• Published 19th Jan 2014
  • 1,160 Views, 13 Comments

My Little Fairy:Equestria's Guild - k0k0t0

Fairy Tial's Strongest team go to equestria to help the ponies!

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Chapter 2

-Location:Fiore, Earth Land-

As the Fioere heroes were about to clash in a what appeared to be an incredible match judging from the crowds cheers and screaming in excitement.

No sooner had the referee gave the starting signal did the two male mages clashed "Ice-Make: Lance" Grey yelled out, as he put his fist on top of his open palm and no sooner did hi do that,a circle with strange lines of hieroglyph circling a wired image appear,the circle was soon as the magic circle appear Gray extended his arms forward, creating long, curved ice lances that he shoots toward his opponent

Natsu in return yelled his own attack "Fire Dragon's Roar" with that said Natsu curved back his body and what appeared to be filling his mouth with air,as soon as he shot back forward he put his hand in fist in frond of his mouth but left small room in-between the fingers and the palm as he blew in.At that moment in front of his fist appeared another magic circle,this one though was different from Grey's as it was crimson red and orange and the multiple lines of hieroglyph circled an image of what appeared to be the head of a thing anyone sees is a funnel of fire shooting out of Natsu's fist and mouth headed towards Grey's lance and melting it.

"I always knew you were full of hot air" Grey said with a big grin as he saw the Dragon slayer getting angry at him witch made his grin grow,but then his grin faded away as he saw a smirk on Natsu's face

"Well its better then having ice cubes for a brain" Natsu shot back

This time it was Grey's turn to get angry "Your gonna get it now you pinks" the ice wizard yelled at the pink haired hero

"Oh yeah,lets see you try you ice freak,im gonna burn your face so bad even your ice magic wont be able to cool it off" Natsu retorted.

At that moment a woman's shout could be heard "No,not Grey-sama's beautiful face" yelled a blue haired woman in a dark blue coat with an ambrella to match it.

'Doesnt Juvia ever give up' Grey thought to himself

When he brought his attention back to Natsu he saw him with yet another attack being casted "Fire Dragon's Iron Fist"

"Ice-Make:Ice Wall" the black haired hero yelled as an ice wall rose from the ground freezing Natsu, unfortunately for him the fire mages attack was still active melting and shattering the wall.

"What the hell,are you trying to kill me you iced bastard" Natsu yelled

"Well this is a battle after all" Grey smirked at the Dragon slayer's enraged expression.

Meanwhile the two female mages were just staring at them dumbfounded how they could fight like that and still keep their 'STUPIDITY' in check."Natsu,Grey, stop bickering like little children and fight properly" as Erza yelled at the Ice Mage and Fire Mage they froze were they were,not literately but metaphorically as they were afraid of the Scarlet haired woman

"Yes,Ma'am" they yelled in return after witch Natsu sucker punched Grey and they started the whole 'bickering' all over again.

"I just dont know what to do with them any more,they wont even listen any more for more then a few seconds" she asked herself not knowing that Lucy was near her and overheard her

"I know what you of them are acting like idiots" she said.

"Yeah" Erza sighed with a disappointing look "So you think you can handle the Heaven's Wheel Armor" She asked the blond girl

"Heh,im not a litlle kid like i was when i first joined the guild more powerful than ever and with the 10 Zodiac key's i have im more 'confident' then ever" she shot back with a proud girn on her face.

"Glad to hear that." she shot a smirk of her own at the Celestial Wizard "Requip:Heavens Wheel Armor" ,suddenly her body except her head started to glow as if she was wearing a white glowing bodysuit,next thing anyone can see she is wearing a plated armor chest-piece with large metal flower over it,and she wears a large billowing skirt that has metal plating in the upper stomach and neck are covered,and she has large metal wings that appear to be made of individual blades, as well as a wing-like headpiece.

"Open Gate of the Golden Bull" Erza quickly looked at the source of the voice,it was none-other than Lucy with a golden key pointing at the ground,she then turned the key as if unlocking a door "Taurus" she yelled the name and a small ring could be heard when a magic circle one was different from the others the circles did not have hieroglyphs but weird images,and the center was a cross with equal lengths to all four that moment the ground busted and a minotaur could be seen coming out with a rather BIG axe in his hands.

