• Published 30th Dec 2013
  • 1,179 Views, 115 Comments

When I came to Equestria (Cancelled) - RainbowCoolDash Pariah

When I came to Equestria I was scared and didn't know where I was, that when Twilight Sparkle came into my life. For the first few week I was scared, but Twilight kept me happy.

  • ...

Chapter 2

Author's Note:

Thank Derec mc coy for writing another great chapter. I give him lot up props for helping me. Derec mc coy will be on vacation for 2 weeks so there won't be an update till then.

Please let me and Derec mc coy know if there should be changes. We will fix them

“Darling? Are you alright?” I heard in Rarity’s voice.

I woke up and found myself on a couch in Rarity’s boutique. “wha… what happened?” I asked weakly.

“You fainted.” Rarity said. I scratched my head and tried to remember what happened before I fainted.

“Why?” I asked. I closed my eyes held my head. I had a terrible headache.

“You don’t remember?” she chuckled.

“I… I remember that I came to you, and told you how I felt, and about this morning… and then you said it was…” I widen my eyes as I remember what Rarity said. “Love…” I whispered. And I almost fainted again.

“That’s right James. I am not sure, but according to your declaration, I say that you have a crush on Twilight.”

“No, no this can’t be.” I said. I grabbed my head and walked stressfully around. “This is bad…”

“What’s the problem darling?” Rarity asked. “isn't love beautiful?”

“Yeah, yeah. It’s nice and all.” I said and I took a seat again. “But not this love.”

“Why not?” Rarity grabbed comforted my shoulder.

“See… I… I am a human.” I said. “And even if I love her… I…” I rested my eyes on my hands. And started to cry. “I can’t be in love with her. That would be so silly.”

Rarity hugged me a bit tighter. “Don’t be affright James.” She levitated a tissue with her magic and wept my tears away. And smiled a little bit.

“Affright?” I jumped away and walk around in the room. “Do you have any idea of how bad things can turn out?”

Rarity’s eyes grew confused. “James?” she asked me a bit worried. “How long did you sleep?”

“Two or three hours.” I said.

“And yesterday?” she asked and she walked toward me.

“Four hours.” I said. Rarity grabbed my shoulder and brought me back to the couch.

“Darling.” She began, and we sat down. “you are clearly overreacting. Take a nap and then think about it. Because you are the only one who can say for sure that you’re in love.”

I nodded slightly. “Okay then.”

So as Rarity said, I took a nap. I laid myself on Rarity’s couch and closed my eyes.

“Just relax. And you will see that, when you slept well, you will feel better.” Rarity said, right before I tumbled into sleep. The last thing I remember before I fell asleep was how Rarity tucked me in and I thanked her.

It must be hours later when I woke up. Because I saw how Rarity closed the curtains and the door. I sat up and rubbed in my eyes.

“Oh, good evening dear. Did you sleep well?” Rarity asked.

“Evening?” I asked surprised. And I watched the clock. “Five o’clock’

“Well yeah silly.” She chuckled. “You really needed that sleep.”

Just as I wanted to react to that, a grumbling noise from my tummy interrupted me.
“Hum… you’re hungry.” Rarity said.

“Yeah.” I nodded. Then I realized something. “Eating…” I slapped myself in the face. “I promised to make dinner.” I jumped up and rushed to the door. But returned to Rarity.
“Thanks for help.” And I opened the door and ran out.

“WAIT” Rarity yelled.

I peeked my head back in the room. “Yeah?”

“Take her out for dinner. At that way, you can figure out or it’s love, and you don’t have to cook.”

“Genius.” I said. And ran to the library.

Rarity shook her head slowly. “That guy is in love.”

I rushed into the house.
“Hello James. Where have you been?” a lavender unicorn asked.

“Oh… Twilight… you… you’re b…back…” I said surprised.
“Yeah, But Spike is still in Canterlot. He stays there for the night. He needs to do some research.” She said.

“Oh. Okay.” I chuckled.

“So, where is that dinner you promised?” Twilight walked to the kitchen. “I am so hungry.”

“Right, Dinner. Well, see…” I scratched the back of my head “I planned to take you out for dinner.”

“Oh, to a restaurant? I’d love that. It’s been such a long time since I did that.” Twilight came back from the kitchen.

“Yeah, I love that too.” I said. “So... we’re going right now?”

“Okay.” Twilight smiled. And she stepped right next to me. “Let’s go.”

When she stood next to me, I lost myself for a moment. That heavenly smell was back.
“James?” I heard Twilight say.

“Oh, sorry.” I scratched the back of my head. “I was wondering what I would order…”

Twilight looked a bit confused as we walked to the door together. “But we still have to leave.” She said.

“Well, you better be prepared.” I smiled.

Twilight smirked too. “That’s true.”

The walk to the restaurant was awkwardly silence. But the walk when we arrived, things got a bit more relaxed. And she started to talk about her day in Canterlot.

We sat down at our table and the waiter came to us, so we could order something to drink.
“So… what did Celestia want you to do?” I asked when we got our drinks and ordered our food.

“Well, it seems that somepony broke into the archive.” Twilight said. “So she asked me to help figure out which scroll was stolen.”
“Oh… okay.” I said. “And did you find it?”

“No. that’s just the problem.” Twilight said a bit upset. “We can’t find it. That’s why Spike is still in Canterlot. The only reason I came back is because you promised me dinner.”

I felt a bit guilty when she said that. “You didn’t have to come back for me…”

“Of course I did. I promised you to be back. I said that this morning. Remember?” Twilight said.

“So that’s where she was talking about this morning.” I thought by myself. I thought for a while. “Say. How did they break in?”

“Through the window, and then forced the lock.” Twilight said. “And the one who did this could be long inside, because there is a guard there every five minutes.”

“They don’t break in that often?” I asked.

“What? No. that’s mean and rude. Why would somepony break in?” Twilight asked.

“Where I came from, people break in all the time.” I said.

At that moment, our dinner got served.
“So, we’re used to it, and know how we have to find the one who did it.” I continued.

Twilight looked a bit sorrow. “Such a rude world you live in.”

“Yeah, But I mess it sometimes.” I said. “Anyway, look around for some hoofprints and compare it to all the guards. Then, you ask them what they did last night. Make sure you controlled all the guards who had to work.”

“Why only the guards?” Twilight asked.

I smiled my genius smile. “Because if you’re in and out in five minutes means that you’re real lucky. Or that you know where it was.”

Twilight smiled. “Wow, that’s pretty smart actually.” She smiled happily. “I think you just put us on the right track.” And she smiled even harder and put her front hoof on my hand upon the table. “See, that’s why I like you as a friend. You think differently.”

My blood pumped real fast when her hoof touched me. My heart bumped faster and I felt my cheeks got red. “Now I’m sure.” I thought. “I love her”