• Published 25th May 2014
  • 3,065 Views, 77 Comments

My Little Zombie: Friendship is Dead Season 1 - Nortes432 ft Spitfire

Equestria has faced many challenges and enemies in the past. But, the one thing they did not anticipate this unkillable horror. Can the mane six overcome this threat to Equestrian life, or will they fall to the endless supply of death?!

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S1E09: Through The Eyes of a Mad Mare

Author's Note:

Pinkamena breaks free from her prison, and goes on a bloody rampage to kill everypony.

Pinkamena was blood hungry. She was tied up and thrown in a cart for herself. She growled, screamed, cursed, but she was never going to get out so long as the chains stayed on her.

Secret was tasked to watch her as a mule pulled the cart. Secret would stand by the cart or even get in with her, keeping his eye on the mare. Unlike most other ponies, he did not fear the psycho maniac.

Although, on the third day, things got bad.

Secret walked up to Twilight. "How much longer?" He asked the alicorn.

"It's going to be a while." She said. "It'll a while to get there, and that's not counting the stops."

Secret sighed. Then, a scream broke in the crowd. Secret turned and rushed back to Pinkamena's cart. He skidded to a halt as he saw something that shocked him: the mule was dead, and Pinkamena was gone.

Twilight ran up behind him. "What happened?!" She looked at the dead mule. "Oh...Pinkie..."


The caravan had to halt. The release of Pinkamena was too much of a dire matter to go unnoticed. Twilight, Rainbow, Spitfire, and Secret were to search for Pinkamena.

"We cannot let her go. If you can capture her alive, that would be great." Twilight said. "But if push comes to shove, you know what you must do." She hated to say it, but it was the best thing to do.

"Trust me, Twilight." Secret said. "All of us want Pinkie back as soon as possible." Rainbow nodded in agreement.

"Me and Secret will go right." Twilight said. "Rainbow and Spitfire, you two go left."

Rainbow and Spitfire nodded and took off towards the upper part of Ponyville. Secret looked at Twilight. "I hope this works." She whispered before heading off. Secret sighed and followed close behind.

Everything was happy. Colors filled the air, ponies pranced around. All she wanted to do is hug all of them. It seemed that they wanted to hug her.

This is what Pinkamena saw, at least.

Pinkamena grabbed a knife from a nearby dead corpse. She walked up to a zombie, who stumbled back at her in turn. Pinkamena got close enough for the zombie to reach her. The zombie launched itself forward to pin it's prey, but Pinkamena stepped to the side and knocked it to the ground, laughing. "You missed!" She said under her breath. The zombie tried to get back up, but Pinkamena hopped on top of it and stabbed it repeatedly, laughing maniacally.

She got off it and bounced near it. "Aww, he's exhausted! I was having fun!" A smile formed on her face. It was creepy, and covered with blood. She skipped off in search of a new playmate.

Pinkamena was having fun. It was too bad she lost her friends, she wanted someone to spend it with. Maybe that nice stallion that fed her. His blood tasted good, it was fresh and pure. The stallion would treat her so kindly, and she always wanted to play with him. The only thing that stopped her from getting what she wanted was her "friends" who chained her up and left her there for days.

That has past, though, and now she was free. Free to play with whoever she wanted, free to play any game she liked, and it was fun. She was cut off by a powerful hug from her right, which knocked her to the ground. The zombie bit into her flank.

Pinkamena laughed and grabbed it by the head. She fought against it and pulled on it's mane, laughing like crazy. Before she got up, she quickly kicked it in the face for good measure. She pounced on the zombie and pulled out her knife. "It's my turn to hug!" She said, murdering the zombie carelessly.

Pinkamena was on a rampage. She didn't care what it was, whether it was alive or dead, friendly or hostile, she would kill it, smiling and laughing as her deranged fantasy corrupted her sense of reason. She killed zombie after zombie, with the occasional survivor here and there. The blood of her victims were her friendship gifts, the screams were their laughter, and the struggling was the different ways the ponies danced. It was all a party for Pinkamena, and she didn't want it any other way.

She took no mind of the growing pain in her side where the zombie bit her. She didn't have enough sense to know what was happening.

Rainbow checked around the corner. "Clear." She whispered back to Spitfire, stepping out. Spitfire followed close behind, the hoofgun in her hand.

"There's no way we're going to find her." Spitfire said. "Ponyville is big enough as it is. Plus, she may have even left town by now. Who knows where she could be?"

Rainbow turned to Spitfire. "Don't say that!" She snapped. "Have faith, she's already crazy enough as is!"

Spitfire sighed. Rainbow turned and began walking. She could hear Spitfire talking behind her. "What if-" She was cut off. Rainbow paused, noticing the lack of sound, and turned around. Spitfire was gone.

"Spitfire?" Rainbow called, galloping back to where she was standing no less than a few seconds ago. "Spitfire?! Where'd you go?!" She looked around, and heard a scream. Rainbow spread her wings and dashed towards the sound. Rage filled her eyes as she skidded around the corner.

Pinkamena had a knife to Spitfire's throat. A dark smile formed on her face as she pressed it against the mare's neck. "Rainbow, do you see this?" The pink mare asked.

"Pinkie! Put her down! This isn't you!" Rainbow shouted, landing on the ground.

"What do you mean, Dashie?" Pinkie tilted her head and smiled. "I always have fun with my friends, do I not?"

"Pinkie, put down the knife!" Rainbow ordered, growling.

Pinkamena giggled. "Why should I? I've seen the look in this one's eye. She watches that nice stallion like a hawk. She cares about him." Spitfire's eyes widened. "I wanna know more 'bout him. She's gonna play with me and tell me every little secret."

Pinkamena laughed maniacally once more, and blood started to drip from Spitfire's throat. She gasped in pain. "Pinkie, NO!" Rainbow cried.

Suddenly, everything stopped. Pinkamena dropped the knife and let Spitfire go. The pegasus fell to the ground and gasped for fresh air. Pinkamena held her side in pain.

Rainbow ran over to Spitfire and helped her up. "P-pinkie?" Rainbow asked, staring at the mare.

Pinkamena looked at her friend and smiled. "That one pony loved me a little too much..." She started to laugh, chocking and coughing up blood. She continued for almost a minute before she fell completely silent.

Pinkamena had turned.

Spitfire handed Rainbow her pistol. "You know what to do." She managed in a rasping voice. Rainbow nodded and pointed to the party pony's head. Click, bang.