• Published 9th Feb 2014
  • 3,129 Views, 45 Comments

Rainbow Dash and the Crystal Empire - Rainbow Dash 55

An evil pony has taken over the Crystal Empire once again. Will Rainbow Dash be able to stop him in time?

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Getting Help

Rainbow flew so fast to Ponyville, she thought that another sonic rainboom would erupt from her. But it didn't. She knew how to control her powers now.

She just wished that one of her powers was to stop time, so she could save her friends.

"Applejack!", Rainbow called.

She looked all around the farm, but nopony was home.

So, she decided to try her other friends. But they were all gone too.

Then, Rainbow got a sickly feeling. She went to the one place she might get answers. And help.

Rainbow circled around the quaint, yet disgraceful (in Rainbow's opinion), house in the clouds.

She was trying to decide whether to sneak in through a vent, go through the front door, or break through a window. She chose the vent. It seemed safest.

She crept through the small space, trying to be as quiet as possible. When she got to the end of the tunnel, she looked through the slots of metal, and saw just who she was looking for.

Rainbow produced a little snowflake with her right hoof, testing her powers. Then, when gathering her strength, she kicked out at the door. It flew off the hinges, and hit the pony in the head.


Rainbow lept out of the vent, right on the pony.

"Rainbow Dash?!"

Rainbow stood on the pony's ankles and looked at her. "Spitfire. Tell me where it is!"

"Where WHAT is?!"

"The potion you used to give youself powers!"

Then, all of the sudden, a sky blue pegasus threw Rainbow off of Spitfire, and pinned her the same way Rainbow did.

"Ugh! Get off me!"


"Eh, let her go, Mist. It's not like she can beat us...Oh. Right." Spitfire remembered what happened the last time they met.

Misty Fly got off of Rainbow, and looked at Spitfire.

Spitfire eyed Rainbow with disgust.

Rainbow did the same to Spitfire.

"So. What do you want, Dash?", Misty asked.

"Dash thinks we still have the potion we stole from Twilight."

"You DO have it! I know you do!" Rainbow lashed out at Spitfire, ramming her against a wall.

"Dash, stop!", Misty yelled. She ripped her off of Spitfire. "What do you need the potion for, anyway?"

"Look." Rainbow wondered how to tell them her situation. "The Crystal Empire is in danger. The WORLD is in danger. You guys are the only ones who can help me. With the help of that potion. I still have my powers, but I'm the only one. Right now, at least." She looked at Spitfire.

"No. It doesn't concern me," she decided.

When she turned to walk away, Rainbow said, "It concerns you when you die when you don't help me."

Spitfire stopped walking, but didn't face her.

Rainbow continued. "Spitfire. Soarin will die if you don't help me."

Spitfire turned her head almost all the way to Rainbow.

Rainbow grinned. "Yeah, I know about your crush...So, what'll it be?"

Misty stepped forward. "I'm in."

Spitfire looked slightly surprised when Misty said that, but she quickly recovered. "...I might have a few drops of the potion left for us to use."