• Published 28th Dec 2013
  • 3,355 Views, 16 Comments

Happy Hearth Warming's - FlameingToast

Fluttershy is invited to spend Hearth Warming's Eve with Applejack and Applebloom, as her own plans had been cancelled.

  • ...

Happy Hearth Warming's!

It was Hearth Warming's Eve in Ponyville, and everypony was outside enjoying the day. The small town was decorated with festive wreaths and lights. It was nearly impossible to find anypony without a smile on their face, even Fluttershy couldn't help but grin widely as she walked through town.

I love this time of year! Fluttershy thought as she trotted into the marketplace. The crisp air, the decorations- her thoughts were interrupted by a speeding blur that crashed into her. Fluttershy gave a yelp of surprise as she went flying backwards, and landed in the snow. Fluttershy looked up as two faces leaned over her.

"Sorry about that. Are ya okay?" Applebloom asked worriedly.

"Yeah," Scootaloo said standing next to Applebloom "sorry for sort of running you over."

"It's okay, I'm fine." Fluttershy said picking herself up "But you two should really be more careful, you might hurt yourselves or another pony." She shook of some snow that had stayed on her.

"We will!" Scootaloo said, immediately running back to her scooter.

"Yeah," Applebloom agreed "We'll be more careful." She was about to get on the back of the scooter when she heard a voice call out to her.

"Applebloom! Just where do ya think yer going?" Applejack said in a commanding tone, as she trotted over to her sister.

"Me and Scoots were gonna see if Sweetie Belle wanted to go Crusading." Applebloom replied.

"Sorry, but ya promised to help me decorate the house." Applejack said, as Applebloom began to protest. "Ah don't want ta hear any complaining! Ah let ya play with yer friends, and now it's time ta help."

"But Ah-" She started before Applejack fixed her with a stern glare. Defeated, Applebloom sighed and got off the scooter "Maybe next time Scootaloo."

Scootaloo shrugged "Yeah, I guess I'll see ya tomorrow." She then bolted on her scooter, narrowly missing various ponies as she shot down the street.

Applejack was about to tell her sister something when she noticed Fluttershy standing still next to them "Hey, Fluttershy! Happy Hearth Warming's Eve!" Applejack waved.

Fluttershy walked closer to Applejack "Happy Hearths Warming Eve to you too."

"Wait a second." Applejack said adopting a confused expression "Aren't ya supposed to be in Cloudsdale?"

Fluttershy nodded "I was going to, but my parents are going on a second honeymoon in Las Pegasus." She smiled "My mom always talked about how she would love to go there."

Applejack smiled "That's mighty sweet."

"So, what are ya doing for Hearths Warming Eve?" Applebloom piped up.

"Oh, well I guess I'm going to go home and see if the animals need anything." Fluttershy said.

"So, your telling me that you're going ta be spending Hearth's Warming Eve all alone?" Applejack asked incredulously.

Fluttershy shook her head "Well, I have all my animal friends."

Applejack shook her head "Ah meant other ponies! Ya can't spend the holidays alone!"" Applejack's eyes lit up as an idea came to her "Ya can stay at the farm with us!"

Fluttershy quickly shook her head "Oh no, I wouldn't want to be a bother. Besides, you want to spend Hearth's Warming with your family and I'd just get in the way."

Applejack laughed "What are ya talking about? You're one of mah best friends, and I can't just let you spend the holiday's alone!" She saw Fluttershy about to protest "Fluttershy, you're staying with me. No questions about it!"

"But-" Fluttershy started before Applebloom interrupted her.

"Yeah!" Applebloom nodded her head vigorously "It'll be fun if you stay with us!"

Fluttershy closed her mouth, realizing that she was no match for Applejack's stubbornness "Alright, if you're sure I won't be a bother."

Applejack rolled her eyes "What did Ah just say? Of course ya won't be a bother!"

Fluttershy nodded "If you're sure" Applejack sighed "Then I'd love to stay for Hearth Warming's."

Applebloom chuckled at Fluttershy's "Well, the farmhouse ain't gonna decorate itself!" She started running to Sweet Apple Acres "Let's go!"


"So, where are Granny Smith and Big Macintosh?" Fluttershy asked Applejack as she walked next to her. The three had started walking to Sweet Apple Acres as soon as Fluttershy was talked into staying. The Apple trees were mostly bare, and dead leaves layered the ground.

