• Published 10th Jan 2014
  • 655 Views, 133 Comments

Same Life New World - Whiskey Drops

A year and a half later, the family grew about another Apple. Lowell, and his family are happy but baddies lurk.

  • ...

Cloudsdale Never Again

~~~~~Cloudsdale Never Again~~~~

Lowell was flying up towards Cloudsdale with Lighting who was surprised that Lowell never been to the city, with no choice Lowell was dragged along with the mare for fun times towards the floating city of clouds. The two landed by some shop as they both walked in and was greeted by a mare, while Lighting placed an order for two rainbow milkshakes.

“This is like drinking heaven man”. -Lighting said as she shoves a rainbow milkshake in his hands.

“..... Are ya sure.... cause.....I mean it looks like.....Rainbow Dash...” Lowell muttered as he inspected the shake.

This better not be some Cloudsdale version of Cupcakes... Lowell thought to himself.

“Well I think she invented it to be honest...”Lighting said as she sipped on her own-

He slowly sipped it perking up some.

“Great googly moogly! This is awesome!” Lowell exclaimed as he started to just slurp it down.

“Cloud's colt, Blast, makes really good Rainbow ice cream too.” Lighting said as she sipped on her some more.

“.............Pain...”Lowell uttered as his eye only twitched.

“Brain freeze?” Lighting questioned with a snickered.

“.........The...most.....painful.....colorful.....brain freeze....”Lowell mumbled as he took his stetson off placing his hand onto the side of his head as he groaned.

“Water usually helps.” Lighting said as she pushed him a glass of water.

“meh....” Lowell muttered as he quickly downed the glass.

“You done?” Lighting asked as she just watched him amused.

“...I think so.......brain freezes suck.......”Lowell answered as he placed his stetson back on.

“Then don't suck the danged thing down so fast!”Lighting said as she chuckled.

“But its soooo good” Lowell said before he slowly started on the milkshake again.

A brown, teenage colt can tumbling out of the bakery and tackled Lighting.

“What the hay!”Lighting yelled as she flailed her arms.

“Da buck?” Lowell muttered he placed a hand on his hip and held up the milkshake.

“Hiya auntie Lightning!”the colt said as his wings buzzed.

“...Baaaa....”Lighting uttered as she just lied there in a paralyzed goat position.

“........Heh yer an aunt..”Lowell said as he sipped the milk shake keeping his pose.

“Don't do that again, shortie.”Lighting muttered as she blinked and shoved the colt off gently.

The colt just hugged Lighting's waist and smiled up at her.

“Care to explain?”Lowell asked as he finished off the milkshake.

“Cloud's kid.” Lighting said deadpanned.

“I see, so where did ya say we were goin again?” Lowell asked as he smirked a bit.

“Hmm... To the cliffs since it's going to be sundown soon. Then I know this really cool club.”Lighting said as she looked over to him.

“Right then.” Lowell said as he took off his stetson.

“Shall we go then?”Lightning asked as she pried the colt off of her.

“Lets!”Lowell exclaimed as he kept his grin.

“Just in case...”Lighting said as she quickly grabbed a wig and threw it over his head.

“Da buck do I need this for?”Lowell asked as he held the wig out as if it was filthy.

“Pretend your name is Jessica and your a mare.. Just do it for your sake... Please..?” Lighting pleaded as Lowell was adjusting the wig grumbling to himself.

“.......Buck I do kinda look like a mare don't I...” Lowell questioned as he only blushed a bit as he looked down.

“No..! I mean, ugh if I say anything Applejack will kill me so I'm going to keep my mouth shut on this one. Just... Put the wig on and try not to let any mares walk behind you...”Lighting answered as she crossed her arms.

“.....Tsk giiiirl.”Lowell said as he placed his stetson.

“Ha... Just let me do the talking around mares as well... Your voice is too low for a mares voice.. “Lighting said as Lowell tilted his head some.

“And I..well don't look like one on the front..........if ya count me as a flat chested one..” Lowell said as he was looking down.

