• Published 10th Jan 2014
  • 655 Views, 133 Comments

Same Life New World - Whiskey Drops

A year and a half later, the family grew about another Apple. Lowell, and his family are happy but baddies lurk.

  • ...

Canterlot Fiasco

~~~~~Canterlot Fiasco~~~~

Alot of files flying around in the ESPS HQ today, that or the fact Lowell was the one taking up the files and moving them place to place. This was his job for now till he was sent on solo missions or with Applejack or any other agents.

“Buck....tons of files...I hate files.....” Lowell muttered as he pushed the cart along as ponies just tossed their files in.

“Thaaaats right pile it up.......maaaan. “Lowell said as he finally entered the file room.

Lowell slowly but surly finished the whole file fiasco, File duty sucks.....but its better than being Pinkie Pie's personal boxing bag for sure. Lowell thought to himself. He was making his way towards the exit to get back home till he was called on by Daring Do, he made his way back though the base towards her office.

“Wonder what the big D wants..” Lowell asked himself just before he entered her office.

“There you are kid....listen I got an easy mission for you....Its a request from Vinyl that she wanted some pony to watch over Octavia while she is away.”Daring said as Lowell stood there wide eyed.

“The...Octavia!.......W-when do I leave!?.....” Lowell said with a large grin on his face.

“Whoa easy kid, you go in the morning and will be there for two days at least....Vinyl said she would be back pretty soon.” Daring said as she slides some files off to the side.

Needless to say Lowell was pretty excited that he could meet his top favorite musician in Equrestria, even though it was a solo mission it sound simple enough to just watch over her. Lowell made his way back to the farm after his small duty, to be greeted by an excited Paint Drop with a flier of some kind.

“D-daddy! C-can we g-go to the art s-s-show in Cant-Canterlot please!?” Paint was asking as she was looking up at her father holding the flier.

“Sure...when does it start?” Lowell said with a smile.

“I-in a couple of day, c-can we go?” Paint asked again as he smiled.

“Sure. I'm actually going in the morning we can stay till the show is over....sound like a plan?”Lowell said as the filly hugged his leg smiling.

Applejack walked over after Paint left.

“What she so excited about sugercube?” Applejack asked as Lowell smiled at her.

“I'm gonna take her to an art show in Canterlot, and I got a mission to watch over Octavia for a small while....two in one go!” Lowell said with a smile as Applejack crossed her arms.

“Ya sure about this...it could be dangerous for her...”Applejack asked as Lowell nodded a bit.

“I got this....trust me Jackie...we will be back before ya know it!” Lowell said as he held the mare closely.

As the night came, Lowell was washing the dishes as Applejack was tucking in all the foals and getting Apple ready to sleep. Lowell yawned as he slowly walked up stairs, he met Applejack in their bedroom while she was humming some tune to the foal who was slowly dozing off.

“Ya still sure about this...she could get lost..or what if ya'll are attacked or-” Applejack was cut off as Lowell placed his finger on her lips.

“Jackie.....I swear to you, ain't nothing or no pony gonna harm a hair on her if I'm around....If they do I'll make them pay......” Lowell said quietly before he gently kissed the foal on top of the head.

“Okay....ah'm just worried fer ya both.” Applejack said as she laid the foal in the crib.

“Its just for a couple days...three at best.” Lowell said as he grinned at the mare who just smiled.

“Pinkie Promise?” Applejack said as Lowell rolled his eye.

“You know I never break one of those.....Cross my heart, hope to fly, stick a cupcake in my eye!” Lowell said as he did all the motions as Applejack chuckled lightly.

With Applejack convinced the two got changed and climbed into bed, drifting off to sleep for the next day.

~~~~ Morning came.~~~~~

The rooster crowed the bane of Lowell's slumber, he was awake and had his bag all packed along with his pistol and badge while Paint was all ready and just plain happy.

“Okay Paint, now if I tell ya to do something ya do it okay?” Lowell asked the filly as she nodded.

They boarded the train that was about to set out for Canterlot, two hour ride at the best. Lowell sat there watching Paint just paint her arts. That's one of my lil foals right here.....she is really...really good at this....bet she would put that art show to shame when she is like a master at this. Lowell thought to himself.

“Wh-where will we b-be staying d-dad?” Paint asked as Lowell smiled a bit.

“Well I don't know what its called but I heard it was in the same spot that Clean Hooves Inn was out..” Lowell said as Paint tilted her head some.

The train finally arrived into Canterlot as they left the train, Lowell held onto the filly's hand as she looked around at the new look of her previous living place. He picked Paint and placed her onto his shoulders as she rested her hands onto of his stetson.

“This here is Canterlot Paint..not a super lot has changed besides a few of the building and such..” Lowell said as Paint looked around

The two got odd looks from certain groups of ponies as they walked along till they came upon Diamond Hoofed Inn, Lowell only tilted his head and looked at his directions.

“Well, this is the place...still fancy beyond all jazz..might as well settle in.” Lowell said as he carried the filly in as he walked up to the counter.

“May I help you sir?” The earth pony asked as Lowell only smiled.

“Uh...I'm Lowell....for room uh 32..” Lowell said as the pony started to check her records.

“I have you here, sir.” The pony said as she offered Lowell the key as he took them.

