• Published 9th Dec 2013
  • 14,022 Views, 835 Comments

A Whole New Responsibility - Flanagan

Life was going great, then Luna told me the one thing I didn't want to hear. I'm going to be a dad...

  • ...

15: The Gala

Today was the day. An entire week had passed as if it was nothing, and even more surprising nothing seemed to have gone wrong, no headaches, no nightmarish relapses, no extreme sexual teases or pranks. Just an honest to God simple, easy week. It was almost enough to make me smile. However my happiness was quickly dashed every time I thought about the week, because now that it was the end, it was time for the one thing about this week that I wasn’t the least bit thrilled about: The Grand Galloping Gala.

According to Luna, Celestia and everyone else I talked to about it, the Gala was a place for snobby rich types to measure their own sense of self-worth and overall importance. Celestia even went so far as to say that even she felt drained by the end of them and if someone like her was fed up with these folks after a few hours, I knew it would take me about five minutes before I felt the uncontrollable desire to punch at least one of them in the face.

Despite my misgivings, I was still going through with it for one reason: Luna. The past week was a bit hard on her, especially with her still going on about it being her fault that I was having those headaches in the first place. It was the one thing she could look forward to and I wasn’t going to deny her it.

“Ready Luna?” I asked, placing a hand on the bathroom door. “Or do you need another hour or two.”

“Do not mock me Aedan!” she shot back with a playful giggle, “It doesn’t take me that long to prepare for an evening.”

“Says the girl that took hours to get ready for our night out.” I rebutted with a smug grin.

There was silence in the bathroom, meaning that I had either won, or she was thinking of the best quip ever to put me in my place. My money was on the former.

Just as soon as I started to push away from the bathroom door, it opened up and a sapphire hue encompassed my wrist. Before I could react I was pulled into the bathroom and met with a pair soft lips pressing against my own, followed by the the gentle caress of two hands on my jawline.

I responded by wrapping one arm around Luna’s back while the other took a hold of her perfect hind quarters and lifted her to my level. With an added squeeze of her rear I could feel her squeak into me, prompting me to smile inwardly and move towards the sink. With a light thunk I set Luna on the sink, where she quickly wrapped her legs around my waist as she finally separated herself from my face.

“I love you,” she said softly, resting her forehead against mine and sliding one of her arms around my neck.

“Someone’s giddy,” I chucked, mirroring the action, only with my arm wrapping tighter around her waist, “is tonight really that important to you?”

Luna replied with a quick kiss before letting out a concentrated hmmm. “I suppose~” she cooed playfully, “granted I can’t stand the nobility on most occasions, but at least I will have you there to keep me company.”

“Oh joy,” I mumbled through a smile, “because being surrounded by stuck up snobs is what I love to do more than anything.”

“Think of the positives,” Luna pouted, sticking out her lower lip for good measure.

“Oh I am,” I said looking back down to her, “but right now if you don’t pull that lip of yours back in I just might have to do something about it.”

Luna’s expression went from playfully pouty to lustful hunger within a second, sticking her lip out even further as she locked her ankles behind me. “Well…” she cooed, leaning in closer as her legs pulled my hips to hers, “do something~.”

A good thirty minutes later the two of us stepped out of the bathroom, both draped in towels after the shower we had to share. If these first few hours were any indication as to how the rest of the night was to go, then I’m sure I could deal with a few snobby nobles, especially if Luna stayed by my side. That’d make it even easier to taunt them with my relationship, the thought of them squirming as I kissed her, them scoffing as I wrapped my arms around her, and possibly even them holding back bile while giving her ass a quick squeeze or two in front of them brought a smile to my face.

“Now look who’s extra chipper.” Luna chimed as she placed her hands on my shoulders and began to rub the kinks out from our impromptu exercise.

“I’m always chipper after a shower,” I replied while putting my hand over hers, “Especially when I’ve got you to get those hard to reach places.”

“Then perhaps you shouldn’t work out your back as much as you do,” Luna smiled, resting her chin on my shoulder, “Then you would not require as much assistance.”

