• Published 16th Jan 2014
  • 1,696 Views, 22 Comments

Fallout Equestria: Broken souls & kindred spirits - Dj Scratchjack

This is the story of Elric Faelan, a Stable 132 resident and the fate that befalls him when his home is destroyed by a unknown force and he uncovers a dark secret that shakes the very foundation of his reality and world.

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Chapter 10: A hard lesson in life

Chapter 10: A hard lesson in Life

"The path less traveled isn't always the easiest"

The dreams came in flashes. A small town, A ship, battles, a white unicorn with electric blue hair, Fire.


I woke in a cold sweat. I looked around the desolated shack I hid in for the night. The single pillar supporting what was left of the roof stood in the middle of the single room. I pushed off my moth-eaten blanket and rolled it back up into my saddlebag. I poked my head outside into the haze surrounding the shack.

With my head still throbbing from my slumber and my lucid dreams, I proceeded back out into the wastelands again.

What the hell was going on with me? Since I touched that damned orb, my head kept spinning and flashes of the past. It scared me. I looked up to see a single yellow bar on my Eyes Forward Sparkle. I drew my 10mm and readied myself for anything in case of any danger. I crouched down and continued as quietly as I could. I saw the silhouette in the fog as I snuck up to the individual. A shot rang out, making the individual scream and drop to the ground. The yellow bar vanished of my E.F.S.

I dropped to my belly, and crawled to the nearest rock. Laughter and sneering came closer and closer from ahead of me. a group of sickly looking ponies came through the fog close enough to see.

"Wee-eew! Did you see the look on her face! Priceless!" hollered a stallion.

"Yep..." grumbled one of the mares, picking through the remains.

"Come on, let's hop to it. we need to go back the Farm. There have been reports of an attack. Only then do we enjoy this salvage and loot." A elder, scratchy sounding voice said. There was no way it came from a pony. The headache pounding in my skull wouldn't let me focus in with my S.A.T.S, so I hunkered down till they finished their grisly deeds. when the laughter died in the distance, I continued to push towards Charity.

After a few minutes of trudging through the thick cloud, I came to a crossroads in the path. The wooden post that stood alone was rotten and gutted by erosion. a sign hung from the top of the post, legibly written in dried red paste.

"No Hope for ye who enters the Fires...

I turned three shades lighter. That doesn't sound pleasant at all. I looked around and couldn't make out much more in the fog. I checked my Pip-buck and noticed I veered off course some.

Then the smell hit me like a ton of bricks. Burning flesh and metal. I clicked the zoom on my leg and scrolled through. A few building shapes making up an unnamed town lied very close to where I stood. I mustered up my courage and decided to go take a peek.

The little shantytown was torn apart. Nothing remained untouched from the raiders who attacked this once peaceful place. My Pip-buck still didn’t recognize the name of the town, but the pile of desecrated bodies and burning piles of belongings said otherwise that this was a community.

“They left nothing...Killed everyone. Chased down the survivors…” I mumbled to myself. I sat hard as I stared at the pile of ponies as it sank in. Some sick, twisted fucks killed off an entire community for fun… for a game…. For whatever their rotten minds set out to do.

The anger and sadness welled up inside me until I couldn’t take it anymore. Tears started to run down my face as I screamed at the dreary grey sky. I sat in the red haze and screamed till my throat went hoarse. I kicked up mud, threw scrap of debris every which way, letting out my anger and frustration. After several minutes, I sat back down, exhausted. Somepony is going to pay for this. I was sick and tired of watching good, innocent ponies get slaughtered for entertainment and sport. I vowed to the dead that I would return and avenge them. I gathered my thoughts and decided to pick through what was left with guilt. Nothing worthy of salvaging was left behind from the pillaging.

A box fell from the second story home that I stood in front of. A snarling sound came from the eerie establishment. I saw what I feared the most from the outside world. I heard only stories and tales of this beings, but I only wished them false. I was proven wrong once again.

The rotting, foul-smelling undead pony lumbered out into the street, glaring at me through hollow, green-glowing eye sockets. My Pip-buck chirped silently as the ghoul came closer, saliva dripping from it’s pitted mouth. It began to charge at me, gnashing and tearing at me as I backpedaled away. With no time to lose, I drew back and planted a kick to the head of my assailant. With a sickening crack and giving way of bone, the ghoul slumped to the ground. I tried to catch my breath but it seems I missed his friends. I was too distracted with my thoughts I didn't notice the red bars in my E.F.S. I reached for my weapon and switched off the safety. I fired a shot at the next incoming ghoul.


