• Published 14th Dec 2013
  • 1,726 Views, 42 Comments

Our Girl Scootaloo 2 of 3 - Cozy Mark IV

With the ordeal of high school now behind her, Scootaloo has moved away from home and entered college with her eyes on med school. What new experiences await earths first pony citizen and her friends as they begin their freshman year?

  • ...

Ch 2.7 To Start a Family

Our Girl Scootaloo

Part 2 of 3

by Cozy Mark IV & Jan. McNeville

Disclaimer: This is a non-profit fan-made work of prose. My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic is the property of Hasbro. Please support the official release

Chapter Two point Seven: To Start a Family

It was actually Mary who brought the topic up during her monthly exam. They were working together to draw the usual blood-work when she asked.

“Scootaloo, I know you and your fiancée have been together for a several years now, and I wanted to ask a... personal question.”

“Of course Mary, what's on your mind?” She replied as she set down one sample and prepared to draw another.

“Well, even that isn't quite the full truth... The other researchers and I talked and they decided I should be the one to ask. How do you feel about kids?”

Scootaloo regarded her curiously. “Kids? Mary, you know David and I would like to have kids someday, but... well obviously we would have to adopt, and that's no small undertaking. We're both still in school -we would need time and money to support a child. You know that most civilized countries provide paid time off work to raise a child, but we aren't in Europe. Hell, we aren't even in Saudi Arabia. We live in the USA, and that means we'll have very little in the way of support. Don't get me wrong, I've banked up some funding over the years, but even working as doctors, well, more than two-thirds of someone's salary would have to go for childcare, and that doesn't even touch food, clothing, and all the other expenses. That old adage about keeping the woman at home, barefoot and pregnant? There’s no exception for equines.”

Though her tone was sad and a bit wistful, Mary was actually smiling.

“I'm glad to hear you have your head on straight. You're quite right; for any normal person, taking on a child while in school would be insanity, but I may have an offer you'd be interested in.”

“What would that be? And why would anyone else care when and if David and I adopt?”

Mary’s smile had grown larger,
“I know it’s easy to forget sometimes, but you are unique, Scootaloo. The medical staff have been working on this for a while now, and we wanted to offer you the chance to have children of your own.”

Scootaloo wasn't stupid, but this had her stumped.
“Mary, what are you talking about? As you said, I'm unique, and I certainly can't interbreed with humans, though” She added with a smirk “that doesn't stop David and I from trying.”

Mary returned her smile. “Not what I meant. What I am asking is: how would you feel about giving birth to clones?”

That got a raised eyebrow.
“Clones? Like Dolly the sheep?”

“You got it. Farmers have been cloning valuable animals for years now, and the techniques are safe and well established. If you went ahead with this, we would do the egg harvesting and implantation during your monthly gynecological visit, and you would become pregnant with between one and three foals, genetically identical to you.”

“That's a weird thought... So I'd be giving birth to myself?” She shook her head and set down the last blood sample, pausing to pull out the needle.

“Well, I suppose so... But you know as well as I do that genes don't count for everything. I know the idea is strange, but consider the alternative; no one lives forever, and you are the only one of your species. It's been more than a decade now with no sign of anypony coming out to look for you. When you die, it won't be just another funeral. You’re a beacon of hope for a lot of people. The biological secrets you hold in your body will no doubt continue to puzzle scientists for decades, but beyond all that, this world would be a lot poorer without you in it.”

Scootaloo thought about this as she held pressure on the needle stick site. “It's sweet of you to say that Mary, but David and I are in no place to raise a ki-” She stopped and corrected herself. “To raise a foal. We don't have the money, the job stability, and I very much doubt the school would have much sympathy, let alone reduce the course-load.”

Mary couldn't help but smile. “Scootaloo, you are adorable sometimes. Everything you said is perfectly true, but you are forgetting one important fact: You're not just another monkey like the rest of us. If you and David decide you want to do this, we are offering the whole deal. We will cover all the medical bills for you and your children for life. We will provide round the clock childcare, nannies, the works – one of the nurses described it as the honeymoon child arrangement because the hospital will take care of everything you or they ever needed.”

“In exchange for the same monthly exams that I go though, right?” Scootaloo added.

“Exactly, that's how this would be financed. But would you really say all the medical work has been so bad?”

“Well... No, it's not really a big deal anymore...”

Mary paused and held Scootaloo's hand. “I know it’s not quite what you had in mind, but give it some thought okay? I, for one, would love to meet any children of yours.”

“They offered you what?!” David asked, his fork stopped halfway to his mouth.

“Well... us actually. They offered to help us have... a foal of our own.”

