• Published 16th Dec 2013
  • 669 Views, 42 Comments

The Journalist - redspark

A normal journalist who works for the Newspaper suddenly finds herself into something she really didn´t expected to write about. In the low places of Canterlot she must seek a way to make her stories more interesting, but how?

  • ...

Unexpected Turns

Chapter 9
Unexpected Turns

If it was dark, Hightip's dark sight spell didn't make it look like it. Apparently Shadow Pony was known a lot for a spell he made that turned everything dark. It made every light around him fade and he became invisible. Hightip's spell was meant to let them see if he ever made that spell.

The plan was a simple but clever one. They were going to sneak in with big bags for all the bits that were stored in the building. Sun Seeker was going to remain outside and give instructions by Hightip, who would be reading her mind to get her instructions even though she was to remain outside. Silent Mane and Nimble Hoof where going to be on front of all, making sure nopony was going to ambush them, while Deepsqueak and Grey Stone walked with Hightip behind, carrying the bags.

They arrived at the rendezvous point. Silent Mane and Nimble Hoof waited for the rest. Sun Seeker arrived landing silently in front of them. They greeted each other by merely moving their heads slightly forward. Next arrived Hightip, disarming a cloaking spell he fancied when walking trying not to be followed. Finally the two earth ponies arrived.

Sun Seeker nodded at them all and gestured for them to follow. Everyone followed her to a tunnel entrance. She stopped and looked at them. "This is the way in. No Shadow pony from the ponyhood knows about it, so you should be pretty safe until you get inside their building. Once inside, you all know the way to their vaults. Just be sure you get there unnoticed."

Hightip nodded "Then let's go." All ponies nodded and followed him inside. Nimble Hoof hesitated when all where in. She really felt a horrible feeling when thinking about that Shadow Pony.

"You can stay with me if you don't want to go in." Sun Seeker said after some moments. Nimble Hoof shook her head. She was about to talk when Sun Seeker continued "Hightip doesn't likes me to go to dangerous places, you know. He knows there's something's that I fear, and danger, even though attractive to me, it's also something I fear deeply. You don't need to be ashamed if something is too much for you, you know."

Nimble Hoof looked down. "But I need the story..." she said, tapping her notebook inside her cloak.

Sun Seeker smiled. "I can narrate it to you if you like. I can see everything that's going on."

Nimble Hoof smiled "Thanks." She muttered, smiling. "I've not gotten used to... You know, this life. Yes, the adventure is great, the stories I get, and don't mention the number if bits I get with both my jobs, journalist and part of the ponyhood, but still it's a lot to take in."

Sun Seeker nodded as she relayed some news to Hightip. "Change of plans. Nimble Hoof will remain behind with me and help me should something go wrong." she thought that to Hightip, who sent a comprehending feeling, through which she understood he had gotten the instructions. She had taken time to get used to the feeling technique of telling instructions. It was strange ti have only feelings of other as acknowledgements after her information. "It’s done." she told Nimble Hoof.

"Thanks." she said again.

"Don't mention it." she answered, smiling. After several seconds she giggled a bit. "How is the high society of Canterlot these days?"

Nimble Hoof was a little amused at that question, especially by the light giggle she had made. "The same as always I suppose." she looked at Sun Seeker. "If I may, why do you ask?"

Sun Seeker thought for a moment. "Mmm... Well, you see, I have not been on Lower Canterlot since I was born. I was kind of 'adapted', like you, to the ponyhood." Nimble Hoof looked at her surprised. "Yes, I was. You see, I was born to a wealthy family, a family belonging to the very Canterlot Elite."

"Then why did you come here?" Nimble Hoof asked.

Sun Seeker sighed "I was tired of them, the elite, and also the other Canterlot ponies I knew, and also, I wanted something new. My life wasn't a life at all."

Nimble Hoof thought for a moment. "I've never heard somepony in Canterlot or anywhere else in Equestria before saying they didn't wanted to belong in the Canterlot elite, less abandon it." she said, surprised.

Sun Seeker giggle again. "Well, speaking with somepony that probably is around high Canterlot ponies most of the time is probably different than actually being one." she looked at the tunnel's entrance, her smiled fading away. "It is tiresome. You have a difficult reputation to maintain, and all the other ponies... They try to win you over, or else you are a target for gossip and as soon as you know, you are no longer part of it..." she said the last in a soft and sad voice, like if she had experimented it herself.

"You... That happened to you, didn't it?" Nimble Hoof asked carefully.

Sun Seeker nodded slowly. "Not exactly to me, but to my parents. They had a small fight, one that wasn't too much or anything. The type of fights and discussions a pair normally has. The problem was that another pony heard the fight, and using that against my parents he created a huge gossip about them getting separated. They ended up having to move out of town..." at that point of the story, tears had begun to fall down her eyes. Nimble Hoof wrapped an arm around her consolably. "On the way off town, the chariot they were in made a sharp turn. It tumbled to the sides and..." She fought back her tears, but obviously this was terribly painful for her. "My parents didn't make it. They died instantly. I survived thanks to my mother, who wrapped herself around me. I was a very young filly, barely five years old. When she didn't answered to my calls after the crash... I mean, she seemed asleep. I thought she had fallen asleep... Until the doctors came. They took me away and one explained me everything slowly. I lasted some days in the hospital until an uncle of mine took me in. I ended up running off his house. I hated him, and hated all who were of that class. They were all the same, cold-hearted ponies."

Nimble Hoof nodded and hugged her tight. "I won't lie. I don't know what you feel, but I certainly can imagine."

Sun Seeker moved off Nimble Hoof gently. "thanks." she whispered. "I'd better check on the rest if the team." Nimble Hoof nodded in agreement. Sun Seeker closed her eyes and turned serious. "Where are they..." she muttered as she gasped at feeling Hightip... He was unconscious! She searched again and noticed Silent Mane; he was hurt! She then looked around but failed to see the earth ponies. No sign of Deepsqueak or Grey Stone.

"What?" Nimble Hoof asked after seeing Sun Seeker's expression turn to that of shock.

"They're... They're tied up..." she sounded surprised. "They caught them... And it's my entire fault!"

Nimble Hoof shook her head. "No, it isn't. In fact, we are still here because you were disconnected from Hightip. Should you have been there with him on his mind, probably you would have warned him but I'm sure Shadow Pony would have known about you after feeling the spell. If all they say about him is true, you are safer like this."

Sun Seeker thought for a moment. "Maybe what you say is true, but what should we do?"

Nimble Hoof shrugged. "Not sure, you are the professional at this."

Sun Seeker blushed slightly she closed her eyes and began to think. There had to be a way to rescue the rest. She only needed a plan, and an amazingly good one...

Sunny´s tale