A spray of rust and dirt came out of the barrel, only making the ghoul cough. “Oh shit.” was all I could get out as another undead lunged and bit at me, taking a chunk of barding with his teeth. I clubbed the monster with my useless pistol, making him let go of me. I turned to the ghoul and headbutted it. As he stumbled back, his friends joined the fray as they came over the fiery pile of rubble and started their eerie shambling towards me. I winced at the pain from the bite as I back away slowly.

Goddesses, why did you make me flightless at a time like this?

I quickly sifted through my bags for a different weapon. I pulled out my Father’s pistol, and without a moment to spare, I pulled the trigger. The gun kicked in my teeth, putting a much smaller hole in the ghoul ahead of me, but still doing its job. The ghoul slumped to the ground. I continued to fire at the shambling undead ponies till none of them continued to move. I spent most of my rounds for my pistol, and my ears rang like a church bell being dropped on my head.

I picked through the remaining supplies off the ghouls, finding nothing worth carrying. I turned away from the pyres, pulled my scarf over my muzzle, and continued towards the arrow in my E.F.S. my thoughts drifted as I ducked through bramble and transverse through the thickening fog. I was already behind schedule by a day, and Blitz must be getting worried. And did Lucky make it back safely? And those bandits before…. Did they kill all those towns ponies? And why?

A gunshot filled the air as a bullet whistled past my ear, snapping me out of my daze. I ducked behind a boulder, pulling out my pistol. I had four rounds left in the magazine. I took a chance and peeked around the corner, trying to get a read on where the shot came from. Before my Eyes Forward Sparkle could activate, another round blew out a chunk of stone from my cover, blowing debris in my face. I reeled back into cover, rubbing out the dust and dirt from my eyes. That shot came from somewhere a hell of a lot closer than before, and from the same weapon. Whoever it was trying to kill me, they were definitely trying to keep me from getting up. Next thing I knew, I felt the barrel being pressed into the back of my head.

“Stand up.” came a muffled voice above me. I slowly spat my pistol into its holster and did as instructed, the barrel never leaving. I turned to see a peculiar sight.

The unicorn mare standing in front of me on top of the boulder was decked out in a tight-fitting black outfit with a bandolier of rifle rounds around her neck and back. Her tan coat peeking through her sleeves and neck hole of her outfit. A peppermint colored mane poked out from under a black watch cap over one of her mint-green eyes, her muzzle hid behind a dark colored shemagh. She stood on her hind legs with her front legs wrapped around the stock and guard of a high-caliber rifle,the scope hummed ever so slightly. Her magical aura held the trigger. A pip-buck sat on her front leg, giving me the idea how she saw me through the fog.

This mare was no raider, nor anything I’ve seen so far. She was beautiful, even with having a gun to my head. The wasteland has ruined me. I stood the speechless at the sight before me.

“Who are you?” came the muffled voice again. A stupid idea popped in my head.

“What? I can’t hear you.” I announced, putting a hoof up to my ear.

Her eye rolled and she reached to remove the shemagh from her mouth. “I said, Wh-”

Her first mistake.

I might not be smart, but i do pick up things quickly, and having another gun in my face was nagging at me. I snapped out and gripped the barrel of the gun with my teeth, ripping it towards me. Catching the mare by surprise, she came down to my level, never letting go of the rifle. The surprise movement made the rifle fire, sending a shot into the dirt next to me. Thank the mare for keeping the magic on the gun, or my teeth would have been dust. I wrapped my leg around the rifle, breaking the magical grip from the weapon. I spun around to give the mare a kick.

My first mistake.

The mare wasn’t going to go easily. A quick hoof-strike between my legs ended my plan before it even started. I hit the ground in a ball, still clutching the rifle in my hooves, groaning in pain.I felt the mare grab for the weapon. I tightened my grip on the rifle, trying to roll over so it laid under me.

“Give it back, you stupid pony!” The unicorn yelled, jabbing me in my ribs. She jumped on top of me and pulled, yanked, and attempted to recover. I just sat there, gritting my teeth and fighting back. We continued to struggle till she gave one final heave, pulling the gun out of my grasp.

But I wasn’t going without a fight. As she stood up and readied her rifle to plug me, I flipped back onto my hooves and tackled her to the ground, rolling around in the muck. The rifle bounced away from us as I stood above the mare, pinning her to the ground.

“ I’m not trying to hurt you! All I want is just to go home!” I yelled down at the shaken mare. The glare was wearing died down slightly, but she held her resolve.

“Then why did you go for your gun?!” She yelled back, spitting in my face.

“Because you shot at me!” I responded.

“Because you look like a fucking raider!”

“You shoot at everypony that has been shot up?!”

“”Not everypony is covered in blood!” She screamed.

