• Published 14th Dec 2013
  • 1,726 Views, 42 Comments

Our Girl Scootaloo 2 of 3 - Cozy Mark IV

With the ordeal of high school now behind her, Scootaloo has moved away from home and entered college with her eyes on med school. What new experiences await earths first pony citizen and her friends as they begin their freshman year?

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Ch 2.6 Classes, Engagements and Loss

Our Girl Scootaloo

Part 2 of 3

by Cozy Mark IV & Jan. McNeville

Disclaimer: This is a non-profit fan-made work of prose. My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic is the property of Hasbro. Please support the official release

Chapter Two point Six: Classes, Engagements and Loss

------- End of freshman year – - Summer at home - Beginning of fall term and years after------------

--------- Josie and Scootaloo discuss corn, why not --------------

“Mmmm, this is such good corn. My complements to the chef.”

Josie had paused and was holding up her half eaten corn cob thoughtfully. “It is. Of all the looted treasures of the world, this is probably the most costly and delicious.”

Scootaloo cocked an eyebrow. “I rather doubt the corn we're eating was stolen. What are you talking about?”

“Have you ever read 'Guns, Germs and Steel' by Gared Diamond?”

Scootaloo shook her head. “I think it was recommended reading back in my bio-chem class, but if you'll recall, we had our hands full that semester.”

“You should read it if you ever get the chance. The premise is that people are basically the same, and the reason the Europeans wound up with the technology needed to take over the world back in the seventeen and eighteen hundreds all goes back to food production.”

Scootaloo did not lower her eyebrow.

“The Europeans had a huge lead on technology and killer germs because they got their food production problems worked out way earlier. They had a lot more good plants like wheat and peas which were relatively simple to domesticate, as well as cows, pigs and chickens. The very act of living with domestic animals breeds killer germs; remember the bird flu scare back in the 2000's? We got smallpox, black death, and most of the other big killers from bugs that jumped off domestic animals to people.
“The rest of the world wasn't so lucky with wild food plants and animals, and corn is probably the best example of terrible luck. The wild plant that was domesticated into corn is pathetically small and damn near in-edible without extensive grinding, but in the Americas, that was all they had to work with. While the Egyptians were building the pyramids the native Americans were fighting to breed better corn to have enough food to build a society. While the Romans were expanding their empire, they were still trying to breed corn. While Christianity was being born they were still trying to breed corn. While Mohammad was teaching, they were still trying to breed corn. When gunpowder was invented, and knights fought wars for their kings across Europe, they were finally getting enough food value out of corn to build a up civilizations, but they were thousands of years behind because this damn plant was the best they had. When the first Europeans came, they reported a continent so crowded that you could smell the smoke from cooking fires hundreds of miles out to sea. They brought their germs, the results of thousands of years of bio-weapons research with them, and by the time the next settlers arrived, the natives were wiped out. Current estimates put the death toll in the hundreds of millions, well more than ten times the number the Nazi's would kill centuries later.”

She paused for breath and looked down at the corn on the cob. “With the land wiped of life and ninety-five percent of the natives dead, the continent was practically abandoned, and the takeover was inevitable. And it was all because of this. This corn is the life's work of generations beyond count; no gem, no crown, no kingdom took as much toil to produce as this, and we stole it after a genocide the likes of which the world has never seen before or since.”

Scootaloo found her mouth hanging open and closed it with an effort. “Jesus, Josie! Is that true??”

She cracked a small, sad smile. “Yes. But there is nothing we can do about it now.” She took another mouthful and savored the sweet flavor. “Remember that on-campus debate about whether it's ethical to use medical research done by the Nazi's? They served corn at the dinner afterward.”

---------- The morning after…

As the two of them took the stairs down to the main level they passed a number of students going up, and Scootaloo could have sworn one of the girls winked at her.

They swiped their cards to get into the cafeteria and both attacked the salad bar with a vengeance. David looked over at her tray heaped high with greens and couldn't help but kid her. “A little hungry this morning?”