“And if I stopped working out there’d be less muscle for you to feel up when you get handsy.” I replied as I wrapped my hand around her wrists and pulled. With a squeak she flew into the air and into my lap, the look of shock plastered to her face making it all the more worthwhile. “And I’m sure you wouldn’t like that.”

Luna was about to respond, but then smiled and gently placed a hand on my chest. “Perhaps~” she nodded, giving my pec a quick squeeze, “but there is much more to you than mere muscle, though pleasing it is nothing compared to your heart, which is really all I need.”
I shot a smile of my own her direction before placing my hand on her stomach and giving it a quick kiss just above her navel. “Let’s get ready.”

Close to an hour later Luna, Celestia and myself were standing on top of the staircase that lead directly to the dance floor. Taking a peek through the curtains I could already see that there were at least one hundred nobles walking around, with the occasional guardsmen doing a quick round through the still gathering masses. Taking a deep breath I closed the curtain once more, imagining the wonderful things that these ponies would say under their breath about me as I stood around and waited for it to be over. However my thoughts were soon brushed away from the touch of a certain young woman’s hand.

“Something wrong Aedan?” Luna asked, her eyes doing a decent job of hiding her concern, “You don’t seem to be in as high spirited as you were not long ago.”

“Eh, just a bit nervous I guess,” I shrugged, taking another quick peek at the crowd, “Never been surrounded by so many people that I know hate me. At least it was a mystery back home.”

“I thought that never mattered to you,” Luna replied as she started to massage my shoulder with one hand while wrapping the other across my chest.

“Don’t squeeze too tightly, sister,” Celestia said with a smile, pointing her hoof at me, “I doubt the poor man can breathe in such a tight uniform.”

“I had Rarity design it perfectly to the standards of Aedan’s former occupation,” Luna replied with a hint of pride, “I even memorized the placement of the medals.”

“And you have no idea how impressed I am with that,” I said looking down to what was the spitting image of the iconic Marine dress blue uniform, “But I would have been just as content with a tux.”

“Y-you don’t like it?” Luna asked with her irresistible puppy eyes, “but…”

“I didn’t mean it that way,” I said passively raising my hand, “I do enjoy it, and I love the effort that you and Rarity put into it to make it perfect, but Celestia’s right, this thing is tight as hell.”

“I suppose it’s what you have to go with, and besides,” Celestia paused and took a few steps towards me and then gave me a quick once over, “I think it compliments your shape quite nicely.”

“Well, there is that.” I smiled, shooting a glance towards Luna.

“Why do you think I gave Rarity slightly smaller measurements?”

“Attention mares and gentlecolts,” a british sounding voice cut me off before I could offer a witty rebuttal, “Welcome to the nine hundred and fiftieth annual Grand Galloping Gala.”

The sound of hooves lightly tapping the tile followed, I could only assume that that was what they considered an applause.

“And now without further adieu,” he continued, adding even more snoodiness into his words, “I present our hosts for this evening. The first, a mare who needs no introduction, the one who blesses our sky with her precious sunlight, the sovereign of our glorious nation for over one thousand years, the…”

“I hate it when they do that,” Celestia said with a deep sigh, “I mean yes, it’s all true, but I wish I could have a simple introduction at least once in my long life.”

“Well if it makes you feel better I don’t put you on a pedestal,” I laughed, “but then again, not many of those stuck-up snobs know you all too well.”

“You have no idea how much that means to me Aedan,” Celestia smiled back before the announcer called her name, “Might as well suck it up, I’ll be here all night.”

“You’re not the only one.” I nodded in somber agreement as she walked beyond the curtain to the faint clacking of hooves.

“Yes, yes, isn’t she gorgeous,” the announcer said, laying on as much brown nosing kiss-up bullshit as he could, “and now for our other guest, the matron of the night, keeper of dreams, artist of the stars…”

“I guess that means we are up,” Luna said with a reassuring smile as she took my hand, “are you ready?”

I leaned in to give her a quick kiss while the announcer still went down the laundry list of Luna’s titles. “As I’ll ever be.”

“Princess Luna,” he finally said with a reluctant pause, “a-and her consort… Aedan Ryan.”

The two of us stepped out from behind the curtain to nothing but silence. Everyone there just stared at us, silently making faces of disgust as we made our way down the staircase.

