• Published 7th Jan 2014
  • 916 Views, 8 Comments

The Reign of Princess Twilight Sparkle - ShaD-23

General Tirek returns and is more poisonous an enemy than ever. As the world teeters on the brink, everypony fears Tirek wishes to resurrect his master. And what of Twilight and the whispers she hears in the night? Non-canon. In memory of Kiki Havivy

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The Coming Storm

Shining Armor paced the grand library over and over as he waited for Discord to meet with him, the setting sun over Canterlot flooding through the giant stained glass windows. Anything Discord knew was going to be vital to their fight against Tirek and whatever forces he was going to employ. Walking this way and that, Shining Armor pondered just how much danger Equestria was in. Turning again as he paced the library, he wondered just how much more powerful the forces of hatred and wickedness had made Tirek. Things would not be resolved easily. Turning again, Shining Armor let out a small scream of shock as he found Discord smirking at him as he floated just inches from the stallion's face.

“I was waiting for that.” Discord said snidely. Shining Armor glared as he straightened himself up in a dignified manor.

“Must you keep doing that?” he asked irritably. Discord just gave a snort.

“Of course not, Shining Armor.” he gloated. “It is purely for my amusement.” Shining Armor glared once more. “Now then,” Discord went on “you asked to see me about my covert affairs, did you not?” Shining Armor nodded. “Well, I've got pockets of information if you'd be interested.” Discord jeered, an over-sized coat literally covered in pouches and pockets appearing over his shoulders.

“What were you able to learn about Tirek's plans when you were working with him?” Shining Armor asked, unamused by Discord's joking.

“He was very secretive.” Discord said, unzipping a pocket, a curly wooden pipe floating out, Discord lighting it and taking a few puffs. “I learned little of what he wants, save that he holds his master in high regard, whoever that is.”

“Master?” Shining Armor asked. “What kind of master could somepony like Tirek have?” “I'm not sure.” Discord said, stroking his chin as he threw his disappearing coat off. “Thinking on it, though, he utilizes the forces of hatred and fear...”

“That could only mean one pony...” Shining Armor said, hanging his head. “He said he was more than 1200 years old, Rainbow Dash said... he could have easily studies under Sombra if he's that old.” “And he also wields Sombra's horn with ease, as well.” Discord said. “But then why does he want to Alicorn Amulet when he is clearly very powerful in his own right?”

“He doesn't seem like somepony who would just want more power.” Shining Armor said. “Maybe he wants revenge for Sombra... assuming that is who his master was.”

“I don't really care about who his master was.” Discord huffed, taking another puff from his pipe as he turned his back to Shining Armor. “I'm more interested in what he may want with the Alicorn Amulet... I've seen firsthand the true horrors it can sew.”

At this, Shining Armor shuddered as he thought of something terrible.

“Do you think he intends to resurrect Sombra?” the stallion breathed. He wasn't sure, but he could have sworn he saw Discord's eye quiver just a second.

“I... I don't think the amulet is quite that powerful.” the former Element said flatly. Shining Armor strongly felt that Discord didn't entirely believe his own words. Figuring he should change subject, Shining Armor walked up beside Discord.

“What exactly is the Alicorn Amulet?” Shining Armor asked. Discord rolled his eyes. “You know what it is-” “I mean what is it really.” Shining Armor said. “Where did it come from and what does it really do to ponies who wear it?” Discord sighed at this.

“I can't say where it came from as I don't know myself.” he said. “I was discovered by a mining town far up north more than one thousand years ago, but long after we challenged Sombra.” Shining Armor hung his head at this... he wasn't sure Discord was telling him everything. “As for what it truly does, however,” Discord said, tossing his pipe away as it grew wings and flittered off through the window “I can tell you exactly what it does, but I really don't feel like it.” “Are you serious?” Shining Armor called, glaring. Discord, however waved the stallion off. “I say this, because I think it's much better to ask a pony who has actually donned the amulet.”

Shining Armor knew exactly who Discord spoke of.


Spike belched up another note, which had been happening often as of late. Looking at it, he saw the seal on it had Shining Armor's cutie mark on it. Twilight had been waiting for word from him after he left in a fluster for Canterlot after their meeting with Tirek. Scooping up the letter, Spike hurried from the library, looking around for Twilight. He wasn't sure where she went, as he wasn't paying attention to her when she left when he was coloring once again.

“Hey, Pinkie Pie!” Spike called, spotting his friend hopping by happily. “Have you seen Twilight?”

“Oh, yeah, she went off with Rarity and Fluttershy to Cloudsdale to see if they could spot anything unusual over Equestria.” Spike's jaw dropped. How could he ignore something so important? “I wanted to come with them, but they said no since I can't stand on clouds like they can,” Pinkie went on, Spike burying his face in his hands “then I told them I could try out my new flying thingy,” she cheered, pulling out a large wooden contraption with large canvas wings, Spike shaking his head as he turned away “but then I remembered I have no idea how to land this thingy,” she went on as Spike sighed and lumbered off. Wondering what the letter said, Spike opened up the note, something he usually wouldn't do, but he, too, was very interested in what Shining Armor would have to say. He grew up with Twilight, after all, and Shining Armor was something of a big brother to him, too.

Looking it over as he unrolled it, it ready only one sentence;

'Ask Trixie about the Alicorn Amulet.'

Spike blinked in bewilderment. What was this all about? Considering Tirek had made it clear he was going to go to great lengths to claim the Alicorn Amulet, this was not something he could wait for Twilight to return for. He had to get to Trixie in the Everfree Forest immediately, but he couldn't just go there on his own, and he couldn't ask Pinkie, Applejack or Rainbow Dash because they'd likely give him a hard time for opening up Twilight's mail (well aware she'd likely have an earful ready for him when she returned from Cloudsdale). Just then, he got it.