“Stuff these down your shirt....”Lighting said as she grabbed some cloud and made two large cloud balls.

“..........Kay.....”Lowell muttered as he slowly slipped them under his shirt.

“....I... Am actually going to say something here.. Why the buck did I make them that big?”Lighting said as she blinked as Lowell grinned.

“Giiiirl, ya'll are just jealous of mah form!”Lowell said as he crossed his arms under his clouded breast as he grinned at her.

“..Yeah, I am actually... Yours are bigger than mine... CURSE YOU EQUESTRIA!”Lighting said as she looked at the sky and glared at nothing, meanwhile at the castle of Canterlot Celsetia's ears perks up as she looked around.

“ONWARD FOR ADVENTURE AND SUNSETS AND CLUBS!”Lowell yelled as he only grinned and placed his arm around Lighting's shoulder.

Lighting only just chuckled and walked down the street along with Lowell as he looked around.

“Sooo why am I like this again.....Am I wanted!” Lowell said as he followed after her.

“No, it's just this town has a big lack of stallions that aren't coltcuddlers.” Lighting answered as Lowell looked at her.

“Oh.....” Lowell muttered as he crossed his arms some.

“Just savin' your flank form a mob of desperate mares man.” Lighting said as she looked at Lowell who rolled his eye.

“My blank flank be saved.”Lowell answered as he chuckled.

“You should've seen Rainbow's cuz, Splitting Rainbows... I felt bad for the poor stallion.” Lighting said as Lowell looked at her.

“What happened?”Lowell asked as his ears flattened a bit as he gulped.

“He got ambushed he mares... It was like the living dead on motorcycles...”Lighting explains as Lowell 's eye twitched.

“.........Oh....I for one do not wanna meet Death early.”Lowell muttered as he shivered a bit hugging himself.

“Noope!” Lighting simply said as she crossed her arms as they approached a cloud.

“This place.. has so many awesome memories...”Lighting said as she was reminiscing as she sat down on a stranded cloud and smiled.

“Oh like what?”Lowell asked as he smiled and sat beside her.

“Me and Rainbow's first date, my first kiss as a pony, and a couple other things that I best not go into detail about, lucky for you those weren't on this cloud...”Lighting answered as she blushed a little and watched the sunset.

“......Me and Jackie's moments were in the orchard....ah...... “Lowell muttered some as he blushed.

“I kinda guessed that.”Lighting said non nonchalantly as she shrugged.

“Heh....so what club we goin to later?” Lowell asked as he looked away some blushing.

“Ohhh you'll see.”Lighting said as she watched the sun set with a grin.

Lowell shrugged a bit before watching the sun set before Lighting broke the silence.

“Red told me he and Paint had their first kiss up here.”Lighting said with a smile as Lowell looked at her.

“Special place then.”Lowell commented as he grinned lightly.

“Indeed” Lighting said as she just smiled and zoned off into her own world.

“Shall we go to the club now?”Lighting asked just as soon as the sun set and she got up.

“Lead the way lassie!” Lowell said as he looked at the mare.

Lighting took off into the night sky as Lowell took off took off after here as he held onto his stetson, she landed in front of a large club and walked in followed by Lowell.

“You, go mingle. I have something to do.”Lighting told him before she ran off to the somewhere and can back out up at DJ booth.

“Hey every pony DJ Light at the stage!” Lighting announced as she placed on her headphones.

“Uh...”Lowell uttered as he looked around before walking into the crowd.

“Hey uh, JESSICA, GET UP HERE.”Lighting called out as she grew a devious grin as she stopped the music.

Lowell slowly came up to the booth as he looked around some.

“Every pony, this is my gal pal Jessica. She's never been in Cloudsdale before even though she's a pegasus and I think she deserves a warm welcoming. So give it up for Low- I mean, Jessica!” Lighting announced as the crowd cheered.

“....Eh..” Lowell muttered as he waved his hand nervously.