"Mooooh,Miss Lucy its been so long since i have seen your beutiful body"Taurus said, but that remark made her a little embarrassed as the whole arena could hear him.

She quickly shrugged it of "Forget about that Taurus,and start fighting,this is a tournament after all."

No sooner had she gave the command did he slammed his axe in the ground witch made a line of erupting stones go towards Erza bu she easily dodged it "Huh,is that the best you can do Lucy,i though you said-" as she was about to make a comment she was met with a side kick from her right "What the" luckily she managed to block it but it was really powerful that she could fill a little pain in her eyes widened in surprise to see "Loki!?" in front of Lucy and on Taurus's right landed a man wearing a black suit with a red tie and orange spiky hair and glasses

"Good to see you again Erza".Loki/Leo said whit his right hand to his head adjusting his shades.

Erza was at a loss for words for a brief moment but regained her cool as a smile appeared on her face,not a smirk but a proud smile too see her friend go so far that she was now able to maintain 2 gates open when most Celestial wizard could barely maintain one form more than 15 minute using a Zodiac Key.

"Looks like you really have come far since you came to Fairy Tail" Erza said keeping the proud look on her face "But when did you summon Loki?" .

Lucy smirked and replied "You didnt think id send Taurus on a suicide mission did you,he isnt strong enough to take you down alone"

At that moment the minotaur started to flinch left and right with his hands on his shoulder tight "Oooh Miss Lucy,even you harsh words are incredible" which made her look at him with worry

"Aaany way,i knew he wasnt powerful enough to take you down ALONE but i had a plan,and it was to summon Loki.I did that ba hiding his key behind my back and waited for when Taurus used his attack to bring up enough dust up to hide me while i summoned him" Lucy ended her explanation which had everyone's attention,even the 'flame-brain's and 'iced freak's' who could only give an impressed look before going back to their insults and fighting.

"Very impressive strategy." Erza said which brought a proud but fan-girlish smile to her face

'Oh my gosh she called my strategy impressive,ERZA the queen of the fairies'Lucy thought to herself.

Soon all four of them were fighting,each doing what they were best at,Natsu with his Dragon Slayer magic,Grey with his Ice-Make magic,Lucy with her Spirit Keys and Erza constantly reequipping to match her key's and Natsu for when he and Lucy switched opponents or they did!

-Location:Canterlot castle, Equestria-

But far away in Equestria,5 of the MANE6 and Derpy were not in the 'fighting spirit' as their friend Fluttershy was badly injured,but not was going to make a good recovery,but that left another problem.

"If Fluttershy is in this bad condition, we cant use the Elements." Twilight Pointed out worried to her teacher,mentor and Sun Goddess and Princes of Equestria Celestia.

"I too am concerned as to what options are left to us." the white princess answered with a worried voice."Most of the soldiers we sent in have been brought down,but no serious casualty's thank the gods" thinking of the good luck for no fatalities she gave out a sigh of relief but was quickly replaced by a face witch showed deep thought and concern 'what options are there left'

"SISTER" a voice shouted which made Celestia turn to the doorway to see her sister Goddess of the moon,Princess Luna "We believe we may have discovered a way to fight off the beasts".
This news made Twilight,Rainbow Dash,Rarity,Applejack,Pinkie and Celestia happy to find out that there really is hope!

"Really?" Rainbow asked

"Yes" Luna answered.

"Well what is it Princess?" Rarity asked the blue alicorn

"It is a spell that allows one to summon a champion in dire need" Luna said proudly at her discovery but then that pride vanished and was replaced by a worried thought "Although the spell requires an immense amount of magic which is lethal to anypony that attempts it alone!" she pointed out which made everypony lower their head in frustration except Pinkie who was too caught up in the get-well party she would throw for Fluttershy and Derpy.

Twilight raised her head and asked the two princesses "Maybe the spell is too powerful for anypony,but what about anyponie'S" this made the rest raise an eyebrow,except for Pinkie again.

"What do ya'll mean Twi?" Applejack asked confused by the Purple alicorns statement

"What i mean is,that from what Luna just said the spell is to powerful for anypony to attempt ALONE,but if a couple of us tried to combine our magic it might be possible seeing as there are 3 Alicrons" she looked at Luna and Celestia "and one Unicorn" she looked at statement made all of their faces light up with joy.