"Granny wanted ta go ta Appaloosa to meet an old friend of hers, and at first we all were going." Applejack replied "But we all couldn't go and leave the farm unattended for a few day's. So, Big Mac went with her."

They were almost in front of the farmhouse, and the wind was slowly picking up. They all shivered, before trotting onto the porch"C'mon!" Applebloom exclaimed as she almost ran into the front door "Ah wanna get these decorations up!"

"Alright Applebloom." Applejack said with a chuckle "Ah haven't see ya this excited ta set up decorations since ya were a little filly."

Applebloom rolled her eyes "Well, Ah haven't had a second sister ta spend Hearth Warming's with!"

"S-second sister!?" Fluttershy asked, caught off guard.

"Yeah!" Applebloom asked oblivious to Fluttershy's uncomfortableness "If yer going ta spend the holiday's with us, yer going ta be a honorary Apple!"

Applejack's smiled "That sounds like a great idea!" She nudged Fluttershy "Got any problems with that, 'sis'?"

Fluttershy gave a small laugh "No, I guess I don't."

"Yay!" Applebloom exclaimed, causing both Fluttershy and Applejack to giggle.

They all walked inside the house, and trotted into the living room.There was a large tree in the corner of the room, and a few boxes filled with various decorations. "Fluttershy," Applejack asked opening one of the boxes "Could ya help me put up this tinsel?"

"Sure." Fluttershy said trotting towards her friend.

Applebloom rummaged through the boxes, and took out as many decorations as she could carry. While Applejack and Fluttershy were hanging tinsel on the tree, Applebloom was plastering decorations wherever she could reach.


It took a little bit for Fluttershy to get comfortable. She would let Applejack and Applebloom put decorations around the house, and only participate when asked. After all, she didn't want to get between Applejack and Applebloom. But after two hours or so, she started having fun and laughing along with her 'sisters', as Applebloom loved to say.

"It looks good, doesn't it?" Applejack asked as she stood in the doorway of the living room. The large tree in the corner was covered in red and green tinsel, with small yellow lights. Above the fireplace there was three stockings, each with an initial sewn into them. Applejack had found a stocking that had no letter, and stitched a large F on it. The walls were adorned with wreaths, and several apple shaped ornaments.

"It does look really cozy." Fluttershy agreed.

"So," Applejack grinned "Why don't we celebrate with some cider?"

Applebloom gasped "Ya told me we were out of cider!"

Applejack grinned as she trotted in to the kitchen and brought out a small barrel "Nope, Ah had ta hide it from ya." She smirked playfully at Applebloom "Some ponies Ah know like ta sneak cider."

Applebloom rolled her eyes "It was one time!"

Applejack chuckled "Alright, why don't y'all get in front of the fireplace, and Ah'll be right back with some mugs."

"Okay." Fluttershy said as she trotted over to the fireplace, glad to feel it's warmth. It had gotten much colder outside, and being around the warming flames felt amazing. Applebloom sat down beside her, and yawned.

"Are you getting tired?" Fluttershy said noticing that Applebloom's eyelids were drooping.

Applebloom shook her head, but another yawn gave her away "Ah might be just a little bit tired." Her eyes snapped open "But Ah'm fine."

Fluttershy chuckled "Really? It looks to me like you're barely sitting up." Applebloom stuck her tongue out. Applejack trotted into the room and sat beside Applebloom.

She placed a mug in front of Fluttershy, and then poured Applebloom a mug. As they were drinking the tasty hot drink, Applejack poured herself some. They all sat in silence, enjoying the warmth of the fire and the cider. But most of all, they were enjoying each others presence. Everything seemed to be right, they were all comfortable and happy. Most of all Fluttershy was glad. Glad for her friends, glad for their kindness, glad for-

Her thoughts were interrupted by a loud snore next to her. Fluttershy looked over and found Applebloom slumped over, snoring loudly. Applejack chuckled quietly and whispered "Ah'll be right back." She picked up Applebloom and placed her on the couch, she then threw a blanket over her and planted a light kiss on her forehead.

She trotted back to the fireplace, and sat closer to Fluttershy. She started to shiver "Ah didn't think it would get this cold tonight."