“Why don't you go meet a couple ponies.. Remember to use a high pitched voice..” Lighting said as she smiled over to him

Lowell coughed a bit before going into the crowd looking around some. There's alot of mares here, Me gosh. Lowell though to himself as he explored a bit. A dark grey stallion stood in the back of the club, Lowell looked around as he waved to a pony now and then. I never been to a club now that I think about it.... sweeeeet Lowell thought to himself as the stallion looked and walked over to him.

“Why hello there.” The stallion said as he had a sultry smirk on his face.

“Uh...h-hello...”Lowell tried his best attempt at a female voice which seemed to work.

“What's a pretty mare like you doin' in a club like this?” -The stallion said as he grin before wrapping his arm around Lowell.

“J-just hanging out with my friend!”Lowell answered as he blushed a bit as he gulped.

“What are ya doing here?”Lowell asked as he tilted his stetson some.

“I work here. But what I do is secret... And You wanna know that secret?”The stallion asked as he grinned down at him, taking Lowell's stetson and placing it on his head.

“Wh-what is it?”Lowell asked as he tried reaching for his stetson.

“You see those door towards the back?”The stallion grinned and pulled Lowell closer as he pointed to the bunch of different colored door with names written on them and had "busy" or "available" on signed hanging from the door.

“I-I'm with some pony though!”Lowell said as he managed to place his hands onto the stallion's chest and tried pushing away as his blush worsened.

“He doesn't have to know 'sides, that DJ said your not from Cloudsdale, so what are the chances of that earth pony findin' out..”The stallion grinned and his eyes went somewhat hypnotize like.

“I....UH.. BLACK FLICKER, STOP! SHE'S A FILLYFOOLER!”Lighting yelled as she look back and stopped the music.

“W-what.....da...buck.....”Lowell muttered as he just stared being somewhat hypnotized.

He just grabbed Lowell's wrists and slowly started to walk towards the black door room as Lighting walked up and slapped him.

“I thought I told you she's a fillyfooler!” Lighting scowled as she glared at the stallion.

"Well then, how about you do it then." The stallion growled as he glared at Lighting.

Lighting just grabbed the back of Lowell's shirt and dragged him into the room, locking the door behind her.

“Don't get any funny ideas, We just have to sit in here for an hour till I can let you out... That frickin' male slut..”Lighting grumbled to her self as she crossed her arms.

“Uhhhh......what...just happened.....I sorta blacked out there.....da buck did he do....”Lowell mumbled a bit as he rubbed the side of his head.

“Well.. I don't wanna talked about it... Let's just say don't sit on that bed.”Lighting said as she blush embarrassedly before pulling out her Ihoof and started texting some pony.

“Don't worry, I have a way to get out of here earlier.”Lighting said as she was doing something on her phone.

“..Maybe me and him should have came in here...heh...I should have been like 'Surprise mother bucker!”Lowell mused as he grinned.

“N-no... You wouldn't wanted to have come in here... Black Flicker is the strongest stallion I know.. That asshole got me in here a few times if I'm gonna be honest... He's lucky he didn't get me pregnant..”Lighting said as her ears flatten some as Lowell looked at her.

“Da buck did I just hear..did he.. do stuff...”Lowell asked as his ears perked as he looked at the mare.

Am I gonna have to turn a stallion to a mare? Lowell thought as he had a weird grin as Lighting blinked.

“This DJ stuff used to be my part time job before I moved... Let's just say the stallions here and I... Used to have drinking contests.... And afterwards...”Lighting answered as she just went silent and blushed like a mad mare.

“..........Clubs are weird........”Lowell muttered as he only blinked as he looked around the room.

“It's best if you don't look at the stuff in the boxes Low... And clubs are pretty cool if you know how to limit how much you drink and who you hang out around.”Lighting said staring at her phone.

“Meh.... I still am prefer to hoe downs that the Apple family do...simpler heh.”Lowell answered with a smirk.

“Different music.. Friendly ponies... Ponies you can actually TRUST.. No idea what your talkin' about!”Lighting said as she grinned at him.

“Eh..so how do we get out early?”Lowell asked as he tilted his head.

“My Griffon buddy App... He should be here soon...” Lighting answered as she looked at him.

“Oh....coolio.” Lowell said as he smiled.

