• Published 7th Jan 2014
  • 916 Views, 8 Comments

The Reign of Princess Twilight Sparkle - ShaD-23

General Tirek returns and is more poisonous an enemy than ever. As the world teeters on the brink, everypony fears Tirek wishes to resurrect his master. And what of Twilight and the whispers she hears in the night? Non-canon. In memory of Kiki Havivy

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Attack on Canterlot

Twilight sat and watched the horizon, feeling blank inside, having received word a few days prior that Tirek had attacked Ponyville and the ordeal left her home destroyed. What was she to do now, she wondered. First a mercenary team besieges them from numerous sides, then a dragon mysteriously appears in Manehatten and vanishes just as mysteriously, now this. She wasn't sure how much more she could take.

“Twilight, it's almost time for you to take your place at the festival.” Celestia said through the door to her chamber. Today was her birthday and she didn't feel like celebrating. “The train with Shining Armor, Cadence and Spike has just arrived and the train with Applejack and Rainbow Dash will be here shortly as well.” she added. This news did manage to brighten the purple pony's mood, but that wasn't saying much. Sighing, she figured she could at least enjoy her friend's company as she turned to the gorgeous dress Rarity prepared for her.

“Listen to my voice ,Twilight Sparkle.”

Twilight screamed and jumped, looking all around the room. It was that same voice she had been hearing. It was driving her mad.

“Who's there!?” she snapped, her heart pounding. “Why are you speaking to me!?” There came no reply. Feeling cold sweat bead around her head, Twilight inhaled deeply and began to dress herself in the poofy, frilly dress Rarity had prepared for her. It was comfortable and made her blush slightly as she looked at herself in the mirror, her wings fitting snugly through the spaces Rarity made for them. Powering her horn, placing a lacy ribbon through her mane, Twilight had to admit, she looked quite beautiful, donning her Element of Harmony as she stepped out the door. The castle was very quiet, the sound of the high society ponies conversing and classy music echoing from outside as she made her way down the carpeted corridor. One guard passed by and bowed to her as she nodded to him, descending a grand staircase, Luna standing at the foot and smiling as she was dressed in a pitch-black dress.

“Ready, princess?” she asked, Twilight giving a small sigh.

“You don't need to call me that.” she said as she joined Luna, both of them making their way toward the door to the courtyard. “I'm a bit nervous, though... I've never been at the center of festival, ever... let alone one in Canterlot.” Luna nodded.

“It had been long for me as well.” Luna said with a smile. “I learned quickly, though, when I came to visit you once more, remember?” Twilight nodded, remembering when she visited on Nightmare Night almost two years ago. “Remember, remain proper and courteous, allow everypony a chance to show their respect to their new princess and you will be fine.” she finished, opening the doors to the sunny courtyard.

“Sounds kinda boring.” Twilight sighed.

“No more than the Grand Galloping Gala.” chortled Luna as they made their way through the neatly trimmed grass, Twilight also giving a small laugh at this. As they came to the grand gate at the castle wall, however, Twilight could see many ponies cheering as she stepped out from the courtyard and onto the cobblestone road leading to the town square, Twilight blushing as she saw Pinkie, Rarity, Fluttershy, Spike, Shining Armor and Starlight all dressed up (the last two in their finest uniforms) for the occasion as well, smiling at her from one side of the road. Looking through the crowds, Twilight mercifully saw no sign of Discord. Seems like get-togethers weren't his thing. Walking amid the cheers of the crowd, Twilight finally came to the beaming Celestia and Cadence, dressed in an intricate dress with an orange, yellow and red phoenix pattern and a flowing purple and lavender gown respectively.

“Happy birthday, Princess Twilight Sparkle.” Celestia tenderly said as Twilight was lead blushing to the golden podium used for the Summer Sun Celebration.“May this be a special day for all of Equestria.”

“Yes, let it indeed be a special day for all.”

Everypony in the square looked all about as a mysterious voice rang out, but those who had been in the thick of conflict around Equestria lately knew exactly to whom the voice belonged to. Celestia turned quickly toward the castle to see a tiny shape on the pointed roof of a far off tower. Tirek lounged on the spire, taking sips from a large flask, wearing a grand white cloak.

“It's good to see everypony has gathered here for this momentous occasion.” he said, his voice magically amplified, grinning as he slung the giant flask to his side.

“Today is the day... EQUESTRIA DIES!!!” he roared, drawing his red blade and shooting with his wings for the crowd as they screamed and scattered. All the Ponyville ponies stood defensively, waiting for him to attack, but he instead came to a stop in the air before them, flapping his bat-like wings and coming to a stop in the square, landing right before the royals and the Ponyville ponies, the royal guards hurrying up to surround the area.

