• Published 16th Dec 2013
  • 669 Views, 42 Comments

The Journalist - redspark

A normal journalist who works for the Newspaper suddenly finds herself into something she really didn´t expected to write about. In the low places of Canterlot she must seek a way to make her stories more interesting, but how?

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Chapter 25

Nimble and Silent had been having a pretty good night. So far, Hightip had not called for them, allowing them to have a relaxing time at the party. Rarity had remained speaking with Purple Velvet, and they were now trying to decide what color the perfect dress would be… lame conversation, at least to the two. Nimble and Silent had run out of something to talk about for some time now, content with eating some small treats and looking around. The party had gone on for hours, and both Silent and Nimble were slightly tired now.

They had met a couple of other Canterlot elite ponies, some being nice, others simply neutral, and finally some even hostile. Apparently, the two being in such an important party and not being important or famous was something not welcomed by some. Still, the two didn´t really cared and enjoyed themselves around.

Rarity soon began to talk to Nimble also, asking her if she liked something like the style of dresses. Nimble said she had never really thought of that. Rarity immediately seemed shocked.

“Really darling, I thought you would have known better! Well, you have good likings by the one that you´re wearing, but really you don´t find the different styles exciting or at least interesting?” she said with an exaggerate gesture. Nimble smiled shyly.

“I… I´ve always just seen dresses as pretty or simply normal. I just never really thought about different styles or anything.” Nimble said. Rarity gasped, making both Silent and purple chuckle slightly at the white mare´s expressions and reactions at Nimble´s apparent ignorance of fashion.

“Well, I then beg you to come someday over to Ponyville and my boutique. There I can show you some good things, the best in Equestria!” She said the last standing proudly. “I am kind of famous for my dresses, even though someponies just don´t know how to appreciate my dresses.” She sat down again upon realizing she had stood up. “Sorry for my reaction, I believe I might have went carried away.” She blushed.

Nimble chuckled. “No worries. Of course I´ll someday go over to your boutique, at least as soon as I go to Ponyville. A very good town to visit, I´ve heard.” Rarity nodded. She was beginning to speak when Silent stood up abruptly. He seemed tense.

“What is it?” The white mare asked. Nimble also stood up slowly looking at Silent.

“What?” She asked. Silent´s ears were up, catching every sound. He then turned to Nimble.

“Somepony´s been sneaking on us all this time.” Nimble looked around. “And I believe however it is, he knows who we are.” Rarity looked at the two.

“Please, explain”. Nopony said a word. Purple Velvet stared at the two, her expression turning slightly worried.

“I´ll tell Counselor.” She said, standing up.

“No.” Silent said. “However is watching us now surely knows we know he´s there, but he has taken no action; He is either just a curious pony, or a spy. Both I dislike, but I´d prefer the first one.” Purple nodded and sat down again. Silent then looked at where Time Keeper had been seating which was a table not far from them. He was no longer there. Silent was about to tell them that Time Keeper was gone when he heard something move behind them. He turned around. Time Keeper stood there, smiling, only that this time the smile was not faked. He WAS smiling, though for what, Silent was not sure.

“If I had known who you were in the very beginning!” He exclaimed. That caught all the pony´s attention throughout the party. Soon, everypony was quiet.

“What do you mean?” asked Purple. “I already presented them to you.” Time laughed.

“Yes, your family you told me. I´m afraid I know it´s no such thing.” He turned to all ponies present. “May I present you Nimble Hoof, writer of The Daily Hoof, and his partner Silent Mane, from no other place than Lower Canterlot!” there were a couple of gasps around the crowd as Nimble and Silent suddenly felt small. “I would have made you both my guests of honor!” He turned to Silent this time. “And would have a pretty nice talk to both throughout the dinner.”

“Wait!” Rarity said. “You mean, Nimble Hoof, the actual writer?” Time nodded. “Why you didn´t told me?” She asked.

Time laughed. “It´s obvious. Imagine, being so famous is tiring. They probably don´t like to be recognized and using other personalities is a very good idea, but not at my party. I like that here we trust each other.” He looked at Nimble. “Pleasure finally meeting you, Miss Hoof. I´m afraid I´ve not had the chance to speak to you before, but I hope we both have more contact from now on.”

Nimble felt uncomfortable at that. She felt her feet tremble over her own body´s weight. She had never been in such a large crowd, all looking at her.

Silent was no different. He hated crowds, but them knowing who he was exactly… That surpassed his limit. He looked at Time Keeper, who had now looked upon him again.

“If you wouldn´t mind, I´d like to have a talk to you both, privately, inside my study.” He said. Two ponies now stood at his sides. Some very tough looking ones, which made clear the answer. It was either yes or yes. Still, nopony seemed to realize that they were being forced.

