID SHIT!
Celestia's forgiveness seemed a bit too sudden if you asked me... :trixieshiftleft: :trixieshiftright:
But anyway let's go pick a Godfather! What could possibly go wrong? :trollestia:
Chapter edited by the very talented Ariin, to whom I owe a great deal for allowing me to keep this thing updated this month. As per usual though, if anything's off point it out and I'll fix it when I can.