• Published 25th May 2014
  • 3,057 Views, 77 Comments

My Little Zombie: Friendship is Dead Season 1 - Nortes432 ft Spitfire

Equestria has faced many challenges and enemies in the past. But, the one thing they did not anticipate this unkillable horror. Can the mane six overcome this threat to Equestrian life, or will they fall to the endless supply of death?!

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S1E16: War At The Walls, Pt. 2

Author's Note:

The survivors of Ponyville team up with the Royal Guard of Canterlot to drive off the zombie infestation of Canterlot's gate.

The gate of Canterlot has fallen, and the survivors of Ponyville rushed inside to safety. The Royal Guard stood behind, acting as a temporary barrier. They fought off the herd as long as they could stand, but they soon fell one by one to the massive herd. A major portion of the guard crowded the streets, filling in behind the retreating caravan as they rushed towards the castle. The blocked off every street and alleyway to prevent the herd to continue its advance.

Twilight rushed into the castle first, and ran straight towards Celestia's throne room. As soon as the grand doors to the throne room were opened, Celestia stood. She saw her student, and stretched her arms out to receive her. Twilight threw herself into Celestia's arms, teary eyed.

"It's all okay, Twilight." Celestia whispered to her student.

She was wrong, though. Things were not okay.


A semi-circle boundary was set up around the gate, leaving more room for the herd of zombies to fill in. They did not have to worry about the herd getting far into Canterlot, but they did need to find a way to get them out.

Secret and Applejack volunteered to help the guard drive out the zombie herd. Spitfire, naturally being the leader of the Wonderbolts, was also tasked to drive out the advancing herd.

Applejack took point on the roof of one of the nearby buildings. She laid her sniper rifle on the roof, the bipod keeping it standing. Secret and Spitfire went off to the temporary barricades and prepared to start their counter-assault.

Twilight followed Celestia to through the hallway. "After that, we retreated to Sweet Apple Acres. We stayed their for about a month, then we heard that Canterlot was a safe heaven. We quickly packed our stuff and went on our way."

Celestia frowned. "I'm sorry about your friends, Twilight."

"Don't worry about it." Twilight said, hanging her head. A thought popped in her mind, and she looked back at Celestia. "Did you ever get my letters?" Twilight asked.

Celestia nodded. "Unfortunately, I could not get any letters back. Flyers have taken down every message I've tried to send." She reached into a bag and pulled out the flask. The liquid was still intact. "I still have this." She said.

Twilight looked at it. "Have you ever figured out what it was?" She asked.

Celestia shook her head. "Not even my most skilled scientists could figure out what it was."

Twilight thought about a solution. "Maybe Zecora knows." She told herself. "Could I deliver it to her to see if she can figure it out?" She asked the princess.

Celestia handed her the flask. "Help yourself, Twilight." She said. "I have work to do. You may accompany me, if you'd like."

Twilight nodded, putting the flask away and following the princess.

Secret cocked his shotgun. "You ready?" He asked the guard next to him.

"Ready." The guard said, levitating an assault rifle in front of him. Secret turned his attention to the barricade.

Spitfire hovered to look over the barricade. The zombies were crowding around the wall, trying to get through. Fortunately, their were no flyers in the herd.

Applejack looked through her rifle. She waited for the right moment to deploy the signal. She moved her rifle through the crowd until it rested on a single turned unicorn. She smirked. Let's start a riot. She pulled the trigger, blasting the zombie square in the head.

The signal was sounded, and the various soldiers jumped the barricade and charged into the herd of zombies.

Twilight approached Zecora, who was working on Rainbow's wing. Zecora's massaging touch was soft enough to not harm the wing in any way. The witch doctor looked over to Twilight. Twilight handed her the flask. "Could you look at this for me, Zecora?" She asked.

Zecora nodded. "Well since it was you who so nicely asked, I will gladly take a look at this flask." She said,

Twilight smiled and looked at Rainbow. "How you holding up?" She asked her pegasus friend.

Rainbow raised her hoof and moaned. "It feels good..." She mumbled.