“Why do you do this, Tirek?” Celestia asked calmly, her eyes narrowed. “What is it you want?”

“I've staked my claim.” the baphotaur said darkly, smiling and still holding the red blade. “The Alicorn Amulet... and I will leave-”

“Never.” Cadence said, glaring at the general. “We won't allow you to have it.”

“Leave now.” growled Shining Armor, drawing the Harbinger Blade. “You're not going to get another chance, ever again, Tirek.” he added, clasping the sword in his mouth.

“Shining Armor.” Tirek said solemnly “I have come prepared this time.” Before anypony could speak, numerous shapes shot down the the town square, everypony staring in awe as Stable's mercenaries appeared en masses.

“ATTACK!” Shining Armor called, the sound of cannon fire echoing throughout Canterlot as three large airships appeared.

“Sister! We must retreat!” Luna called, a flood of guards filing into the square to challenge the invaders. Celestia nodded and curled her wing around Twilight, Starlight hurrying up beside them. Just as they made their way to the gate (roaring soldiers and thundering cannon fire filling the air), Twilight turned quickly and flew at blinding speed for the fray, leaving the three behind as they stared. Just as Celestia turned to join them, she felt a sharp pain shoot through her wing as one mercenary fired a crossbow bolt for her wing. Straining at the sharp pain, Celestia fired an almighty blast for her attacker, sending him screaming into the air, over the battlement and splashing into the moat, the stallion not surfacing.

“Princess, get inside!” Starlight called. Celestia shook her head but Luna began to force her sister into the castle. “You need to dress your wound and remain safe, now go!” Starlight called, shooting off for the battle. Celestia could feel her heart pounding in her head as her ponies fought in the distance.

Shining Armor and Cadence kept back to back as they fended off the vicious attackers, Spike cowering under them as he desperately looked all around for a means of escape. The royal guard, having faced the mercenary group once before, had little trouble in fending the attackers off again, but as the airships closed in, they knew there was something that needed to be done about their artillery. What's more, Tirek dispatched one foe after the next as they attacked him, unicorn, pegasus and earth pony alike. There was no stopping him.

“Cadence, get Spike to safety.” Shining Armor called, seeing the baphotaur general. Cadence nodded and scooped up the terrified young drake and flew off toward the castle, leaving Shining Armor alone as he fought off the forces. Pressing on, countering numerous attacks at once, Shining Armor began to press his way on toward Tirek, spinning to kick one mercenary in the face.

Fluttershy, Pinkie and Rarity had all donned their Elements of Harmony and felt themselves ready for anything as they managed to swiftly evade the sweep of the bladed pegasi wings or the shooting bolts from Stable's team. While terrified and shaky, Fluttershy steeled her nerves as best as she could, asserting herself with all her might on the attackers. Pinkie, on the other hand, hopped this way and that, distracting them all as more and more royal guards rushed them. Rarity narrowed her sharp eyes, watching for the attacking ponies as she did her best to force them back. This wasn't exactly like when the changelings attacked Canterlot a year earlier, but they still had to defend themselves and Canterlot at all costs.

Finally, Twilight came to a stop in the square, her Element gleaming on her head. Looking for her friends, she saw Shining Armor just narrowly avoid cannon fire from an enormous airship. Looking through the skies, Twilight finally spotted the Entourage rising from the docks, its cannons primed. Shooting up for it, swerving to avoid the attacking pegasi and cannonballs sailing through the air, Twilight came to the port side, Starlight already holding Twilight's sheathed jian.

“Ready for this, Twilight?” Starlight asked, the Entourage drawing closer to the trio of airships.

“Of course I'm ready.” she said in a shaky voice, taking the sword.

“Number One,” Starlight called “code red!” The bearded pony at the deck nodded and commanded the ship closer, the cannons firing back and forth. The entourage was sturdy and tempered, the cannon fire making surprisingly miniscule damage on the ship, but that wasn't what concerned Starlight.

“Here they come!” she called on the first ship began to go down from the torrent on cannon fire, scores of pegasi flying from it as it came crashing down in the town, all of them shooting for their ship. As they landed, a fierce duel began between Starlight's crew and Stable's mercenaries, Starlight's first officer firing with precision from the deck with the small mounted cannon. As bolts flew and armored wings sliced, Twilight and Starlight (her wings armored) fended off the masses, the ship slowly pressing on as one of the enemy airships took heavy fire from cannons and catapults from the ground.