"Why didnt we think of that?" The moon goddess turned to her sister "Maybe in all the frustration it never occurred to us sister!"

As luna went into further explanation on what the spell was and how much actual magic was spell was apparently a teleportation field which would call upon a hero/champion depending on the danger that awaited the bad news was that they had to do it in the same area as the dragons,and while they were doing it they couldnt had apparently found the spell in one of Starswirl the bearded's old books which he wrote himself,the spell was complete unlike some but was sealed away as 'TOO DANGEROUS'.This made Celestia wonder why her sister was reading such books,but she shrugged it off as it was not important now.

"Sooo,you cant move while doing the spell" Rainbow asked

"Yes, that is correct"Luna answered her.

"But how are ya'll gonna survive in-front of em beasts if ya'll cant even move?" Applejack questioned all four of the magic wielding ponies.

"I have already thought of a solution to it" Celestia replied "Wile the four of us focus on the magic,all the guards that are left will draw the atention of the dragons."

"I just hope we can pull it out!" a worried Twilight exclaimed.

"Dont worry,if anypony can do it its you four,after all you are 3 princesess and a unicorn with great taste in style." they all turned to see Pinkie Pie with surprise, she payed attention to whats going on now instead of a party."I mean c'mon,Rarity has used magic all her life to levitate and manipulate stuff,that she can do it in her sleep and then 3 are ALICORNS,your basically screaming MAGIC".

Everypony's jaw dropped,including the princesses,never had they expected Pinkie Pie,the party mare all Equestria know,to be so 'unparty' like, that did not last long though, as she started to bounce up and down again talking about a how she would throw a welcome party for the new pony that they were going to call for,which made them all laugh.

No sooner had the plans and arrangements been made that they were just on the outline of all 7 arrived,excluding spike who never left Fluttershy and Derpy's room given as a task from Twilight,they gasped at the horror.

"Oh mah stars,Ponyville" Applejack said with a horrified face looking at the place where her hometown once all that could be seen were burned down and demolished building,Even the apple farm was not spared,which made Applejack was her home her work,THEIR work,how were the Apple's going to rebuild?

As such thought went trough the orange mares head Celestia wrapped a wing around here and Rarity as to her home and work also been destroyed,of coure hers were all thing that could easily be replaced,while AJ's were crops and apple orchards.

"Do not worry" the white alicorn spoke to the both of them "after all this is done i promise that i will do everything in my power to help you 2.That goes for you two as well" ,she looked back at Twilight who had lost the library and Pinkie who had lost SugerCube Corenr,which was here home here in Ponyville and her brought a smile to all of them.

With a reassured hope that all would be better in the long run,the 7 of them faced back to see about 300 hundred ponies in the red royal guards,other volunteers who heard of the mission,of course Celestia was reluctant to take civilians, but rethought it as one of the brought up that if the dragons were not stopped they would come here and they too would lose what they cherished.

"I thank you all for what you are about to do" Celestia started to speak to the army "All of you know that this will be a dangerous task" at that moment a roar could be heard and the source seen,the black Dragon. "So i ask this of you all:Whoever thinks they are not up to the task please step down now" having finished her speech she looked at the as they all shared a couple of stares and the stood their ground proud

"Thank you" Luna added before the two sisters face the remains of Ponyville and started to walk.

Walking throughout what used to be Ponyville they gazed upon the horror,destroyed buildings,burned down trees,a good amount of the renaming wall were covered in blood,which nearly made Rarity sick,but she managed to hold it as it was not 'Lady like' .

When they reached the town center,they gazed up at the 4 dragons,who were still destroying the land,and trees that remained.

"Alright we will take formation and start charging the as soon as we begin you task is to draw the attention of the bests away from the place of magical energy concentration." Celestia ordered

"Yes Ma'am" they replied with a unison.

"What about us?" Rainbow asked.

"You shall take cover and assist anypony that has been heart or otherwise" Luna quickly answered the question which made Dash frown,but she knew that right now was not the time,NOR place to argue so she complied as did Applejack and ran out to a corner of a building with windows on bot walls.

With all preparations met the four started tho ritual,and at the same time the soldiers began their part of the plan,averting the attention of the dragons away anyway possible;Spears,Catapults,Magical blasts,thunder clouds even rock!

