• Published 15th Dec 2013
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My Little Pony: Arceus and the Displaced Village - Cloudhammer

Ponyville disappeared from Equestria under unknown circumstances. Nopony was prepared for where they'd find it, or the condition it was in

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“Twilight, that doesn’t make any sense,” Rainbow Dash blurted with a scowl. “I mean, sure I can get Ponyville being somewhere else, and even it being ten years on their side. But if that’s how it is, then how are you not ten years older?”

“Well, if I had to guess, it’d probably be that this rift maintains some form of link between our world and wherever Ponyville ended up. So instead of me moving completely from Equestria to Ponyville, the temporal divide is accounted for.” Twilight tapped a hoof in thought. “I’d need to gather more information before making a solid theory, though.”

“You could always jump back through the rift,” Discord suggested, putting his arms up defensively as everypony glared at him. “What? I’m just spitballing here.” He threw his arms up in surrender. “Fine, fine. I can see when I’m not wanted. If you need me, I’ll be in the drawing room.” He pulled open a drawer, a white light emanating from inside, and crawled in. A muffled “No, you’re not going to start that song again,” could be heard before the lid slammed shut.

Celestia cleared her throat. “Well, in any case, perhaps we should move to one of the ambassador’s waiting rooms. You’ll have some privacy, Luna and I can inform everypony who needs to know about this, and we’ll begin planning our next course of action. I do promise that you will be informed of the decisions as they are made.”

Twilight blinked, snapping out of her train of thought. “You’re right, Celestia. No sense doing anything without a plan first. Come on girls, we’ve got work to do.”

With a nod, Celestia led the group out into the hallway. However, Applejack remained, staring into the swirling depths of the rift. Her hoof slowly lifted, shaking slightly as she started to force it forward.

“Applejack, come on!” Pinkie chirped suddenly from beside her. “We need to talk with the girls before we go jumping into anything, remember?”

“R-right. Sure thing, Pinkie,” Applejack replied, giving the portal one more glance as she left the room.

At the front of the group, Luna leaned in toward her sister. “Celestia, I know that look in your eye,” she chided softly. “But this isn’t something we can just let Twilight and her friends handle on their own. We are the rulers of Equestria, and cannot be entrusting the fate of the land to six mares time and again.”

Celestia smiled. “You might be right. But they’ve faced dozens of things over the past few years they shouldn’t have. Things just worked out so that they had to. And given their track record, I’d feel perfectly safe putting Equestria in their hooves once again.”

“I do hope you’re right, sister,” Luna muttered as they continued down the corridor.

“Don’t worry so much, Luna.” Celestia turned to one of the guards escorting them. “Captain Shield, if I could trouble you to inform the general staff to meet us in the council room? I will also require the immediate convening of the Council.”

The guardpony saluted, “As you command, Princess.” He broke into a canter and hurried down a side corridor.

“Oh, and Captain!” Celestia called after him, “Please send word to Princess Cadance and Prince Armor! I would request their attendance as well!”

Shield saluted again as he rounded the corner.

Luna eyed Celestia as they continued walking. “So what game are you playing, Celestia?”

She sighed. “The same one as always, Luna.” Brightening as their destination came into view, she ushered everypony into one of the diplomatic apartments. “This will do nicely for the time being. Lieutenant Kicker, if you would be so kind as to have the kitchen staff prepare some food and drink? I suspect we’ll be up for some time yet tonight.”

“Of course, your Majesty,” she saluted, hurrying off down the corridor.

“Okay, so that takes care of that,” Celestia muttered, eyes half-closed in thought. “Anything I missed? No, not for now.” She turned to face the rest of the group. “While I know you still have questions, I’m afraid Luna and I have some things we need to attend to. I’ll station some guards outside the door, let them know if you need anything else.” She nodded to Luna, and together the two Princesses left, the door closing behind them.

Twilight frowned as she chased peas around her plate, absently corralling them against a carrot. Despite combing her brain nonstop for the past hour, nothing she could think of presented itself as a viable solution. From the expressions on her friend’s faces, none of them had any clue on what to do either. Rarity and Rainbow Dash were both silent, staring vacantly at their plates, while Pinkie Pie at least kept up a smile. Of her friends, it was Fluttershy who worried Twilight the most, as she seemed to swing back and forth between a hopeful grin and worried muttering.

