• Published 15th Dec 2013
  • 6,434 Views, 117 Comments

My Little Pony: Arceus and the Displaced Village - Cloudhammer

Ponyville disappeared from Equestria under unknown circumstances. Nopony was prepared for where they'd find it, or the condition it was in

  • ...

Far and Wide

The trainers of the world might dismiss it as a pokemon barely worth catching to complete their pokedexes; but put a Bidoof against the wall and it fights as hard as any other. And right now, all this Bidoof could think of was how she should have gotten the rest of her poffin, instead of that upstart Aipom.

The two circled each other, the Aipom still grinning as he chewed the mouthful he had snatched. Finally he swallowed, hopping onto his tail with a snicker, and Bidoof had had enough. She started to charge forward, only for a yellow wall to interpose itself.

“Now I’ve had just about enough of this!” Apple Bloom shouted. “I swear, I turn my back on y’all for a minute and you’re already fightin’? What would your trainers think if they could see you now?”

The two pokemon stopped, expressions falling as they realized how they’d been behaving. The Bidoof scuffed at the ground with a paw, while the Aipom looked about ready to cry.

“Now now, no need to gettin’ all mopey about it,” Apple Bloom said, reaching into her saddlebag. She grabbed a pair of poffins and gave one to each of the pokemon. “There, now you each got your own.”

The Aipom looked down at the poffin, his prior melancholy banished by the sweet smell. He opened its mouth eagerly, but then hesitated, looking up to meet the Bidoof’s stare. “Ai?”

“Bidoof,” she replied with a huff, pushing her poffin toward Aipom. “Bi.”

Aipom looked glanced at it, grinned, and snatched it up. He reared back onto his tail, triumphantly holding both poffins. He ignored the pointed glare Apple Bloom was giving him before he tossed his poffin to the Bidoof. “Pom.”

“There, now that’s more like it,” Apple Bloom said firmly. “Y’all just keep on behavin’ now.” Once she was sure they would, she stretched and turned to check on the rest of the daycare. She’d worked it down to almost an art form: Make sure that the fire types hadn’t started another wildfire, that the rock types and ground types weren’t in another turf war, and that their ghost types hadn’t possessed any of the visitors. Plus making sure that everyone was fed and watered, and all the eggs got collected and properly tagged.

“Hey, Bloom!” a voice called from the main daycare building. “You have a phone call! I think it’s your brother!”

“Mac?” Apple Bloom asked as she got to her hooves. “Wonder what he wants.” She shrugged out of her saddlebag and set it on one of the tables. “I’m leavin’ this here, think y’all can keep an eye on it for me?”

The daycare’s resident Buizel climbed onto the table, nose twitching as he sniffed the bag. “Bui…” With a huff he stood upright and saluted. “Bui bui!”

Apple Bloom chuckled, “Knew you wouldn’t let me down, Buizel. I’ll be right back.” She trotted toward the door, a grin still tugging at her face.

“I swear, if anyone had told me before I hired you that Buizel’d be friends with someone other than his trainer, I’d have called ‘em a liar,” Robert Teigen, the daycare’s owner, remarked as he opened the door.

“Nah, I just keep paying him in treats is all,” Apple Bloom joked as she walked past. “Did Mac say what he wanted?”

“No, just that it was important,” he replied as the door swung shut. The pokemon watched for a few seconds, but when nothing happened they returned to their own means of passing the time.

“WHAT!” The shout practically shook the windows from their frames. All the pokemon stopped, staring at the building in shock. They’d heard Apple Bloom shout before, but this was something new. A further ruckus came from inside before she barreled out the door, vest hastily thrown on. She skidded to a stop next to the table, panting as she fought to get her breath back. “Buizel, you’re in charge while I’m gone. Help Mr. Teigen out, okay?”

Buizel hadn’t the foggiest notion of what was going on, but nodded anyway.

“I’ll be back soon as I can, Mr. Teigen, I promise!” Apple Bloom shouted as she jumped the fence surrounding the property, dust billowing behind her as she galloped down the road toward town.

He leaned against the doorway, laughing as she reached the main street. “Take your time, Bloom! Say hi to your grandmother for me!” He looked down at the herd of pokemon all staring after her and laughed harder. “Oh, relax you all. She’ll be back before you know it. I’ll just be taking care of you…” he blinked as the pokemon all turned to look at him curiously, “...all by myself.”

