• Published 19th Jan 2014
  • 1,160 Views, 13 Comments

My Little Fairy:Equestria's Guild - k0k0t0

Fairy Tial's Strongest team go to equestria to help the ponies!

  • ...

Chapter 3

Sometimes i will use mane, others hair.Mane= Pony view/ Hair=Human view etc.

Location:Ponyville, Equestria

"Is that.." The one that only had lower clothing and black hair started to say but was unable to finish due to the shock.
"A DRAGON" the Purple mane one answered his shocking face turned excited which they could tell form his voice"Maybe he knows where Igneel, Grandeeney and Metalicana are?"

After a while staring up at the dragons the 7 mysterious creatures eyes were averted to gaze upon the destruction.

Play musics: Dragon Slayer Theme

"Oh my goodness."The small one with long blue mane said shocked at the horrible sight.
"Wendy,calm down,Natsu,what's going on?" the one with scarlet red hair said turning from the short one,now known to the ponies as 'Wendy' to the taller with the pink mane now known as 'Natsu'.

"How the hell should i know Erza!" He answered angry at the devastation.

"Don't tell me." the one with only lower clothes started to ask but paused and turned to the dragons "THEY did it."

The one with blond mane quickly answered him "Grey don't be ridiculous,Dragons would never do that,would they?".

The one now known as 'Grey' stated with a rather weird to the ponies statement"Heck if i know.Remember Lucy, there are no more dragons,!".

The flying blue cat flew up to his face "Oh yeah,then how do you explain THEM?"

"Calm down Happy,im sure there is a logical explanation" the white cat said averting 'Happy's' eyes away from Grey.

"Carla's right" said Wendy "There is no way that dragons would destroy any place,excluding Acnologia of-course since he was a dragon corrupted by Zeref (Dont,start with me on this one.I wanted to make it as if the dragons of their world were pure hearted.And also i dont know the storry behind Acnologia)

At that moment the black dragon roared so loud that every one felt it in their core being. "OW,that was loud!" Lucy said rubbing her ears in hopes the ringing would stop and looking up "Uhm guys" everyone turned to face her "I think we need to move,FAST" she said pointing at the dragons charging at them each breathing fire.

Erza quickly got control of the situation "Natsu,you take the red one" she commanded.

"Right,lets go Happy" he said to the blue cat.

"Aye,Sir" Happy then grabbed the back of Natsu's purple vest.

"Grey,you take the blue one"she now turned to the one with black hair.

"Got it!".

She continued to give commands "Lucy,Wendy you try stop the green one seeing as he is the smallest,and im going for the black dragon".

"Yes ma'am" Both of them said,while Lucy doing a little salute

"First let me give you guys a boost" saying that she floated a foot of the ground "Arms x Vernier." she said which made the other four's bodies glow and light orbs formed around their hands "OK,now your set to go"

"Thanks Wendy" said Natsu gesturing with a thumbs up,as he flew up to his dragon.

Music change: Salamander

"Al right Happy, hold on,Im going 'Lightning Flame mode'" as soon as he had said that his body became engulfed in fire and lightning everywhere except where Happy was holding him. That made the ponies that were hiding gasp in horror thinking the dragon had set him on fire,but soon saw that he wasn't screaming or even hurting.

"What the hey is -" Applejack started to question but was cut of by a series of yells,first of which was

"Lightning Flame Dragon's Brilliant Flame" which had drawn the attention of the ponies to the source.As soon as they had their eyes on the one that was covered in flames they saw the the flames disappear and a giant fire ball surrounded by lightning appear at his palms "Huh" he muttered to himself looking at the attack,but just then he was above the dragon. That's when the fire-lightning shot ball down at the beast causing an incredible explosion.

As the smoke cleared Natsu's eyes widen in shock "What.The-" it wasn't that the dragon was standing there,he WAS
expecting him to survive,what wasn't expected was the fire-lightning strike to be so powerful.It had caused insane damage to the dragon ,A DRAGON who was now covered in bruises and wounds.All he could say was "SWEET" with a grin

"HEY,ugly,over here." . Natsu and the dragon turned at the source of a tomboyish female voice but all both of them could see was a cloud.While the giant red lizard was searching the area for the voice.

"HEY,who you calling ugly?"Natsu yelled back with a little flame at the top of his throat and white circle eye with angry eyebrows above,while breathing little fire out.At that moment he saw a rainbow shooting out of the cloud "What?" he asked as he saw the rainbow coming his way.Soon a blue equine form could be recognised with the rainbow following her as a trail. Natsus eyes widen "Is that a,horse?"

"Nah too small,that's a pony" Happy replied to him.

"Yeah" Natsu snapped at him "And how do you know that its a pony and not a horse,last time i checked BOTH didnt talk,or FLY shooting rainbows outta their asses!"

"I was at a petting zoo with Carla,Wendy and Lucy 3 days ago,but yeah they dont talk,or the rainbow thing!" Happy replied.

"So thats where you were." Natsu yelled angry that he hadn't even told him where he was that day while happy brought his ears back.