That took me off guard. I sat back, and looked at my hooves. I was definitely covered in dried red paste. I caked head to hoof in muck and and dirt. My barding was riddled with buckshot and holes. I looked up to see the mare pick up her rifle and aim. I tensed up up, ready for another fight. The mare turned to me. Several tense moments, she just sighed.

“Fine, I’m sorry I shot at you.” She put the butt of the rifle on the ground, leaning it against her shoulder. “So I’m going to ask again. Who are you?”

Are you kidding me?! I’m sorry?! That's it?

“I-I’m Elric Faelan. I was heading back to Charity before I got caught up in some… issues.” I rubbed the back of my head, smiling sheepishly. “And you are?”

“Charity, huh. Never seen you around.” She replied, completely brushing off my question. “ I saw you coming out of the shantytown over yonder. What happened?” Her gaze on my holding a slight skepticism.

After I regaled the mysterious mare about the ghouls and the pyres, she just shook her head in disbelief.

“Well, nothing we can do about it now.” she got up and slung the rifle onto her back. “If you continue down this road, you should make it back before nightfall.” She started to trot away back towards where I came from.

“I really don’t think you should go that way ma’m.” I jutted out, catching her by the tail. She wheeled around with a twinge of annoyance on her face.

“And why is that?” she asked, her voice laden in sarcasm, beating my hoof back.

“I kinda… pissed off a bunch of raiders. And ghouls… and a flock of birds….” I tapped my hooves together shyly.

The mare was dumbfounded. She reached out and shook me wildly.

“You did what?!”

As to answer her, maniacal laughter came into earshot. We both looked at each other, the color flushing out of our faces. The sound became almost deafening as it drew closer and closer.

“We better go before they find us.” The mare said, pushing me back down the road. We started to gallop as we saw heard the bandits draw closer and closer, teasing and egging us to come out and play, clicking glass bottles together in a eerie way. A howling pierced the air the the right of us, behind the dead hedges and bramble. The mare had enough, pushing harder then before.

We ran for our lives for what felt like hours. We only stopped enough for a quick breather every now and then. With the worst behind us, we climbed a hill as the lights of Charity flared behind it. As we crested the knoll, my heart lifted as the best sight in the world laid before me. The grey clouds in the sky didn’t get it justice as the sounds of bustling town ponies filled the dreary sky as we saw the bell tower being repaired. In five days time, most of the damage was removed… most of it. I looked down at my prosthetic and reminded of all the sacrifices and needless death that day. We lost a lot of good ponies for something as trivial as a simple raid. I glanced over to temporary companion clicking through her Pip-buck. She had a look of disapproval on her face. I looked back towards the adjacent that Dr. Stein’s house resided. First things first, I needed to check in with Blitz.

I turned to the mare. “Well, I think I had enough for one day. I need to check in with my brother. Hopefully we meet again.” I smiled and reached out my hoof. The mare looked up at me skeptically, and returned the hoofshake.

“Red.” the mare replied.

“Wha?” I blurted out.

“My name. You can call me Red. Thank you for….well, whatever. My house is in the center of town, off the path next to the flower shop. Come by and say hello sometime. My brother would love to hear from you.” She started to trot off down the hill, leaving me confused.

“Wait. do I know you brother?” I yelled back. She stopped and turned with a surprising grin.

“No, but he sure as hell heard about you.” And that was all. She continued towards town alone. I sighed and looked up to the grey clouds. I closed my eyes to the rain that began to fall on me, washing away the day’s grime and hatred. I began to smile.

I’m finally back home.


A snap of thunder and unrelenting downpour soaked me down to the bone in an instant.

Yep. Fuck the wasteland…

I stumbled into the pub, miserable and dripping from the deluge outside. Barkeep looked up from the sink, eyes wide and grinning.

“Elric? Never thought I’d see you again.”

My ears perked up as I felt a small swell of pride in my chest.

“You still owe me 15 caps.” He remarked, holding out a hoof.

Pop! Goes the ego balloon.

I grumpily shuffled through me saddlebags and retrieved three bottles of cider and 3 caps and gave them up to the greedy stallion. He took it, nodded, and went back to work. “Thank you. Blitz isn’t here by the way. He went up to Stein’s to get looked at. Lucky hasnt left Whipleash's side since he got back with that… thing on his back,” he conveyed. I sighed and turned around to head out. “And I’d stop by Doc’s first though… you don’t look that good, comrádaí.” Barkeep followed up. I cocked my brow and turned to the closest mirror. Through the cracked glass, the pony that stood before me was beaten and battered. My barding was torn, cut up, and holey from shot. The once leather jacket was shreds, practically useless. My chest was spotted from angry red bruises and a couple bullet holes where my clothing did nothing for me. Patches of fur were red growing from burns and cuts. My neck had bite marks and pocked with melted skin around my throat. My mane was matted and matted to my skull, blood and water mixing from outside. My right ear had a giant wedge missing from it, healing up grimly. This wasn’t the Head of Maintenance from Stable 132. Hell… this pony didn’t even look from a vault. Just a wary, sad looking, flightless bird pony. I just sighed and waved goodbye to Barkeep, who just snorted and went back to cleaning his mugs.