Secret twisted and turned, shooting zombies at every angle. The guards were ordered to stand behind him so that he does not accidentally mistake a soldier for an undead creature. Secret was a deadly weapon. Unstoppable and never tired, the blind stallion had speed and agility that would make Rainbow jealous. Zombie parts were flying everywhere. Heads, hooves, and even insides were spilled on the streets of Canterlot.

Applejack took shots at the zombies that would advance too close to any of the soldiers, making sure that they get out with as little injuries as possible.

Spitfire flew up to Applejack's post. "Were is fourth squad?" She asked. "I cannot find them."

Applejack searched around with her scope. "Ah don't see 'em." She answered. "Ah think they've gone down."

Spitfire sighed and shook her head. We need to some explosives." She told AJ.

"Another patrol is coming this way with 'em." The country mare said, firing another round into the herd. "We need to hold off for just a few more minutes."

Spitfire nodded and went back to her squad to continue the fight.

After an hour, the patrol arrived with the explosives. A group of pegasi, led by Flash Sentry, raised the crate of explosives over the barricade and hovered above the herd. They went to a spot where a squad made space for them to land and set up the explosives. Once they placed the crate, Flash lit a match and swiftly lit the fuse.

"Get out of here!" Flash ordered. The squad made its way back to the barricade, while the pegasi team flew back to the rooftops. Flash landed next to Applejack's post. Applejack watched the explosives with her rifle scope.

"C'mon..." She muttered. She watched as the fuse slowly burned. The box would explode in three...two...one...

Nothing happened. "Tarnations." She cursed under her breath. "The fuse went out!"

"Shoot the crate!" Flash ordered. Applejack pulled the trigger, but all she heard was clicking.

"Ah'm outta bullets." She told him. Flash wiped his forehead.

"Tell Twilight that it was fun." He said, lighting another match.

"What are ya?-" Applejack was cut off as Flash flew off into the herd. He charged straight for the crate, which was now covered with zombies. Once he reached the crate, a zombie grabbed his rear hoof and dragged him to the ground. Screaming in pain, Flash's hind leg was eaten up by a zombie. More started to grab him, but he continued to push himself. He climbed to the top of the crate, and held out his hoof to the fuse. He touched the match to the fuse.

Ka-boom! The sound of the massive explosion erupted throughout Canterlot. Everyone stared in shock as the majority of the herd was wiped out by the explosion. Twilight looked off the balcony with Celestia close behind. Some shining object soared through the sky, and landed right at Twilight's feet.

It was Flash Sentry's helmet. Twilight hung her head. She was in for a very terrible story.


Check out Season 2 for more.

Comments ( 35 )

4446559 I don't understand vhere you're getting at.

I think I got the base storyline but it may need a little bit more explanation xD
Sorry, I was typing out those comments while I was reading it and I didn't see yours :P
Love the story, but still a little bit confusing, ponies dying here and there and wat xD
But big mac :eeyup:

4446665 Ja. Me and my mates are planning on an animation of this already. I've already created a following. Everything makes sense if you think about it. Plus, killing ponies makes it a little bit more realistic. Nopony's going to to go all badarse on a zombie herd (except Secret) vhen somebody dies.

4469152 Simple answers. 1) It was group voted by the Spitfire Films staff that I should kill of Spike and Rarity first.
2) If you've ever seen Resident Evil, the movie where they are in the desert, those zombie ravens are where I got the idea for the zombie birds in this. They were able to break glass, being that if multiple of them hit the window at a constant rate.
3) Shock value of the current situation caused the two ponies and even Spike to lose their sense of reason for a while. It happens during most apocalypse movies. The first day or two is just people panicking and staring at the unbelievable. Deer in headlights, the Americans say.
4) As for Rarity's screams, that is something to just leave there. It's just as annoying as the spelling mistakes, which I shall be working on right after I do the Chapter Readings with my staff.
Thanks for asking.

Ok. Those answers make sense. And spikes death did turn out be be plot relevant, preventing celestia from contacting twilight.
Thanks for taking the time to respond. I appreciate it.