“Twilight, see if you can't find Stable!” Starlight called as she kicked one attacker away. “He's likely on the flagship.” she added, slicing for more enemies, Twilight turning to see the larger airship rising to meet theirs. Spreading her wings, Twilight flew for it, a number of Starlight's crew accompanying her.

Shining Armor had forced his way through the interlopers and now challenged Tirek as he did days earlier.

“You just don't know when to quit, do you?” Shining Armor snapped as he and Tirek matched blades, Tirek's well-kept cloak flapping about his armored body.

“I will not be taken so lightly.” Tirek said in a proud voice, forcing Shining Armor back. “One victory over me is nothing.” Shining Armor had to admit, Tirek was fighting with more precision today. Was his victory in Ponyville just a fluke? Suddenly, the two turned to the fallen airship and raced up its sloping deck, slicing hard for the other. As Shining Armor jumped onto the mast, Tirek climbed onto a cannon hanging from a line of rope, smirking for his foe.

“Best to just surrender, Shining Armor.” he called. “You're clearly outmatched by the hatred that flows through my body and my blade.”

“Says you!” Shining Armor taunted, clasping the Harbinger Blade in his mouth tightly. “You threw this thing into a volcano and still couldn't destroy it... plus I dug it out myself... I think I've got the advantage.” The two jumped for the other, swinging with their weapons as sparks danced from striking the other, Tirek seizing the mast as Shining Armor slid down the deck of the crashed airship.


Celestia, Luna, Cadence and Spike all stood in the room of relics. It was unlikely for Tirek to come searching for them anywhere other than the throne room. Looking around cautiously, hearing the chaos outside, they had to be ready for anything.

“Should one of us go outside?” Cadence asked, Spike shaking as the battle went on. Celestia only shook her head.

“We need to protect our home at any cost.” she said, Luna appearing to be in deep thought. “If anypony enters Canterlot castle, we must be ready for them.”

Cadence lowered her head before a loud crashing came through the hall, all of them shooting up toward the door. Readying themselves, they watched as Discord suddenly burst through the doors, looking as if he had been in on the fighting.

“Where have you been!?” Luna demanded, not looking the least bit amused by him.

“I was in the crystal caverns beneath the castle.” he explained. “We've got a big problem.”


Twilight fought her way through the mercenaries as the second airship went down, the fighting down below sounding like it was coming to an end. Nevertheless, there were still these pegasi mercenaries she had to fight off. If they could find Stable and bring him in, there was no chance of another squad coming. Coming up to the bridge, however, Twilight saw not Stable, but Current, standing completely still with his wings armored. As Twilight ascended the steps, she saw him draw a long thin blade from his side and stand at ready, his wings outstretched. Twilight narrowed her eyes and tried her best to clear her mind as he shot for her, swinging his razor-sharp wings and his long sword for her, the two stepping this way and that as she countered and blocked his blows, current still wearing no emotion on his face. Forcing her back to the edge of the bridge, he swung hard for her with his sword, narrowly missing her head, but he quickly sliced with his wing, leaving a light cut on her cheek. Wincing, Twilight shoved him back and turned to kick him, but he knocked her away, sending her stumbling back to the edge. Swinging and an arc, Current, made a tear in Twilight's dress, leaving a fresh cut on her arm as she gasped loudly. Picking up her sword once more, Twilight held it up as Current brought down his sword and both his wings on it, Twilight buckling under the impact. Summoning all her strength, Twilight knocked him back once more, swinging her sword for his face, leaving a straight cut along his muzzle as he dropped his sword, the airship suddenly lurching to the side. Growling, Current jumped for her, knocking her over the edge of the airship, both of them struggling as they fell through the sky. He had managed to get another cut or two in on her as they fell, but she managed to break free and kick him hard in the face, both of them barely managing to land as they came to the ground. Before they could continue their fight, however, They both turned their head to the sky to see the flagship falling for the city... and right on top of Current, Twilight hiding her face as it made crashing impact. Looking around, she saw the mercenaries flying off in full retreat. The fight was over.

“Looks like this is the end for you, Tirek.” Shining Armor said darkly, glaring at his foe.

“Not hardly.” Tirek said nonchalantly. “You recall I told you you would have greater things to worry about?” he asked, guards closing in around him. “You didn't think a general would ever charge into battle with a single battalion, did you?” he asked, Shining Armor's eyes widening as the ground began to shake. Instantly, a huge fissure was torn open as the naga he brought into battle before rose from the ground, now a colossal size, roaring loudly at everypony.

“Now you will die.” Tirek smiled as black crystal golems began to crawl from the fissure the naga tore. Shining Armor couldn't believe his eyes. He had never seen these creatures before.