The awkward silence was broken as Applejack set down her spoon. “Okay y’all, so when are we going?”

“Excuse me?” Rarity asked.

“What?” Twilight gasped at the same time.

“You heard me,” Applejack replied firmly. “My family’s on the other side of that portal, and I’m going through for ‘em.”

“Applejack, I know how you feel, but we can’t just go rushing into this,” Twilight shot back. “We just need to account for all the variables before we can figure out a course of action—”

“I really don’t think you know how I feel, Twi,” Applejack replied firmly. “You lucked out, having your family all here in Canterlot when that whatever-it-was took our home.”

Twilight rocked back as if slapped, ears flat as Applejack’s retort echoed in the silence that fell over the room. Her eyes started to water, but with a short breath she managed to keep her composure. “Applejack, sometimes I wish you’d think before you opened your mouth.” She took another breath to steady herself and met Applejack’s glare. “I may not have lived in Ponyville as long as you, but they’re still family to me.”

For another second, Applejack’s glare held, but was rapidly replaced by shock and sorrow. Her hostile posture evaporated and she fell to her haunches. “Twi… I’m sorry. You’re right, I should have thought first.”

“You should have,” Twilight said, though her rancor was similarly fading. “I’m just glad Spike was in the Empire visiting Shining.” She sniffed hard, the tears returning. Through the watery haze, she could see AJ trot forward, hooves gripping her in a crushing hug as everypony joined in.

“Don’t worry, Twi. We’ll find ‘em all, I promise.” Applejack whispered.

Twilight nodded silently, a few tears escaping down her cheeks. “I know.” Finally, she broke from the hug and wiped her eyes. “Alright, let’s make a plan.” She cleared some of the dishes off the table. “Anypony have something to write with?” She turned, a half-giggle escaping as Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy both had one of their feathers between their teeth. “I guess I could have used one of my own, come to think of it.”

Rainbow rolled her eyes and set the feather on the table. “Yeah yeah, I’ll cover you this time. Now, you said something about creatures over there. What was that all about?”

“Right.” Twilight lifted the feather, a flash of light surrounding the tip as she transmuted it to coal. “I didn’t get a solid look, but here’s what some of them looked like. There were also a couple new buildings I didn’t recognize either…”

The others crowded in close as the feather darted back and forth, their expressions becoming more determined as a plan started to take shape.

Flash Sentry paused at the junction to make sure the letter remained tucked under his wing. Around him, the castle staff hurried to and fro, still somewhat on edge from the rumors of Ponyville’s disappearance. Thus far there hadn’t been any actual panic, but he’d discreetly taken steps to increase the Empire’s readiness. The crystal guards were eager, but being lost in time for a thousand years had dulled their edge, and he and Captain Armor were still drilling them into a modern, effective force.

Prince Armor, he reminded himself as he started down the corridor to the Royal Chambers. Although, from their conversations, he could tell plain as day that Shining missed being in direct command. He still held the rank, though now he had a snowball’s chance in Tartarus of being in the front line.

The massive door loomed before him and he stopped to let the chime from his hooves fade. He carefully rapped on the delicate crystal, keen to not damage the craftwork again.

“Yes, what is it?” Cadance’s voice answered. The door glimmered as her magic swung it open. Inside, Cadance sat at her desk, a large book sprawled across it. “Oh, hello Flash, what is it?”

“Your Majesty, there’s a letter from Equestria,” Flash reached under his wing and held out the scroll. “High priority, for yourself and Prince Armor only.”

Cadance frowned and levitated the letter over. “High priority? I wonder what’s happened now…” she mused as she dispelled the security on the scroll. Her eyes flicked as she scanned the letter, only for her to gasp and re-read it. “This… this is wonderful news! Flash, where’s Shining?”

“He should still be at the library with the dragon,” Flash replied, stepping to the side as Cadance jumped to her hooves, practically galloping into the hallway.

“Come on, we have to tell him this! Spike too, he’s going to be so excited!” Cadance lit her horn as she concentrated her power. The walls of the palace seemed to glow in sympathy, hard-edged wisps of force emerging to dance around her.

