• Published 5th Jan 2014
  • 1,806 Views, 119 Comments

Mind/Body/Light/Sound... - SUPERCHARGER2001

Twilight Sparkle knows what had happened. She caused it, and now guilt had taken its toll. But the sounds won't stop, they never do. She asks herself why they continue to speak and the sound only gets louder and louder. To her, its a prophecy.

  • ...

Where Does A Body End?: Why Hide

Author's Note:

Here is the fifth chapter! I actually can't believe that I'm creating chapters this quickly, its ridiculous because I'm a very, very, very slow writer.

I hope you like it, the chapter itself is where I guess things start to progress forward, the reel is rolling and the set is in place. The ending is going to be phenomenal, completely different from your usual ending in Fimfiction stories I personally believe. I'm planning on keeping the everyone tag and break it as far as I could before I have to change it because the ending isn't for everyone, get what I mean?

What inspired this chapter was 93 Ave. B Blues and The Sound by Swans while Trivium's Ember To Inferno helped drive the more sci-fi type moments in the chapter, well some of it felt like that, I might be using the term wrong personally.

Its the second longest chapter and I'm proud of that because 1,000 word chapters do get repetitive. A few more are on the way and there will be a final big chapter I think. I won't say but the ending is, no, will be awesome.

Enjoy and tell me whatever problems you may have, I will edit this story later on.

“Twi-light…Twi-light…” a voice called out to her. Twilight struggled to open her eyes, unsure of what was calling out to her but the voice sounded familiar. She hesitated but was resilient on staying silent forever, if some pony knows she is here, than this might be it. If she were to go so soon, she’ll at least won’t have to hear the noises anymore.

“Twi-light…” the voice called once more, it sounded distinct, like she knew the mysterious pony from Ponyville. She had to, it seemed too obvious of a pony to not notice, and how could she possibly not forget this particular mare.

Twilight opened her eyes and there was a small bright light shining out in front of her. This beam of light was godly in its own way, the light shined out against the darkness that shrouded around the two ponies. She took a closer look and her legs and arms began convulsing, they throbbed, ached, felt absorbed by the lengthy exercise of the last two days, she was so dehydrated beyond this point. If there were any source of liquid nearby she might had to risk it, she sought to drink her own piss because she had read up before that it was completely healthy in its own fruity way. Nevertheless, the pain that convulsed throughout her body was something unimaginable and almost equally as unbearable. She couldn’t believe some pony like Applejack can get used to this sort of exercise, at least she wasn’t on the run for her life. Twilight was laying on her side throughout the entire ordeal. The voice called out once again, this time it was persistent.

Her surroundings wasn’t the most settling place be at, the trees arched over her while the thick green vines wrapped around the branches like monkeys swinging from tree to tree. This raunchy smell of bladder plugged her nose, the smell was atrocious that she tried investigating for the smells location but when she tried to steer her body upward a sharp pain pierced her upper spine. She groaned and tried to fight it off mentally but the pain was so unbearable that she made a low gurgle before cussing loudly as possible. Every fiber of her body told her that whatever was shiny out in the open was not the sunlight but in fact it was something created by magic, it had to have been.

“Ow! Ow! Ow!” Twilight faintly muttered, “why me…” sneering through her teeth.

She lifted her legs and finally sat upright, her mane was filled with clumps of dirt and mud, she felt her forehoof over slowly and it felt rough as gravel. Twilight felt uncomfortable between her knees as they sloshed through this cold liquid. Once she came to, she realized that it was her own piss, she must have unnoticeably emptied out her bladder after falling down from extreme exhaustion. Prior to this she knew where she was, or at least she thought she knew. Twilight heard the voice call out again, she snapped back in too and asked who it was.

“Twi-light…” the volume in her voice rose up and she said her name almost like she was in tune with music.

“What is it?” she stammered.

“Don’t you know?” the voice asked, almost insulted by this response.

“Why can’t I see you?” Twilight tried looking over and around the bright light, “Who are you, what do you want…”

“I’m really sorry this had to happen to you, I wished I could’ve known how you felt.” The voice lowered, feeling hopeless to the great Sparkle.

“Wait, wished?” Twilight asked, unsure of herself. “What’s going on, who the Tartarus are you anyway?!” she struggled on her hooves but soon got up and walked closer to the light.