Fluttershy looked around and spotted a large red blanket, she picked it up and put it next to Applejack "Here's a blanket if you want it."

Applejack saw Fluttershy shiver a little and smiled "Ah got an idea. We can share the blanket."

Fluttershy felt her cheeks start to turn red "Umm," She paused "O-okay..." normally the idea of sharing a blanket and being very close to another pony made her uncomfortable and nervous, and to an extent she was. But after the day she had with Applejack, it almost felt...right?

Applejack scooted closer to Fluttershy until they were almost touching, and threw the blanket over both of them. Fluttershy felt the warmth of Applejack next to her, and started to feel flustered. What's wrong with me? I was fine a minute ago, and now I'm getting nervous again.

Applejack looked towards Fluttershy "So, how did ya like spending Hearth Warming's eve with me and Applebloom?"

Fluttershy blushed "Well, it was really fun, It was very nice of you to invite me over, and spending time with you was great."

Applejack grinned "Well, I loved having you stay with us too." She moved closer to Applejack and gave Fluttershy a small hug "You're pretty much family ta me anyways."

Fluttershy blushed madly, and stared at the floor. her heart was pounding, and the feeling of Applejack's hooves around her felt amazing. It was such a comforting and nice feeling, that when Applejack made to pull away Fluttershy uttered a small "Don't."

"Huh?" Applejack said confusedly "Don't what?"

Fluttershy couldn't meet Applejack's eyes "Don't stop hugging me, if that's okay with you." Her face was as red as an apple. "It,uh...it feels really nice."

It was Applejack's turn to blush "Uh, alright then." She continued to hold Fluttershy, and they both just stared into the fire. Fluttershy gave Applejack a sideways look, and noticed that she had taken off her signature hat and band that kept her mane in a ponytail. Her long golden mane cascaded behind her, and a stray lock of hair fell slightly on her face.

Fluttershy was in awe with her beauty. She had known that her friend was pretty, but not until now had she never looked at friend in a way other than a friend. Calm down Fluttershy, she told herself, don't stare at her. she's your friend for Celestia's sake! She's also wonderful, kind, honest, cute, and beautiful mare.

"Uh, Fluttershy?" Applejack asked startling Fluttershy out of her thoughts "Can Ah ask ya why ya want me ta cuddle ya?"

"O-oh..." Fluttershy stammered, she turned to face Applejack and found herself face to face with pools of emerald. "Uhm..." Fluttershy was at a loss for words.

Applejack frowned slightly "What's wrong Fluttershy?"

Fluttershy turned away from her "N-nothings wrong."

Applejack frowned "Alright Fluttershy, what's bothering ya? Ah want the truth."

"T-the tr-truth?" Fluttershy asked nervously, noticing Applejack's stern but caring expression. Fluttershy took a deep breath "Well, I guess I just fully realized something that I've been feeling for a while." Her gaze was fixated on the floor "You being so kind, taking me in...it all sort of made me realize how I feel about you. You're beautiful,kind, and trustworthy."

She sighed "I guess what I'm trying to say is that...I think I might like you more than a friend." She stopped talking, unable to say anymore. After a few seconds of silence, Fluttershy was sure she had did something wrong. Good going Fluttershy! You probably just ruined your friendship with Applejack.

Fluttershy felt tears starting to well up in her eyes "Forget I said anything...I was just being stupid." Fluttershy tried to stop herself, but she felt a few tears start to run down her face.

"Now, how ere ya being stupid?" Applejack whispered. Fluttershy didn't look up until Applejack put her hoof under her chin and lifted Fluttershy's head up.

Fluttershy looked in to Applejack's eyes, feeling stupid for saying anything and feeling sad because Applejack obviously didn't feel the same way. Applejack repeated her question again "why did ya think ya were being stupid?"

Fluttershy took a deep breath, her vision blurring slightly from her tears "I know that you could never like somepony like me, and I probably messed up our friendship too."

Applejack gave a small comforting smile and shook her head "Ya didn't ruin anything sugarcube, if ya haven't noticed; Ah'm not mad."

Fluttershy's expression turned hopeful "So, you're not mad at me for saying those things?"