Flash gritted his teeth as reality started to fold, vision starting to fracture as his body creased in on itself. His insides lurched as the teleport finished almost before it started, the Crystal Library’s atrium unfolding around him.

The sudden appearance of their princess was still novel enough to cause every pony in sight range to drop to their knees in a bow, the librarian smiling nervously. “Your Majesty, you should have sent word, we could have prepared—”

Cadance returned the smile, beaming as she shook remnants of energy off her feathers. “Oh, it’s quite alright, Agatha. I assume my husband is still in the restricted wing?”

“Yes, he and the dragon both. I’d actually just had some lunch brought in; if you’d like I could get some more sent up,” Agatha offered, her smile strengthening.

“That sounds wonderful, thank you,” Cadance replied. She inclined her head as Agatha bowed once more, and as the librarian hurried off, started around the desk toward the back of the library.

Flash followed her, still awestruck by the scale of the structure as they passed through archway after archway. It certainly didn’t rival the Canterlot Archives in size, but the age of the building made it its equal. Rows upon rows of shelves crowded together, laden with books whose titles he couldn’t even hope to read.

He blinked as Cadance increased her pace, passing through an archway with a pair of crystal guards at attention. Hurrying after her, he nearly tripped over a book carelessly abandoned on the floor. He set it on a nearby table as Cadance embraced her husband at the central table. A stack of books sat beside him, though beyond him was a practical mountain of tomes and scrolls.

“How’re things going, Shining?” she asked, eying the tower. “You and Spike making some progress?”

Shining sighed and closed the book in front of him. “Well, Spike is, anyway. Every time I look over, he’s added another ten books to the pile. Twily’s definitely rubbed off on him, caught him trying to read two books at once a couple times.”

“Hey, it’s not my fault you read slow,” a muffled voice called out from inside the impromptu fortress. Spike poked his head over the edge. “Oh, hi Cadance.” His scales were dulled, a few edges beginning to crack and peel from inattention. His face was no better, exhaustion combined with disappointment creasing his normally happy features.

“Hey Spike, how are you holding up?” Cadance levitated him down to the floor. “You’re remembering to eat, hopefully.”

“Yeah yeah,” he muttered. “Anyway, what brings you by? Much as I’d like to chat, I’ve still got a ton of research to compile. Twilight’s gonna need as much information as we can find if we’re gonna get Ponyville back.”

Cadance beamed. “Well, that’s actually what brings me by. See, I got a letter from Twilight…” She opened the letter and gave it to Spike, whose dour expression gradually grew to ecstatic.

“She really did it. Not that I doubted her or anything,” he added hurriedly. He read on, a bemused frown crossing his features. “Can’t believe I worked my tail off researching, only to get upstaged by Discord. I’m her assistant, for crying out loud. Cheating chaos magic…” he grumbled as he folded the letter and handed it back to Cadance.

Shining set down his book. “So, we’re going?”

“Yes. Celestia wants all four of us present so we can make a joint appearance once we establish formal contact with whatever authority’s on the other side of the rift.” Cadance glanced back toward Spike. “And I’m sure you and your friends’ll have lots of catching up to do—” she blinked at the empty space Spike had occupied, only to catch the end of his tail as he rounded the corner. “Spike, slow down!”

“I gotta pack first! Can’t waste time!” he shouted back.

Flash coughed quietly. “I’ll ensure he’s prepared and meet you at the train station, Your Majesty.”

“Thank you, Flash.” Cadance replied with a smile.

“And notify the watch captain we’ll need an honour guard for the trip,” Shining added.

Flash saluted, then took off in a hurry after Spike.

“Come on, Shining, we better get packed too. Celestia didn’t mention anything in her letter, but you know how your sister can get. Ponyville’s her home, almost more than Canterlot is. If she hasn’t already, I’d be willing to bet she’s making plans to go.” Cadance lit her horn, space starting to fold with her teleport.

“Oh believe me, I know,” Shining snorted as they vanished.

The guard’s hornlight cast uneven shadows as he walked his path in front of the door. He wasn’t entirely sure why Lieutenant Kicker wanted this door guarded, but orders were orders. This wing of the castle never got that much traffic anyway, except for the occasional late night researcher.

