• Published 5th Jan 2014
  • 1,806 Views, 119 Comments

Mind/Body/Light/Sound... - SUPERCHARGER2001

Twilight Sparkle knows what had happened. She caused it, and now guilt had taken its toll. But the sounds won't stop, they never do. She asks herself why they continue to speak and the sound only gets louder and louder. To her, its a prophecy.

  • ...

A Piece Of The Sky: Your Song Is Ending Now, But The Story Never Ends.

Author's Note:

Um. I created this because I was tired of not making anything new for stories, basically. I only created this because I was influenced by a story on Tumblr that has these 30 minute restrictions where you have to create something within those individual moments otherwise your story is canned. I don't remember the name but I thank that story, and most of all. I will be doing some edits if this story doesn't pertain to your interests because of whatever reason you might go by.

Have fun reading and give me feedback. Its all I ask really, I made this story for all of you, so a little feedback would be plentiful.

Oh and the Seer is a great album!

I was really influenced by that Tumblr story and two albums; 'All Hope Is Gone' and 'The Seer' by Slipknot and the Swans.

“I’m so sorry.” Twilight snorted. “I’m…”

She blew her nose once more with another tissue, then grabbed another after it.

She kneeled down in front of the grave. The words marked on the stone over it taunted the very soul inside her.

She raised a forehoof over the stone. They trailed along the words engraved in big letters. The year they were born and the year they passed on. The writing haunted her.

The wind began to howl into the forbidding night. The rain that passed a few minutes ago had drenched her coat into a muddled mess. She was struggling not to cry.

She was trying to feel normal, but it felt impossible. Not after what had happened. It was an accident, but it was also something that nopony could ever forgive her for.

The sounds cackled and whispered thoughts inside her head. The disjointed feelings of old and new mangled together in a big spread.

Why her of all ponies? Why the young Twilight Sparkle?

Revisiting those daunting memories and revising certain events to convey her own ending was all she could do. All she could hope for.

Not now, though. Magic wasn’t going to save her, nor could the power of friendship overthrow what has been bestowed upon her. Envy played the ace, while guilt toyed with her emotions. Only Spike stayed by her side, and even he felt betrayed by this turn of events.

She wondered how he could forgive her as well. No one has bothered to talk or make contact with Twilight since the accident had occurred.

The sound of drumming circled around her skull, the tapping, the beat, and the ominous sound that dribbled back and forth screamed redemption. Her soul was longing for forgiveness as she stood inches away from the freshly planted grave.

More tears streamed out of her eyes. Not even the damp tissues could hold down the overflow of pain. The tissue box was no more than a wet pile of mush as the cardboard fought to hold its own, but it proved no match when the rain trickled out of the gray clouds. Rainbow Dash must not have told Twilight of the sudden weather change. Then again, she wasn’t the least bit surprised considering the recent events that passed.

The rain turned into hail, and the hail doubled as the sky darkened and the clouds packed together around the gravesite. She glanced at the graves around her and wondered why nopony was here mourning over this one. If not for her, then at the very least they should show this mare some respect.

“I’m sorry,” she whispered, her throat choking up. “I don’t have words... I don’t know what to say, but…”

Twilight broke down in front of the grave. Tears streamed down her face. It was flushed with red. Her eyes stung. None of that aggravated her as much as having to mourn over a friend.

“Goodbye,” she choked before standing over her dead friend again.

She began to walk away slowly, but when she took one final look back, it was all she needed to stay a little while longer.

Where am I going to go? Home? Home is practically dead, and soon everypony in Ponyville will know it.

She stroked her mane ever so lightly. It kept her from thinking about anything else related to her deceased friend or her other friends.

How could I forgive myself when my friends won’t forgive me? Celestia doesn’t know, but soon she’ll figure it out…

Spike still cared for her, and he always will. That was what she thought, and it was all she could hope for now. The previous days have not been best for her and her friends.

She looked at the grave and the engravings once more. Twilight was afraid of what Celestia might think, and even more of what her brother and her parents might think. She didn’t mean for any of it to happen, but no one would understand. Maybe they were repressing their sadness, turning it into anger and blame. She didn’t know, and it was something that haunted her every step of the way.

Twilight was shocked to the core when Spike almost disowned her and belittled her by saying she is a liar. Spike left the library and went to find somepony who could tell him if her story was true. When he came back hours later, his soul was cold. He couldn’t believe Twilight was serious, but most of all he couldn’t believe that it was her that caused it.

Twilight gave a muffled apology once more before departing into the night.

