• Published 15th Mar 2012
  • 1,042 Views, 28 Comments

Tyro's Tail - RainbowsAreMagic

A human-turned-pony struggles to find his place in Equestria.

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Chapter 5: Decisions

Tyro awoke to the sound of arguing, in a small room. Judging by the contents, this appeared to be Twilight's own sleeping area. There would be time enough to look around later, though.

For the moment, Tyro was more interested in hearing what that arguement was about. With the rest, the pain had gone down, and he shakily rose to his feet. Unused to this new body, he unsteadily walked a few steps toward the main room, until he could clearly hear the voices.

"He has to go back! Remember what he told you about his people?" This speaker was unfamiliar, but that didn't really surprise Tyro any. "By his own admission, they lack the harmony we share here—"

At this point, Tyro felt obliged to cut in. Stepping into view, and walking towards the group, he said calmly, "The point you make is a valid one. Twilight, you know the most of anyone here about Equestria's history. Can you describe what Equestria would have been, without the Wendigos forcing cooperation?"

Twilight shuddered for a moment. "We all know the story of Equesria's founding. The fighting, the jealousy, the hate. The three races despised each other, hating their inter-dependence. The wendigos made all that impossible. Without them... our world would still be that way today. Our friendship would have been impossible."

Everyone shuddered at that prospect, but it was Tyro who spoke. "Aye. And so for thousands of years, my people have waged war upon each other. They made new weapons, each more powerful than the last. Even one of them would be enough to level Canterlot and render the area uninhabitable for thousands of years."

Rarity was horrified. "Of all the worst things that could happen, this is The! Worst! Possible! Thing!" She promptly collapsed onto a convenient red couch.

Tyro was distracted from wondering exactly where the couch came from by a worried question from Twilight. "You're saying you could destroy all of Canterlot?!"

"No, no!" As he received seven relieved looks, he quickly explained. "The materials to create such weapons are nearly impossible to find, not to mention the difficulty of making the device itself. I have neither the knowledge nor the skill to create such weapons of destruction. Nor would I, even if I could."

A collective sigh of relief rose from the assembled ponies, but Tyro looked terrible. "I weep for the future of my home. A day will come when my people finally destroy themselves, leaving the whole world a barren wasteland."

Pinkie Pie refused to accept this depression. "I know what'll cheer you up! We should throw a party! A welcome-the-new-pony-from-another-world-who-isn't-going-to-kill-us-all party! ...or maybe just the first part."

Twilight spoke up. "Pinkie, we should not discuss Tyro's origin so openly," she warned. "Other ponies might not be as welcoming as we are. It might be best if we just say he's from somewhere far away and leave it at that. I don't think anyone will try to make him talk about it if he doesn't want to. Not even the Cutie Mark Crusaders." She grinned.

As Tyro chuckled, Rainbow Dash jumped in. "What is your cutie mark, anyw..." His voice trailed off as he saw Tyro's unmarked flank.

"There are no cutie marks where I come from. People just have to guess and hope they're right. Sometimes they are, but sometimes they aren't."

Rainbow Dash was at a loss. "I, uh, I didn't know that. That must be terrible, not to know your purpose."

Twilight reassured her friend. "Don't worry, you couldn't have known. I'm sure Tyro will find his calling soon enough. He might even end up with magic as his talent, like me."

At this, Tyro jumped. "M-magic? What do you mean? I don't have magic, you told me that back in my world..."

Twilight giggled, pulling out a mirror and holding it so Tyro could see his reflection. "You didn't then, but you do now. You're a unicorn, silly! Of course you have magic! What's wrong, Tyro?"

Tyro looked confused. "Doesn't that mean I have to go to magic school?"

"Naw, don't be silly. I'm sure we can work something out. Maybe I could teach you. I still owe you for helping me get back here, after all. I'll ask Celestia if it's okay when I tell her about you."

"I already did." Spike coughed up a scroll. "Wow, that was a fast response. Let's see... It's addressed to Tyro! Looks like this is for you, new guy." He tossed the scroll over towards Tyro, who read it.

"Princess Celestia says that she would like to meet me to discuss my future at my earliest convenience. She also says that should I remain here, Twilight will be responsible for my magical training." Twilight jumped a little at that, then smiled. "She also wants to make sure that no more humans get into Equestria the way I did, so she wants to see Twilight Sparkle as well, with a copy of the spell used to get her back here. Well then. Oh, there's more. Princess Luna has also expressed an interest in my presence here, and would also like to attend this meeting."

A long moment came and went, before Twilight sighed, looking guilty. "I bet I'm going to be in trouble over this one. I don't think anypony has messed up this bad since... since... forever! She'll be so mad at me... She'll make me go back to... Magic Kindergarten!"

There was a collective gasp heard from everypony in the room. The last time Twilight had been so worried, it had been a disaster, and her friends feared the chance of a repeat performance.

Spike interrupted the suspenseful moment by coughing up another letter. "Hey, this one's for me. 'Dear Spike, please reassure my faithful student that I will not be sending her back to magic kindergarden. With regards, Princess Celestia.'"

Even Twilight had to laugh a little at that.