“Heh, I guess some things never change.” I whispered into Luna’s ear as we continued downward, “Hopefully this won’t–”

The all too familiar sound of a transportation spell cut me off, followed by the unmistakable sound of clapping. The two of us looked to the bottom of the staircase to see Princess Celestia in quite possibly the most elegant dress I’d ever seen on a woman, standing in the middle of dozens of ponies, and clapping for us. Soon after the sound of a single hoof clacking on the tile echoed with Celestia’s clap, followed by another, and another, until everyone in attendance was tapping their hooves for our arrival.

The ‘applauding’ stopped as soon as we were at the at the bottom of the staircase and Celestia placed her hand on Luna’s shoulder. “Nobles of Canterlot and all of Equestria,” she said, extending her free hand towards the crowd, “We welcome you to the Grand Galloping Gala!”

Moments later the crowd dispersed, huddling in smaller groups and talking about God knows what, leaving only Luna, Celestia, and myself.

“You did not have to do that sister,” Luna said with a shake of her head, “we would have managed just fine without the support of these conceited miscreants.”

“Oh please Luna,” Celestia laughed, “If I did it for anyone, I did it for Aedan You know better than I how prissy he can be.”

“Yes, yes I suppose,” she said trying to contain herself, “but no matter, I’m off to fetch us some wine.”

“Us?” Celestia and I asked simultaneously, prompting Luna to freeze in her tracks.

“B-but… I’ve been good this whole time.” Luna pouted, “Can I not just-”

“Luna…” I said, putting my hands on my hips.

Luna stuck out her lip once more, but I wasn’t about to let it win me over this time. I stood there, staring at her like a father disappointed at what his daughter was wearing before she went out for the night with friends. Seconds later, Luna finally caved with a loud humpf.

“Very well…” she muttered under her breath, “I suppose I’ll fetch you some wine.”

“That’s better.” I nodded as Luna walked off, leaving Celestia and myself to stand at the bottom of the staircase. “Luna’s right, you really didn’t have to do that.”

“I felt like I needed to,” Celestia shrugged, looking over her ensemble, “besides if I didn’t, you wouldn’t get to see me in this dress.”

“Yeah, you really do look great in it by the way.” I added, giving her a quick once over, “Rarity make this for you too?”

“Well, no actually,” Celestia answered, looking to her dress as well, “this is something of my own design.”

You designed that?”

“Aedan,” Celestia laughed as she placed her hand in my shoulder, “I’ve been alive for over two thousand years, I had to develop at least one hobby.”

“Well, yeah I understand that,” I said, “but I never thought-”

Before I could finish Celestia pulled me in close, pressing her generous globes against my chest. “I hope you know I designed it with you in mind,” she whispered, pressing herself even closer, “the thought of you fighting not to stare and squirming as I pressed myself against you made me actually want to show up this evening.”

“Ooooof course there’s a catch,” I sighed making a vain attempt to scoot away, but her magic kept me close. “Can’t you ever wear anything just to feel pretty?”

“I could, but that wouldn’t be nearly as fun.” she giggled pulling my head to hers, only stopping when we were dangerously close. “Besides,” she whispered into my ear, wrapping her arm around my neck, “I still think you owe me.”

“What?” I half yelped, pulling myself away from her, “what the hell do I-”

“Being late to your godfather selection line up, healing all those headaches, actually curing said headaches,” Celestia answered sticking out her tongue, “I’d say you’ve stacked up quite a debt, don’t you?”

I was about to say something, but out of the corner of my eye I say Luna making her way back to the two of us, glass of wine in hand. “We’ll deal with that later,” I grunted as she released me from her magical hold.

“Of course, now run along Aedan,” Celestia said while a bright golden glow began to overtake her, “I’ll be here.”

“Probably thinking about some massive cocktease to play on me when I’m least expecting it,” I said under my breath before making my way towards Luna, “see you around.”

If she said anything afterward I didn’t hear her, I was far too focused on the woman making her way towards me with a glass of wine. Luna stopped herself just a foot in front of me, extending her hand and presenting me with the glass. “Here,” she huffed, looking away from me, “I hope you will enjoy it for the both of us.”