She smiled and returned a knowing look. “Well what can I say? Vigorous exercise will have that effect.”

They shared a grin as he leaned down and planted a kiss on her forehead. “Let’s go find our table. You think Melissa will be here this early?”

“Worth a shot.”

They soon found Demi and Melissa sharing their usual table and after a friendly hello they took their seats and tucked in.

“Well, it looks like you two are in a good mood.” Melissa smiled.

“Oh yeah,” Scootaloo answered between mouthfuls. “David has been tutoring me, and I just got the results back on a big test that had me worried; I passed, and then some!”

Demi smiled. “I'm glad to hear it.”

Melissa was grinning at her with that smug expression of hers. “Tutoring? Is that what we're calling it now?”

Scootaloo and David both blushed a little, and he moved his chair closer to hold her hand. “Why, Melissa, I have no idea what you mean.” he smiled.

“Oh really?” Melissa asked, her grin spreading.

“Of course not.” Scootaloo returned with the same feigned innocence.

Melissa leaned in and whispered mischievously; “Then would you like to explain your new fashion sense?”

Scootaloo followed her glance down under the table and nearly choked on her spinach. Each of her hooves still had one of the heavy leather cuffs buckled onto it, the D rings sticking out on both sides. Blushing furiously, she reached down and quickly unbuckled them, cramming them into pockets of her prosthetic.
Melissa couldn't quite stifle her giggle which soon dissolved into good humored laughter, and eventually, red faced or no, Scoot found herself laughing too.

“And I suppose you didn't notice either?” Melissa asked a suddenly contrite David.

He put up his hands defensively. “Hey, she let me forget them once. Nearly laughed herself sick when I came back from the men's bathroom red as a beat.”

“Um...Does someone want to explain what we're talking about?” Demi asked in confusion.

Melissa whispered in his ear until he turned red as well. “Oh! Like that time we forgot and-”

He was cut off abruptly by a strategically placed elbow, as Melissa found herself blushing like the other three. “Dear, I have no idea what you're talking about.”

-------A new audio-video computer chip -------

At her next monthly checkup, Betty and Mary had something new to show Scootaloo. With exaggerated ceremony, Mary took out a transparent plastic box containing another computer chip and set it on the table before her.

“Uh, you know I only have the two arms...” She replied, cocking her head to one side.

Mary only smiled wider. “Oh, this isn't for a physical prosthetic, this is a prototype computer interface, and you're not the first one to try it. After the success with your first implant, several companies are now making prosthetic driver chips, and a group of our researchers decided to push for the next level.”

She paused dramatically. “Jimmy, would you come in here please?”

A young child of perhaps eight wearing a tee shirt, shorts and glasses opened the door and walked right up to Scootaloo, extending a hand to shake her prosthetic. “My mom let me stay up late tonight so I could meet you and say thanks in person.”

Scootaloo shook his hand, and as she noticed the tiny camera lens in his glasses, comprehension slowly dawned. “Jimmy... you used to be blind didn't you?”

He smiled widely. “That's right, but now I can see because of your treatment and the chip! And I can do other stuff to!”

So saying, he closed his eyes, and the computer terminal behind them started up. Scootaloo watched in amazement as he searched for a funny internet video and played it, all without moving a muscle.

“How...” she managed, as her mind leapt ahead to all the things she could do with this.

“I can see a computer screen inside my head, but only I can see the screen! Hey, watch this! Do you know what the Sin of thirty five is?” He asked excitedly. “Its zero point five seven three five seven six four three!”

The three adults in the room suppressed a giggle as Scootaloo realized the inevitable truth. Teachers were going to hate this thing.

“At any rate,” Betty continued with a smile, “The company that makes these would be thrilled if you gave it a try. Your endorsement, even by just using it, would help them a lot and as you can see there are some side benefits as well.”

Scootaloo grinned. “Sounds good to me.”
'And I wouldn't mind being able to look up some mindless trivia on test day either.'
“Were does this one go?” she asked, indicating her side.