Out in the cold, she looked up at the sky and saw the gray clouds mourning. At least they felt like mourning for the loss of her friend.

The sun was sewn tight, while the moon glared with its frantic yellow color. The wind grew hastily. Thoughts swirled around in her head. She just wanted to go home. She just wanted to be left alone now. It would only make everyone happy. Running away wasn’t something she was used to doing, but she was willing try anything now if it could make the pain stop.

Twilight noticed the rain had died down. The wind had stopped as well. Her coat was drenched and her mane was wet. She knew she couldn’t stay here any longer, so she quickly ran back to the library and prepared for what she knew would be her swan song.

The sound of the drums pulsed once again, becoming more and more frantic. The light on her horn beamed. Her mind was bleak, and her body was a frivolous shell. Her soul felt torn apart and asunder from everything she once enjoyed in Ponyville.

For three years, she lived, slept, ate, bathed, laughed, and cried in this library, and now she felt that she was overstaying her welcome.

Celestia and Luna would know soon enough. Shining Armor and her family would know soon enough. Cadance would know.

What has she done to deserve this?

“Spike?” Twilight called out. Only an echo answered her.

She looked around downstairs, but all she could see was her books, scrolls, and notes, as well as various machines that once served a purpose in her projects. Twilight sighed before walking upstairs. She turned on the tap in the shower, hoping to purge her body of the dirty rain. The hot water soothed and relaxed the bones in her body. The thoughts cackled and screamed for her attention, for her attentiveness about what she had done. The sound of the drums rattled and thrashed her head again. The loud crashes and thumping were causing her a migraine.

Why are the noises so loud? Why won’t they stop and be nice for once?

She sat in the shower, hunched over, whimpering soundlessly. Twilight’s hot tears mixed with the hot water. Her mucus kept flowing out of her nose. She badly needed a cloth or tissue, but couldn’t bring herself to grab one.

Twilight couldn’t hold it together any longer. She let out the loudest cry she had ever given. She didn’t care. She didn’t give a damn what would happen next. It was only her and her thoughts and the water bouncing off of her back.

Reliving the event over and over again was something she was prepared to live with for the rest of her days. But the drums, the damn drums just wouldn’t stop. It was like a chase scene where the poor victim is about to be killed by some predator. She rubbed the tears out of her eyes while trying to relax, but the light above was irritating and her migraine didn’t feel like it would let up anytime soon. At least she knew what had to be done.

Twilight turned the tap off with her magic before exiting the tub quietly. Her paranoia of Spike unsettled her as she dried herself. Despite the refreshing shower, she was still trembling with fear and denial. She was certain the rain had stopped now, but it wouldn’t have mattered either way. She knew what to do even if it hadn’t.

Twilight Sparkle quietly walked down the stairs, hoping she wouldn’t run into Spike. She had to keep up a steady pace if she was going to do this. She went into the kitchen and opened the cupboards to find any candles sitting there. A few of them lay in the far corner, for emergency in case the power ever went out.

She picked up one and whisked away a pack of matches resting beside them. She closed the cupboard and trotted back to the floor above. As she passed the shelves lining the walls, she checked all of her well-organized books, feeling that sense of pride creep up her shoulders again. Twilight was in glee momentarily.

She dragged her forehoof from one end to the other. The distinctive smell of old paper was almost ecstatic for her. The rough feel of each book she passed by reminded her of the days of old, back when she didn’t have to deal with such issues in life. The long study hours were tormenting, but it all paid off in the long run.

Or, at least, she thought it did.

Twilight let out a deep sigh as she looked around the big room again.

So much knowledge. So much time to spare. But it wouldn’t have lasted. Not anymore.

“But... I’m worth something… I’m worth something!” Twilight called out into the room. She was calling out to her books.

“AM I?!” she yelled out into the empty darkness. Candle and matches in forehoof, she chucked them onto the wooden floor.

In blind rage, Twilight Sparkle flung out book after book from the shelves, tossing them all over the floor, scraping and bending each precious piece of literature. One by one, they tumbled over each other in a rough pile. She kept throwing them while her veins pulsated with pure excessive hatred. She was mad. Angered and torn by the events that passed and the memories that have trailed her every step.

Twilight stomped on several of her books, then grabbed one with her teeth and threw it against the door. She pouted, then lifted another book off the ground and fired it through the window using her magic. Her horn surged and pulsed with magic, waiting to wreak even more havoc in its wake of destruction.

“Not you... Not you!” She shook her head before continuing. “I can do so much more! SO MUCH MORE!” she screamed as she punched her chest hard.