He crossed his arms under his improvised chest, as Lighting just sighed as she picked up something from the back corner.

“I knew that asshole took my hat!”Lighting said with a glare.

“Say what now?” Lowell asked as he looked at the mare.

“Look, I'ma explain somethin' to you. When I first came here, I made really bad choices. REALLY bad choices.”Lighting said as she sighed and sat down on a box.

“Lay 'em on me...” Lowell said plainly as he watched her.

“Those stallion sluts out there got me drunk and dragged me into these room at least twice a week... me and Flicker used to run out and rob house and stores... Drugs... Drug dealing.. All sorts of bad stuff...” Lighting explained as she looked to the floor.

I got my knife...Cloudsdale gonna have more mares pretty soon. Lowell thought only blinked as he listened.

“Rainbow knows none of this...” Lighting said as she glanced at at Lowell and sighed.

“A secret it shall remain till you decide to tell her...” Lowell said with a bit a smile.

“I WON'T tell her... That's my plan...”Lighting muttered as she glared at Lowell a bit.

“Oh....a forever kinda secret...very well then.”Lowell said as he shrugged.

Lighting sighed before looking at the dark grey and white hat that had DJ Storm written across it as a griffon flew in threw a black window.

"Sup."The griffin said as Lowell's ears perked up.

“......The ceiling...that's whats sup.” Lowell said as he grinned.

“Nice man. Hey LS, wazzup?”App greeted as he smirked

“Thanks for comin' App.”Lighting said as she smiled

“Sooo..how does he help us exactly?” Lowell asked as App was digging something from his backpack.

“He's here to get us out of this club.”Lighting answered.

“I got this back for you by the way.” App pulled off Lowell's wig and took out his Stetson as he placed it on Lowell's head and smiled.

“Thanks man....this hat is very precious to me...”Lowell said with a smile as he adjusted it on his head.

“I completely understand, shall we get the buck out of here?”App asked as he patted Low's back while he fixed his tie and his fedora before helping Lighting up.

“I'm ready.” Lowell said as he grinned.

Lighting let out a sighed in relief.

“I never completely introduced you two. App, this is my BPF Lowell. Low, this is App. He's always been my right hand griffon and trust me, I don't think he's ever let me down.”Lighting said as she smiled up at App who just blush slightly and smiled.

“Awh come on now, Let's just get outta here.”App muttered as he walked out of the room.

Lowell smiled as he followed after the two, every mare turned to them as Lowell and App walked out of the room.

”.............Oh yea.........I forgot.....” Lowell muttered as his eye grew wide with sudden fear.

“I got this dude. You and LS aren't the only spies.”App said as he smiled before he quickly pulled out two smoke bombs and threw them, spreading smoke everywhere.

“How come we don't get those!” Lowell said as he threw up his arms distracted from his momentary doom.

“Cause I make my own”! App said as he grinned and grabbed the two, taking off out the door and carrying them down the street into an ally.

“Welp...that went smoothly!” Lighting muttered sounding a bit sarcastic.

“It's not over yet..”App replied as he heard the sound of hooves on clouds.

“Oh boy......these mares man.....” Lowell said with a bit of disbelief.

“Isn't that building abandoned?”Lighting asked as she quickly pointed to the roofs.

“I think so?”App said as he shrugged.

“One way to find out!”Lighting said before she and App flew up to the window kicking it open a window, climbing in.

“Dang...”Lowell muttered as he flew up after them and climbed in after them.

“Dang, just like old times.”Lighting said as she high fived App and chuckled some.

“Low you okay?”Lighting asked as she turned to Lowell who was dusting off his arms.

“I'm dandy.....just a pack of mad mares after my blank flank.” Lowell said as he rolled his eye and grinned.

“Well, that's always an adventure huh?”Lighting said as she chuckled slightly.

“Yuppers......Lowell and the mad mares...heh. ”Lowell said as he tipped his stetson.

“Lowell brings all the mares to the yard and their like he's better than ours.”Lighting said in a sing song like voice and crossed her eyes.

“...I ain't no milkshake either!” Lowell muttered as he took off his stetson.