The castle at night really took on a new character once the sun had gone down. Sure, the shadows were everywhere and certainly creeped one out from time to time; but he’d always liked how the moon- and starlight reflected everywhere. Really, once your eyes adjusted, it wasn’t even that dark—

His rambling train of thought was interrupted as a faint breeze whispered through the hallway. Pausing, his nostrils flared and ears flicked, gauging the source of the wind. Judging it to be coming from the next corridor, he cautiously approached and readied a stun spell just in case. Taking a deep breath, he sprang around the corner. “Halt, who goes there— ARGH!”

His vision went white and he fired the stun spell on instinct, vainly throwing up a hoof to shield his eyes. Stumbling backwards, he sat down hard and blinked as things swam back into focus.

The empty hallway greeted him, a stray beam of moonlight reflecting off a statue of a guard. Sighing sheepishly, he thanked his lucky stars he hadn’t broken anything with that spell, and clambered back to his hooves to resume his patrol.

“Have I ever told you that you scare me sometimes, Twilight?” Applejack asked as the guard, a goofy smile on his muzzle, drunkenly turned about and marched back the way he’d came.

“Oh, it’s nothing serious, just a minor compulsion and a slight mental adjustment,” Twilight replied, before her ears drooped. “Well, I suppose that is a little creepy…”

“Yeah, but it was cool!” Pinkie exclaimed as she waved her hooves excitedly in front of the guard’s face, while he obliviously continued marching forward.

“Pinkie! Don’t antagonize him,” Rarity whispered, adjusting her mane. “I’m just glad he missed with that spell.”

“And you’re sure he’ll be okay?” Fluttershy asked as she glanced back at the guard.

“Yes yes, once the spell wears off he’ll be fine. A minor headache at worst,” Twilight replied matter of factly, only to wince as he walked straight into the wall with a metallic thud. “Well, maybe more than a minor headache, but still. Anyway, let’s hurry, girls.”

Together, the six hurried past the guard and into the room. The portal remained open, lighting the room with its glow. Trailing streams of light and force rippled from the edges, occasionally disturbing some of the pages on the nearby tables.

Twilight frowned as she walked towards it. “Wait, something’s not right.” She watched as a particularly fat discharge drifted toward the floor. “The rift seems to be even more stable than before. But that doesn’t make any sense, I stopped my spell after stabilizing it in Ponyville…”

“So what do we do, Twilight?” Fluttershy whispered, “Go back?” She started to take a step back, only to jump as Applejack stamped a hoof.

“Nuts to that. I say we go for it. Hay, we’ve come this far already.”

“I’m with AJ, let’s do this.” Rainbow defiantly stuck a hoof into the portal, only shivering a little as the energies played over her leg. “Okay, that definitely feels weird.”

“Relax, just keep moving forward and you’ll do fine,” Twilight said as she led the way in. Everypony else followed after her, though Fluttershy needed some coaxing from Pinkie. The flashes of light were briefly noticeable from the hallway, but the guard continued bumping into the wall and failed to react.

As the room returned to normal, two shadows peeled free of the corners and ceiling. One spoke quietly into a gemstone embedded in his peytral, “The birds have left the nest. Repeat, the birds are out of the nest, please advise.”

“Oh come on, Dusk. Do you really have to use that phrase?” the other shadow asked, the batpony ruffling her wings irritably as the last of the shadowstuff fell off. “It’s cheesy and sounds downright childish.”

“Shut up Eclipse, you know you just wanted to say it,” Dusk replied with a snort.

“Maybe, but that doesn’t change that it sounds childish coming from you,” she said and haughtily flicked her ears.

“In any case, we need to report this, as per Lady Luna’s instructions.” Dusk spread his wings and took off in a glide through the doorway.

“What do we do about him?” Eclipse asked, pointing at the still-bewitched guard, still stubbornly bumping into the wall. “I think he’s gonna beat the wall at this rate.”

“We leave him, the watch center’ll be sending reinforcements any minute now,” Dusk flew upward, drawing the darkness back in as he melted into the ceiling’s shadows.

Eclipse hesitated a second, then turned the guard around, pointing him down the hallway. “There, you owe me one.” She hurriedly took off as the distant echo of galloping hooves made themselves known.

The guard confidently set out on his new course, goofy smile still fixed on his face, the moonlight bright as it shone through the window at the end of the hall…