As the unicorn and alicorns concentrated their magic a four colored circle appeared below circle had 4 layers of hieroglyphs each in different color and in the center was what appeared to be the Face of a Red dragon.

For a second each of them pondered what it was as these circles were not common,if even not ever seen in a magical casting,but they quickly closed their eyes to continue with the spell!Within 3 minutes the spell was so charged that the circle began to glow so bright that the dragons couldn't but notice it and start walking towards it despite everything being thrown at them,and i mean EVERYTHING,from rocks to cupcakes,which made Pinkie frown as to waste a perfectly good cupcake put her attention was drawn to the light as well which snapped her out of the frown and made hers and the two others eyes widen then forcing to cover them.

-Location:Fiore, Earth Land-

As the duel went on suddenly a four colored magic circle appeared on the they saw the circle everyone's eyes were on Natsu thanks to the Dragon image in the center.

"Hey wasn't me" he replied noticing the stares.

"Then if it wasn't your smoke ass that did it,who was and why" Grey asked so that everyone could hear especially the 'smoke ass',which made a certain mage nearly pop a vein but quickly averted his eyes from the Ice mage to the circle as it started to glow brighter and brighter.

Seeing that a certain blue Exceed,which was a cat like creature from an alternate reality where they were able to talk and fly using sky magic, was quickly worried,seeing as he was the lifelong friend and companion of the Dragon Slayer, flew towards him yelling "NATSUU~" also a little girl with long blue hair and a yellow and blue striped dress also worried for her friends ran after them and she was followed by a white exceed who appeared to be a female unlike the blue one who was was wearing a light blue vest with a red tie and a darker blue skirt ,she had a red bow on her right.

Feeling something strange Natsu yelled at his friends "Happy,Wendy,Carla,dont come any closer!" his words did not reach the worried Exceed and girl as they continued to fly towards them.

Feeling worried and wanting to help Natsu and Lucy,they rant to them,yes including Grey,also started to run towards Happy,Lucy,Grey,Erza,Carla and Wendy entered the circle all their magic suddenly stopped working,Grey who had 2 ice swords in his possession quickly dissipated,Erza was back in her normal uniform and Lucy's spirit gates closed forcing Taurus and Loke/Leo to go back,as well as the wings on the two exceed vanishing .

As the light got brighter and brighter everyone in the arena shielded their the light subsided they all stared at the arena dumbfounded at scene,the four mages and their Exceed friend were gone."Grey-sama" Juvia screamed in horror.

"Lucy!" another blue-haired girl but hers was shorter and she looked much younger.

"Levy,wait" two men were now holding her back worried

"Jet,Droy let me go i need to help them" Levy kicked around trying to free herslef.

"ENOUGH" a strong elderly voice suddenly shouted making everyone stop dead in their voice belonged to a small old man,who was in real view the Master of Fairy Tail:Makarov Dreyar .

"Master we need to help them" Levi said worried to Makarov

" I know," he said with a concerned and worried tone "but we cannot help them by running around like headless chicken,we need to hink,and find out what that magical circle actually meant and who cast it" .

Now calmer but worried the same Levi replied eagerly "Ill get on it right away." she said dashing of being followed by Jet and Droy.

In the back of the crowd a man with long black hair was sitting back,feet up in the air "What has salamander idiot gotten himself into this time."he said.

"GAJEEL" Makarov yelled at him 'But he is right though,what has happened them'

-Location: Ponyville, Equestria-

The light finally began the fade,Princess Celestia,Princess Luna,Twilight and Rarity were far away from the place which they concentrated they magic had happened at the peak of the gathering of the magic,both Princesses felt the danger and grabbed the two ponies and retreating,surprising to them the circle did not vanish but kept on shining just as bright.

When the light completely subsided 7 figures could be they were not ponies,no 5 of them were wired creatures standing on two legs and two of them were flying cats!

"What in the-" Rainbow Dash started to speak but was cut off by a loud roar which made all of them including the wired creature turn at the source.

The seven creatures stared up at the source of the roar in if they were not ponies the expression on their faces could be read by any race.
"Is that.." The one that only had lower clothing and black hair started to say but was unable to finish due to the shock.

"A DRAGON" the Purple maned one answered his shocking face turned excited wich they could tell form his voice"Maybe he knows where Igneel, Grandeene and Metalicana are?"