“Everypony, press on!” Shining Armor called, the guards lunging for the golems, but they were not used to these powerful enemies. The unicorns magic bounced right off their shining bodies, the pegasi wing armor and earth pony swords the only thing that proved effective, but more and more golems crawled from the fissure like an anthill. Glaring, Shining Armor tore through more and more but was still held at bay as Tirek strolled toward the castle as if he were enjoying a midday stroll. He couldn't let things end this way. Just then, a green shape shot past him, shattering a number of golems. Watching, he saw Marco, the kappa dock keeper, wrestled the behemoths as they lumbered onto the town.

“They don't sumo, do they?” he sneered, swaying slightly. Turning back to the fray, Shining Armor saw Pinkie race through the town in the direction of the waterfall. Where was she going, he wondered. There was little time for any of that, though, as a giant blue dragon then came stomping into the city. Things were getting out of hand, he thought, watching the airship swerve to avoid a spray of hot venom from the naga's mouth, swinging for it with its massive claws.


Tirek stepped through the halls of Canterlot castle, easily dispatching any guard who came his way. He smiled and licked his teeth as he knew exactly where he was going. Opening the doors slowly, Tirek found himself in an enormous, empty white hall far beneath the castle. This was the entrance to the crystal caverns deep below the city where he had forged his army of black crystal golems. And there, at the far end of the hall at the edge of a gleaming blue floor stood Celestia and Luna, both keeping watch.

“The Alicorn Amulet, if you please.” he said, Celestia stepping forward. “Dear me, Celestia,” he went on, the white alicorn drawing her longsword “you're injured... this won't be a fair fight at all.” he taunted, Celestia lunging for him and swinging with all her might as they shot around the floor, Tirek leading her on almost as if they danced a waltz. Nevertheless, despite her injury, he had to admit she was a vigorous foe. Jumping back, she fired several blasts for him as he cut them all down with his blade.

“More like this!” Tirek snapped, opening his mouth and breathing a torrent of fire, Celestia shielding herself with her magic. Firing for him, she hit him square in the belly, leaving a large crack in his armor as he fell to one knee.

“Leave my palace or you will wish sorely that you had.” Celestia said sharply, Luna watching in silence. “I failed once before, but I will not fail again.” she snapped, shooting for her enemy as she thought of her duel many many eons ago...


The train with Applejack and Rainbow Dash came up on the grand city, everypony except for the two having chosen to disembark at the prior station once they heard Canterlot was under siege. The duo knew they couldn't just leave their friends... so they stole the train and were on their way.

“You know how to stop this thing, Applejack?” Rainbow Dash asked as she saw smoke rising in the distance.

“Of course not.” the orange pony responded, the train beginning to shake as it picked up speed. “That's why we gotta jump.” she said, the two hurrying to the caboose. The train was probably going to derail from the speed at any second. Seizing both their Elements, they both peered over the sides of the runaway train as it tore through golems on the track. This was it, Applejack thought.

“On the count of-” “NOW!”

Rainbow Dash jumped off, tumbling in the grass as Applejack watched.

“Applejack, now!” Rainbow Dash called, Applejack shaking her head and leaping off coming to a stop just feet from the station platform, the train shredding more golems as it tipped over and went barreling over the giant cliff.

“Well, that was fun.” Rainbow Dash said feeling a little shaky, donning her Element. “Looks like they need our help!” she said, helping Applejack up, racing off as Applejack placed her Element around her neck. The first thing they saw as they came around to the town square was not the naga or the dragon, but a gigantic spiral of water, twisting over the town. It was an incredible sight. Before they could marvel at it anymore, however, an enormous crab shot from the twisting spout, Pinkie clinging to it.

“Hiya, Dashie, hiya AJ!” she called in a chipper voice, leaping from Cancer as he began to tear apart the golems.

“What just-”

“I got the sea ponies and Rahab to help me get Cancer up here to help us fight the golems. Looks like we're back in the game!” she cheered, kicking hard at a golem and knocking it backwards.

“Alright!” Applejack called, rushing into the fray.

“Let's get this party started!” Rainbow Dash called, racing into the battle. Fluttershy, Rarity and Twilight all smiled as they rest of the Elements gathered.

“Birthday girl!” Rainbow Dash called. “Let's put them down for the count!” she called, Cancer tangling with the dragon. The six stood side by side, their elements glowing as they all floated into the air, sending a powerful blast of light for the dragon, Cancer barely dodging. As the beast was engulfed in the light, it faded away completely, turning into an unconscious pony. Looking at the stallion on the ground, they saw it was Stable. Tirek had obviously turned him into a dragon. They had little time to worry about this, they thought, barely avoiding another spray of venom from the naga.