“Thank ya kindly miss!” Lowell said as Paint waved as they walked off down the halls.

Lowell set Paint down as she explored the room as Lowell sets his bag down, while Paint was away for a bit he moved his pistol and badge into his pockets. He smiled at the filly who came back and hopped onto the bed, as Lowell chuckled before he said.

“Well, you ready to follow daddy as he works? I gotta watch over a pony named Octavia she is a musician.” Lowell said as Paint nodded lightly as he picked her up and got his bag back onto his back.

Lowell slowly made his way to some fancy looking theater a few blocks from their Inn, he sets the filly down as she stayed close to him. He spotted Octavia just down the hall, Lowell took off into a bit of a jog with Paint in tow.

“Hey Octa-” Was as far as Lowell got before the startled mare turned and slammed her instrument case into Lowell's head knocking him out.

With Lowell on the ground knocked out Paint only looked at the startled mare with a worried look.

“My da-daddy was sent t-to help you...” Paint said as she then looked to her father who was muttering something.

“Oh dear, I'm so sorry! He scared me just yelling like that out of nowhere.” Octavia said as she sets her case aside and checked on the knocked out stallion.

“He should be okay...I hope...” Octavia mutter before she and Paint moved him off to the side leaned up against the wall.

After several minutes Lowell slowly came to Paint and Octavia talking till they looked at him.

“I'm sorry for knocking you out...are you alright?” Octavia asked as she looked to him.

“Its...its okay....I did kinda come out of nowhere..” Lowell said as he slowly got up and shook his head some.

“I'm Lowell....I was told to watch over till Vinyl come back...I won't........oh me gosh I'm such a fan!!” Lowell said as he squeed.

Paint giggled as Octavia looked around and smiled nervously.

“Sorry...sorry...I won't get in the way...I'm just here to keep an eye on ya.” Lowell said as he blushed a bit.

“Right well, if you don't mind Lowell I'm running a little late for a rehearsal.” Octavia said as he nodded.

“Lead the way Octavia!” Lowell said as he followed after the mare with Paint in his arms.

Lowell followed the mare around for most of the day till she went back to her room as he stood out there.

“Dad, you-your like a royal gu-guard!” Paint said as she smiled at her father.

“Heh...I sorta feel like one.” Lowell said as he grinned a bit.

Needless to say it was as Daring said easy enough nothing really happened beside Lowell fancolting over a few of her plays, Vinyl came back on the second day and now was the time Lowell took Paint to the art show. He kept close tabs on the filly as she ran around staring at awe of the wonderful art that has been put on display.

“D-daddy...one da-day my art wi-will be here!” Paint said with a big smile on her face as he smiled back.

“And it will be loved by all the ponies who come and look.” Lowell said with a smile, he was soon distracted by some weird abstract art as he tilted his head.

“I never understood these completely.....wait.”Lowell said as he looked around for Paint who was missing.

“Paint!..” Lowell froze in his tracks when he heard crying, he followed the noise just to find Paint sitting on the ground crying.

“What is it are ya hurt?! Who did this...” Lowell said as he picked up the filly who sniffled.

“T-that white un-unicorn over the-there.”Paint sniffled as she pointed to a unicorn.

“Wait here darling...” Lowell said a bit deadpanned sets the filly down as he walked over and he tapped the shoulder of the unicorn who towered over him.

“Sir, I want you to say that you are sorry to that sweet filly...” Lowell asked as he had a fake smile plastered on his face. I'm gonna bucking hurt this flank head.. Lowell thought to himself.

“She was in the way.....I shouldn't have too.” The unicorn said with a smug grin. That smug.....I'll give him a chance. Lowell thought as his eye twitched a bit.

“I will give ya till the count to ten...before I put my knee to your nose....”Lowell said as he started to frown, though the unicorn only thought he was bluffing .

“ 1....2....3....4....5....6...7...8...9...Last chance buddy..” Lowell said as he tilted his stetson.

“You can't do anything to me! I'm one of the royal court lords! No pony would dare speak to me like this!” The unicorn said as he gritted his teeth.

“10 ...” Lowell said before he grabbed the unicorn by the horn quickly bringing his head down as Lowell slammed his knee into his face breaking his nose.

“Ya could have been a king or one of the princesses...I still wouldn't give a buck...” Lowell said leaving the unicorn on the floor holding his nose.

He picked up Paint as he held the filly close leaving the show, The nerve of such a bucking arse... Lowell thought to himself as he looked at the filly who seemed better.

“ Your good....thank Celestia...” Lowell said as he kissed the filly's forehead.

“D-dad you hurt so-some pony.” Paint said sounding a bit worried.

“Well no pony messes with my family dear...I would do anything for you...my friends and family..” Lowell said with a soft smile as he hugged the filly.

It goes with out saying Lowell is a nice pegasi, no way that this will come back at him......right?

Author's Note:

Right..at first I planned getting hit with Octavia's cello....but that changed to me getting tazzed...back to the cello....hope your happy Lighting T.T cause that hurt like a ton Dx......and the white unicorn he was going to be Blueblood...but then I was like meh.....just another random pony....or is he a random OwO....dun dun dunnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn...and if your going to ask Paint she stutters .....she gonna be super paint master artist!.....by Cellie I'm tired.......-Golden Apple blew raspberries at him-

Ya lil silly colt ya ;D