Applejack shook her head and leaned closer to Fluttershy "Nope, if anything Ah'm happy ya told me the truth." She was now face to face with Fluttershy "And ta tell the truth, Ah don't think what ya said was stupid, Ah thought it was real sweet." Applejack closed the distance between herself and Fluttershy, and kissed her. Fluttershy's eyes shot open at the feelings of Applejack's lips against her own. Fluttershy felt shocked for a moment before closing her eyes and leaning into the kiss. Fluttershy felt like time had stopped, and when Applejack pulled away, Fluttershy's eyes opened and she stared at Applejack.

"Awww!" Applebloom said with a grin "You two are adorable!"

Fluttershy and Applejack gave a start, and tuned around to see Applebloom looking at them. They adopted deep red blushes, and tried to say something, anything to make the situation less awkward.

"Wh-what are ya doing up!?" Applejack said stammering slightly.

Fluttershy just stayed still, hoping by some miracle she would turn invisible, or melt through the floor. Applebloom chuckled "Ya two look like you've seen a ghost!" She stopped laughing and settle for a large grin "But ya two make a cute couple! When are ya getting married?".

"MARRIED!?" Applejack and Fluttershy exclaimed.

"We haven't even gone on a date yet!" Fluttershy said.

"Applebloom, just what the hay are ya talking about!?" Applejack said, flustered.

Applebloom giggled "Alright, Ah'll stop teasing if ya two promise to be more quiet. Yer passionate love confessions woke me up." Applebloom lied back down on the couch, and within minutes was snoring.

Applejack and Fluttershy stared at each other for a moment before lying back down next to each other.

"Ah'm so sorry for that..." Applejack said.

Fluttershy grinned a little moving closer to Applejack "It's okay, I'm more happy than embarrassed right now."

Applejack smirked "Really? Ah think Ah'm pretty embarrassed right now. At least Big Macintosh didn't see us, Ah'd never hear the end of it."

Fluttershy nodded "Yeah, I'm glad he didn't see all that." She giggled softly, before yawning. Applejack noticed and wrapped her hooves around Fluttershy.

"We can talk more tomorrow, but for now let's get some sleep." Applejack said, nuzzling Fluttershy's cheek.

Fluttershy shakily nodded "Y-yeah, tomorrow we'll talk about this more." She paused for a moment in thought, before planting a light kiss on Applejack's cheek.

"Happy Hearth Warming's, Fluttershy." Applejack yawned, closing her eyes.

"Happy Hearth Warming's, to you too..." Fluttershy trailed off as her eyes closed. the two ponies drifted off to sleep, reveling in the warm embrace of one another, and the warmth of the small fire in front of them.

Comments ( 16 )

I can't find much flaws. Excellent job, well constructed. Looking forward to more stories by you.

The only odd thing is that the fiction seems somewhat rushed :ajsmug:

Well I'm glad you enjoyed it:ajsmug:

aaaw that was so cute :twilightsmile:

I think I like the way that this went with the shipping, it was nice and even though the feelings are mutual, like most shipfics, it's believable and closer to how I think they would act. I like the slower romance stuff. Cuddling is cute.

Dawwwwww... I think I just melted from the adorableness of this! And honestly it hit a heart string with me because me and my best friend have had moments very very similar to this minus the kissing part. :ajsmug: + :yay: forever! :heart:

Thanks, I'm very glad that you enjoyed the story:pinkiehappy:

All i can say is we need more AppleShy. they are so cute together. :raritywink:
Good story not anything piratically wrong that i noticed.
A nice little 9/10 from me. :scootangel:
:ajsmug: :heart: :yay:

Yep, the world needs some more Appleshy:yay::heart::ajsmug:. I'm glad you enjoyed the story:twilightsmile:

Adorable AppleShy is always wonderful, and this fits the bill. I love how patient Applejack is with Fluttershy and how slow their relationship would progress. I'm a sucker for cute cuddling, especially if it's between these two. :ajsmug::heart::yay:

Gave a look to another of your stories and...

Fluttershy was in awe with her beauty. She had known that her friend was pretty, but not until now had she never looked at friend in a way other than a friend. Calm down Fluttershy, she told herself, don't stare at her. she's you're friend for Celestia's sake! She's also wonderful, kind, honest, cute, and beautiful mare.



"But ya two make a cut couple! When are ya getting married?".


Alright, I'll fix those right away.

that was so cute it hurt! :heart:

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