Scootaloo slid her chair up against his and put a hand on his leg. “I know it’s a strange idea, but they would cover all the costs. We could really have a child of our own!”

David seemed to be struggling with the concept. “So these... clones of you... You would carry them to term?”

“That's the idea. Mary said they could probably find a foster animal to carry the children if I wanted, but that that would complicate things, and put our foals at unnecessary risk...”

“Our foals...” He seemed to be mulling the idea over.

“I know it’s a big decision, but... I need your help on this. I'm not doing this without you, and... I'm a little scared.” She confessed, as she looked at her hooves. “We always planned on kids, but they were going to be human kids, and it was always some distant point in the future. Now all of a sudden...”

He finally seemed to snap out of it as he recognized her fear. “Hey, hey. Come here, you.” He hugged her close and she buried her head in his shoulder. “Of course I've had dreams of raising a family with you, but if this makes you uncomfortable then we can simply tell them we're not ready yet. I love you Scoot, and I don't want you to feel like you have to do this for me, or anyone else.”

She hugged him tighter. “I love you too, David.”

---- David gets to stay…

After he broke the news to her, Scootaloo actually flew up and tackled him in a kiss that knocked them both to the floor.

“That's great news! So you not only got accepted for your residency, but at the school hospital!? This means we don't have to split up and go long distance!”

She snogged him in a most unladylike manner which he returned in kind. After some time he pulled away.

“Uh...” He wheezed. “Little help?”

Even though David had taken up recreational weight lifting some time ago, a 300 lb pony laying on your chest will make breathing tough for anyone.

“Oh! Sorry.” She rolled off and they both stood up again, he taking her by the hand.

“Mind if we put dinner off for a bit?” He asked. “They had us working on some... well let's just say I really need a shower and leave it at that.”

Scootaloo nodded, and followed him to the shower as they kept talking.

“This is just such a relief. I'm lucky in that I could probably follow you wherever your residency took you, but it would have meant years of living apart...” As he pulled off his shirt she nuzzled up to him and hugged him from behind. “And I really don't want to let you go.”

He leaned down and kissed her softly. “And now you won't have to.”

She gave him a squeeze before letting go and helping him off with his pants and shoes. He returned the favor, undoing the straps on her prosthetic and setting it on the stand beside the shower. He set the temperature and she crowded in after him, both of them enjoying the hot water soaking into their scalps and coats respectively.

“So, this brings up another tough question.”

Her prosthetic, sitting on the stand just outside the shower paused in mid scrub as she looked up. “What's that?”

“If we know that we get to stay together now, we have to ask; do we want children now?”

The scrubbing did not resume.

“I'm not asking for them now. I want to start a family with you, and this offer is more than I ever hoped for, but this is very much your body and your decision. I just want you to be happy.” He reached down and put a hand under her jaw, gently lifting her head to face him. His concerned expression became more pronounced as she pranced nervously and actually dropped the brush from her hand.

“David, please don't hate me but... I really want this!” She looked up at him with pleading eyes as his own confused expression softened into a smile. “I know it's crazy to even think about having kids before we can support them, but they're going to take care of all that. You know how hard it is to walk past the hospital daycare every day and see all those smiling faces?”

David's smile didn't falter. “I'm told the poop-larva stage can be challenging.”

“Oh, I know there will be the sleepless nights, the crying, the worrying when they get sick. My dads used to say that when you become a parent, you are effectively taking a legally binding contract that's blank and signing on the dotted line 'I agree to the following'. You’re taking responsibility for everything that follows without having any idea what that will be. Even so... I really want this.” She looked up at him as the water ran off them both. “Is that okay with you?”

He went to his knees on the hard porcelain and wrapped his arms around her, hugging her close, and outside the tub, her prosthetic wrapped around empty air as she tried to hug him back. “Of course Scoot. It's sooner than I expected, but I would love to hear the pitter-patter of little hooves throughout the apartment. I may not get to be a father biologically, but I would love to be a daddy to your children.”

Scootaloo closed her eyes and nuzzled close to him as the warm shower continued, getting them both in the face now. “I love you David”

“I love you too Scoot.”

--------- First monthly checkup…

The implantation procedure had gone off without a hitch, and on their next monthly visit, Mary confirmed that two of the three embryos had taken and were growing. David held her hand as Mary delivered the news.

“Congratulations, you're going to be a mother soon.”

He hugged her close with that hopeful optimism of any new dad. “That's wonderful. Can you tell us anything else? How long it will be until they arrive for example?”

