• Published 30th Dec 2013
  • 1,180 Views, 115 Comments

When I came to Equestria (Cancelled) - RainbowCoolDash Pariah

When I came to Equestria I was scared and didn't know where I was, that when Twilight Sparkle came into my life. For the first few week I was scared, but Twilight kept me happy.

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Chapter 3

It was again seven o’clock when I woke up. But I wasn't tired, or chagrined like every usual Monday morning.

I shove the curtains aside and opened the window, so I could breathe in the fresh air of the morning. I hopped downstairs while I whistled a happy song.

Twilight looked surprised when I met her in the kitchen. “so, you’re happy this morning.” She said. And I poured some tea in her cup.
I only smiled and danced around her to get in the fridge. “You have no idea.” And I put my head into the fridge and searched for some lefts of yesterday.

“Say.” Twilight started. “I need to go to Canterlot again. You know… with the robbery and all. And do you want to come along? We can use your knowledge.”

I turned around with a bottle of milk in my hands. “Sure. Why not?” I tried to hide my excitement. I was more than pleased to spend the whole day with Twilight.

“Then it’s settled then.” Twilight smiled. “But you need to get dressed first.”

I looked a bit confused and looked at myself. I was standing in my underwear. “Oops.” I blushed and I ran back upstairs to get some cloths. On my run back, I heard Twilight giggling at me. “Just forget that sight.” I yelled back.

A few moments later, I came back in the kitchen. I was dressed this time.
“There you are.” Twilight said. “You’re ready to leave?”
“What? Already?” I asked astonished.

“Yeah silly.” Twilight giggled. “When else?”

“I don’t know.” I said a sarcastic way. “Maybe… after breakfast?”

Twilight pointed at a basket. “I made some hay sandwiches”

I smiled with big joy. “You’re awesome. You know that?”

With that, I made her smile, which gave me a great feeling.
So, as she said, we went to the train station. On our way, we talked about the stuff Twilight already found about the case.

Although it was a boring talk, I still enjoined it. And before I even realized, we were in Canterlot. I took a sandwich, and together, we walked to the castle. On our way, we stopped for some useless chit chat which I totally forgot.

“Twilight, I’m glad you’re back.” Princess Celestia welcomed us when we came into the throne room. “And James, Good to see you too.”
I greeted her back, and so did Twilight. “Any news of the missing scrolls?” Twilight asked.

“Spike found something earlier this morning. I was just about to go to him and see what he has found.” Celestia answered.

“Well then. We’d better check it out.” Twilight said. And we walked to the archives.

“so James, What did you cooked, if I may ask?” Celestia asked.

“What do you mean?” I said. And we turned around the corner.

“Twilight told me that you would prepare dinner, yesterday.” Celestia smiled.
“Oh, that. Well, I cooked nothing.” I said.

“Nothing?” Celestia asked a bit chocked.

“Nope. I took her out to the best restaurant I could find.” I said. I didn't say something about the fact that I forgot the dinner. She didn't have to know.

Celestia smiled even brighter than before. “Good to hear that.” She opened a door with her magic. “And farther? I assume that you’re suited into Ponyville by now?”

“Oh, yes. No more problems.” I said. “Thanks to her.” And I wrapped my arm around Twilight.

“Stop it.” Twilight smiled sheepishly. “You did most by yourself.”

Celestia opened the last door to the archives. When it was open, I saw the door on my left had a forced lock. And the next window was broken.
We stepped into the hallway where Spike was in.
“Princess Celestia.” Spike bowed. “I found something. Well actually, I didn't find something, because it wasn't here, which means that it’s lost or stolen…”

“I understand Spike.” Celestia cut off. “Tell us, which scroll is stolen?”

“A scroll called ‘radar love’” Spike told us.

“Just like golden earring.” I laughed.

Twilight looked with a cocked eye to me.

“Golden Earring? A popular music band? Sure, they are a bit old now, but there song called ‘Radar love’ is still doing great in the hit lists…” I looked around and saw three confused eyes staring at me. “It’s… something from where I came from…” I trailed of.
“Anyway…” Spike continued. “The scroll is meant to see love.”

“To see love?” Twilight asked.

“Actually, to detect love. With the spell, you can find the biggest source of love.” Celestia explained. “But who in the world would steal this?”