“I wouldn’t do that, not for a second even…” the voice hummed, the light shifting backwards.

“Why am I hearing this noise?” Twilight finally announced, raising an eyebrow.

“So now you admit that the noises are real. Wonder how your friends would take it…”

“Hey, you don’t ge-”

“Even Celestia…” the voice whispered.

“That’s ENOUGH,” she shouted, struggling to hold back tears.

“What? Afraid, afraid of the inevitable, afraid of what is to come, oh Twilight, Twilight, Twilight. You should be ashamed of yourself,” stopping momentarily, realizing Twilight wasn’t going to reply, she merely just stood there and watched, not even blinking at the slightest.

“Now you’re not talking anymore? Your big fat gums had enough of your repulsive, witty, snide and sheer agony of an attitude.”

Twilight was still as a statue, unsure of what to do or how to respond. Her chest lowered and her shoulders no longer stood high and mighty against this unknown creature, instead she felt frail and weak as some emaciated pony. So many emotions traveled back and forth around her head, refreshing each time but never changing, she fought back the oncoming tears once more and simply gave the creature a wry look of despair before lowering her head.

“Good, very good, you need that. You’re going to need all the revitalization you can hope to achieve because if you venture out there, there, into the real world. Into whatever outside of Equestria goes through on a daily basis that doesn’t base its entire existence on love and harmony except they take life, they, the real ponies, the poor, the sick, the sickening, the vilified and the weak. They take life as real as it gets, unlike your one minded country called Equestria. The things your government, your princess, hides from you is so vast and enormous that if you were still the prissy, isolated, unnoticed student that you were, you, Twilight Sparkle. Could take all the knowledge and study it through your thick skull day by day and not notice a thing. Well you’re going to notice something now, because fantasy world is over and your life is going to begin. Whether you enjoy it or not, know this. Whatever is out there; Europonia, United Ponydom, Germaney, Ausponia – all those places. They live and breathe reality, and it’s something you’re going to have to do if you want to make it out of here.” The voice heavily breathed as it laid down its final words of reasoning.

“What…are you talking about?” Twilight asked, lifting her head back up, her violet colored eyes shined so innocently.

“You know what I mean!” the voice pierced.

Twilight and the light stood there in silence. Both weren’t keen to break the silence, but neither weren’t ready to stay here all day. The voice sighed, getting its composure together, the light grew brighter briefly before it dimmed. “I’m coming back, Twilight Sparkle. This won’t be our last chat, not even.”

“Wait, but when will we meet up again, tell me what’s all this about! Tell me why am I hearing the noises and tell me about my incident!” Twilight begged the mystical being for a legitimate response but to no avail, it procrastinated.

“All in due time, I can’t reveal all the facts that have already been out in the open far too long…” the voice soothingly addressed.

“All in due time, okay but tell me the noises, why do they keep at it?! Why am I still hearing them? I thought I was done with it all.” Twilight asked, walking even closer to the light.

“Don’t get to close if you know it’s for your own good.” The voice meekly replied.

“Why?! What are you, who are you, why do you have to be so anonymous.” She stuttered, trying to get out much information as she could.

“My, my lady. Don’t you know the meaning of all in due time? I’m guessing being clever was not always your strong virtue, but you’re Twilight Sparkle! Shouldn’t you not be the best at these things?”

“Cut out the sarcasm, I know what the meaning of clever is but you’re just stalling! So tell me. What. Are. Those. Noises…” Twilight transmitted everything perfectly from her own head, anxious on the being’s reply she took another step closer, cracking one ear wide open to not miss anything.

“I said stay back, look all I can say is that you have a good future, well, try to anyways. Nothing is ever going to be easy now, not anymore. You’ve given up that right once you did the things you’ve done. All I will say is that you make the best of it and we shall see each other sometime in the distant future, goodbye.” The voice finally cut out and the light was now shutting down.

“NO, no, no wait! Stop!” Twilight Sparkle squeaked as she jumped at the dying light, failing to connect she just fell onto the ground.

“No! No, no, it’s not fair! Why! WHY ME! WHY ME!” Twilight shouted before jumping off the ground and discharging magic from her horn at all angles.

