• Member Since 16th Jan, 2012
  • offline last seen Aug 11th, 2012

Holla Jolla

I'm that one black guy. "Easy reading is damn hard writing." Nathaniel Hawthorne

Comments ( 35 )

Herp derp, I'm a turrible person.

Deal w/ it, nerds.


Why was I sooo tempted to skip all the way to the last chapter?:twilightblush:



A clop-fic?

Somehow this just managed to steal all my want from the most secure vault I have... oh well. :trollestia:

I wish I could write this well! It was almost like I was watching a movie, the images portrait in my mind were yearning to be accepted by my conscience, thankfully, my conscience caved in ;)

I love your fan fictions because they're really well written (and there's clop obviously.) :moustache:

The story is pretty well written. I was expecting a troll pic from the image you put up with the story, but I was pleasantly surprised. Good job : )

Ah yes, the library. A place to relax and read. A place where one can be put into different worlds with one's imagination........ They're going to fuck, aren't they? :moustache:


This was great! I give you my thumb! *and a waffle*(o_o)>#

Dat description.

This story was pretty damn good. The first part of the second chapter had me laughing so hard... "Cute Hats 'n' Shit" :rainbowlaugh:
Although Twilight seemed pretty OOC. Buuuuut IDGAF, I'm thinking.

You know, your narrator-side humor is great. As is your juxtaposition of vulgarity with the wholesome town of Ponyville. Offending ponies is always funny.

Also, I realized that I've read two of your other stories :pinkiegasp: both of which were awesome.

I'm watching you :duck:

I read all four chapters, and found that it was really worth it :twilightsmile:
Besides the Amazing Clop ( As usual from you, you amazing writer you :rainbowkiss: ) :twilightblush::raritywink:
Your narrative comedy was spot on, and the accurate descriptions of certain actions and other background details were also picture perfect :pinkiesmile:
Great story, cant wait for the next :yay:

Now, I wish that book was real. Sounds like it'd be good for a laugh xD

This is so adorable and nonsexual :pinkiecrazy:


Aye. The entire thing felt weird to me also. The characters didn't work, the actions didn't work; the whole damn thing was a clusterfuck. I just wrote, and wrote, and wrote, and wrote, and wrote and I don't think I even knew what the hell I was putting down half the time. The emotions were confusing and conflicting, the characters were not themselves...It just didn't work. For me, or anybody else apparently.

Indeed, the scenes that you described also felt awkward when I wrote them. I made Rarity a cold and heartless slut, and I made Twilight...well, I didn't make Twilight quite anything. No thoughts, no emotions. It didn't fit, not at all. The scene at the spa was the only thing about this story that started out natural, and then the entire thing took a nosedive into retarded grimdark and half-assed romance.

The scene at the library irked me, too. Twilight's actions were disjointed and unpolished, much unlike herself. The only things I felt comfortable within those last two chapters were the descriptions of the environment. Otherwise, I butchered the characters unique personalities, I rushed into the clop, and when the clop was done, I rushed to end it. This story could have been so much more, but I ended up writing it...so, yeah.

As a result of all this, I've come to a conflicting conclusion about my sudden problem with writing. I bludgeoned the last story to death with Soarin' and Spitfire's emotions and my own damn sarcasm, and this time, I managed to shit up a normally decent prompt that would have practically handed itself to any other writer with bad character representation and overall poor follow-through.

Now, if I fuck up the next story, which, holy hot damn, is a nice and easy request to work with, I might stop writing. And before someone flips their pancakes on me, there is more than one reason for this. One, at the point where I post the next story and it bombs, I will have messed up three stories in a row with my faggotry, and everyone will want me to stop anyway. Two, writing is sucking up my life. I have work to do, things to finish. A lot of the days that I work, I don't even have the time to do the things I used to love. And reason three is that I can't think of another damn reason.

So here's my point in all this. I fucked the last story, I fucked this one, and I may or may not fuck the next. If you have nothing good to contribute, then why contribute at all? Writing may be fun for me, but now it's about a lot more people than just me. I have to keep people happy, that was my whole goal when I began writing. But, now, when I keep making stupid blunders like this, I just don't know how that could be possible. I just don't know.



Sorry, sometimes when I get into a depressed phase (which tends to happen about one week out of every season), I wallow in self-pity, snap at any kind of criticism, hate everything I make or do, start to have mighty impressive mood swings, and go on unending tirades like that one. And, even if I was on my Man-Period, I really shouldn't have posted a comment like that with all dem >feels mixed in. If it seemed like I bit your head off on that one, sorry. It wasn't supposed to be targeted towards you, or anyone else for that matter. The whole comment started out as an apology to you for the mistakes and how the story was, but then quickly degenerated into one of my many sloppy venting sessions in which I beat myself, point out all my flaws and how I'm a failure, swear a lot, make some wild statement of something I probably won't do anyway, and then slowly begin to feel better about myself. Funny how emotions work, huh?

I don't feel like my work is unappreciated, quite the opposite actually. I just think this part of the fandom has been exposed to so much poopy writing and poor grammar that when someone comes out with something mediocre at best, Jesus Christ may as well have came back from the dead and kissed the whole damn lot of ya on the cheek. But, I digress. The reason I don't like my work is because I'm a prude about everything I submit for the public. Lemme put it this way: a very minimum of a 4.5 star rating is the standard of work that I aim for. 4.0-4.5 is okay, but it could have been better. And under 4.0 is shit-tier for me. It's a stupid and strict system, I know, but that is how I feel about my own work. Everyone else's work is just fine and dandy; I never dislike other peoples work, even if it is crap. But, falling to a level where my work is just 'average' or 'normal' is not enough for me. I want to exceed because my philosophy just works that way. I have strict rules and standards that I live by, and writing is not a exception to them.

Anyway, the point I want to get across to you, everybody who reads this, and myself is that I did not mean all that hogwash I said in that teeny tiny comment. I was just venting and I'm sorry that I had to expose to people to the deep, dark, psychotic person inside me. Glad I could make you guys happy, whether out your brains or your penises.

Peace out, girl scouts.

Well-written. Though I spotted some hands in this story :trollestia:

slobs to sluts and horrors to whores... I guess its an improvement? but seriously that was funny.:twistnerd:>:scootangel:?

Cute Hats N’ Shit i will go to this, i will find an uncute hat, i will buy sed hat

Floccinaucinihilipilification is of little value... so a book of little value...hmm, Good sir do you have a copy of this book? if not is one available?

Now this...is a Clop-Fic!:twilightblush:

:raritydespair: >This isn't about you! This is about my giant hats!

Main Entry: floccinaucinihilipilification
Part of Speech: n
Definition: an act or instance of judging something to be worthless or trivial
Etymology: the parts of the word each mean 'at nothing' or 'with a small price'

It comes from the similarly spelled Latin word which means "I don't give a hoot"

I don't really get it. People don't get thrown out of businesses this easily. You've kinda gotta be drunk or cussing a lot or something. The spa made some sense, but the hat store is just odd.

It's a hat store. People have to fuck around in it all the time.

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