“The bigger they are.” Applejack smirked as they fought off more golems, trying to get a clear shot at the naga. Just then, it scooped up Pinkie and Rarity in one of its slender hands, grinning at them as they struggled.

“Let my friends go!” Twilight called, blasting the creature with her horn, though this had little effect. Just then, however, she saw something that made her mouth hang open. The Entourage shot at full speed for the naga, everypony flying off from it. Before she could even grasp what was going on, the airship connected with a grand explosion, the naga roaring weakly as it toppled lifelessly over onto a crowd of golems, Rarity flying quickly to catch Pinkie as they fell through the sky.

“Starlight!” Twilight called, not seeing her among the fleeing ponies. Her insides turned to ice. Was Starlight still on the ship?

“Sis, we don't have time!” Shining Armor called, tearing through more golems. Twilight knew he was right, seizing her sword with a heavy hear and slicing down more golems with him. Applejack kicked masses of the silent creatures while Rainbow Dash sent powerful bolts of lightning into the mindless drones, shattering them as they fought on, pressing their way on to the castle.


Celestia send a golden ribbon of magic for Tirek, knocking him high into the ceiling, the baphotaur landing loudly on his for hooves, still ready for more. Celestia wished Cadence and Discord weren't in the caverns fighting off the seemingly endless golems. Tirek charged for her, Luna still watching silently as their blades met, sparks flying this way and that.

“You don't need to do this, Celestia-”

“I will not be fooled, Tirek!” she snapped. “Lord Sombra tried to sway me to his side before... I'm not the pony I was 1300 years ago!” With that, she shoved Tirek back, leaping to slice at him, striking his chest plate and causing it to shatter, his cloak falling from his shoulders as he sank to his knees. “You won't have your way, Tirek!” Celestia snapped with a scowl, lunging to finish him off, bust he narrowly blocked the blow, shoving hard and rushing forward, firing a powerful attack into her side, knocking her away. Celestia strained as she looked up to Tirek, a wicked smile on his face as he raised his sword high over Celestia.

“Luna, please help me!” she called in desperation, Tirek turning his face slowly to look into Luna's eyes. The blue alicorn stepped forward slowly.

“You wish for the Alicorn Amulet, correct?” she asked narrowing her eyes.

“That is correct, Princess Luna.” Tirek responded.

“You want it more than anything else?” she went on, stopping at the blue crystal floor.

“Yes, Princess Luna.” he said with a nod.

“... you will use it to revive your master... will you not?”

“Indeed, Princess Luna, that is my goal.”

Celestia's eyes widened with what Luna did next. Raising her front hooves, she shattered the hollow blue crystal on the floor, Celestia and Tirek looking down at a skeletal, petrified cherry tree. Powering her horn, Luna levitated the Alicorn Amulet from the top of the tree and slowly gave it to Tirek, Celestia watching in disbelief.

“You want it... it's yours.” she said darkly, Celestia's eyes welling with tears.

“You have my thank,s Princess Luna.” Tirek said with a deep bow, placing it on his chest and turning to leave.

“Luna... what have you done?” Celestia breathed, her insides turning to ice. Luna, however, felt her body pinch with red hot rage.

“Take it you beast.” she said, flapping her wings. “Bring back Sombra... at long last... I will truly avenge you, Zerus!” she called, her voice echoing throughout the castle as Celestia stared at her sister.


Immediately, the black crystal golems stopped fighting, everypony in Canterlot confused as to what was going on. A moment later, they all faded, leaving a town of confused ponies. Turning, they saw why, their worst fears confirmed. Tirek, his body pitch black, his eyes glowing green as purple flames danced from his eyes, strolled through the town.

“Tirek!” Shining armor roared, shooting for him with the Harbinger Blade, only for Tirek to knock him away with a swing of the red sword. Walking past the others in the square, not even acknowledging the bearers of the Elements of Harmony, Tirek stepped toward the grand podium of the Summer Sun Celebration and knelt down, taking the amulet from his neck and holding it high.

“MASTER!” he called proudly. “I WELCOME YOU BACK TO THE WORLD! COME BACK FROM THE VOID!” Instantly, the podium shattered as Celestia and Luna came racing out from the castle, Cadence and Discord climbing from the fissure now that all the golems were gone, wopndering just what exactly were they looking at.


At this, the triumphant smile faded from Tirek's face.

“Alas,” he said solemnly, the sky darkening “if only I could restore grand master Sombra.”

“What did you just say?” Celestia gasped, Luna staring in disbelief. A moment later, a twisting black and purple portal opened and a pony did appear, but it was not Sombra...