Buizel stretched as tall as he could, watching Apple Bloom until she rounded the corner and was gone. He grumbled and kicked at the bag of treats irritably. Sure, she wasn’t his trainer, but they were still friends—… well, acquaintances. In any case, Apple Bloom had left him in charge, and he wasn’t one to go back on his promises. He turned, scowling as he glared at Mr. Teigen. However, there were going to be some changes made first.

“Now Buizel, don’t give me that look. We did just fine before Apple Bloom, no need to… please put that down… please?”

“And let’s put our hands together for that spectacular performance from Wallace and his Milotic! This year’s Wallace Cup, held once again at the beautiful Lake Valor, promises to be a truly special event, with the crowd eagerly anticipating the performance of the Sinnoh region’s one and only Sweetie Belle! She’s stolen our hearts in the past with her unique Contest style, but the bar remains high and all of this year’s contestants are hungry to strut their stuff! The first round of Contests will begin soon, so I hope you’re all ready!”

Sweetie turned the TV off with a pulse of magic as she turned to face her pokemon. “Alright, we’ve practiced the routine so much I’ve caught you two performing it in your sleep. I know you have it in you to come together to make this show work. You feeling up to it?”

Espeon and Umbreon nodded, eyes bright as they thought through their parts in the routine one more time. The two looked almost the opposite of each other, bright pink clashing with coal black; and psychic strength versus dark, but with luck that would only enhance the performance.

“Great! Just let me get into my outfit, and we’ll be all set!” Sweetie trotted toward the bed, levitating her costume into its different pieces.

“Um, Miss Belle?” One of the contest volunteers leaned in, a phone in his hand. “You have a phone call, can you take it?”

“Who is it?” she asked, settling her dress over her head.

“She said her name was Apple Bloom, seemed like it was urgent?”

“Sure, I’ll take it.” Sweetie grabbed the phone and floated it over. “Apple Bloom?”

“Heya Sweetie Belle!” came the inevitable shout. “You got a sec?”

“Sort of, I’m getting ready to go onstage. Remember, today’s the Wallace Cup?”

Sweetie heard Apple Bloom’s sigh, along with a number of other people’s voices in the background. “Right, sorry, totally skipped my mind. But listen, I got something to tell you—”

“Train 374 to Ponyville is now boarding, please collect your belongings and have your ticket ready,” an automated voice called in the background.

“Apple Bloom, why are you at the train station? I thought you’d finished moving to Solaceon?” Sweetie asked.

“Just hold on, I’ll explain. I got a call from Big Mac today.”

“Five minutes, Miss Belle,” the volunteer reminded her.

“Apple Bloom, can this wait? It’s almost time for my performance—”

“Just wait a minute, this is important. Sweetie, they found us. Equestria, I mean.”

To her credit, she didn’t drop the phone. The rest of her costume wasn’t so lucky. “What?” Espeon and Umbreon looked up at the change in her tone, tails lashing nervously.

“I’m serious, Sweetie. They were giving out new pokemon when Princess Twilight just showed up on stage. He says there’s some kind of portal or something, didn’t catch quite all the details, but I’m headin’ home right now. I was hoping to get the old gang together, but can’t remember Scootaloo’s number. Think you can—”

Sweetie Belle didn’t catch the rest, the phone clattering as it fell to the floor. Staring blankly at the wall, she forced herself to remember to breathe as she wrestled with what she’d just heard.

“Is… everything alright, Miss?” the volunteer asked.

“Y-yeah…” Sweetie murmured, eyes still unfocused. “Just… need to…” She shook her head, expression now determined. “Sorry, but I’m not going to be able to perform! Can you tell the Contest organizers I’m really sorry, but that something came up?” She wheeled about, horn glowing as she started to levitate her costume into its bag.

The volunteer, Espeon, and Umbreon could have posed as synchronised actors, their shocked expressions were so alike. “But, but I can’t just go tell Wallace himself—”

“Oh, you’ll be fine. Wallace’ll understand, but if the other judges get cranky, just tell them it’s a family emergency.” Sweetie zipped up the bag, recalled her pokemon, and picked up the phone. “Though I do need to borrow this for a bit longer. Hopefully this time she left her ringer on.”

“Well, you definitely got his attention now, Scoots,” Scootaloo muttered to herself, scrunching lower behind the rock as another wave of fire washed over it. “Just had to go and egg him on, didn’t you?”