“Well, we really don't know what the average gestation is for ponies, at least of Scoot's species. Our best guess is slightly longer than the usual nine months, based just on her size and weight, though the twins may bring an end to the process sooner.”

Mary gave Scootaloo a questioning look and she smiled and nodded back, almost on the verge of tears from the look of it. “Scootaloo did make a request and we've kept it a secret until now, but... You're going to be a father too.”

David returned a blank stare. “What?”

Scootaloo gave his hand a squeeze. “I didn't want them to be just my daughters, I wanted them to be yours as well.” She sniffled a little and dabbed her eyes as she composed herself. “We used a few pieces of your DNA in the process. Not enough to make any noticeable changes, just a few token pieces, but enough that you can say they're your daughters too.”

“I'm going to be a dad too?” He replied, looking stunned.

“Yes, David, they'll be our daughters. Both of ours.”

Scootaloo watched as he actually wiped away a tear. “Thank you, Scoot! I love you so much.”

She hugged him back. “I love you too, David.”

------------ Another monthly checkup…

The experience of pregnancy can differ widely between one person and the next, but at least in Scootaloo's case, it was turning out to be something of an anticlimax. As the months had ticked by, she didn't suffer from morning sickness, what cravings she had were modest, and aside from the increased regimen of doctors’ visits and extra vitamins, life had proceeded more or less normally.

By now, she was at the eight month mark, but even so, it took a careful observer to see anything out of the ordinary in her body shape. When she asked about it, Mary had replied that she should count herself lucky.

“When I carried my children all those years ago, I was a mess. In humans, all the weight sits in front and boy does it do a number on your back.”

“But I feel fine... Should my back hurt?”

Mary smiled. “That's what I meant. In your body type, the weight of your child hangs down, just like the rest of your body, and your back is like an arch to which everything attaches. Quite frankly, it’s a better way to do things. You're two little foals already weigh more than twelve pounds together, but I can well believe you don't really notice it.”

Scootaloo smirked ruefully. “That may be, but I sure wish I only had the two nipples you do. I started dripping last month and I've had to wear clothing, every day for weeks now to conceal the absorbent padding down there.”

David and Mary both chuckled at that. “Well you better get used to it. We've worked up a formula we can use if we have to, but breast feeding is far and away the best way to feed them if you can. It helps them build up their immune systems early, and generally leads to better health.”

Scootaloo shook her head, saw David grinning at her, and punched him gently in the ribs. “Easy for you to say. You're done playing the part of the moo cow.”

“Oh, It’s not that bad. It does take some getting used to, but if you have trouble you can always use the pump we made you.”

“Oh yay.” Scootaloo deadpanned. “An automatic milker, so I can be just like all the other cows in the barn.”


------------- The Big Day…

The last few months of her pregnancy were the most stressful for her and David because no one knew for sure when she was due. At home David doted over her, and while Scootaloo enjoyed the attention, she sometimes had to remind him she wasn't helpless.

It was strange working the ER and riding in the helicopter with clothing on. Not that she thought of herself as a nudist, rather the only clothing she wore to work had always had to pull its weight in storage or other tasks. Now with this incessant leakage, Scootaloo had no choice but to wear at least simple dresses to conceal the absorbent pads under her teats.

It happened on a night like any other. The cramps had started up a few days ago, but they still weren't very bad, and Scootaloo wasn't sure if these were the beginnings of labor or just a case of nerves. The call had come in on a bad traffic accident involving multiple tractor trailers piling up in the fog. As the helicopter cleared the last peak before the highway, the cluster of flashing lights was barely visible ahead and below, but without clear visibility of the landing zone, there was no way to land the helicopter without the risk of making things much worse for those on the ground.

“I got this.” Scootaloo grinned as she pulled open the door and dove out into the cool moist air. She caught a brief glimpse of the helicopter's downdraft suddenly made visible by the fog before she was clear and gliding toward the crash site. She couldn't see much more than fog with her eyes, but the chip displayed synthetic terrain, and with its aid she could clearly see the ground stretched out before her. When she made it to within a few hundred feet, the infrared camera in her goggles was able to pick out details on the ground, and she circled twice, looking for a suitable flat spot amongst the debris.

“There,” she muttered as the open section of pavement came into view. She flared her wings and landed, placing the GPS marker beacons on the four corners of a square and switching them on so they burned a bright blinding white. Back on the helicopter, the pilot could now see his landing zone highlighted on the synthetic terrain display, and with little difficulty, he put the helicopter down right in the middle. Once they were down, Scootaloo and the firefighters on scene rushed the injured patients to the helicopter and helped load everyone in. They were back in the air in less than four minutes.