“I’ll do my best.” I laughed, accepting her offering.

Now normally I would have just shot the thing back and asked for another, but this was supposed to be a formal event, so I decided to at least try to show a bit of class. Swirling the drink in my hand I brought it too my nose and took a quick wiff. I wasn’t exactly sure why people did that, all wine smelled the same to me as it was, but I remember seeing it done more than once, so I decided to follow suit.

Next came the bit that I knew would drive Luna crazy, the actual drinking. Slightly tilting the glass I watched Luna’s frustration grow while she watched the red liquid slowly flow towards my lips. After watching Luna grow increasingly distressed I decided to offer up a little bit of mercy and opted to down the wine as quickly as possible. I did take note that it was very sweet going down my throat, but I decided once again to opt to my gentlemanly side and not mention it, at least now with Luna being so close.

“Thanks Luna,” I said placing the glass on a try being carried by one of the many waiters, “I-”

Before I could say what I wanted Luna literally jumped me and pressed her lips to mine, no less than a second later, I could feel her tongue against my teeth, begging for entry. I didn’t think long as to whether or not grant her the access she desired, and soon enough we were wrestling for oral superiority in front of what were probably disgusted patrons, but Luna and I didn’t care, I was just glad she still wanted to kiss me after the whole wine thing.

I was thoroughly enjoying the moment, but seemingly just as soon as it had started. Luna pulled off, leaving me to whimper in sadness as to why. I opened my mouth to ask her but the moment I saw her slowly slide her tongue across her lips with a content sigh. My initial sadness turned into possibly the most blank expression a man could ever have.

“You did that for the wine, didn’t you?” Almost staring through her as I asked.

“Love you~” Luna replied, not even bothering to answer my question as she wrapped me up in her arms and squeezed.

It was moments like this that all I could do was shake my head and roll with it. Sure Luna did something that she wasn’t supposed to do, but I got one hell of a kiss out of it and now I was being snuggled with reckless abandon in front of noticeably disgusted onlookers. I wanted to flip them the bird as icing on the cake, but that would have gotten me a scolding from both princesses after the gala was said and done, so I just mirrored Luna’s embrace, even adding a quick squeeze of her butt so she would let out a squeak.

After my little grab Luna pulled away, the look of shock on her face making me smile a bit wider than normal. “Why did you–”

“Luna, you were the one that decided to french me in public, so don’t get mad if I decide to play a little grabass.” I interrupted, giving her rear another quick squeeze, prompting yet another squeak.

“Fair enough,” Luna sighed, throwing her arms over my shoulders and resting them there, “I will just hope that you know that you will have to pay for doing away with some of my dignity.”

“I can hardly wait,” I said kissing her forehead.

“Seems you two are enjoying yourselves,” A rather studious voice said from behind us.

“Princess Twilight,” Luna hailed, breaking our embrace to head her counterpart’s direction, “I thought you wouldn’t be attending, especially after that most disastrous Gala you attended some years back.”

Twilight stepped back a bit as a nervous grin came to her face. “Oh, yeah… that…” she said unsteadily, wiping off a droplet of sweat from her brow, “Still can’t put that one behind me, eh?”

“Not as long as we remember it,” Luna teased sticking out her tongue in a playful manner.

After a few moments of relative silence, save for the chatting of the guests, something in Luna’s head clicked. I’m not sure what it was, but whatever was going through her mind it involved her eyeing Twilight from head to toe. Finally after close to a minute of confusing examinations Luna brought her hand to Twilight’s jaw, tilting it upward so she would still look to her.

“Twilight,” Luna began with a devious grin, “pray tell, have you mastered your human transformation spell?”

Twilight looked to me for a reason, but I was just as, if not more in the dark than her in regards to what Luna was getting at. “Um… y-yes?” She answered, her voice even more shaky than it was when Luna mentioned one of the previous galas.

“I would very much like to see it once more Twilight,” Luna smiled, letting go of Twilight and taking a step back, “the last time you took it I was… not myself.”

“Oh, o-of course,” Twilight answered blinking repeatedly as her horn began to glow, “just give me a second, I’ll have to adjust it slightly so my dress will still fit.”