“Oh, they put it right here!” Jimmy exclaimed, pointing to his temple. “You can still feel it.”

Scootaloo ran a finger over the skin where he indicated, and she could just feel the tiny oblong chip below the skin surface.
“And it doesn't hurt after it heals?”

“Well, you wouldn't want to get hit in the head there, but otherwise, no, not really.” Mary replied.

Scootaloo nodded her assent. “Then I'd be happy to have one. I'm sure I can come up with all kinds of uses for it. Is that one ready for use tonight?”

Mary pulled out a tray of surgical tools. “I thought you'd never ask.”

--------David gets his first months medical checkup ------------

At that month’s regular checkup, Scootaloo decided to invite David along for the fun, and the other specialists were happy to let him watch the proceedings. That lasted until the first blood draw when she turned to look at him and said simply. “Well? Grab a vile, you're not just here to observe you know.”

The nurses gave them an amused look as she got him a set of needles to take his own blood while Scootaloo continued to draw her own.

“You want me to participate too?” He asked in amusement. “Might I ask why?”

She smiled at him. “Well, you're spending a lot of time with me, and unless you have some very different ideas, there's a very good chance we will be together for a long time to come.” Her warm smile took on a hint of mischief. “That, and who knows what interesting effects I could have on a sexual partner?”

He blushed, but agreed, and stayed with her for the rest of the exam, putting up with the same tests she had since she was a little foal. After a particularly large needle stick that left him complaining, Scootaloo elaborated on her original teasing.

“I know it isn't easy, but I really wasn't joking David. The medical testing I do extends to family members as well, and” She indicated her engagement ring, “that means that you can look forward to this same routine each month.” She looked a bit nervous as she waited for his reaction.

David took a moment to process that, but eventually smiled. “Okay Scoot.” He leaned in and kissed her softly. “I hadn't really thought about it, but this is part of who you are, and I'll gladly put up with a few extra pokes and prods if it means being with you.”

--------Scootaloo goes out with her fiancé several months into their engagement-----

She felt a hand run though her mane, followed by a soft kiss on her cheek. Scootaloo smiled and stretched lazily as she opened her eyes to see David in his pajamas, kneeling on the edge of the bed with a freshly prepared cup of coffee on the nightstand.

“Good morning sleepyhead.”

She yawned and tried to pull David closer with her hooves, an ineffective gesture he had always found adorable. He joined her in bed and pulled her close, her head laying on his chest as she closed her eyes and nuzzled him.

“Five more minutes.”

He stroked her mane and gently wafted the cup of coffee under her nose. After a few moments she inhaled deeply and pushed herself up beside him against the headboard. Her hooves lay still as she reached out for the offered cup and straw with her mouth and took a long pull on the warm coffee.

“Hmm... You are incorrigible, you know that right?” She teased as he continued to hold the cup for her.

“You wouldn't have it any other way though would you?”

She leaned in and kissed him softly. “Of course not.”

After a few more pulls at the cup she kissed him once more and reluctantly got out from under the warm covers to use the facilities. When she was done, David helped her on with her prosthetic, then leaned in to whisper in her ear; “What do you say we visit your favorite coffee shop for a proper breakfast this morning?”

Her stomach growled and she smiled as she reached out to grab him by the collar, dragging him down and kissing him passionately. “I would like that, but you might want to take this off before we get too far.” She added with a mischievous flick of her finger against the metal ring on the leather collar he had forgotten to remove after last night.

David blushed and unbuckled the collar, tossing it into the closet before turning back to Scootaloo. “Actually, I was going take the lead this morning.”

Ten minutes later, and just before they stepped out the door, David leaned down and kissed Scootaloo again. “You sure you're ready?”

Scootaloo shivered as she felt that delightful flutter in stomach. “Yes... Sir.”

“Very well. I love you Scoot.” She tapped her back hooves together, and her arms tucked themselves away on her back. He reached up under her prosthetic, found the power cord to the battery, and disconnected it. She shivered as the feeling in her arms stopped, and looked up at David with a small smile.

