• Published 16th Jan 2014
  • 1,696 Views, 22 Comments

Fallout Equestria: Broken souls & kindred spirits - Dj Scratchjack

This is the story of Elric Faelan, a Stable 132 resident and the fate that befalls him when his home is destroyed by a unknown force and he uncovers a dark secret that shakes the very foundation of his reality and world.

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Chapter 7: New Beginnings

Chapter 7: New Beginnings

“Remember the dead. Because the Living has no respect from them.”

I woke with a start. I was in a familiar room. The patient’s housing in Doctor Stein’s house. Light shown through the window, making it feel like it might have been day out. I was retained to the gurney with Blitz, Stein, Reign, Whipleash, Lucky, and Stein’s son standing over me with nurse attire covered in blood. The light from the ceiling was all blurry but continued to come in focus. I started to look over to my left leg, hoping it was only a dream.

Stein caught me right before I saw the sight. He placed a hoof to my head, turned it back toward the ceiling and flashed his light in my eyes, I squinted from the sudden light.

“He seems okay in the dilation part. Pupils looks good. Seems the concussion wore off some. That’s good.” Doc explained. He started to prod at my sides, making it look like he was trying to tickle me. I flinched at first at his cold hooves, but grew accustomed to the feeling. “Ribs look good as well. You’re gonna need to be careful. Your stitches might come out… again.” He gave me a look of annoyance.

I turned my head again to see if my leg was still there, but again Stein stopped me.

“No… Not yet. We don’t need you getting anxious. Here… take this.” He handed me a small blue tablet and put it in my mouth. “Now swallow…. There you go… now relax…”

The room started to twist and turn, weird colors and shapes appeared in my vision.

“What…. What was that, Doc?” I slurred out.

“Pain meds. Don’t worry. Non drug related. Bad drugs anyway.” He replied. He and the others started to turn weird as well.

“Hey, Blitz… you… you look funny…. mo… more than usual...” I sloshed at Blitz. He seemed to shake his head and say something, but I couldn’t tell. The room was getting faster. All of the sudden, I blacked out.

And immediately woke up. My eyes snapped open, seeing the room had returned back to normal. No more light shown through the overhead window. Crickets and coyotes chirped and howled outside. Then my senses snapped back in.

I needed to pee. Badly. And I was still restrained to the gurney. A leather strap held my head in place as well now.

I looked around the room as much as I could, which wasn’t much. I started to freak. I couldn’t hold it much longer. I didn’t even have time to scream for help. My bladder finally gave out after a couple more seconds. I started to go… but the wet feeling didn’t come. Something was stuck in… Oh.

After my little ordeal was over, I continued to survey what I could. From what I could see, I was the only one in the room patient wise due to no other breathing or grunting about. I saw the top of Blitz’s green mane, but nothing much else but ceiling. I could feel my body, and it ached like hell. Everything but my leg. I felt it, but it felt…weird. I couldn’t move it or look over to it.

“Blitz?” I wheezed out, my mouth extremely dry. Blitz woke up with a slight whine, look over to see me looking around and jumped out of the chair he was in and ran to my side. Tear stains caked his face and his eyes were bloodshot from it. He broke into a big grin and wiped his face.

“H-Hey brother. Feeling okay?” He asked, his voice quivering to keep from sobbing. I look straight at him and put on an unamused look.

“How do you think I feel, Blitz?” I sarcastically replied. His face remained the same, but the hoof at my side did not. He clipped me across the head, making my little headache I had become harsh.

“You’re a dumbass, Elric.” He pouted.

“And you’re no better.” I replied with a stuck-out tongue. I jiggled around and they look back at him. “Any chance you can undue me?”

He looked over to the corner outside my vision and nodded.

“I’ll be right back. I’ll go get Doc.” He turned away and trotted out of the room. I lied there staring at the ceiling. I tried moving my left leg again, but I couldn't feel anything. All I got was a weird, buzzy feeling like it was asleep. I continued to try and struggle to even get a look at it, but it was all for naught. Doc knew how to make sure no one was getting out of restraints easily. I even tried moving my wings, but they were pinned underneath me.