“Take your time Twilight,” Luna said confidently, taking her place by my side, “take your time.”

“What are you planning?” I asked as an orb of pink light began to envelop the pony, the shadow within only starting to take a more human shape.

“You shall see~.” She answered, keeping her eyes focused on the orb until it finally dissipated, revealing a very pretty young woman in the dress she wore as a pony.

“Alright,” Twilight said, brushing herself off and adjusting where it was needed on the dress, “I guess I was a little overzealous in the bust, but–”

Before Twilight could finish her analysis, Luna was upon her, eyeing her from head to toe. After nearly a minute of looking over the increasingly nervous Twilight Luna finally stopped, the grin plastered to her face as her eyes traveled from Twilight’s head to her toes once more.

“Um… Princess?” Twilight asked nervously, “What are you...”

Twilight’s words trailed off as Luna brought her hand to the top of her head and slowly brought it to Twilight, doing her damnedest to keep it as level as possible. By the time I’d put two and two together, Luna’s hand hovered a few inches above the top of Twilight’s head. The smile on Luna’s face so bright I could have sworn it could’ve been seen in space.

“Yes!” Luna cheered victoriously, throwing her fist into the air in triumph, making nearly everyone in the party freeze in their tracks.

“P–Princess,” Twilight said, nervously looking around, “everypony’s stare–”

Once again Twilight was interrupted, this time by something that made even my jaw drop. Luna’s hands were placed firmly on Twilight’s chest, giving each of them a quick squeeze to judge their heft. After a few good squeezes and several mental ‘honks’ on my part Luna went for her breasts and started to grope herself. While my mind started to travel to more perverted places Luna’s smile grew even wider, like a homeless man who’d just been told that he was the sole heir to a billionaire's fortune.

And they’re larger!” Luna beamed, spinning around and bringing me back to the real world with a kiss, “My breasts are larger!”

“That… that’s nice babe,” I replied, failing to hold back a smile as I looked to the confused, and possibly aroused woman standing a few feet away, “Maybe next time you can compare them in a more private setting...” I paused, pulling Luna in close so only she could hear me. “With me present, preferably.”

“Only in your dreams love,” Luna replied, wrapping her arms around my neck, “In fact, if you wish to remain in our bed, I recommend not dreaming about it either.”

“You’re the boss,” I shrugged, giving her a quick kiss before looking over to the entree table, “I’ll be back in a minute, kinda want to get a little something in my stomach.”

“And I shall remain, I’m sure there are many things Twilight and I need to catch up on. I barely see her as it is.”

Giving her a small nod I made my way to the entree table, hoping that there was something there that was edible by human standards. “Alright let’s see…” I said giving my chin a quick rub upon arrival. “Oats, oats with cheese, alfalfa, alfalfa with cheese, caramelized molasses. I think we found a winner.”

Taking one of the small molasses bits I threw it in my mouth and began to chew, only to realize the horrible truth, they’d put alfalfa and oats in them as well. Is there anything here that I can at least mildly enjoy? I inwardly asked myself, scraping away at the undesirable bits of food on my tongue. After I was sure that my mouth was clear I went back to inspecting the snacks only to find even more disappointment.

“Oh come on…” I grumbled looking over everything for the third time, “there’s gotta be-”

I was interrupted by something bumping into my ass. I dare not turn around, because if it was who I thought it would be, I’d be neck deep in cleavage. Not that it was a bad thing, but I really didn’t need Celestia’s tits distracting me in my quest for something my tastebuds would find moderately appealing. And then I heard a voice I haven’t heard in at least two months.

“Why the nerve!” it shouted, “Did you not see that I was walking this way? You foul excuse for a pony, who do you think–”

“Pompous?” I asked turning around, much to the utter dismay of the noble.

“T–that’s Lord Pompous to you peasant.” he snarled back, slowly backing away from me.

“Uh–huh, whatever,” I replied, “the hell are you doing here anyway?”

“I’m a noble of the highest caliber you miserable serf!” he snapped back, his teeth gritted in anger, “I could ask you the same question.”