The wall of flames finally died down and she risked a glance out from behind it. She could see her target, still stubbornly out in the open where it could see any attack coming. It spotted her and snarled with a gout of blue-white fire.

“Come on, Charmeleon, I know you’re better than that!” Scootaloo shouted as she ducked back behind the rock, another torrent of fire scorching the space her head had occupied. “Okay, maybe taunting the angry, fire-breathing lizard wasn’t the best plan, but at least he’s not getting bored.” She glanced at the five pokeballs hanging from her vest. “Hmm, can’t use most of these, he’ll blast them before they can get three steps from cover…” She grinned as she came to the last one. “Now she might stand a chance.” She grabbed it and tapped the button to release its contents.

Thankfully, the burst of light wasn’t too bright given the sunlight shining down, but she’d tangled with this Charmeleon enough to know he’d notice. It resolved into the spiky shape of her Jolteon and she rubbed its head affectionately. “Hey there, Bolt. Got myself in a bit of a bind, and need your help.”

“Jolteon?” Bolt asked, nose wrinkling at the smell of seared rock and burning grass. “Jolt…” She shook her head in resignation

“Yeah yeah, laugh it up,” Scootaloo replied, rolling her eyes. “But do it after we beat him. I’ve got a plan.”

Bolt tilted her head, then nosed at another of Scootaloo’s pokeballs.

“No, he’s not gonna be much help.” Scootaloo smiled sheepishly. “Tried to use him to surprise Charmeleon from behind, but he wasn’t quick enough.”

“Jolt?” Bolt asked, ears quivering in shock.

“Hey, in his defense, I didn’t expect Charmeleon to throw fire spin at us using his tail either,” Scootaloo retorted. “Look, I just need you to use your agility, then hit him with thunder fang. That ought to do the trick.”

Bolt remained silent, staring at her with a combination of incredulity and shock.

Scootaloo started to ask her what the problem was, but suddenly noticed the increasing temperature and groaned. “He’s right behind us, isn’t he?”

Bolt nodded slightly, fur standing up straighter.

“Char…” Charmeleon growled as he climbed atop the rock, more blue flames dripping from his mouth. He inhaled, the air around him wavering as he built up the fire in his throat—

”We are the Cutie Mark Crusaders~!

Charmeleon stared at Scootaloo, flames still dancing around his mouth as the phone continued to blare the song. He hiccuped a small burst of fire as he started to snicker. The snickering quickly grew into full-fledged laughter, his claws losing their grip and sending him tumbling to the ground. Flames belched skyward as he lost his concentration, clutching his sides as the last of the stored-up fire dissipated.

“Oh, shut up,” Scootaloo muttered as she got to her hooves. “It’s an awesome ringtone and you know it.” She whipped her head around as she heard a second snickering. “Don’t you take his side, Bolt!”

Bolt tried in vain to cover her giggles with a paw, but gave up and fell onto her side. Stray sparks of electricity danced across her fur as she joined in the laughter.

Scootaloo fumed in frustration and grabbed the Jolteon’s pokeball. “Oh alright then, guess trying to go on is a moot point. Bolt, take five.” She recalled the pokemon in a burst of red light and turned to the laughing Charmeleon. “Now as for you, mister trigger-happy, what was the deal with that one flamethrower? You nearly took my head off.” She couldn’t maintain the scowl and grinned. “Not to say it wasn’t impressive, you’re definitely getting better with your snap-firing.”

Charmeleon rolled to his feet with one last wheeze of laughter, before the phone’s continued ringing caught his attention. “Char?” He pointed at her vest pocket.

“Oh, right. Rest up a bit, then we’ll pick up the training again.” Scootaloo sat down and dug the phone out. Flipping it open, she smiled as she saw Sweetie Belle’s picture. “Heya Sweetie Belle, what’s up?”

“Glad you decided to pick up this time, Scootaloo.” Sweetie’s voice practically dripped sarcasm.

“Hey, don’t blame me. The reception out here at Blackthorn is crummy, you know that.” Scootaloo protested.

“Right… and I suppose those new cell towers they talked about on the news last month that ensure global coverage are totally made up,” she replied. “But anyway, you’re still in Blackthorn? I’d have thought you would have moved on by now.”

“Yeah, we’re still trying to make some progress with Charmeleon,” she said, glancing his way to see if he’d heard her. Thankfully, he didn’t give any indication and she turned away from him. “Just can’t seem to work past whatever block is in his head.”