The rain made the road more mud and sludge then gravel and broken asphalt. A few ponies braved the weather and continued the repairs on the damage from the raid, waving to me as I passed by. I trotted by the church, the bell still laying on the ground through the broken, blown out doors. I could hear the quiet dinging from the rain. The evening felt… peaceful in a way. A peace not felt in a while.

I trotted up to the orphanage that Whipleash lived in and took care of. I lifted a hoof to knock. The door swung open violently as Ares tackled me back into the mud, licking me uncontrollably. I managed to push the mutt off of me and sit up, seeing Cloud, Whiplash's adopted daughter and Reign’s marefriend smiling at me from the porch steps.

“Welcome back, Elric. When did you get back?” She asked, helping me up and giving me a quick hug. “Everypony’s been worried sick.”

“I just got in about a hour ago. I’ve been trying to track down the others. You know where they might be at?” I asked, returning the smile.

“They all are up at doc’s discussing the next step in trying to go save your sorry ass. But they’re at a stalemate.” She responded, pointing further up the hill. “Your brother seems a bit better, but still having some breathing issues. Seems like he might have a panic attack at any minute. Best be heading back up there quickly, you’ll miss all the fun.” With a surprise kiss to the cheek, making me blush. She lead Ares back into the house, leaving me, once again, alone with my thoughts. I didn’t hesitate any longer then I should. I started on a dead gallop towards Doc home. Another crack of thunder split the darkening sky as I crested the peak, seeing the brown house. A single candle lit the window with a small luminescence. I heard Lucky screaming at Whipleash as I approached the door. I also heard the faint wheezing of Blitz.

“Please, you two need to calm down. You’ll wake Star and the other patients.” Blitz coughed out.

“Why? Aren’t you worried about Elric too? What if he got kidnapped or hurt or worse?” Lucky exclaimed.

“I know you are worried, but elric is a resourceful pony. He will find a way.” Whiplash's calm voice was hoarse from yelling.

I poked my head around the corner to see Blitz standing between the two stallions, looking back and forth. Blitz was looking worse for wear, his knotted chest red from blood flushing, his eyes sunken and wary. HIs mane was matted to his head from sweating.

Lucky’s right wing was wrapped in a bandage, as well as his torso. He must have caught a few shots himself. Doc was nowhere to be seen.

“You couldn’t care less about Elric. All we have down is run errands for you, and almost got me killed, and Goddesses only know where he is at the moment! We saved your sorry asses and this is the thanks we get?” Lucky flared his nostrils and snorted, fuming.

Whipleash just sat there, hooves lying on the wheels of his chair, wearing a solemn expression.

“Faelan, is just one pony. We can’t risk sending out a search party for him. I wish we could, but-” Whipleash was interrupted by Blitz sudden caustic coughing, globules of blood coming out with every hack, his legs buckled from underneath him. Lucky sighed and helped him back to his hooves.

“Fine. I’ll go get him myself. Whether you like it or not.” Lucky muttered.

I slumped back behind the corner, heavy-hearted. Whip was right. I’m just one pony. No one special. Just a useless, flightless, beat-up and broken pegasus with no clear goal ahead of him.

Then I made eye contact with a particularly scary looking unicorn, holding a cup of tea to his lips, leering at me with those piercing violet eyes. His normal metallic prosthetic was missing, replaced with a plastic temporary one. He stood there for a few moments, then smiled.

“Welcome back, Faelan. You seem quite fuckered.” Reign took a sip of tea, not changing expressions. He trotted past me, but not before he bent over a whispered in my ear. “ Come speak to me after you talk to Stein. We have a lot to discuss.”

I watched him move back into the patient hallway.

What was that about? I shook my head at the comment. I took a deep breath and took a step into the living room. I saw my brother’s face light up. Whipleash broke his dreary look as his eyes went wide. Lucky smiled was about and said something.

But I didn’t hear it as ringing grey in my head as I fell to the ground, clutching my head and screaming for the pain to stop.

Level up!: Guns are 10% more accurate if Health is 20% or lower.

Author's Note:

Thank you for your patience!