• Published 15th Mar 2012
  • 1,048 Views, 28 Comments

Tyro's Tail - RainbowsAreMagic

A human-turned-pony struggles to find his place in Equestria.

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Tyro's Letter

Chapter 10: Tyro's Letter

Princess Celestia was startled when a heavy scroll appeared in front of her, sealed with black wax. Luna was much more surprised at the seal, however. "Has the black seal become meaningless in my thousand years away? Do ponies now use it so casually?"

"I'm afraid not, my sister. We should discuss this privately, I think. Perhaps in Twilight's old tower?" Princess Luna agreed, and the two flew out of the court, up to the old tower.

Once they had entered, Luna silenced the room, then expressed her concern. "So this really is..."

"Yes. A threat to all Equestria."

"We'll, let's see it then!" Luna broke the seal, a number of papers spilling out onto the floor. Luna unrolled the scroll the rest of the way, and began to read.

Dear Princess Celestia and Princess Luna,

It saddens me to affix a black seal to this message, but it is warrented. A new threat to Equestria has indeed appeared. I don't know what it is, or how it works, but though the observations of myself, Spike, and my recruited helpers, I have determined what it does.

My prior suspicion was completely wrong. These shifts are nothing like Discord's corruption, and are, in a way, even worse. What seems to be going on is some sort of magic resonating between the Elements of Harmony, resulting in temporary but complete reversals of personality. As time passes, these reversals are becoming more and more frequent. Twilight seems to be the most affected, with her magic becoming increasingly unpredictable every day, her attempts at reversing it only making it worse.

I don't know where to go from here. I have included the Crusaders' observations as well as Spike's. I hope you can understand this better than I can, or we may all be lost.

Your Loyal Spymaster,


Report 1 - Rarity Generosity - Agent Sweetie
Rarity unwilling to give me a few bits for cupcakes; abnormal behavior noted. Offered some flawed gems to Spike when he came by; behavior typical.

Report 2 - Rarity Generosity - Agent Sweetie
Rarity seems stressed, but behaviour is normal. Sent me to Sugarcube Corner with several bits to pick out something for each of us; behavior uncommon. Chewed out customer for making common request; promptly ran to apologize, offered to do it for free.

Report 3 - Rarity Generosity - Agent Sweetie
Rarity somewhat stressed, highly aggressive. Keeping distance. Seems highly possessive.


Report 1 - AJ Honesty - Agent Apple
AJ suspects nothing. This alone is a sign that something is wrong, because normally she can smell a lie at 50 feet. No evidence of any form of deception by AJ. Seems worried, however.

Report 2 - AJ Honesty - Agent Apple
AJ broke a tool today, but lied about what happened. Later seen jumping up and down, reason unknown.

Report 3 - AJ Honesty - Agent Apple
AJ visibly distracted but aggressively denies any kind of problem. Behavior very abnormal. Seems preoccupied.


Report 1 - RD Loyalty - Agent Scoot
Nothing to report.

Report 2 - RD Loyalty - Agent Scoot
Nothing to report, but saw Fluttershy chewing out small woodland creatures. Later returned with treats, possibly to make amends.

Report 3 - RD Loyalty - Agent Scoot
RD agrees to help Fluttershy with unknown task (possibly garden-related) but leaves part way through. Comes back later to apologize, Fluttershy chews her out viciously. Kept distance from confrontation for safety reasons.


Report 1 - Twilight Magic - Agent Spike
Twilight accidentally shattered an inkwell today, but was later unable to lift a single book.

Report 2 - Twilight Magic - Agent Spike
Problems seem to come and go. Successfully cast spells seem to trigger magical difficulties.

Report 3 - Twilight Magic - Agent Spike
The more Twilight tries to fix her magic, the more problems it develops. Almost completely dysfunctional by end of day.

Immediate Action Recommended.

Princess Celestia looked to her sister with unease. "Have you ever heard of something like this happening before?"

Luna was as worried as Celestia, admitting no knowledge of such a problem ever happening before. "Although," she said worriedly, "There are connections between each of the Elements that allow them all to work together. Whatever this is could be travelling along those connections."

Celestia jumped in. "And that's why it's only the holders of the Elements who are affected! But knowing that the elements aren't working won't help us fix them!"

"I'm afraid there's nothing we can do, Celestia. Not even my Nightmare form was able to stand up to the Elements of Harmony. For us to try such a thing would be suicide. It will have to be up to the bearers themselves to fix this one, I'm afraid. We can only hope."

"But we can't just sit here and do nothing! There must be some way we can help!"

"I'm sorry, Celestia, but we must. I learned on the moon that sometimes things should be left alone. A hundred changes I would have made, that I later discovered would have sent a hundred causes to their doom."

"Come on, sister. We have things we must do here in Canterlot."