WHY HIDE! WHY! What’s the use you stupid, dull light, you stupid thing.” Twilight shouted out to the wilderness, not caring for what was or could be out there, ranting to nothing but the pitch black, spitting out anything that related to an insult at lightning speeds.

Tears were dripping down her sweated face, the smell of her coat all tarnished with dirt and mud, and stank of her body and the stress of not knowing had brought Twilight Sparkle to her lowest point ever.

She shot at the trees, the large green vines that had once draped over the tree branches were now torn apart by her powerful magic, the ground she rested her hooves on shook and the magic surging from her horn bounced all around the forest. Short flashes of purple ricocheted off the ground and pierced her skin, she screamed as she fell onto the ground, whimpering. Twilight coward backwards and watched as the razor sharp color coated the entire forest with its raging assault. The colors moved so violently that she couldn’t take her eyes off of it, watching aimlessly at the wonderful lights, all that raw power she ejected from her body, all that anger and stress was finally being rid of her for the time being.

The pain in her bones was faint, her muscles no longer felt stricken, and her arms and legs weren’t convulsing as much anymore. It’s like her entire body was finally having a moment to herself, she even shot a small blush at the marvelous colors bouncing in front of her. Twilight laid her head down on the ground, not even minding the slightest issue of the smell emitting around her body or the rough ground scratching at her neck. Twilight watched without worries, she stared at the sky and looked into the stars that scattered across space and time, wishing she had her telescope still, she glanced at the moon, the moon where her first real threat came from, the moon that her threat was banished from to only return a thousand years later. That moon sparked a lot of fond memories in her life, meeting new friends, moving into a wondrous town and appreciating the little things in life that didn’t involve weeks of study instead of just living in the moment like Celestia and her family constantly nagged at her for.

Twilight couldn’t think about that now, she began to wonder when she was ever going to find civilization again, it’s only been two days since her departure but it felt like months now. ‘Is this what really moving away feels like?’

For what seemed like forever was indeed only minutes since she sparked that jolt of purple energy. Twilight didn’t know how tomorrow was going to fare since she had absolutely no idea where she was, come to think of it, she really wished that she planned this out more. But being away from reality, being called out by the noise was what distracted her from thinking of important things like trying to find out where she was going to go. In this place, she was truly alone and there wasn’t anything she could do about it. But Twilight Sparkle knew this, soon, if she couldn’t find any sort of safe shelter that distanced itself from possible threats she was either going to die by the exhaustion or by the wilderness. Not entirely sure of what tomorrow was to come, she had to reserve her energy if she was going to make it out of here alive.

Twilight placed her forehoof over her head noticed that she no longer was sweating anymore, she stopped sweating. She knew it could mean that she was probably overheating and if that was the case, she needed to cool down fast. Twilight couldn’t have cared less anymore, she was so exhausted and more exhausted than she had ever been in her entire life. No pony should be cut out for this work, she debated on whether or not that she can possibly find any small patch of water on the ground or a pond nearby but it was so black out and her magic wasn’t going to be on forever, not to mention on how unpredictable it was becoming. The purple hail wasn’t even in her radius anymore, instead it had bounced away and the light was getting dimmer by the second.

Twilight made the conscience decision to sleep and wait until tomorrow, or today, or whatever this day was heading towards, be it tomorrow or in fact still today. She didn’t care, all she wanted was sleep and all she could’ve hoped for was a better tomorrow or today. She closed her eyes and turned over, she rubbed her arms vigorously to warm her body up as she soon got settled in her place. Twilight’s brain finally subsided with the ambiguous thoughts and her subconscious was melding into a perfect soundless sleep. Her imagination began running wild, she pictured her brother, her friends, and her all sitting around in an open field talking and watching Rainbow and Applejack going at each other’s throats on some zany competitive scheme again. The sun was beating sweat down their faces but that didn’t seem to bother them in the slightest, she remembered the picnic blanket they’ve always used, the simplicity of the checkered pattern colors reflecting off against the sun. Red and white they were, she envisioned the multitude of memories they would share together, their hopes and future dreams, their past mistakes that some were more willing to share than others. All of that was more worthwhile than the stack of books she usually reminisced occasionally when she was out with them.

Twilight finally washed up into the clouds with her wishful thoughts and dreamt of that wonderful day that would cease to ever exist again…