Twilight Sparkle walked all over her books and lightly placed both of her forehooves on the table. A single tear trickled out of her eye. She held back any further ones from appearing. “And this is what I get…” she growled to herself.

“IT’S NOT FAIR!” Twilight yelled once more. Her magic blasted apart every window of the library. The papers lying on the table were swept up by the breeze and drifted outside. Lighting shone and crackled among the clouds in the distance. The thunderous sounds of the sky echoed around Ponyville, driving her back into reality. She remembered what she had to accomplish now.

“This world’s infrastructure can’t support what will happen in the coming decades…” she joked to herself. A little smile flickered across her face, followed by a light blush on her cheeks.

Twilight Sparkle was ready.

She lifted the candle and the box of matches. She lit the candle with her magic. Her tail flicked back and forth across the floor. She walked upstairs into her and Spike’s bedroom. Twilight gave a short grin when she looked at her brother’s little bed. Spike was probably off either mourning for their friend or crashing at Applejack’s again.

It didn’t matter. She had a job to do.

Twilight walked over to the foot of her bed and found her brother’s comic lying beside it. Her sheets were still untouched and were good as new from their last washing.

The wind was still at its peak and blew out her candle, so she had to relight it. Twilight had to work quickly because she didn’t know when her brother would show his face again. It could be anywhere from minutes, to hours, to days, to even weeks.

She didn’t care anymore. Twilight had made her choice. She decided this was the best for everyone involved with her.

She lit her own sheets, then did the same to her brother’s bed. The fire was having trouble to start with the wind blowing in. Twilight now regretted her latest burst of anger. She would have held herself back had she known that it would break all of the windows.

Twilight decided that the candle was useless, so she chucked it out the window without a second thought. She ran downstairs. The fire was now beginning to grow. The light glimmered so vividly that it made Twilight stop for a moment and watch in amazement.

She walked over to her books to finish what she started. She lit every match in the box before placing them around the big room. The air became tighter as the smoke grew more and more thick. She shuffled the books into a small pile quickly and threw a lit match upon it, then watched the fire envelop it, tossing it into extinction.

All that history just burning away...

Twilight galloped around downstairs, using the remaining matches to light every corner, as well as whatever pieces of furniture she could find. One by one, the rooms of her home rose up in flames. The kitchen, the hallway, and all of the walls of surrounding her were slowly being consumed. The smoke was suffocating, but Twilight shielded her face with a magic spell that kept it from entering her lungs.

She slowly entered the bathroom. All the pain she felt was because of this bathroom. Why the bathroom? she thought. It was supposed to be one’s private therapeutic haven, a source of spiritual rejuvenation when no one else was around.

The room still looked as pure as she left it. Unscarred by the fast-approaching flames that burrowed into and consumed everything outside. More determined than ever, she was about to light up this room with one of the three remaining matches. The sound of drumming encroached on her once more. The thunderous beat thumped and crashed inside her head, violating what was left of her sanity.

The fire was now completely out of control. The main room glowed in a bright assortment of orange, red and yellow. The walls were starting to degrade, and frame of the roof was weakening as the fire burned through it. Holes were starting to form, which she realized once she was able to peek outside through them.

Why is it still beating?

Twilight was trying to block out the drumming in her head. She dropped the matches and started bashing her head repeatedly.

“Make the noises stop! The noises… must… STOP!” she roared as her magic smashed the mirror and cracked the wooden walls around her. Twilight gave a deep sigh before regaining her composure. She had to exit the burning tree quickly before it was too late.

Twilight decided to leave the bathroom as it was, but just as she tried to get out, the burning wooden walls started tumbling over one another, and within moments she found herself stuck halfway between the kitchen and the bathroom.

Twilight began to panic, struggling to move the pieces of wood out of the way before the bottom level caved in completely. She had to stop casting the magic bubble around her head that allowed her to breathe in order to have enough power to move the burning remains.

The thick pieces kept piling onto each other. Just a few paces away, the kitchen was becoming less and less visible from the intense fire all around her. Twilight worked frantically as her lungs filled with smoke. She lifted log after log, now simply tossing them through another half-destroyed wall. The effort and lack of clean air drained most of her strength. Once the final pieces were hurled out of her path, her legs gave out, and she fell to the ground, coughing frantically. Her airways were stuffed with smoke. She tried to start up the magic process and place the bubble over her face again, but the task was now too much for her diminished strength.