As the blue 'pony' blurred past by them they could hear "Taste the Rainbow MOTHERBU...." . Right before the hit with the dragon a rainbow circle appeared that seemed to shatter the sound barrier,which made her go even faster,even if for a moment Natsu managed to see the increase in its speed.Next thing Natsu saw was the dragon falling backwards being left unable to get up any more and the rainbow trail going back to him.

As soon as she stopped next to them all he could say was "WOW".He managed to snap out of it to say "That was really sweet".She turned to face him.

"Yeah?You were pretty Awesome yourself with that fire trick." she then realized something "How'd you do it any way?And why arent you burned or worse?"

"What do you mean how?" he replied "I used my magic..." with an 'obviouse' voice leaving the flying pony to wonder how

"MAGIC?" the cyan Pegasus asked yet again.

"...yeah" he replied and continued "That's not important now,i need to help my friends."

"Dont worry.They already have help!" she paused to gasp "Dang, hold on i forgot somepony"the rainbow mane pony said , leaving Natsu to raise and eyebrow at both and wonder to himself 'They already have help' and 'Some...PONY?'.

Elsewhere Grey used one of his own spells "Ice-Make: Cold Excalibur" .As he said that a giant blue sword made of what appeared to be ice appeared out of nowhere.As he slashed at the dragon the blade disappeared as he landed but left the dragon frozen in an icy tomb.He smirked but it quickly went away as the dragon broke free.Suddenly an explosion was heard and a barrage of what appeared to be jewels flew towards the dragon hitting him and leaving a large amount of scars.As he jumped back from the dragon while being distracted and got a safe distance away,Grey turned to see the source of the explosion and jewels.He couldn't believe his eyes,two of those 'Ponies' he heard Natsu and Happy talk about,were doing it.One was white with a horn which was glowing and in-front of her was a pile of jewels being loaded into a pink cannon.Behind the cannon was a pink pony which didn't have wings like the one next to Natsu or a horn like the white one.

She suddenly stood up on her hind legs and yelled as the jewels were done loading into the cannon "DIAMOND PARTY CANNON,FIRE",no sooner did another blast of those 'diamond' shot towards the dragon,this time they were concentrated into one big multicolored ball hitting the blue beast on the head knocking it out.

Grey was left speechless as he was staring at a "A unicorn and a talking hor...uh pony!" unknown to him he said it out loud

"Well at least you know not to insult a lady" the white one said "UNLIKE others!" she continued while sending a glare at Natsu giving him a little chill

"Yeah,I got the Pony,from the flame-brain over there" he said pointing at Natsu.

Natsu suddenly shouted out "ICE FREAK" then paused then paused and though "Why did i do that?" leaving the blue rainbow mane one wondering herself as well as laughing.Back down with Grey the pink one was laughing out loud while the unicorn was giggling with a small smile,which brought a grin to his own face seeing someone else laughing at Natsu.

Next were two sets of voices coming from the girls sent to battle the smallest dragon "Open,Gate of the Lion.Open gate of the Goat" as she said that,pointing the keys down to golden circles appeared and a being cam jumping out of each one.Both were wearing suits.The first one looked like them except he was male with Orange hair and glasses.The other one was different.He was standing like them with his arms crossed in-front of his chest but he had white fur and the head of a 'Goat'

"Miss Lucy,what is your wish for summoning me?" the tall white one asked.

"Leo,Capricorn i need your help to fight of these dragons." Lucy quckly said turning to both as she said their names

"As you wish".The tall one known as 'Capricorn'.

The shorter one known as 'Leo' said with some excitement in his voice and a small grinn on his face"Ive fought a dragon slayer but never a Dragon before.This is going to be interesting".

"Arms x Vernier." Wendy shouted as the two new beings glowed giving her a nod of 'thanks' they both jumped at the dragon ready to fight

"How about a double Regulas?"Leo asked turning to his comrad.

"Good idea" Capricorn answered with a smile.

As soon as they were close to the dragon they both punched him shouting "Regulas Impact" which made a golden yellow beam shoot out of Leo's fist when he punched the dragon,and a purple beam out of Capricorns.

That was followed by one of Wendy's attacks "Sky Dragon's Roar" , which made her shoot a tornado out of her mouth at the dragon.Being hit by the 3 attack all at once dealt huge damage to the beast,which made it fall"Yay,we did it,we did it!"Wendy jumped up and down from joy.

"Look out" a unison of two female voices was suddenly heard heard,then two blasts came out of nowhere targeting the green lizards head who was apparently trying to attack while the four were celebrating. One was purple the other dark blue,almost black.The combination was really powerful ,just enough to deal the last bit of needed damage to the dragon to knock it out.Soon the sources appeared before the four heroes,it came from two ponies,the term was now know to everyone thanks to grey and the two with him.But these were different,one was the size of the rest,purple with wings and a horn.The other one possessed both attributes as well,but she was taller and was a dark blue,she had black horseshoes that extended up a little and a black necklace and a black crown.

"Are you all right" the purple one asked.

"Yeah,thanks" Lucy replied.The surprise of them being able to talk was gone after they heard the ones near Grey talk and then went right to the battle.