On their way out of the building, the pair looked ordinary enough, and only someone who knew Scootaloo very well might have guessed at their game. David carefully opened doors and ran the elevator for his fiancée, smiling as she blushed and fidgeted with her hooves, her arms locked uselessly away behind her back.

They walked the few blocks to the coffee shop without incident, and David ordered a delightful fruit smoothie while Scootaloo stuck close by his side and tried not to blush. They took their usual seat in the corner, and he helped her with the straw while whispering to her in a discreet, but very... distracting fashion. She soon found herself wolfing down the treat without even bothering to taste it, just to get him back to their dormitory quicker.

She finished in no time and had nearly resorted to kicking David under the table when she caught sight of a familiar face in the crowd.

“Oh no!” She turned to whisper to David “That's one of my TA's! I have a study group with her! She might notice, you have to let me loose!”

David watched from across the room as the TA placed her order. He turned and then gave Scootaloo a steady look with just a hint of that mischievous smile. “Are you using your safeword already...?”

Scootaloo bit her lower lip and crossed her hooves in indecision, before finally steeling herself and returning David's smile. “Not yet... Sir.”

Without even a glance in their direction, Scootaloo's TA took her order and left the shop. It took a few moments for Scootaloo's heart to stop racing, but that didn't last long as David leaned in and whispered in her ear. “Are you ready to go home yet?”


Behind the counter, one of the baristas watched them leave, then looked at his manager, Joan, to ask; “Any idea why those two seem to be in such a hurry some days?”

Joan just smiled knowingly and shrugged. “I image they must be late for something important. You know how med students are.”

------------ To lose a friend…

It was that spring that they got the bad news. Scootaloo was used to seeing the Doctors Gregerson on her monthly hospital visits, but since January, it had only been Mrs. Doctor Gregerson. Betty had stopped in from time to time, but from what she said, her husband was having a rough time of it and with luck he would be back soon.

March brought an end to this wishful thinking.

Scootaloo and David had just finished the usual blood work and were on the way to the next scan when Betty caught up with them.

“Betty! I haven't seen you in months, how are...” Scootaloo trailed off as she registered her haggard expression. “Betty, are you okay?”

Betty had been old for as long as Scootaloo had known her, but she hadn't looked old before. Now the woman before her was using a cane, her hair haphazardly pulled back and for the first time ever she wore a shawl over her shoulders.

“Oh my God... Is George...?” Betty was obviously trying not to cry as Scootlaoo closed the distance and took her in a hug. David soon joined her, and they embraced, her composure failed and she broke down sobbing. They both held her as she cried, and after a few minutes she was able to explain.

“It's George, he's...” She sniffed and tried to continue. “He's been fighting for months now but...” She took a deep shuddering breath as they waited. “He's dying. He's dying and there's nothing anyone can do...”

Scootaloo held her tighter. “Betty, I'm so sorry! What happened?”

She looked down into Scootaloo's big purple eyes and leaned heavily on her cane, but no words would come.

“Here, let us help you sit.” David said, gently taking her by the arm and helping her towards a bench down the hall. Scootaloo followed and helped ease her into a seated position, and after a moment Betty tried again.

“He's old... We've been together for more than fifty years, but he's always been older than me... It was cute when we were young but now...” She hung her head and buried her face in her hands as new sobs racked her body.

Scootaloo put an arm around her and held her close, not sure what else to do. The Doctors Gregerson were some of her oldest friends, she had known them for years. The thought of suddenly losing one of them...

“Betty, I'm so very sorry. What happened? He was up and about this time last year.”

Betty looked up and really seemed to see her for the first time. “You... you've never lost someone close to you, have you, Scoot?”

She felt that right in her chest as she slowly shook her head.

“George is old. His body is shutting down. This all started with a cold that just wouldn't get better. We started staying in more, but then he got pneumonia. He stayed in the hospital for a few weeks, and he seemed to fight it off, but then it came back. It's been a long downward slide since then and we were really hoping he would show us all... that we'd come in one morning and he'd be feeling better, but...”