Only Rarity seemed to see that, her and Purple Velvet.

“Can I accompany them?” both mares said at the same time. They looked at each other, surprised about the coincidence.

“No, I´m afraid I´d like to speak to them privately.” Time said. “Of course, if they want to.”

Silent nodded. “Lead the way.”

Time smiled and began walking towards the house…

* * * *

Nimble and Silent sat down on two chairs in front of Time´s office desk. He sat down in front on a big business chair also. He then looked at the two guards and they went out of the office.

The office was a very nice place, with bookshelves around the walls and maps and many different built things, like a small mill that seemed to move on its own. Time noticed the two´s interest in the things around.

“I am a creator and inventor.” He said, catching their attention. “I began as a watchmaker, when I inherited my father´s shop upon his death. Since then, I made it bigger and created Watcher co. Now not only do we make watches, but also we are trying to revolutionize the world.” He had stood up and was looking out of his window at the party. That´s when his words began to come out differently. The nice, passionate voice he had changed to one darker and even menacing.

“And I had a sweet sister, who died on an unfortunate accident thanks to those now standing on my very lawn.” He turned to the two. “I got my sister´s daughter, a nice and beautiful Pegasus filly. I didn´t had time for her, BUT I LOVED HER.” The last words where directed to them. They stroke the two with force, making them both gasp at the anger in them. “Now, she left me. A poor young one, alone in Canterlot. Somehow, a pony took her in and taught her to be like him. A burglar and a Thief!” He walked at them. “And I know very well you two know of whom I am speaking about. Now, don´t think I don´t know about your little distraction plan to get her, but know this: SHE WILL NOT GO WITH YOU. I am his only family.”

Silent stood up now. He seemed angry, and his stared would have made even made a griffon hesitate to attack him. “Listen to me, you soft but! We came for her, and you won´t stop us. You technically kidnapped her from us, now we´re getting her back. I don´t care how much power you hold, we know what the truth is. She wants to be with us, not you.”

Time nodded. “Might be true, but she´s under my responsibility, and I won´t let her get spoiled by lows like you.” He turned to Nimble. “Now, she asked me to talk to Nimble Hoof. That she´d make me reason about my decision. I accepted and so I will hear you, but you better know that I will nto let her go with you. I am legally her guardian.”

Silent was about to speak again, but Nimble stopped him. She stood up and walked over to Time. “She asked that?” Time nodded. “Oh… alright.” She looked down, trying to know why she´d say that. “Well, she and I have been speaking a lot. She has told me her feelings about everything, especially about her parent´s death, and from what I heard, she loves you, but she doesn´t want to be trapped in here, not doing anything. Tell me, how was her mother?”

Time suddenly seemed shocked. “Why do you ask me that?”

Nimble shook her head. “Just tell me.”

Time hesitated before speaking. “Well… she was a very pretty mare, always wanting to do something new, always ready to help. She married some pony which I never really met, but knew they loved each other.”

Nimble nodded. “now, what did she liked to do?”

Time smiled for some seconds. Silent noticed it was the first real caring smile he had ever given. Immediately he turned rigid again. He chuckled and looked menacingly at the two. “I know where you´re trying to go, but it won´t work. Words don´t work with me, but rather, I make words work on others. Yes, she was like Sunny, but I won´t let that “adventurous” side of her rule her, like my sister. In the end it brought her her own death. Now, I´m gonna make sure you never get to see her again. You lost this time, nopony can defy me and go on with it. You did it, and I won. Your friends won´t find her in my house. She´s somewhere else.”

Time had barely finished when a pony dressed in a black cloak entered the room running and gasping. Immediately Nimble and Silent recognized him as a shadow pony. He didn´t really minded them, though. He looked at Time Keeper.

“She´s gone! A cloaked mare arrived and somehow managed to get her from our guards. Shadow is searching all around Canterlot right now, but it appears they banished!” He then saw Nimble and Silent.

Time nodded. He turned to Nimble and Silent also. “Good luck I have hostages.” He retrieved with his magic a strange looking tube. Nimble was about to ask what was it when Silent jumped at Time. There was click and a bang that resonated across the room. Nimble gasped in terror as she saw Silent fall to the floor clutching a leg. Blood was dripping from a wound. Nimble stared at him, then looked at Time, still holding the object.

“Now, you´ll obey me or you´ll learn to fear me by pain…”

Nimble nodded as the shadow pony led her outside. Silent was taken with levitation behind her. Nimble prayed to Celestia that this would turn out alright. She couldn´t beat losing anypony she cared for… losing Silent…

The meeting with Time

Author's Note:

Hello! Sorry for taking so long to publish this chapter. In my blog I explain why. I´ll try to upload next one in less time. I hope you´re liking my story so far =D