"If it wasn't for you two who knows what would have happened" Leo said

"I am eternally gratefully to you both for saving the life of Lucy-sama" Capricorn said bowing with his head facing down.

"No need to thank us,we were glad to assist" the blue one now spoke in a weird way,and quite 'LOUD'"We are glad that thou are unhurt".While the other tree were talking to the ponies Wendy 'Awed' them as the ones she saw when she went to the petting zoo couldn't talk.

Music Change: Dragon Force

Erza was the only one who had to face of with her designated dragon "Re-quip, Armadura Fairy" at this point she was glowing bright white, all but her head.That made each pony shield their eyes,except Celestia and Luna.When they looked back at her the saw her in different clothes.Now she was in a pink armour with a simple breastplate joined to the collar. The armour has many wing shaped decorations.In each hand she had a swords identical to the other, with the blades protruding near the hilts.The swords disappeared as quickly as they appeared "Re-quip, Holy Hammer" , now in her hands was a gigantic hammer.The hammer is longer than she is tall with a long black handle in a zigzag shape. The head consists of a series of grey cylindrical sections, the frontal one being larger than the rest, with light brown plating on its front.

She jumped up to the dragon incredibly fast thanks to Wendys magical boost,with an incredibly powerful hit which made a crater below the dragon,but he snaped out of it slashing his claw at her,which Erza evaded easily,and continued to dish out damage at the black beast,which lead to a dust of smoke rising from the ground.As it cleared she saw the dragon with a decent amount of damage but not as much as the others "So,im guessing your the leader here!"

"Indeed she is." A voice called out to her,which made Erza turn her vision to the side as she saw one of pony that was with her friends land next to her.This one though was very different.She was pure white with a quad coloured mane and the tallest of the ponies present.She,like the dark blue one horse shoes that extend up a small portion,a necklace and a crown but unlike the darker ones,hers were golden.

Music change: Dragon Chain Cannon

A loud roar could be heard all over the land coming from the black beast "I hope you do not mind,but i will assist you in the the battle" the tall white pony said

"Appreciate it but-"At that moment the other tree dragons could be seen getting up drawing the attention of all 14 of them.

"What the hey,ah though ya said ya knocked it out on its hind,what gives Rainbow?"Natsu suddenly turned up to see the blue flying pony coming down carrying to her hooves an orange normal looking pony,with a weird to him accent.

"We did, AJ" she replied "I don't know what going on" she continued when they and Natsu noticed that their dragon wasn't the only one to get back up.

"Sorry Wendy," Lucy said getting ready to give out commands to her two classy dressed friends "looks like its not over yet".Hearing that Wendy frowned,she was hoping it was over.

"Wendy watch out" Carla's reflexes kicked in and grabbed Wendy's dress at the back to lift her,but was stopped by Erza and the tall pony.

"Wait!" both of them yelled in unison.

Music fades out to a stop

Then Erza took over to talk "They aren't attacking!If they were they would have done so the moment they stood up" true to her words the dragons suddenly flew up in the air and retreated.

"Where do you think your going?" Natsu shouted and started ruining at them only to be pulled by the collar of his vest and then to the ground with a 'thud' sound. "Why'd you do that Erza" he started to shout at Erza.

Then Grey spoke "For once in your life yours your brain" he said getting a glare in return from Natsu.

"Grey is right Natsu,think before acting" Carla added.

"If those dragons had not retreated others might have come searching for them soon." Erza said

Then Lucy sopke up "But now that they know there is trouble waiting for them they will need to make a plan of attack if they are to come back attacking again".

Next Wendy took over in the discussion "And while they are thinking of a plan to attack,WE Could think of a plan for defence." she said raising her voice at the end with enthusiastic excitement.At the idea when Erza nodded in return.

"But i need to know if they know anything about Igneel and the others!"Natsu replied in trying to justify his actions.

"Be that as it may,we cannot just go running after four dragon to god knows how many more!"countered him.

Their discussion was cut short,due to the fact that they noticed the 7 ponies overhearing their conversation,sitting next to them and all.Suddenly they turned to face each-other and silence fell as nobody and nopony knew how to start,until one of them spoke up.

"What in Equestria did you do back there?" Twilights eyes shot wide with interest remembering the interesting to her battle.

"Who cares,it was SO.AWESOME" Rainbow Dash yelled as she zoomed around them,and before the others could say anything

"Calm down my little ponies" Celestia said "Before asking them any questions,we must introduce ourselves first".'mhm' She silently cleared her throat "Hello,it may be a bit late for formal introductions but,I am Princess Celestia co-ruler of Equestria. And this" she waved her wing back to the mountains and all the scenery beyond the village "this IS Equestria"

Author's Note:

Thought you'd see more eh?
Too bad,so SAD!

lol JK.
But really hope you guys enjoyed reading it more than i enjoyed writing it,it was so tough(who called me a whimp huh?).I constantly kept finding mistakes and went back and forth to correct or just change a whole graph so it matched the new modifications(i wont be surprised if there are more mistakes,if any of you want to correct them than please feel free to do so,i will correct them and add your names as a thank you in the top).But all in all im proud of how it turned out!