Trixie had given up on touring the world as a show pony after her last outing unleashed the powers of the Alicorn Amulet. She had been forgiven by the Ponyville ponies, but she still felt guilty about the whole ordeal. She now lived with Zecora, learning magic anew for herself in the Everfree Forest. It was nice and pleasant, the forest around Zecora's hut oddly tranquil compared to the rest of the forest. Learning magic all over again wasn't as bad as she thought it was going to be (Zecora giving her advice on occasion).

It was a warm, humid day, Zecora was out scouting the forest and Trixie tended to their garden.

“Hey there, Trixie.”

The blue unicorn nearly jumped out of her skin. Turning quickly, she saw Twilight's beaming dragon assistant with three little fillies.

“What are you four doing out here?” she breathed. “The forest is dangerous for little fillies and dragons to be out on their own.”

“That's what we said.” Apple Bloom said cautiously. “We usually wouldn't go into the forest.” Sweetie Belle added. “But Spike said he had a surefire way for us to finally get our cutie marks.” Scootaloo said, giving a glare to the dragon.

“Um... your, uh, dragon escort cutie marks?” Spike stammered.

“Of course, we've been jipped.” Scootaloo sighed, folding her wings neatly.

“Hey, I just noticed...” Spike said. “Your wings look fuller.” Scootaloo smiled and turned to Spike as he said this.

“Yeah, my wings had a growth spurt, at least that's what my mom says.” Scootaloo explained, showing off her considerably larger wings. “Maybe I'll finally be able to fly with these babies.” she said proudly.

“If you're all finished,” Trixie said irritably “I'm gonna have to take you four back to Ponyville-” “Wait!” Spike said, throwing his arms up in the air. Trixie raised an eyebrow.

“I came here for something important.” Spike said, the Crusaders all turning to look at him suspiciously. “I'm sorry I lied.” Spike said nervously as he turned suddenly to the trio of fillies. Their faces showed all too well they were not impressed at all with him.

“A-anyway!” Spike sputtered, turning back to the equally unimpressed looking Trixie. “Um, I got a message from Canterlot... they want us to ask you about the Alicorn Amulet.” Immediately, Trixie's face changed from a scowl to a nervous look of confusion.

“Inside, hurry.” Trixie said sharply, motioning the three to enter the hut with her. Following, the Crusaders wondered what exactly was going on, but Spike knew well why she was being so cryptic. They couldn't allow Tirek to overhear them if he were nearby.

“Why do you need to know about that... that thing?” Trixie asked just as sharply as before. Spike bowed his head.

“Tirek, a real bad guy,” Spike explained “is trying to hurt everypony in Equestria. He really wants to Alicorn Amulet.” Spike said, the trio of fillies looking on as they felt a slight swell of fear sweep through them. Trixie closed her eyes.

“It was hard for me...” she said quietly. “I pretty much dug my own grave... I was really desperate.” she said, Spike frowning. She clearly spoke of after she ran away from Ponyville after proving herself to be a fraud. “I ran as far away from Ponyville as I could but I still was mocked and ridiculed for everything I lied about... I was about to just suck it up and admit how wrong I was...” she said, her voice trailing off. “But then... IT happened...”

“What?” Spike asked, the Crusaders jumping as he spoke up. “What happened?” Trixie was clearly having a hard time bringing up these memories.

“I heard a whisper in the middle of the night.” Trixie said quietly, her voice quivering slightly. “I heard somepony ask me if I 'was afraid'... and it kept happening... eventually night after night.” she said, shaking as she thought back to it, Spike and the girls all feeling frightened by her words.

“After that,” she went on “the voice began to talk more with me... and it told me to look for the Alicorn Amulet... it told me where it was... it told me it would get me everything back.” she said,her voice quivering. “I went to so many different lands looking for it before I finally got to it.” she explained. “I spent every last bit I had on it and the moment I put it on... I changed...” Trixie bowed her head, shaking fiercely. Scootaloo sniffled as her story came to an end, Sweetie Belle putting her hoof around her friend as Apple Bloom shook as well.

“I should take you four home.” Trixie said, Spike nodding quietly. He wished he had waited until Twilight came back. He wished she had come here instead.

As the four left with the young unicorn, they weren't aware of how much they had grown just from hearing Trixie's chilling story.


“I hope Twili writes back soon.” Shining Armor said, a small crowd of guards passing by out the library doors. “So... what do you think he is intending to do?” he asked Discord, the latter drinking a tall glass of ale.

“I think he may just intend to do what you theorized, Shining Armor.” he said. “He maybe trying to resurrect Lord Sombra.”

“I thought you said he might not be able to do that.” Shining Armor said quickly. Discord took another deep gulp from his glass.

“I said I don't think he would be able to.” Discord responded flatly. “I didn't say Tirek doesn't think the Alicorn Amulet could be used to resurrect somepony.”

Immediately, the library doors slammed open, Princess Luna's eyes narrowed.

“We should move to find Tirek at once.” she said sharply. “I say our goal is to meet with him!” she added before turning to leave before Shining Armor or Discord could respond.

“I'm guessing she heard us.” Discord said as he finished his drink. “I suppose she must believe the amulet can restore ponies to life, too.”he said, Shining Armor bowing slightly, frowning. He hoped they were wrong. He hoped they wouldn't have to face Tirek once again.

As Discord and Shining Armor pondered these things together, Princess Luna had made her way to the crystal caverns below Canterlot, where she stared at the Alicorn Amulet, stored away in secrecy, not blinking once.