“Kinda banging one of the nations two rulers, and now she’s carrying my genes,” I replied with a smile as a devious thought came to mind, “I’m here by default.”

“If I had my way I’d make sure you’d never–”

“Hey Luna!” I interrupted, waving to her wildly, “Luna, there’s someone here I’d like you to meet.”

Pompous froze in place as the slightly confused princess looked to me and then back to Twilight. After a few unheard words between the two, Luna left Twilight and made her way towards me. My smile remaining as Pompous’s eyes darted between myself and Luna, probably wondering what I had planned.

“Yes Aedan?” Luna asked, “What is it? Twilight and I were having a most interesting conversation until you decided to interrupt.”

“I just have a question for you Luna,” I started, looking to Pompous, “What would you do if someone, and by that I mean anyone, said that they wanted to banish me, remove your baby, and them replace me with themselves?”

Luna’s eye twitched as her fists clenched so tightly that the skin of her knuckles turned white. Pompous took another step back, fearing the wrath of a hormonally charged woman who could control the moon itself.

“I… I…” she began, doing her best to contain her anger, “I would find this individual, throw him in the deepest, coldest, dankest, darkest cell in the dungeon and then…” Luna paused, bringing her hand up, to look at it before flicking her wrist, the action suddenly turning her hand into a blade-like structure. “I would personally castrate them, as slowly as I possibly could.”

Even I had to wince at what Luna said, but then again, I asked for it. Just as I was about to turn my attention to Pompous I heard the faint sound of liquid dripping to the floor. I watched the anger in Luna’s eyes turn into shock and disgust as they looked past me, prompting me to finally look to Pompous. He stood there as he had before, dressed in something that would probably give Rarity a heart attack, with a growing yellow puddle forming around his hind legs.

“Well…” I said with a smile, “That answers that question.”

Before Luna could open her mouth Pompous was gone, tail tucked between his legs and face so red he would’ve stopped midday traffic. I kept my eyes on him until he disappeared around a distant corner, a small laugh leaving my lips when a pair of janitors scrambled towards the puddle.

“Mind telling me what that was about?” Luna asked, her eyes shooting between myself and the janitors.

“Just a bit of feel good icing on today’s cake.” I answered, grinning wildly as nature began to call my name in a far less embarrassing way. “I should head to the bathroom, be back in a few.”

“You really don’t have to announce such things Aedan,” Luna sighed with a shake of her head, “Especially in light of recent events.”

“Yeah, yeah,” I said ruffing her hair up a bit, “be back in ten minutes.”

With that I made my way to the doors, the crowd moving aside as I made my way through. Usually I may have been upset about it, but given my current bodily needs I actually appreciated their prejudice just this once. After being greeted by a rather enthusiastic guard and his swift acting magic I myself outside of the main hall, staring down one of the seemingly endless hallways that the castle boasted.

“This is a whole lot of effort just to take a piss.” I said to myself with a chuckle as I took my first step down the long hall.

I made it about halfway down the hall when I heard the sound of footsteps behind me. Given the rate at which the feet were hitting the floor I assumed it was Luna making her way to me with extreme prejudice. “Look Luna,” I said, slowly turning to face her, “I just-”

Before I could finish what I was about to say I felt the full force of a body slamming into my side, throwing me off my feet and sending me, and whoever tackled me, rolling across the floor. After we stopped tumbling I ended up on my back with whoever hit me sitting square on my chest, using every ounce of their excessive weight to hold me down while they fumbled around.

“What the FUCK?!” I roared, opening my eyes, “who do-”

I froze at what I saw. A human like figure was sitting on my chest, sporting a wide set of horns and a bull like head. A minotaur, a goddamn beast of greek myth was sitting on my chest planning God knows what. My mind raced as to what the monster on my chest was planning until he did something that made my blood run cold.

I don’t know where he’d been hiding it, but he now held a knife in his hand, it’s silver blade glistening in the pale moonlight. I reacted quickly, bucking my hips to get my attacker off balance I reached for the arm he used to brace himself with, Wrapping it up and twisting my body to the right, he spun with me until he landed on his back with a thud.