“Ah, ah, ah Elric. Not yet.” I heard Doctor Stein from the door. He walked into my field of vision and put on a solemn look. “I’m sorry son. We couldn't do anything for you. The wounds you sustained was too great for your leg,” He reached over to the end table and picked up a clipboard. “Now, there are some things you should know before you see it.” He leaned over to undue my head strap.

“I'm sorry Elric. We had to remove it.” He backed up after he undid the restraint.

My eyes snapped open wide. I shakily started to look over. The sight was horrifying.

My mangled and obviously unusable leg laid on a blanket with a tourniquet fastened at the stub. A large, gaping chunk was missing and charred from the bullet it took. I turned to see that I will still be able to walk on four still. A black metal limb had replaced the leg at the shoulder. My Pip-buck was torn apart and placed inside the prosthetic. I saw wires and cables winding through the casing. The beginning of the limb was riveted down into my shoulder, but it looked… bulkier.

“We had to place plates inside the clavicle. Otherwise the metal will just rip apart the bone and hide. The metal is made from what appears to be oxidized aluminum and onyx. We still need to connect the nerve endings, but you will need to be awake for that. Killing you isn’t on the list.” Doctor Stein explained.

I couldn’t stop staring at it. It was something out of a nightmare, but at least I could still walk. I looked back up to my brother and the doctor. Blitz was hanging his head, his mane covered his face. Stein continued his serious look.

“Are you ready to get out of bed?” He asked, keeping composure. I simply nodded.

He sighed and turned to my metal leg. “Now this is going to hurt like hell. Bite this.” He placed a wooden dowel in my mouth. I looked at him questionably.

“Wha Disth fo?” I asked around the rod.

Doctor Stein reached over, took a breath, and yanked down on a lever. My mouth immediately clenched down on the rod like was the last meal I ever would have. The pain was excruciating. Everything I ever felt was absolutely nothing to this feeling. I grunted and bit on the dowel, hearing the creak of wood. Tears welled up in my eyes, making it blurry to see. The restraints keep me from getting up and beating the shit out of Doc.

After a few minutes, the pain subsided enough to bear it. I spat out the dowel, seeing a perfectly flawless impression of my teeth in it.

“That. Is what it’s for. You would have broken your teeth without out it.” Doc turned and started to unbuckle my back legs. “Now… if you try anything, I will keep you tied up.” He undid the first leg out of kicking range. I slowed my breath, trying to get calm. I lifted my new leg, feeling the weight and fluidness of it. It was indeed heavy, but way lighter than I expected. It was stiffer, but I would manage. I bent it in and out. It moved like a normal leg. I place it down beside me.

After Doc undid all my restraints, Blitz and he helped me up from the bed. Doc looked at me and smiled. I looked at him with a cocked eye, wondering what might be the issue now.

“Oh. I almost forgot. You won’t need...” without any hesitation, he reached over and yanked out the catheter, making me cringe and cross my legs, letting out a small yelp. “THIS anymore.” He placed it over by my wrapped up leg. With his magic, he lifted up the small pile of refuse and carried it out with a sly smile. “Try to get use to walking with that prosthetic, Mr. Faelan. Its gonna me a long journey for you soon.” He disappeared into the hallway.

I waved my leg around, getting a feel for it. I slipped off the bed carefully, putting some weight on my new appendage. Blitz helped me up from the bed, watching my every move carefully. I smiled at him and assured that I felt fine. (besides having a tube viciously ripped out of me). He attempted a smile back, but fell short. I looked at him in concern.

“Hey… what’s wrong?” I put my hoof on his shoulder. He just hung his head. I saw a tear fall from behind the curtain of blue and green hair.

“I'm sorry, L…. I’m so, so sorry…” His voice quivered. He looked up at me and I saw his puffy red eyes more clearly. It was apparent that he had been crying for a while now. “I…. I couldn’t protect you. How can I call myself a big brother if I can’t even-“.

I didn’t allow him to talk anymore.