As the floor leveled back out, and the helicopter got under way Scootaloo felt something wet running down her back legs. “What the hell?” The rest of the team continued to work on the patients as Scootaloo looked herself over, smiled, and returned to helping her team. Once they had the patients stabilized, one of her friends on the squad looked over and noticed her grinning.

“Hey, Doc, what's got you in such a good mood?”

“Oh, nothing big, I'm just going to be a mother soon.”

His eyes followed her gaze to the wet patch on her dress and the damp fur on her legs. “Holy crap! Your water just broke?! We've got to...”

Scootaloo couldn't help but laugh as she patted the suddenly sheepish paramedic on the back. “Yup. We need to get me to a hospital as fast as possible. By helicopter would probably be best.”

“Okay, okay...” He threw up his hands with a smile to hold off the ribbing. “Congratulations.” After a thought he flipped the com to 'all' position to address everyone on board. “Hey everybody, we're about to have a new mother on the flight with us!”

A moment of shocked silence passed and then the com was overwhelmed by congratulations and shouts of approval. The team chatted for a few minutes, reveling in the moment before the first serious contraction hit, nearly doubling Scootaloo over with its intensity.

“Oookay! Uh, could someone please call ahead an-” She gritted her teeth as another contraction followed right on the heels of the first. The intensity was definitely stronger, and it was clear this was going to be an abrupt birth. She gasped for breath as her legs nearly gave out under her. “Call ahead and let them know they're about to have two crash victims and a pony in labor?”

When they landed, the two crash victims were the first ones off the helicopter, but as soon as they were clear the rest of the staff helped their flight Doctor onto a third stretcher and rushed her into the delivery room where one of her doctors was waiting.

Knowing that this would be coming soon, the hospital had trained more than ten physicians in how to deliver ponies should this happen on their shift, and though some had grumbled, the trips to the farm with the veterinarians were a necessary part of training. For her part, Scootaloo had enjoyed helping the big animals give birth. She couldn't deny it was a messy, dirty, slippery affair, but the air of motherly devotion that followed as the two snuggled afterwards always seemed to make up for it.

'Of course, this time I'm the one trying to shove a couple of bowling balls out of my crotch... ah, motherhood. At least-' Her train of though was disrupted again as another contraction hit, making her groan. '-at least they can do a C-section if this doesn't work inside of the first hour or so.' She panted at the intensity of the workout her body was putting her though. 'I just really hope they're okay...'


About an hour later David was at her side, holder her hand as she bit down on a rubber bit and screamed. The two of them had learned years ago that her jaws would destroy pencils, sticks, and just about anything else she bit down on, so as the date got nearer Scootaloo had raided their toy box and started carrying around the rubber bit piece out of one of the bit and bridle sets they had. Even so, the tire like rubber was beginning to show serious bite marks as she bore down yet again as another contraction hit.


“You got this Scoot. You got this.” David squeezed her hand firmly, glad they had taken the time to put a force limit on her prosthetic to keep her from breaking his hand during labor.

“Remind me again” Pant “why it was” Pant “that I wanted to cram a pony through my crotch?”

He kissed her cheek and turned to the doctor on staff. “How are we doing?”

“We're nearly there. Come on Ms Scott, one more push should see her out.”


There was a flurry of activity at the end of the bed, and Scootaloo tried to see what was going on, a look of pain and worry on her face even as beads of sweat ran down her neck.

There was silence for a moment, then the unmistakable high pitch cry of a newborn reached her ears and she smiled and hugged David as tears ran down her cheek.

“Congratulations Ms. Scott, your daughter seems to be healthy pony of fourteen pounds.”

“Oh thank goodness! May I- AAAHHHHRRG!”

“Don't worry honey, the second one shouldn't be as bad as the first.”

After another few minutes she was able to give birth to a second healthy foal of fifteen pounds, and her doctors helped clean them off and wrap them in blankets. A few minutes later the afterbirth had been dealt with, and David wiped his wife's face and body with a cool washcloth as she held her foals.

“Oh David... They're beautiful!”

David wrapped an arm around her and looked into the peacefully sleeping faces of the newborns cuddled in her arms. One of them squirmed just a little and gave a tiny yawn, and they held each other tighter as the foals slept.

The next morning, Scootaloo gradually woke to a strange tickling feeling on her belly that seemed to move around. Shaking her head she half opened her eyes and looked around the plain white hospital room, slowly remembering where she was and why she felt so sore. She tried groggily to get up in search of coffee only to be stopped by the straps around her hooves and midsection holding her to the bed. That did the trick, and she came fully awake before remembering. With a chuckle she reached out with her prosthetic and removed the simple Velcro bands that kept her from rolling over on her foals in the night, and with that done she looked down to see what that tickling feeling was.