Scootaloo swallowed a painful lump in her throat as her own eyes began to water.

“But now his liver and kidneys are shutting down. He's dying and we can't pretend anymore...” Betty trailed off looking lost.

“But why can't we help? There must be something we can do!” Scootaloo asked, already knowing the answer, but not wanting to admit it.

“Scootaloo, you're far enough along in your studies to know... He's old... His immune system is almost gone... his kidneys and liver quit first, but the rest of him isn't far behind. His body won't heal itself anymore, he hasn't had the strength to walk in weeks now...”

“But he's had the same treatment David and you had! He has my synthetic cells!”

Betty sobbed at that, but put a hand on her orange shoulder. “And I am so grateful for that. Really. You gave me several more long healthy years with him. Even now the other doctors say we have it lucky and they're right.” She sniffed. “I've seen people linger for months, years at times, but from what they tell us, people with your treatment have an easier time of it...” She trailed off as she saw the pain in Scootaloo's face. “I mean it. Those with the treatment usually make it a little longer, but almost always in good health. When the crash comes, it comes all at once. Hopefully...” She sobbed again and Scootaloo finished in a shaky tone.

“Hopefully it will be quick and painless?”

Betty nodded and leaned down to wrap her arms around Scootaloo’s neck, her tears running down her face and splashing against Scootaloo's coat as her body shook. David sat down next to Scootaloo and just held onto her as her own resolve gave way and she began to cry as well.

Scootaloo could still remember that first introduction all those years ago... his teaching her how to play chess so she would have something to do during boring procedures, all the visits and the informal tutoring that helped her though advanced bio chem... And now she was going to lose him.
She squeezed her eyes shut against the pain as her chest tightened. She was going to lose him and there was nothing she could do.

For the first time in years, Scootaloo canceled the rest of her checkup. They caught the elevator up to the eight floor and David and Scootaloo followed Betty down the hall to his room. Scootaloo's trained eye quickly took in the dialysis machine, the IV's, the readouts on the monitoring equipment and reached the same conclusion Betty had. He didn't have much time.

George was sleeping peacefully as they came in, and the pastor who had been waiting with him stood up and quietly took his leave as the three of them took seats at his bedside. Scootaoo could still vividly remember their discussions together, his animated lectures and the way his face would light up at the opportunity to teach her something new. The man before her looked very little like the animated doctor she remembered. His skin was thin and blotched, his ribs showed, and the paper hospital gown did little to conceal the bed pan, or the... wrongness of his skin color, evidence of his dying liver.

Betty reached out and took his hand in both of hers, squeezing gently as fresh tears ran down her cheeks. After a moment he stirred in his sleep and gradually opened his eyes, a smile gradually spreading as he realized who had come to see him.

“Hello, Scootaloo...” He breathed in a labored voice. “I'm glad I got to see once more you before the end.”

The lump in her throat was almost as painful the constriction in her chest, but Scootaloo managed to reply. “Dr. Gr- George, I'm so sorry. I didn't know it was this bad!”

He chuckled weakly. “I'm glad... You're a good kid Scootaloo... I didn't want you to worry about something you couldn't change.”

“Is...” She sniffed and continued in a shaky voice. “Is there anything I can do to help? Anything you want me to do?”

George just smiled. “This man of yours... Do you love him?”

Scootaloo looked up at David in confusion. “Of course. We... We were planning to invite you to the wedding...”

“Good... Then I want you to love him... Live your life with him... and enjoy what life brings... just like Betty and I did...” Betty leaned over and kissed him on the forehead, and he gently squeezed her hand.

He seemed to doze off again, and David left to get some extra pillows and blankets. As night fell he drifted in and out of consciousness, and the three of them waited with him and the minister as time slowly past. When he was awake, they would talk of days gone by, favorite times he spent over more than fifty long years with Betty. He even told Scootaloo he was proud of her for what she had grown into, what she had chosen to do with her life... It was over before the morning sun broke the horizon. The priest said the final prayer as they both held onto Betty and she held his limp hand and cried.