• Member Since 5th Jun, 2013
  • offline last seen Yesterday

Sir Hat


Entry date: 2212. My name is Salem, I have been sent to survey each planet in this system as a part of a colonization effort. In the event of my death I have written this journal. I'm currently on approach to E-27 C, an eden world that looks to support life. This might be the answer to our prayers.

My arrival has also presented a change to be a messenger between two sisters, separated by some feud.

Chapters (3)
Comments ( 48 )

So... this is gonna be a feels story huh?

A bit too rushed in my opinion.

I like it but I agree with 3660647 it is a bit rushed.

Maybe, is quick write. Next two chapters should slow down.

Quite nice, I like it a lot.

He went from freaking out about hearing voices to hugging Luna in like 5 seconds.

Needs OC tag for human


I wouldn't say freaking out, just caught off guard to a large degree. And when you see Woona crying in front of you what do you do?

I will bring it back up when I finish next chapter.

Very interesting. My question is, if there are any transfer scenes (ex: going from one planet to another), are you going for realistic physics or typical movie/game physics where gravity is only prevalent on the surface of planets?

Realistic depiction, but I don't plan to focus on it too much in this one.

Wait wait wait...
So enslaved or killed?
Why not naturalized or something?
Ever heard of co-existence?

Will be explained...a lot will be explained.

You be fuuuuucked...

Very interesting. I think that you need to not rush it as much. Very interesting concept, though. I can easily see this being turned into a big story, capable of 100K words.

Dude. Slow down. Why would Celestia just violently throw an alien stranger into his ship for just fearful reasons. First contact could have been better. You could've described the planet as Hastings was going in, also why would he automatically land in Canterlot. All of Equestria to land in, but we go straight into the Capitol? Also he got over being abandoned by his superiors really fast.

I like this fic, but you need to slow down son.

I might have failed to mention that this is just a precursor story...I plan to make a full one at a later date. As for the abandonment: he's not abandoned if he delivers a planet which he has right in front of him.

Interesting premise--but given the scope of Equestrian and the number of sentient life forms per square mile I think the human race would be able to find a section where it could live without bumping shoulders with everyone...especially after be decimated by an alien invasion.

12 billion humans? We are fighting over land with 8...

3667299 12 billion? :twilightoops:

Sorry, must had missed that part. I thought it'd be less...I don't think the earth could sustain that many now let alone after an alien invasion.:fluttercry:

A lot is going to be discussed between our pioneer and a princess.

..This..is so sad...May Misery have mercy on my soul...

Wouldn't quite call this sad, but it is indeed somber.

Capitalize the chapter title

To quick to be sad, and it's got light...so yeah, somber would be the right word.

3669374 *too

Heil Grammatik

>If it's a successful fic

>If it bombs

Well fuck you guys...at least i got the drunk to fuck you J wofa

3669410 I feel caught in the crossfire

3669573 >conflicting avatar

Nice little story. Feels rushed, though.

I hope that a sequel that is more properly written will be published.

Not rushed, just paced like...well...like rabbits fucking...

So did humanity find another place to colonize on?

3671304 he didn't want to starve or suffocate

:moustache:SO FUCKING SAD i started crying.

Sad, but a tad rushed. I couldn't keep up with half of what was happening.

I have the feeling that i'm gonna cry when i read on. And i'm going to enjoy it.
By the way: HATS! Now they are even on equestrias moon!

a very heart warming story but creepy as fuck when you stop to think that she sleep next to a dead body for centuries

you git, you've shot me right in the feels...:raritydespair:

These felt a bit rushed but other than that, it was good.:scootangel:

Comment posted by NONEshallTell deleted Apr 1st, 2015

A good story, but feels a bit fast paced. Perhaps a bit more interaction between Luna, Hastings and Celestia near the end so he would come to his conclusion would have been nice. But over all a good fic with a somber tone. The image of filly Luna watching him fly off made me all teary eyed and thinking of how long she probably shook him after he offed himself, trying to get him to "wake up" is also incredibly saddening.

i don't think any of human's ships can survive sun slingshot.

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