“My Lowell dance bring all the boys to the yard....”Lighting sang as she leaned back against the wall thinking of lyrics while Lowell chuckled.

App just shook his head and chuckled.

“Hmm...I can't think of anything else.” Lowell said as he tilted and grinned.

“I swear Storm you haven't changed one bit.”App just laughed and pulled out his phone.

“Whats in this place?” Lowell asked as he looked around placing his stetson back on.

“Me, App, Rainbow, Cloud, And Flicker and I where trying to get away from the cops...Rainbow and Cloud didn't know who exactly we were hiding from though.”Lighting said as she smiled and leaned her head back on the wall.

“….Well that's quite interesting.” Lowell muttered as he started to explore.

“I wonder....” Lighting said as she wander into a dark corner and came back carrying a ton of logs and a lighter in her mouth. She placed the logs down and picked up some trash and lit that on fire.

“There. Fire.” Lighting said as she set the three logs around in the fire and yawned slightly.

“I feel like an outlaw.”Lowell replied as he chuckled.

Eeyup, I'll tell the mares that we'll be sleeping in Cloudsdale...” Lighting said as she looked out the window at the night sky.

“Right then.….” Lowell muttered as he sat down on the floor by the fire.

Lighting looked down at her phone and started to call some pony, then puts it on the speaker.

“Howdy Lighting.” Applejack picked up the phone as she held out a mug of apple cider to Rainbow Dash.

“Hey AJ, me and Lowell are goin' to stay the night in Cloudsdale, your on speaker by the way.”Lighting said over the phone as she smiled.

“Hiya Jackie!” Lowell called out as he smiled.

Rainbow Dash downed her mug of cider, Applejack smiled and picked up her mug.

“Howdy Lowell ahn ok, just come back around noon tomorro..” Applejack said over the phone.

“Uhh. Yeah okay! I'll be sure to try and do that...is Rainbow still up? And if she is could you hand her the phone?”Lighting asked as she stared at the phone.

“I Hear Stormie...but I don't see....her *hic*.”Rainbow slurred as she looked around.

“She's on the phone.” Applejack said as she smiled then looked over at Rainbow Dash, she rolled her eyes and shoved the phone in Rainbow's hands.

“Dashie...What have you been drinking?”Lighting said as she took the phone off of speaker and walked into a corner.

“Ciiiiiider...Why? *hic*.”Rainbow slurred as she was investigating her empty mug.

Lowell crossed his arms as he stared at the fire getting a bit lost.

“How much cider?” Lighting asked as she leaned against a wall.


“So I'm guessing your Applejack's husband, correct?”App asked as he smiled at Lowell.

“Aye...I'm the lucky stallion to win her heart!” Lowell said as he smiled.


“......Alooot......” Rainbow muttered as she looked at her mug.


“I'll have you know she's my cousin..”App said as Lowell's eye stared at the griffion.

“..............Say what now...”Lowell asked as he tilted his head some.


“Dash, how much is alot?”Lighting's voice grew somewhat stern.

“.....7 mu,,, *hic* mugs....why Stormie?...”Rainbow asked with a stupid grin on her face.

“You are so drunk right now..”Lighting muttered as she sighed.


“What do you think App stands for?” App asked as he chuckled slightly.

“.....Well I as gonna be a smart flank and say Appliances.” Lowell said as he grinned.

“No, it stands for Apple you featherbrain.” App said as he glared slightly.

“Why do ya think I said smart flank....I knew it was Apple something but I as gonna make a lil joke on it.” Lowell answered as he grinned still.


“......No I'm *hic* not!” Rainbow said as she glared at the phone.

“Yes you are! Dash I will fly down there!”Lighting said sternly as she rolled her eyes.

Rainbow Dash started to giggle followed by a thud over the phone, Lighting sighed and hung up.

“Lowell, I need to go get Dash... I suggest we go home now...”Lighting said as Lowell looked at her.

“I'll come.”App said as he stood up slightly.