I pulled him into a tight hug and grit my teeth as I held back my own. “Stop. Don’t talk like that. You couldn’t have. You weren’t the one that pulled the trigger. You’re not the one that shot me. You did what you could…. And I can’t thank you enough.” He stopped for a few moments, then broke down into my shoulder, sobbing and hugging me. I placed my head on his, looking up at the cracked up ceiling. I started to cry myself.

“Now let me protect you now….”


I limped my way out of the room, leaning against my brother for support. We came into the room to see Reign and a one of those steel armored ponies leaving. Whipleash and Stein looked up and smiled.

“Glad to see you already up and walking some. You’re a fast healer!” The wheelchair bound pony exclaimed. Stein just rolled his eyes and went back to writing something on a piece of paper. I just smiled and continued to the couch.

“Thank you, sir.” I replied as I sat down. Whipleash passed me a cup of tea and nodded his head.

“ Well, I’m glad you're healed up some, cause I have some news.” He spoke. Stein looked up to him and nodded. He slipped out of chair and proceeded to the closet. he pulled out a set of Stable maintenance barding and threw it to me. The barding felt a lot heavier then normal and had two holsters for pistols on each side. I looked at him in question.

“ If you see Reign again before you leave, you’d better thank him for that.” I looked at Blitz and slipped it on.

“Elric. Blitz. I apologize for this, but I need you to go somewhere.” Whipleash leaned forward in his chair and gave us a stern look. “ Did Swift Current put in the numbers?” he pointed a hoof at my Pip-buck.

I looked down at the slow, pulsating arrow on the map. “ Yeah. something about the Farm?” Whipleash just nodded in response. “ So what is the Farm?”

Whipleash sat back in chair, and closed his eyes. he put his hoofs together in front in his face.

“Look…. this ain’t easy, so I’m just gonna be straight with you.” he opened his eyes and gave a very stern look at us.

“The Farm used to be an cattle ranch before the War. It used to house most of Equestria's milk and cheese industry, but now…. Now it's a slaughter house for the Raiders. Many dark and horrible things happen in that Goddess-forsaken place. What I need for you there is that a very particular device resides there. We, as the people of Charity, need it gone. Before they decide to kill us off.” He leaned in again and looked at us in concern.

“I wish I could ask anypony else this, but you are the only one we’ve got. Reign is gone now and nopony else has something you do.”

“And that is?” I questioned, feeling slightly overwhelmed about this. Blitz sat there with a frightful expression.

“Hope. Perseverance. Integrity.” He replied with a smile. “You and your brother have done things many ponies would balk away from. You're as headstrong as I was when i was your age.”

“So… will you help us?” he asked again.

I looked over to my brother as the situation started to hit me. We have been through hell and back these last few weeks. seen things happen that we would never wish upon are worse enemy. I promised Blitz that i would protect him and I intended to keep that promise. I knew sooner or later that i would have to act on something that would put me in danger, but not this fast. I was hoping for a peaceful life up here as much as I could with Blitz, but as the days went by, i knew this was not so.

I turned back to my friend and nodded.

“Okay. I'll do it.”

Whipleash let out a held breath and smiled. “ Thank you Elric. I can’t begin to thank you enough for this.” He wheeled himself closer and reached underneath the table and pulled out a lacquered, wooden box with a plate saying “To Remember Better Days.” -S.P. He opened it up and turned it towards me. Inside was a well-polished, maintained, .40 caliber revolver with 12 bullets aligned underneath with pockets keeping them snug on the red velvet. The revolver gleamed in the sunlight on its black metal. The polished ivory grip with the words “ Till the last shot is fired.” was engraved in it.

I looked up at him, seeing him smile. “This is for you. I was saving it for…. well, it needs a good owner besides sitting here getting dusty. Take it.” He pushed the box towards me.

Gingerly, I picked it up and got a feel for it. “Th-Thank you, sir. I appreciate it!” I exclaimed. I placed it inside my barding holster. Blitz looked at me smiled.