Both her tiny foals were wearing matching pajamas with little diaper flaps, and though they had only been born early that morning, a glance at the clock showed it was almost noon now and they were hungry. The bed she was laying in had been purpose-built for the job, and was wide enough for her to lay on her side and nurse her foals without danger of falling off. Her prosthetic was strapped to a little cart that ran along one side so she could reach anything she needed to. Using her hands to pull the cart along, she brought her prosthetic into reach of her belly and tried to guide her little ones.

The feeling of nursing was... strange, though not unpleasant. As one foal began suckling away, she helped her sister to find a teat and once she seemed happy, Scootaloo took a moment to relax and really look around.

On the table beside her bed was a note that read. “Good morning, beautiful. I've gone to fetch you some breakfast from the kitchen and should be back in a moment. Love you!”

She sighed and laid back on the pillow, splaying out her lower body and feeling a little ridiculous for needing to do so. If nursing made some women feel a bit uncomfortable, she could certainly sympathize, given that she couldn't hold her children and nurse them at the same time without help.

This line of thought was interrupted as David came back into the room bearing a tray of delicious greens, grains and breakfast fruits.

“Hey, you're awake.” He smiled as he set down the tray, leaned in and kissed her softly. “How are you feeling?”

“Like I just tried to use a pogo stick in a very inappropriate way.” She smiled at his blush and continued. “Aside from that, I feel okay, though I have to admit that this tickles more than I expected.” She finished, gesturing to the twins.

He laughed. “Well if that's the worst of it then I'm glad.” He pulled up a chair beside her and began feeding her bits of breakfast one bite at a time. “I know we talked about names, but have we decided on who's who?”

Scootaloo thought about it. “Well, they're twins. Are we even going to be able to tell them apart?”

“Of course we can. Right after they were born the doctors put the chips in place, so we will always know who is who.”

Scootlaoo sighed. “It does seem a little weird to be putting chips into them when they're still so little.”

David smirked back at her. “Well some of us had certain very sensitive parts of our anatomy cut off with scissors at that age. The chips they have now hurt a lot less going in, and this way we can monitor them medically around the clock. When they get a little older this will let them use prosthetics, and of course, once they can talk they'll be able to reach us anywhere, anytime.”

Scootaloo smiled. “Yes, and I suppose they'll be computer wizards too.” She indicated first one baby filly and then the other, naming them. “Let's call her Sophie Belle and she can be Chaya Jayne.”

David concentrated, linked to the chips, and typed in their names. “Done. I already took care of the hospital records. They're official now.”

“I know, isn't it wonderful?” Scootaloo sighed again. “Thank you for feeding me breakfast. Could you set the plate down here on the bed so I can take over?” Her stomach growled at this and she blushed. “I'm really hungry.”

Author's Note:

I hope you enjoyed OGS 2 of 3; Thanks for reading!

Comments ( 9 )

This entire chapter was just daw. :rainbowkiss:

I do question one bit, though.

When they landed, the two crash victims were the first ones off the helicopter...

Given that our proud mommy is literately the scientific find of several lifetimes and that this pregnancy just might have been the one shot of more ponies on Earth (to the characters knowledge), I frankly can't see two random car-crash victims getting first priority of the helicopter. A bit cold, yes, but that's triage for you.

Other then that tiny nit-pick though, excellent chapter.

And this chapter was why I read part 2 before 3!!! Yay for twins, David staying nearby, and family!!!!

4598267 More than likely, it was Scoot's call. She was not in a life-threatening way and she is a doctor (med student).:twilightsmile:


I'd still argue the potential future of an entire (intelligent) species trumps two people... but I have to admit, I can see :scootangel: insisting that, if you pardon the 'pun.'

All my yes! All my like! All my fav!

Plz, don't tell me school is gonna be like her cause from chapter one... I'll find out soon.

I had this whole idea of her medical school showing off the problems with American medical education, the unnecessarily difficult and discriminatory process, the crushing student loans, the working for free for years all go get to be a doctor... Other countries don't have these problems, hell, Ireland actually has a surplus of doctors. Ultimately though I decided I didn't want to write a dissertation on all that, and in all likelihood you probably didn't want to read it, so I heavily abbreviated part 2 and just hit the high points that were interesting. Hopefully no one is too disappointed. :applejackunsure:

Woah, I'm not that far yet! Plus I'm loving this like crazy.

Would love to see the last few chapters expanded.
Onto Part 3!

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