I walked to the lock and scanned it. “Say.” I began. “Did someone touched this lock lately?”

“No.” Twilight responded. “We just saw it’s broken. Which means that, whoever did this, forced it.”

I sighed. “You ponies don’t know anything of breaking in. do ya?”

Celestia turned around and was a little bit upset by my comment. “Okay then. What do you suggest.”

I smiled and felt a bit like a leader at this moment. “give me a list of every pony who worked here, at the day of the crime. And a list of everypony who knows his way around here, in the library. Compare it, and put all matches in a list, and give that one to me too. Secondly. Let someone watch at this lock. Look for hair, hoofprints, and other stuff which personalize ponies” I walked to the window and laughed out loud.

“What’s so funny?” Spike asked.

“You all told me that the one who did this, broke in via the window. Right?”

“Of course, It’s obvious. Not?” Celestia said.

“Look at it.” and I pointed at the ground. “No glass-splinters at the inside” and I put my head trough the broken window. “And a lot outside,” I popped my head back and smiled. “He didn’t came in via the window. He left via the window.”

After that statement, Celestia put me in charge of the crime. I gave the commands to a few guards and within an hour, I had my lists. I and Twilight sat in the kitchen, watching the lists and eating a bit.

“Okay. So, private Sunflower was responsible for the left wing, where the archive was located. At the day of the crime. And, she used to help the librarian of the archives sometimes, which means that she knows her way around there.” I said.

Twilight poured some tea in a cup by levitating the pot her magic. “But. She claims that Commander Butch Flowers gave her free that evening. And that she was home, the night of the crime”

“And the commander says he didn’t gave her free, and Sunflowers checked herself in at that certain night, but never checked out.” I responded.

“I don’t get it.” Twilight sighed. “It can’t be that they are both telling the truth, but the lying detector spell says that they both do tell the truth.”

I nodded. “Strange, but I have a theory…”

“Seriously? Tell me.” Twilight said.

“No, no. I just want to wait until I’m completely certain.” I answered. And at that moment, a royal guard came in with a glass-jar in his aura. “We found something.”

“And what?” I said back.

“This was in the room, Close to the door with the forced lock.” He said. And he showed the jar with a feather in it.
“Another thing.” Twilight said. “Leaving the archives via the window is understandable. But Sunflower had a key. So, why would she force the lock?”

I ignored it and focused on the feather. “The same color as Sunflower.” I said.

“You can’t deny it anymore.” Twilight said. “Sunflower did it.”

I smiled and took the feather out the jar. “or…” I slapped the feather at the edge of the table. Al of a sudden. The feather caught green fire and turned into, something that looks a bit like thick, dark plastic foil. “a changeling.”

I ran exited to the Throne room with a confused Twilight behind me. “What?” I heard her questioning. “What are you talking about?”
“Just wait” I told him. “I will explain everything.”

I slammed the doors open and stepped to princess Celestia. “I figured it all out.” I said proudly.

Celestia was a bit chocked, but smiled brightly when she got the message. “Please James. Tell me.”

“There is a changeling. And he, or she, changed into Commander Butch Flower. And gave Private Sunflower free for the night. Then, the changeling changed into Sunflower, and checked herself in, because everypony expected her to be here.” I said. “That’s how he, or she, got in.” I looked around to be sure that everypony got it. “Then” I continued. “He, or she, realized that he, or she, didn't steal the key. So he, or she, had to force the lock. And because the changeling was the guard self, gave him, or her, enough time to look for the scroll. After that, he or she wanted to get out as fast as possible, so he, or she broke the window and flew away.”

“But why the spell? And why a changeling?” Celestia asked.

“As far as I know, changelings never attacked or did something to ponies.” Twilight added.

“I read a bit about changeling. They’re feeding themselves with the love of others.” I said.

“And with the spell, they can find bigger proportions of it.” Celestia said.

“Which means…?” I stopped a moment to create a dramatic moment “they’re hungry.”

The next morning, Twilight and I were heading back to Ponyville. Celestia said that she could handle it from now on, but warn us, if she figures out what the changelings are up to. But until that day, I gonna try to figure out what Twilight thinks about me.

Author's Note:

Here it is Chapter three which is much longer than the other one. So enjoy.

Thank you Derec mc coy for you help.