Twilight coughed uncontrollably as she realized that she would have to crawl blindly through the thick smoke. Keeping a level pace, she tried to breathe slowly and not panic as she placed one hoof in front of the other. Her heartbeat was accelerating at an alarming rate. She picked up the pace as she passed the hallway. One look at the kitchen was enough to make her avert her eyes. A sight straight out of a horror novel welcomed her there. The fire had eaten away most of the walls and slowly stripped the kitchen itself clean, distorting the objects inside into malformed and blackened husks.

The ground beneath her began to give away. Twilight hurried her rump across the room and made a jump for stairs at the last moment. A loud crash followed right after, and when she turned to look, she saw that the entire ground floor had caved in. All the machines in her basement were either crushed under the debris or were slowly being consumed by the flames. The upper floors didn’t fare any better either. The walls and the floor have been eaten through completely in several places, allowing Twilight to see the leaves of the tree and the blue sky outside, shortly before both were obscured by the thick smoke.

Twilight pranced in place nervously. She had to find a way out right now. At first she tried to go for the front door, which was still relatively unaffected by the inferno. She stopped dead in her tracks, however, when she heard the inhabitants of Ponyville shouting right outside her home.

Among the panicked voices, she could make out those of Mayor Mare, Scootaloo, Mr. and Mrs. Cake, and even Ms. Cheerilee. All of them sounded thoroughly shocked and confused. What Twilight Sparkle had done was unthinkable, but none of them could imagine why somepony would decide to burn down the public library, not to mention her house.

Twilight Sparkle quickly jumped off the stairs and bolted for the far end of the room, careful not to fall into the newly formed hole in the center of the floor. The wall here had been reduced to all but cinders, so it easily gave way when she turned around and bucked it with all her strength.

The ponies struggling with the flames outside caught a glimpse of something emerging at the far side of the library, then running off into the distance. A few of them tried to chase after the potential culprit, but just then one of the large branches of the tree broke off and fell to the ground, almost crushing them in the process. A searing wave of heat washed over them as the wind began to pick up, quickly convincing them to focus on the fire instead, which was the more immediate threat.

Twilight Sparkle ran as fast and as far away as she could. She kept sprinting until she was completely out of breath. Stopping for a moment, she glanced back one last time, and was surprised to see just how far her legs managed to carry her.

Tartarus, she thought and almost giggled. I could probably have matched the leg-power of Applejack if we had ever raced.

In the distance, she could see the growing storm strike the library, while the ponies surrounding it struggled to douse the blaze with buckets of water. The wind was being helpful so far, as it kept the fire from spreading to any of the nearby homes. For now.

What some didn’t realize was that the wind would be the inevitable downfall of Ponyville. It was going to be the animal that kills all.

The drumming harkened back, but Twilight held it off for a bit longer by reminiscing about better days. The days when things didn’t get so complicated, and when she and Spike were the best of siblings. Those days she wished she could go back to.

Not anymore, she thought. She was either going to have to live in exile, or end her life here and now, but she couldn’t stay here any longer. Not anymore…

Twilight sucked back whatever tears she could and stood proud for both Ponyville, her friends, and herself.

No. Not today.

She wondered what she could do now. No doubt they would come looking for her once they searched her home and found no body inside. Celestia would want her head if word got around that she did it. They would notify the authorities, organize search parties, start with all the major settlements, then move on to the villages, plains, forests, deserts, and then...

Twilight shook her head. She wasn’t going to waste her time calculating her future like this. For once in her life, she felt free from everything, even if for just this moment. Just this fraction of time that she can have to herself without worries. With a sliver of hope that maybe, just maybe, she can be something other than Twilight Sparkle. Something other than the Princess’ protégé. Something other than...

Twilight’s tears burst forth once more when she remembered the friend she had lost. How could I have done that? she thought. It was only once, and it didn’t seem like that big of a problem...

The look on everypony’s face on that day would haunt her for the rest of her life. Twilight Sparkle: the pony that did nothing but good was now damned for being a pony that could only do wrong.

She wondered where her friends were. They should have been there once everypony noticed the fire. Why weren’t they there? she thought. Where was Spike? He should have been there! Why wasn’t anyone there during my time of need?

Twilight Sparkle couldn’t think about that right now. She could only focus on what was ahead of her: a solid path on an open field, and a great emptiness stretching out all the way to the horizon.

As Twilight began walking in the dark cold, she could hear the citizens of Ponyville screaming. She didn’t have to look back. The sounds were enough to judge what was happening. There was a loud rumbling and crackling as the tree finally collapsed in on itself. More screaming came as the flames were picked up by the wind. They finally managed to travel onto the house next to the library, followed by another one.

Twilight closed her eyes and continued forward, not wanting to look back, not wanting to think about what could have been.