“Right then, lets hope no mares are a waiting......cause you never told me what they did to the last dude.... “Lowell asked as he stood up.

App looked at him seriously and shuttered.

“You.. Don't wanna know...”App answered as Lowell's ears flattened.

“.........Natural curiosity......doesn't wanna know now.” Lowell replied as he gulped.

“Good.” App said as he grinned and took off out the window.

~~Coming midnight as they arrived at the farm.~~

“Thank Celestia that wasn't to big of a pain.”Lighting muttered as she landed on the ground and sighed in relief.

Yea....No crazed mares in sight.” Lowell said as he landed beside her.

Lighting walked up to the door and knocked on the farmhouse door which was soon by Applejack.

“Howdy Lighting, ahn.. App?..”Applejack said as she tilted her head some.

“Annnnnnnnd me!” Lowell exclaimed as he grinned.

“Howdy Lowell.”Applejack said as she chuckled slightly.

“I gotta go get Dash.. I hope she wasn't to big of a pain...”Lighting said as she smiled lightly,

Applejack just laughed and stepped aside, letting Lighting go get Rainbow Dash.

“Dashie? Wake up.” Lighting whispered as she gently shook Rainbow.

Rainbow only grumbled and swatted at the mare as Lighting shook her again.

“Don't make me use your wings as a weapon Dashie.” Lighting said sternly.

“Stormie.....”Rainbow mumbled in her sleep as she snored.


Lowell walked up to Applejack and placed his hands onto her shoulders as he gave her a small kiss on the lips.

“Nice ta see yah again too.”Applejack said as she just smiled and returned the kiss.

App blushed embarrassedly and stood at the bottom of the porch stairs.

“Well? Wanna come in Appliances?” Lowell asked as he smirked.

“Oh uh, sure.”App said as he looked up and walked up the porch stairs.

Lowell kissed the side of Applejack's head.

“*cough cough* Get a room *cough*” App muttered as he smirked.

“Oh shush mister.” Lowell said as he chuckled lightly.


“Get up, you drunk multicolored pegasus.”Lighting grumbled as she sighed and lightly tugged on Rianbow's feathers.

“Mmmmm...”Rainbow groaned as she slowly sat up as she placed her hand on the side of her head.

“Thank Celestia, I got you up... Now let's get you home..” Lighting said as she sighed and smiled softly at Rainbow.


App just stuck his tongue out and took out his phone, starting to text somebody.

“Hey AJ, Fluttershy lives in Ponyville right?” App asked

“I'm gonna check on Golden Apple.” Lowell said as he smiled to Applejack as he walked off.


“My head.....”Rainbow only groaned as she leaned against Lighting muttering to her self

“I'm going to have to carry you, aren't I?”Lighting muttered as she wrapped her arms around Rainbow and sighed.


“Yeah, Fluttershy lives in Ponyville.” Applejack said as she turned to App.


Lowell was leaning over in the crib and looked at the foal who only tilted his head.


“Carrying...would be good...” Rainbow muttered as she looked up at her marefriend pitifully.

“This is why we don't drink 7 mugs of cider.”Lighting said as she picked her up and grunted.

Rainbow only grumbled to herself.

“When we get home, I'll find you some aspirin if you want.”Lighting asked as she kissed Rainbow Dash softly and carried her out of the house.


Lowell picked up the foal who cooed as he walked back down stairs.

“Who's my lil man?” Lowell said as he smiled at the foal.


“App ya'll can spend the night if yah want!” Applejack called out.

“Nah it's cool, I know some pony!”App called back to her before he flew off out the door with a stupid grin across his face.

The foal grabbed onto Lowell's muzzle as he just smiled, Applejack chuckled softly and she sat down on the couch. The foal blew raspberries at him as Applejack glared at Lowell who nervously chuckled as his ears flatten.

Author's Note:

BUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCKKKKKKKKK................................ LS thank youuuuu soooooo much fer giving me so much on this............. now... I gotta do the other....... The RP me and LS did for this...this started with a bit over 2,500 words un edited.......to over 4,000...... App is LS's OC a griffion.................