After I was free I scrambled to my feet, fists clenched so tightly I could feel my skin tearing apart. As the minotaur rose to his feet once more I tensed up once more, my body screaming at me to run. If only to protect Luna from death, but for some reason I stayed frozen in place, as if my old training in hand to hand had suddenly taken control.

“Who are you?” I barked, my teeth gritted and stance solid, “What do you want?”

The minotaur said nothing, instead he charged, knife first, towards me. I reacted quickly, sidestepping and grabbing hold of his forearms before using his own momentum against him as he stumbled, struggling to keep a sure footing.

“Who the hell are you?” I repeated, facing him once more and stepping carefully, “Why are you trying to kill me?”

“A contract has been made,” the minotaur responded in a low, monotone voice, making him seem more sinister and inhuman than he already was, “I will see it fulfilled, along with your head as a trophy.”

“Really?” I asked, seething in rage, “You know what happens if you kill me right? If I kick it, so does Princess Luna. Our souls are bound!”

The minotaur paused, stepping into the light, showing off scars and warpaint that resembled skull across his face. “The false Goddess has managed to bind her soul to a mortal lover?” He asked with a smile, throwing his knife to the side, “This contract has now become far greater than I had ever hoped.”

“You basta-” Before I could finish, my attacker was upon me, sending a fist square into my stomach, effectively forcing every last ounce of air out of my lungs.

I staggered, wheezing in a vain attempt to retain at least some air, but it was no use. The moment I opened my mouth the minotaur's hand slammed squarely into my face, the faint sound of cracking bone echoing through my skull as I flew backward, meeting the tile with a hard thump and another desperate gasp for air.

Moments later I felt his hand wrap around my bloodied uniform and began to drag me across the floor. After a few feet he put a little more effort into what he was doing, flinging me across the ground before I rolled to a slow, painful stop. I tried to balance myself with my elbow, but a hoof met my back right between my shoulder blades, effectively pinning me to the ground.

“Now heretic,” he began, burying his hoof even deeper in an attempt to get me to beg, “You, the whore and your bastard child will die, your skulls shall-”

I slammed the hand opposite of his leg on the ground into the floor, shooting up with all of my strength. His hoof scrapped across my back before it slammed into the tile floor, cracking it under the pressure. He stumbled at first, trying to regain the balance he had lost but I didn’t give him the chance. With a swing of the arm still on the ground, I took the hoof he had on the floor out from under him. He grunted in pain, my effort to hyperextend his knee seemingly working as he fell to the ground.

I rose to my feet, heart pounding, fists clenched and teeth gritted, ignoring any and all pain I was previously suffering because this would be killer of a goddess did the stupidest thing he possibly could have done. He fucked with papa bear.

“Y-you still fight?” he asked, rising to his feet, “But-”

“What?!” I snapped before he could finish, resetting my nose and spitting out the bitter taste of my blood before I continued. “You threaten not only my life, but the life of the woman I love and our unborn child, then you expect me to curl into a ball and let you kill me? FUCK NO! I’m not some prissy pony who faints at the first sight of blood, I’m a goddamned human being!” I paused, wiping away at the fluid pouring down my nose while my attacker looked onward. “Now stand up, I’m going to show you what being human is all about.”

The minotaur rose, slamming his fists into one another with a sadistic smile before letting out an animalistic roar. The moment he put one hoof in front of the other, it was on. The two of us charged with all of our speed headlong into one another, I myself narrowly avoiding being gored by his horns the moment our shoulders made contact. We were trying to out muscle one another drive the opponent to the ground and finish it quick, but we seemed evenly matched so the both of us needed a different strategy.

He struck first, sending his fist into my ribcage seconds later, the following shockwave rippling through my body forced a great deal of air out of my lungs, but not enough to put me down. I took a deep breath, pressing my myself into him as hard as I could while I rolled my opposite shoulder to gather momentum for my own body shot. Putting every ounce of force I could muster into my free hand, I slammed my fist into his side, right at the bottom of where I believed his ribcage would be. My swing had to have hit the right spot, because the satisfying crack of his ribs against my knuckles brought a smile to my face. He pushed off of me, holding his side and fighting back a cry of pain, that was my queue to go on the offensive.