4481045 If you want more, Season 2 is out now. I'm not done, yet. :)

THAT. WAS. AWESOME!!!!!!!! :rainbowkiss:
I can't wait for season two to finish. :rainbowwild:

As I've stated in an earlier comment:
"2) If you've ever seen Resident Evil, the movie where they are in the desert, those zombie ravens are where I got the idea for the zombie birds in this. They were able to break glass, being that if multiple of them hit the window at a constant rate.
3) Shock value of the current situation caused the two ponies and even Spike to lose their sense of reason for a while. It happens during most apocalypse movies. The first day or two is just people panicking and staring at the unbelievable. Deer in headlights, the Americans say.
4) As for Rarity's screams, that is something to just leave there. It's just as annoying as the spelling mistakes, which I shall be working on right after I do the Chapter Readings with my staff."

4858032 Spitfire had a scar on her face, indicating that Scootaloo did attack her and ran off. You must pay attention if you're going to analyze my work. Plus, I do have an editor. He's just been gone and hasn't been able to do much back work.

4858082 Oh, and for romance...eh...romance.......SHIPPING!

4858225 Thanks for the analyzing things that have been pointed out already, though. If only I could finish Season 2, I could edit this story before moving on to the next. I should really get this story edited before we start the animation.


Big Mac knows how to teleport.

Where do you get that? He shows up once in the chapter and never moved from the same location. What are you implying?

4858323 The first was way back in December, and I ditched the story for many months. My grammar has improven and I am currently searching for the mistakes to fix. I just fixed a few a little bit ago. Thanks for the rating, glad you enjoyed. Stay tuned for the next couple of seasons and the upcoming animation project of this series. :D

4858465 A) My editor has not touched this story. My apologies, that would be my grammar mistakes.
B) I don't do the animation. I only write the story. :raritywink:

4858257 if you could, make the animations as Anthro ponies or people. It would be a lot funner if they could stand on two legs and shot guns. But its your choice as to what happens.

4863958 They are technically episodes. Nice choice of words.

5033536 I'd hate to be that close friend/family member of yours that goes crazy during the apocalypse.

5974162 Gonna be honest, starting off this story, I was starting 9th grade and I wasn't that great. I didn't have the best of ideas. Now, I'm about to graduate 10th and I believe things have gotten fairly better as it continues to Season 3.

5974244 Whoa, hold on now. Your first comment acknowledged the fact that Twilight made a mistake. Now, you're saying it's Fluttershy's fault? Um...what do you mean? Fluttershy did honestly nothing to cause this. The worst she did was let Twilight try to bring Henry back to life, but that was only because Fluttershy, naturally, loves her animals and will do anything for them.

"As a viewer, we knew twilight was telling the truth about a visit from her future self, but no one outside her friends had real reason to go along with her." ~Luffyiscool
Concerning your comment on S1E03, I can't reply better. I'm just hitting the more realistic side.

5974244 And yes, I will admit: I was being lazy when I killed off Fluttershy. I'm not the best when it comes to her, alright? Plus, it seemed reasonable at the time.
And when I killed off Rarity, it practically started because she is honestly the least favorite of the mane six for me. But, to be fair, the first person that dies in a zombie movie or show, you usually don't care about too much. You didn't go through many episodes with them. You just saw them die and say "Hey...they're dead now."
And, like I said millions of times, watch Resident Evil: Extinction. The birds in that are fierce, deadly, and relentless. They are my inspiration for the undead birds that killed off Rarity and Spike.

I guess this could work as the "Theme" for Season 1.

can i do a reading of this, from season 1 to 3, and 4 as it updates?

i`ll use the "theme" for each season that i find in the comments

5991578 That's...actually cool. Given, it's been done before, but it was cancelled after Season 2. So, go for it. 1-Up it, bro.

5991852 thx, i`ll start setting up now

5991946 When ya get it, send me it. I'd love to see this.

5992265 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uRcUYGwUanY

i messed up on the intro music slightly...

and i can`t talk... and i had a voice crack at some point... and life...

also, this was only episode 1!!!

5995438 What do you use to record? And did you get the song on MP3 and import it into editing, or was this unedited?

5996183 i used screencast-O-matic and it wasn`t edited...

cause i can do that

5998016 If you want, I can help you out with editing and stuff. I've become pretty good at it after a year.


should i keep posting these links here, or not?

btw, this is part 2

5998809 yeah i could probably use some help with that...

i can`t edit. i tried once, and it was really bad.

Who thought of and did the ka-boom voice from black ops when you read it.

Also nice way to end a season.

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