“Still? I figured if anyone could get him to evolve it’d be you.”

“Well, you know how it goes sometimes. We’ll get there eventually, he’s certainly eager enough. Anyway, what’s up?” Scootaloo hopped up onto one of the flat rocks around the impromptu training area, kicking a charred clump of grass out of her way. “How’d the Wallace Cup go, or have you still not competed? I knew that was gonna be happening sometime soon.”

“About that… I had to quit. Something came up in Ponyville,” she replied, almost sounding… nervous? Excited?

“Wait, what? What’s going on in Ponyville? Your parents okay?”

“Yeah, they’re fine.”

“There’s not been another Wurmple infestation, has there?”

“Noooo…” Sweetie’s voice was definitely leaning toward excited now. “Want to keep guessing?”

Scootaloo sighed and facehoofed. “Just tell me, Sweetie.”

“Okay, I got a call from Apple Bloom, who got a call from Big Mac, who was apparently at the new Trainer presentation ceremony, when none other than Princess Twilight shows up on stage! Opened up this portal right from Equestria and everything! Apple Bloom says Mac told her that it’s still open, too!” Sweetie finished her explanation in a rush, breathing hard.

Scootaloo rolled her eyes. “Yeah right. If the rest of Equestria was going to find us, they’d have done it a long time ago, Sweetie. I think Apple Bloom’s just pulling your leg.”

“Oh come on, Scoots. At the very least, it’s a chance for us to catch up. It’s been three years since you left for Johto. Even Apple Bloom comes home once in a while.”

Scootaloo paused at that. Sweetie Belle did have a point, and a chance to let her pokemon see her home might not be such a bad idea. And she couldn’t deny a small part of her was starting to hope that Sweetie Belle was right about Equestria finding them. She glanced at Charmeleon, who was idly poking at a scorched rock, and made up her mind. “You know what, why not? I’ll catch a lift on Dragonite, should be back home in a couple hours if the wind’s good.”

“Awesome! Hope your flight goes well!” Sweetie said happily before the phone went dead.

“Alright Charmeleon, we’re taking a bit of a vacation for now.” Scootaloo grabbed his pokeball from the vest.

He scowled, growling as he felt the light consume him, the world fading until the expected confines of the pokeball wrapped itself around him. He didn’t hate being inside the ball, but the loss of his senses was always uncomfortable for the first few minutes.

Scootaloo held the ball for a moment, before attaching it and retrieving another. “Don’t worry, I promised to help you evolve, and I intend to keep it. I don’t let my friends down,” she muttered, the last part coming out harsher than she’d intended. “Okay Dragonite, come on out.”

Dragonite yawned as the light of her materialization faded, before frowning at the charred landscape. She warbled and bent down, claws gentle as she straightened a flower and brushed the ash from its petals.

“I know, I know,” Scootaloo said as she trotted forward, pulling a tangle of straps and buckles from her bag. “But look at it this way. There weren’t any Pokemon making their homes here, and what little vegetation we messed up will grow back before long.”

Dragonite rolled her eyes, warbling again as she started to help Scootaloo untangle the harness.

“Yeah, we’re gonna be taking a bit of a longer distance flight, definitely can’t make it on my own. Think you can make it back to Ponyville before sunset?” Scootaloo asked, an eyebrow raised.

Dragonite put a claw to her heart, a mocking expression of hurt on her face. She took the harness from Scootaloo and settled it across her back. She flapped her wings a few times, a cloud of dust stirring as she tested the fit and smiled.

Scootaloo nodded and reached into her vest pocket, pulling out a well-worn set of flying goggles. She made sure they were clean before she put them on, pausing to rub the faded Wonderbolts emblem on the side. "Okay, all set." She spread her wings and flap-hopped into position, sliding her legs into the harness rings. “You ready to go?”

Dragonite was quiet as she adjusted the straps, careful to make sure Scootaloo was secured. She then glanced over her shoulder with a grin, spreading her wings wide. She flapped once, lifting off the ground in another burst of dust, and brought her wings up for the second flap. Scootaloo braced herself in anticipation as she felt the muscles in Dragonite’s back flex.

Dragonite hung in the air for another second, eyes closed in concentration. Then, on some internal signal, she snapped her gaze skyward and flapped the second time. In a titanic cloud of dust and dirt, she rocketed into the air, angling toward the north.