• Published 9th Feb 2014
  • 3,128 Views, 45 Comments

Rainbow Dash and the Crystal Empire - Rainbow Dash 55

An evil pony has taken over the Crystal Empire once again. Will Rainbow Dash be able to stop him in time?

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Finding Sombra

Fire Streak peeked around a corner, and did hoof-signals to Rainbow from far behind him.

She sped past him with her super speed, and busted down the titanium door with one strike.

She peeked around the corner just as Fire Streak had, and did different hoof-signals. Fire Streak got the message.

He sped as fast as he could from around the side of the corner, followed by Rainbow. They attacked several guards in the small room, each putting up a bigger fight than the next.

Once they'd knocked all of the guards unconcious, Fire Streak said, "Wow. You are some fighter."

She returned his smile. "Thanks. But you haven't seen anything yet." She busted down the next door, and they continued the pattern.

Rainbow exploded the next door with her firebending, and she and Fire Streak emerged from the smoke. As soon as he could see them, he said in disbelief, "Rainbow Dash?"

"Sombra," Rainbow growled.

"Seize them!", he commanded.

All at once, the guards lept on Fire Streak and Rainbow, and all at once, Rainbow's powers helped her fight.

But Fire Streak didn't have those powers.

He fought with everything he could, but he was becoming weak. He was unaware of a guard sneaking up behind him. The guard lifted his sword, and struck through Fire Streak's stomach.

Fire's world went black. He felt a sharp pain through his stomach, and hunched over, too weak to scream.

He saw Rainbow Dash glow over him as he layed on his back, unless it was just his imagination.

She cried and yelled, but Fire Streak heard nothing.

His blood pounded, but it became slower and slower.

I'll never forget you, Dash. You gave me two things I never had.

Hope, and love.