“Now… with that settled, I’ll take my leave. whenever you’re ready, Elric. Good luck, and let Luna and Celestia protect you both.” Whipleash nodded at me and Blitz, Shook his hoof, and nodded to Stein. The Doc waved him goodbye and turned to us.

“Now, Mr. Faelan. I don’t quite agree with this move, but like he said, we have no choice. You need rest before you go, but we need this done yesterday. now I need to sleep. I was up all night fixing you and the bonehead Reign. Can you believe him?! Running out there, getting his ass shot up and shit. reminds me of a certain someone.” He turned to Whipleash with a sarcastic look as he opened the front door. Whipleash turned to Stein and gave a disapproving look.

“Good night, gentle-stallions. Good hunting, my friends.”

Blitz and I were silent on the way back to the room. The endless clouds seemed to no mercy to the earth. Barkeep had gotten the message about our mission, and when we came into the flat, he gave us a small nod and gave me a set of saddlebags full of supplies. He smiled and nodded to us in thanks. as we made it up the steps, my thoughts turned to my brother. To home. To life our life in general. We have seen the horrors of the world first-hoof and barely came out on top. I lowered my head as one thought hit my mind.

We walked into the room to see Lucky putting on a thick leather barding. His revolver and saddlebags sat on the bed beside him. He looked up to me and nodded. No words were needed to express our anxiety. Blitz set down his bags and sighed.

“Well, this is going to be fun. You ready?” He looked at me and put on a fake smile. I knew he wasn’t ready to do this. He opposed violence in the Stable, and hesitant to put another’s life to rest if it came to that. I looked straight into those eyes of my father’s elder son. I put on a stern look.

“We are. But you’re not coming.” I replied. His eyes went wide. I immediately put up my hoof. “Look, Blitz. I know what you’re gonna say, but you can’t do this. Let me and Lucky do this.”

Tears started to well up in Blitz’s eyes. He knew what I said was true. He put his head in his hooves and cried. Lucky and I turned to each other. He nodded once, picked up his stuff and walked outside. I sat down next my brother and put a hoof on his shoulder.

“ Look Blitz. I know you want to protect me, but right now I need you to stay here. You can so much more for this city then I. You can continue life here. Lucky and I can handle this. We will be back soon.” I put on my best smile I could. I was fighting back my own tears.

Blitz wiped his face and stared at the floor. The room was eerily silent for a while until he let out a sigh.

“You’re right, L. I’m not the most skilled with violent situations. But there is something you need to do if I’m staying here.” He stood up and look at me grimly with his puffy red eyes. he poked me in the chest hard.

“If you happen to get killed, I will personally trot my happy ass to Celestia knows where to finish the job myself, you got me?”

I looked at him with a cocked eyebrow. I know he was trying to act tough, but I played the part.

“Yes, Sir, will not happen.” I replied, popping a salute.

He let out a grunt, looked at me for a second, and turned away. “Good. now go. Don’t fuck up.” He replied.

I stood up and stared at my brother. It killed me inside seeing him like this, but I had no choice. I didn’t want him dead. I wrapped him in a hug, held it for a second, and then walked out, closing the door behind me. Lucky was standing outside, looking out at the oncoming storm to the north. The little pip pulsating on the Pip-buck screen showed the same heading. I looked to my friend and attempted a smile.

“ Let’s get going. Don’t want to keep the raiders awaiting.” He replied, bumping me. I looked back to the door, wondering if I made the right choice. But I guess it was too late for that.

“So what are we supposed to get again?” Lucky asked as we walked into the drizzling dreariness outside.

I looked at my Pip-buck and scrolled through the note Whipleash sent me. One word stood out through it all. I looked up at Lucky and shrugged. “All it says is to go destroy a thing called ‘Echelon’. Know of it?” I responded. Lucky just shook his head.

“Well then… guess we’ll find out once we get there. Shall we?” I pointed a hoof towards our goal.

As we started our journey into the unknown, I couldn’t help that a feeling of adventure was welling up inside. I was going to see some part of a world that was lost in time. But first things first.

“So... how the hell do we get there?”