Within a fraction of a second I was on him, sending my heel into his weak knee to cripple him even further. As he tried to steady himself on his good leg I sent a jab across his jaw, I didn’t break anything that time, but I was able to get him to open his side once more, allowing me to throw another punch or two to his most vulnerable point. He reeled in pain, hunching over just enough for me to grab the bull by the horns and provide yet another opportunity to return an overdue favor. My knee slammed into his muzzle again and again until I heard yet another satisfying crack. Finally I lifted his head up to see his face, the warpaint he once wore washed away, replaced by his own blood.

With a final bash to his nose, courtesy of my forehead, my attacker went down, a pool of red beginning to grow from his head. “Fuck you…” I growled, giving myself a quick once over, “Luna–”

Before I could finish the minotaur shot forward and wrapped his hands around my left leg, pulling it into him and sending me to the ground with a painful slam. Within an instant I saw him twist away at the foot, misshaping and bending it with all the strength he had left. My right heel to his ribs forced him to let go, allowing me to scramble to my feet, or more realistically, what was left of them.

“Wha… what?” he asked through bloody lips as he looked to my foot in his hands, “How did you?”

“Oh yeah, about that,” I laughed, giving a quick slap to what was left of my leg, “prosthetic limb, courtesy of the Marines!”

I slammed what was left of my left leg into the side of the minotaur’s skull, sending one of his horns flying as his entire body went limp. I stood there, breathing heavily as my body loosened up from the experience I’d just had. Once I was finally able to see something other than red I hobbled over to his body and picked up my foot, wiping off as much blood as I could.

“Son of a bitch…” I grunted as I gave it a closer look, “the arch is twisted, I’m going to have to–”

“Aedan?” Luna’s voice called concretely, making my blood run cold, “Aedan you’ve been gone for a while what–”

The moment I saw Luna my heart skipped a beat, the look of terror on her face would’ve made even the hardest of men grow concerned. Then, within a fraction of a millisecond, I saw her fear turn into pure, unbridled, hellish rage.

"Y-you... you MONSTER!" Luna roared, outstretching her hand and clenching her fist. I was confused at first, but as I turned around I saw my would be murderer to drop his knife and reach for his throat, "you dare threaten the life of the one I love! To steal him from me?!"

She rose her hand into the air, the minotaur following close behind, the sapphire hue around his neck wrapping ever tighter.

"He is not yours to take! He is mine!" I watched in silent shock as she threw her hand to the side, sending her unfortunate prey into the wall. "MINE!" She repeated, throwing her hand towards the ceiling, again the minotaur followed, his body now seemingly limp.

"L-LUNA!" I stuttered, tripping over myself, "Luna, p-please stop! He's beaten! I beat him! He's-"

"SILENCE!" Luna's voice boomed, seemingly causing the entire hallway to shake, her hair pulsing as black tendrils began to encompass her. "I will deal with this vermin as I see fit!"

Seconds later, Luna brought the what I thought was a now dead would-be assassin towards her, but somehow he still showed signs of life.

"W-what... are y...yo..." he managed to choke out through bloody coughs.

"What I am is of no consequence, but you are an insect..." Luna replied as her pupils began to change, "now be crushed as one."

Before I could react Luna blasted my attacker towards a window, effectively shooting him through with the sound shattered glass. I didn't know just how far up we were, but I knew there was no way he would survive. I looked back to Luna, the darkness now fully enveloping her, I stumbled towards her as fast as I could, trying to stop her from becoming what I knew she wasn't.

"Luna!" I shouted reaching out for her, "Lu-"

I was cut short as the same sapphire hue that was around the Minotaur's neck surrounded mine. Reaching for the glow I vainly pulled at it in an effort to breathe, but in my attempt I realized the dark aura that surrounded Luna had faded. What stood there now was far from what I knew Luna to be.

She stood as tall as Celestia now, her midnight blue hair replaced with a violet mist, her soft cobalt eyes transformed into hard teal with cat like slits, and her once dark skin now paler than the moonlight that beamed from the now shattered window.

"Do not call me Luna, pathetic welp," the figure hissed, pulling me closer, "I... am Nightmare Moon."

Author's Note: